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  • in reply to: Triple Triad #29004


    – Level 80 Rotations.
    – Gathering updates.
    – Scenario Engine updates
    – Quality-of-Life updates

    The question I have is what difference is there to Scenario Engine update and Quality of life update? Because most quality of life updates that I know of that have been asked for are all a part of the scenario engine. Without knowing what else beyond scenario stuff is in QOL update I would vote for TT to be last on the list until there’s more information


    There were some changes to ephemeral nodes in game and the whole collectable system. You may have to find the nodes again as they are no longer in the same place. The old grids for them on this forum will be out dated. You will either have to wait for people to make new ones or make your own.

    in reply to: Request: Light farm scenario #28440


    If garuda ex works for light then just use garuda ex it would be faster then any other dungeon and a quick search showed that it would give the same amount of light as Shom al. Also Garuda Ex is already built into Miqobot for combat for tank mount farming but works with all classes

    in reply to: Request: Light farm scenario #28434


    Can you get light if you run the actual squadron dungeon?

    in reply to: Best way to farm mgp for several days without a ban? #28433


    When i was aiming for the mounts i would just leave Miqobot farming the mini games while i slept and would shut it off when i got up in the morning. As long as you make it play both games and not just 1 game you wont get auto banned. I dont know about being reported though. It shouldn’t be to suspicious if you have it play both games and switch machines every so often. Ive run Miqobot on a couple of days long scenarios before and haven’t so much as got a warning so take from that what you will.

    in reply to: any POTD/HoH solo scenarios? #27942


    I think this should be pretty low on priority. The new relic step item you need isnt very efficient to farm in POTD. its better to do dr and faster. Though I would like to see POTD in the future I wouldn’t put it ahead of anything currently scheduled. Maybe put it last and see if it can fit into this expac before the new one comes out?

    in reply to: Anyone recently banned? #27941


    i’ve been consistently using miqobot basically non stop on an alt account for a few months now and not even a warning yet or even a whisper from gm in game. Granted im mostly doing trust dungeon farming the desynth mats or gc seals. Sometimes i farm timed nodes for a few hours. I think as long as your careful and not obvious there really is no way for them to know you are botting. For all they can tell your just a really dedicated player. Just make sure you switch up what you are doing every so often. I know you can get banned for 3 days if you just do nothing but Gold saucer minigames for a while so just change activities every few hours.

    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback #27926


    so something i noticed with the crafting solver. when using basic touch the solver will not use the combo standard touch even though it cost the same amount of cp as basic touch if you combo but gives better results as it is 125% efficiency while basic touch is only 100%. However the solver will sometimes use 2 basic touches in a row but wont use the combo. This is a waste of efficacy and cp. while the solver is already really good i think this small change might make HQ chances better.

    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback #27218


    So i dont know if this has been suggested before but i thought of this while ive been doing a lot of crafts. The crafting system right now has an option for you to put how many crafts it will do before it stops and repairs. I think if you add a similar system for Materia extract it would be nice. This way long crafting scenarios wont need to break up so many times if you are crafting high grade gear. It would also make farming Materia through crafting collectibles much easier

    in reply to: Best Dps for Hero's Gauntlet trust? #26873


    i’m thinking this may vary from person to person because ive been running 2 instances of Miqobot through Hero’s and have differing results with the NPCS on the 2 characters.

    But by far the best dps classes I’ve found is SMN for caster, MCH for Ranged, And ninja for Melee. Speed wise I think these are the classes that move through the best. This is mainly cause these classes seem to have the most complete rotation on Miqobot.

    RDM doesn’t not use scorch and BLM cuts its cast way to much on miqobot and deals very little dmg overall wich makes SMN the best as it has the full LV80 rotation programed in.

    MCH also for similar reasons as caster it is the one with the simplest rotation and fewest skills and thus was coded for level 80 rotation before BRD and DNC.

    Technically all the melee classes are about the same for the most part but NIN with trick attack moves the run a whole lot faster then any other if you dont use ryne in your group comp.

    For NPC group comp i have a suspicion that some of the choices you make during MSQ may effect how the NPC’s behave in trust. This is only a theory and i only have a sample size of 2 so dont take this as accurate.

    with my 2 accounts both running SMN as the character class, on 1 account Alphinaud is better than Urianger. He does the mechanics right he doesn’t die at all and generally is the better healer while Urianger can get his head out of his ass and dies to everything.
    Yet on my other account Urianger is WAY better than Alphinaud. Never dies, uses cards correctly and does mechanics. Alphinaud on the other hand is the reckless idiot standing in aoes and face tanking shit like its his job.

    Ive seen similar issues with other npcs to. On the account where Alphinaud is better Ryne sucks, Both in dps and mechanics. But on the other account she hits trick properly does mechanics well and is actually higher deps then the ryne of the other account.

    I dont think its my character on these accounts as im usually running SMN and they have the same gear with the same melds. But every time i come back if they were both running Alphinaud 1 account’s chat would just be filed with my rez macro and the other nada.

    in reply to: Infinite Universal Diadem scenario Botany and mining #26225


    Hey Just wondering Is it that the nodes are all still in the same place and thats why the old grid still works or is it that this grid just reaches all the new node placements? Cause I have 2 grids specifically for BTN or MIN and i was wondering if they will still work as I haven’t gone in to diadem yet. I dont want to compete in the rankings and am only interested in farming for scrips after the initial craze. Wondering if i will have to redo my scenarios or not.

    in reply to: How are you using Miqo? #25843


    I use Miqobot with a second account for 24/7 farming mostly. That one is in its own fc i created and basically is always gathering or crafting or spamming trusts.

    On my main i use Miqobot on down time so I’m never not doing something But i keep it to things where people cant see me like trust or squadron or crafting. My FC is just a close group of friends who all already know im botting so it doesn’t matter to them, but they have asked that i dont wear our fc tag if im gonna bot open world so i just dont gather on my main.

    Im specifically aiming to keep my whole fc stocked on currant tier food pots and gear for prog and Ultimate. Plus making gill with the excess. So no one really complains

    in reply to: Level 1 – 60 Crafting & Gathering #25531



    Step 1. Download Misc. level 1-5 grid and 5-10 grid. Spam till level 10
    Step 2. Download Diadem Scenario, Run diadem until 80, (Bring new level up gear sets)

    all diadem scenarios cna be adjusted to farm what ever level mat is within your level range.


    Step 1. buy mats from crafting vendors to craft low level crafts until level 20.
    Step 2. take mats farmed from diadem on gathers and craft the collectable turn ins for exp.

    as long as you have the correct level crafting gear Miqobot’s crafting solver will get the best result possible for the turn ins getting you max exp output. I averaged about 30-40 crafts for each tier collectable.

    if you intend to use diadem to level your gather’s/crafters you best get to it quickly. Once phase 4 comes out most likely all the currant scenarios will be broken.

    in reply to: [Scenario] 5.4 Legendary Node Materials #25485


    how much longer? Usually it will initiated the teleport 1 ez minuite after the time so it ends up actually teleporting like 2-4 ez min after the stated time just due to sheer latency. If it is going further then that over time you may be experiencing more lag then usual. Otherwise im not sure what it could be as there’s no other cause for miqobot to delay unless the time in the scenario is set wrong.

    in reply to: How to make a scenario to craft multuple recipes #25417


    Your best best would be to have miqobot use a keybind before you craft such as

    icon(1, 12)

    or something like that and bind your food to those then have miqbot start crafting. The whole thing would go somewhat like this

    job(Whatever crafter job)
    icon(Hotbar#, food slot #, 3.0)
    icon(Hotbar#, Syrup slot#, 3.0)

    recipe(Recipe A)
    craftMacro(macro preset in miqobot) {you will have to make this preset ahead of time, Idk much about miqobot macros cause i just use the solver}

    recipe(Recipe b)
    craftMacro(macro preset in miqobot)

    icon(Hotbar#, food slot#, 3.0)
    icon(Hotbar#, Syrup slot#, 3.0)

    recipe(Recipe c)
    craftMacro(macro preset in miqobot)


    ** sorry its not the keybind for icon is the slot number edited to show

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by  Uxhak.
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