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Then I wonder why does everyone started to buy materia right now like crazy 😛
Because the average player is shortsighted. The majority didn’t meld at all until today. Then today/in 2 weeks the new Disciples of War/Magic crafted gear is released, which will be hard for the average pleb to craft, so they think they need crafter materia in their gear and will buy the market dry to a level where materia costs a fortune => It’s good to sell it
Also, the majority of people – as stated by others – do not care about gil. Gil isn’t a currency, but a resource to be spent and regained again for the majority. I for example constantly bounce between having around 15 million gil and being completely broke (having like 50.000 gil) all the time in weekly intervals. What people care about is, to craft stuff 100% without failure in as short time as possible. Of course, even at minimum stats, you can come up with a macro that crafts even the hardest gear in 28 steps. But if you can get it crafted in 24 steps just by melding a bit or even in 20 steps by pentamelding, that’s reason enough for people to do so.
Also, people have other priorities. Almost no one – even here – plays this game to make gil all the time. Most here on the forums don’t run Miqobot 24/7 either to gather and make gil. Me as an example, I use Miqo maybe 2-4 hours per day and do other stuff as well.
You have stated countless times, that pentamelding is super-expensive. From my perspective it’s not. Especially gathering materia from my perspective is essentially free, because you can let Miqo run yellow/white scrips scenarios all by itself and then buy the materia directly from those scrips and then melding it. The usual pentamelds have the super-“expensive” Grade 8 and 7 materia melded into the safe-slots and sometimes also overmelded into the first overmeld slot and usually the cheap grade 5 and below materia melded into the rest of the slots. That is not expensive, that’s a bargain (from most player’s perspective)!On top of that, people were majorly referring to stocking up on combat materia, to sell it today/in two weeks, because people will pentameld the crafted combat gear for raiding (and trying to clear savage on release day, because with every point of extra dps it becomes easier and faster).
However, if we REALLY aren’t getting any new stuff during the next two weeks or so, I’ll prolly consider it… as soon as prices drop low enough, of cos.
We aren’t.
On Heavensward launch the first white crafter/gatherer gear was released.
In 3.1, which came roughly 4.5 months after the launch of Heavensward, we got the Chimerical Felt crafter/gatherer gear, which was also white.
In 3.3, which came roughly 7 months after patch 3.1 we got Carbonweave and Ironworks gear for crafters/gatherers, which were green and blue.On Stormblood launch the first white crafter/gatherer gear was released.
In 4.1, which came roughly 3.5 months after the launch of Stormblood, we got the Ala Mhigan crafter/gatherer gear, which was also white.
Then in 4.3, which came 8 months and 11 days after patch 4.1 we got Onishi/Yamashi gear for crafters/gatherers, which was green.Not sure if you are fucking serious with this reply or not, but you can get the fuck out of here with your bullshit. You are the dumbass talking about a 850gp + gathering melds, depsite Impulsive appraisal proc rate being based on PERCEPTION. you dumb fuck.
Relax man. We all know, Gray often talks naively and shortsighted about the stuff that the Theoryjerks and The Balance come up with, not seeing the whole, big picture and calling stuff outrageously expensive and unaffordable, because he turns over every penny twice, but that’s no reason to start being offensive here.
July 11, 2019 at 11:07 pm in reply to: [Scenario] Gatherer Scrip Farming (Yellow/Leveling + White) #15084Hmm has anyone gotten in trouble for using something like this? I’m pretty new to Miqo Bot, but using this, it seems very obvious that one is botting.
It’s not obvious, because your character uses different rotations, depending on your GP, moves to different nodes, depending if they’re up, uses teleport to get from area to area and if you’re referring to the choppy movement it displays on your screen, don’t worry, only you can see that. On the screen of other players your movement looks perfectly fine, smooth and fluent. That’s how Final Fantasy XIV’s netcode works. Precise movements aren’t shown (foe example if you jump forward and do a 360 with your character, no one besides you can see you doing this).
All Combat Assist does, is to do your skill rotation for you.
However, Miqobot Dev Team hasn’t finished that feature yet. Just before Shadowbringers released they finished combat assist up to level 66 rotations for all jobs. With Shadowbringers implementing several major changes in how some jobs work and how their skills work, Miqobot’s Combat Assist essentially broke a lot and it will still take a while until Combat Assist is working until level 66 again, let alone up to level 80.
July 11, 2019 at 8:34 am in reply to: [Scenario] Gatherer Scrip Farming (Yellow/Leveling + White) #14993– Me: still using my good ol’ green lvl70 set with a single overmeld on each piece; never using any new abilities (just didn’t care to test them); crafting intermediate mats like nuggets, ingots, threads and lumber by spamming synthesis; using sequence which makes any white craft (lvl80 included) HQ in 99% cases or so, from NQ mats; I don’t equip this stuff myself
If I were you I would just equip 1 set of full white level 80 HQ crafted gear without any melds. It is hilariously cheap and it’s already MUCH better than my green 70 pentamelded gear that served me well in Stormblood. Also, wear it for something at the end of my post.
– Others: spam overmelding materia which costs 30-40k per piece (!) on totally unworthy eq (lvl80 white crafted stuff!!!).
I don’t get this either. You currently don’t need ANY materia in white crafted HQ gear, since you can currently HQ ANYTHING with just a 1 button macro at 99.99% chance (unless you get a bunch of “Poor” procs during key skills). See at the end for more info on this.
However, what I do pentameld, is my white HQ gatherer gear – but only with materia I farmed myself and only because I find it annoying to have only 70-80% chance to gather items, while pentamelded white gear increases that chance to 95%.
People buy this pentameld gear to run crazy macros they found online, then assume there is a market.
As I said: You don’t need any melds to run even the craziest macros currently.
And now for the big reveal:
/ac “Inner Quiet” <wait.2>
/ac Ingenuity <wait.2>
/ac “Manipulation II” <wait.2>
/ac “Delicate Synthesis” <wait.3>
/ac “Delicate Synthesis” <wait.3>
/ac “Delicate Synthesis” <wait.3>
/ac “Delicate Synthesis” <wait.3>
/ac “Steady Hand II” <wait.2>
/ac “Preparatory Touch” <wait.3>
/ac Ingenuity <wait.2>
/ac “Preparatory Touch” <wait.3>
/ac “Great Strides” <wait.2>
/ac “Byregot’s Blessing” <wait.3>
/ac “Careful Synthesis II” <wait.3>
/ac “Careful Synthesis II”Uses the new skill Delicate Synthesis (Increases both Progress and Quality at 100% Efficiency, 100% success rate and 32CP cost) and well, what can I say? It HQs any item basically 100% of the time from all NQ mats, with only the white crafted HQ gear without any melds, no buff food, no crafter tea, no specialist, with the press of 1 single button.
and you still have to grind insane amounts of GC seals somehow)
I don’t know what the problem with that is. Let Miqobot run Squadron dungeons for 2-3 hours and your GC seals cap is full, even when you ranked up to the max rank where you can hold 90.000 seals.
I personally are at a point, where I’m sitting on a full cap of seals and have no clue what to do with them.
It’s not a bug. It’s completely legit to do so.
Let’s say Stormblood tools were still the best tools. If you had 8 miner retainers, you could also go to the Calamity Salvager, buy a Blessed Mineking’s Pickaxe (if you have the achievement for gathering everything once), equip it to your retainer, go to the Calamity Salvager again, buy another one, equip it to your next retainer and so forth. It’s completely legit.
Materia. Not Demimateria. I’m talking most specifically about Savage Aim Materia VII and VIII (Critical Hit) and Heaven’s Eye Materia VII and VIII (Direct Hit), which is already obtainable.
People will go nuts about these, especially the VII ones, because a large quantity of rich savage raiders will try to pentameld crafted gear with those (since you can’t pentameld VIII ones), before they attempt savage raids, which in turn results in the price for grade 7 crit and direct hit materia rising in price from roughly 5-10k up to 30-50k most likely, if not, even higher.also, from what I gather, people don’t believe we are getting new demimateria anytime soon.
I don’t think so, either. We didn’t get any new demimateria since A Realm Reborn (aside from Kingcraft Demimateria, which is just for crafter gear and was kinda random to be implemented)
On the other hand, demimateria III prices are dropped quite low shortly after Miqo was updated… I wonder if people think it becomes next to useless soon because of new demimateria?
I think most people just already crafted their new weapons and glamour items.
What is really frustrating is, that this time Square Enix went full lazy ass and didn’t implement any of the primal weapons and almost none of the raid weapons for Gunbreaker and Dancer. It makes me really mad.
When Stormblood was released, they implemented Ifrit, Garuda, Titan, Moogle King, Leviathan, Shiva, Ramuh, Bahamut, Ravana, Bismarck, Thordan, Nidhogg, Sephirot, Sophia, Zurvan, Alex Gordias, Alex Midas and Alex Creator weapons for both Samurai and Red Mage and there were Susano, Shinryu, Tsukuyomi, Byakko, Suzaku, Seiryuu, Genji, Diamond and Omega weapons released afterwards.
Now when Shadowbringers was released, the only weapons of that pallette of shiny glamour weapons that were released for GNB and DNC were the Omega weapons and THAT’S IT. It drives me crazy how fucking lazy the Devs beecame with that. I hoarded tons of primal mats just for the purpose of crafting these weapons for my FC, for me and for making gil as a third option and Square shows us the middle finger saying “Nah, that’s too many weapons for the new jobs, so you will only get 1 shiny weapon now.”Hmm fair enough, I’m gonna start looking to see what I should work on based on the market board then
Just to give you a few pointers:
1. Currently most people that do crafting at all, are currently leveling their crafters and unlike me, who already had all crafters maxed after 2 days into early access, most people usually take a few weeks to get all their crafters from 70 to 80 (which is what I’m observing in my FC as well).
Because of this, crafting materials currently sell at outrageous prices. Items like Dwarven Mythrite Nuggets and Dwarven Mythrite Ingots sell in the 18-30k range per piece (which will eventually cost around 2-4k in a couple of weeks). Dwarven Cotton is selling in the 70-100k range per piece (which will sell for around 10-15k in a couple of weeks).
So right now, crafting materials is the way to go to make profit.2. Next week or in 2 weeks (I’m not sure), the new raid will be released in normal mode. With that, people will start to get their hands on new materia. In 3-4 weeks the new savage will release, propably along with new DoW/DoM crafted gear again. When that happens, Materia and the new gear will become the new thing people will become crazy about and rip it out of your hands, because enough people want to pentameld their crafted gear for savage raiding.
3. Once that hype is over and a few weeks have passed, people will start to get used to the new savage raid and try to compete on fflogs, who has the best raiding performance and for this, people will need buff food and especially buff pots. Then those will sell like hot cakes, most likely somewhere in the 30-80k range per pot.
Just my predictions.
July 9, 2019 at 10:06 pm in reply to: Help creating scenario to dump yellow gathering scrips? #14765July 9, 2019 at 10:42 am in reply to: Help creating scenario to dump yellow gathering scrips? #14638Yup. Also, by the way: When a GM messages you, you will get a very distinct and unique system sound notification on every whisper. Absolutely cannot overhear this (at 0:46 for example):
This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by
July 9, 2019 at 10:30 am in reply to: Help creating scenario to dump yellow gathering scrips? #14629If anyone recently talked to a GM it would be nice if you could still confirm if their tag is [GM]?
According to this 3 months old YouTube video they still are called [GM]Gm Whatevertheirnameis:
It would be a giveaway. No real player would use compass for more than 5 first mins of farming some set of nodes – real humans just memorize node locations, while one who spams compass after every 2 nodes is certainly a bot.
I also use the compass literally after every node. Of course, I could memorize the location of every node visally, but that’s too troublesome for me. Usually the only thing I memorize is the rough direction, but I still use the compass to pinpoint the location of the next node, so I fly there directly instead of 30° to the left or right of it.
Not a grid but anyone of you above add fly/mount nodes in front of nodes which have mobs nearby please take it down and make it stealth walk to somewhere safe before flying. One third of the grids this page will kill you in 15 mins or less if you are lvling.
That’s what all my grids do.
This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by