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  • in reply to: Enable/disable assist mode in a scenario? #29054

    Thank you for clarifying your request.

    However, if we allow Assist Mode to be activated via Scenario Engine without implementing the necessary updates, we will immediately get hundreds of bug reports because it will not work the way our users expect. It might be enough for your use case, but the community will try to use it to circumvent the current limitations and we will have no choice but to suspend the development process and focus on damage control.

    We are sorry, but we are not ready to accept this risk.

    in reply to: Priority Voting for Features #29052

    There is no feature with an active voting period at the moment.
    There are several feedback threads which are used to collect opinions on whether a certain feature should be considered in the near future. The threads are:

    We don’t think that a simple poll would be enough when it comes to defining development priorities.
    We prefer to see live constructive feedback that will give us better understanding of the community demand.
    When we notice that one of these threads gains enough feedback to represent the majority of user opinions, we will initiate a new voting period. In this case, it will be visible at the top of the Discussion forum.

    Until then, we prefer to stay focused on the current roadmap:

    Upcoming Features

    Each feature pack on the roadmap has accumulated a few hundred requests and some of them have been postponed several times already, therefore they stay at maximum priority.

    in reply to: Enable/disable assist mode in a scenario? #29045

    Assist Mode is not designed for automatic activities, therefore it is not available in Scenario Engine.
    The feature you ask about belongs to Custom fights and Monster grind feature pack. The combat system is still in early beta and there are several critical updates that must be implemented before this feature becomes possible.

    In addition, Miqobot will not be able to perform dungeon mechanics until we manually implement each of them in Miqobot source code. Without additional algorithms, Miqobot will simply stand in acid puddles and AoE omens. So this feature will not allow you to farm Aurum Vale out of the box.

    This is why we had a discussion about Aurum Vale support a few weeks ago. Our community has voted against implementing it, because it would postpone all other features in development by a significant amount of time.
    Please read this thread for additional information: Moogle Treasure Trove

    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback #29019

    The discussion thread for (Lv61) dungeon support is still open.
    Please voice your opinion here: 61 Dungeon Support

    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback #29007

    Yes, an additional trigger for Riddle of Earth is already planned for implementation.
    Thank you for your request.


    We haven’t discovered any viable alternatives to (Lv53) Sohm Al.

    • (Lv60) dungeons give -32% of Sohm Al experience and thus are not efficient.
    • (Lv57) The Vault gives +3.6% experience boost, but the wipe rate becomes extremely high due to many mechanics hitting your character for 90% HP.

    If you have any other ideas, we are open to suggestions.

    in reply to: Triple Triad #28979

    Thank you everyone for your feedback very much.

    When you vote in favor of Triple Triad support (or any other feature), please don’t forget to mention the location on the roadmap you would prefer. We have to understand the demand in comparison to other features in order to adjust the development plans accordingly.

    in reply to: Mogtomes Grid? #28949

    Unfortunately, it’s not possible to create a custom dungeon scenario due to the complexity of mechanics.
    In order for such option to appear in Miqobot, we have to implement all boss mechanics in the form of new algorithms during a standard development cycle.

    Our community has voted against implementing Moogle Treasure Trove support, because it would postpone all other features in development by a significant amount of time.
    Please read this thread for additional information: Moogle Treasure Trove

    in reply to: Triple Triad #28938

    Indeed, there is no need to design a Triple Triad solving algorithm from scratch since it has been already implemented in several open-source projects.
    The estimate of 4-8 weeks is given in consideration of this fact.

    When you vote in favor of Triple Triad support (or any other feature), please don’t forget to mention the location on the roadmap you would prefer. We have to understand the demand in comparison to other features in order to adjust the development plans accordingly.

    in reply to: Some reasonable petitions to Miqo pls #28937

    1. Really want a mob grinding function to grind some materials. I know it existed but miqo removed it due to security concerns, but I can’t find the vote site any more XD.

    Monster Grinding function did not exist. It hasn’t been implemented yet.
    Our community assigned a low priority to this feature due to inherent danger posed by open-world combat. Therefore we focus on implementing private instance activities and Assist Mode instead.
    For additional information about open-world combat, please read this thread:
    Asking the community: Thoughts on Open World Combat and User Protection

    2. Combat assist is awesome but we can’t do anything to the rotation, I wonder if there will be a rotation editor?

    Yes, precise rotation customization will be implemented in the future.

    3. A funtion of interacting with NPC in scenario engine will be a big step!

    I imagine the function like this : interactnpc(3, 1, 1, l), means the npc has 3 steps, first 2 step we select the first option, the 3rd step we select the left option like “yes”. If it’s made to a built-in function, there will be less accident comapred to use the sendkey function.

    Also, a buy-by-name npc interaction will be greater. For less work, you may even start it without resource check.

    Yes, these functions are already planned along with multiple other improvements for Scenario Engine.
    Thank you for your request.

    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback #28925

    The connectivity problem has been addressed two days ago.
    If your issue is still not resolved by now, then it is caused by a local factor on your system.
    We will require additional information to analyze it further, so please contact our Tech Support: https://miqobot.com/#support

    in reply to: Triple Triad #28891

    Triple Triad is approximately on the same level of complexity as Crafting Solver.
    This game can only be solved with a brute-force algorithm. Due to the amount of factors and rules to be implemented, it will be the toughest MGP feature request.

    It will take a standard development cycle of 4-8 weeks to make a beta version and probably a few additional cycles to support all possible rules and card deck compositions.

    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback #28882

    Yes, our server is currently experiencing connectivity issues. You may indeed have lags while accessing Miqobot service.

    We have performed the diagnostics and it appears that the problem originates from our hosting provider.
    We are monitoring the situation. If the issue is not resolved soon, please contact our Tech Support for additional solutions: https://miqobot.com/#support

    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback #28873

    Yes, Final Appraisal does not advance the synthesis step and may indeed break your macro.
    However, there is a simple workaround for that. Please create the following ingame macro and put it on your hotbar instead of Final Appraisal:

    /ac "Final Appraisal" <wait.2>
    /ac "Delicate Synthesis"

    Please replace Delicate Synthesis with the action that comes next in your rotation.
    This macro will execute two actions at the same step and will advance the synthesis correctly.

    Please note that this workaround is not required for Crafting Solver. The solver is fully capable of handling Final Appraisal as intended.

    in reply to: Index: Gathering Grids #28872

    just noticed this https://miqobot.com/forum/forums/topic/collectable-gathering-work-around/page/2/#post-28252 collectable grid isnt in the list

    or maybe it should go to the scenarios list?

    Yes, this is a scenario therefore it belongs to the scenario index.
    However, it is posted in a thread of another author who titled it as “Work-around”, so this might confuse other users. When posting a new scenario, we usually recommend creating a new thread.

    Can a moderator remove Yuji’s link in the “Logging The Hours: Black Shroud IV” section? That leads to https://miqobot.com/forum/forums/topic/first-lv35-btn-oak-logs-grid/ which doesn’t have any downloadable .txt file at all (no grids or presets, just the text that says what the setup is)

    Thank you for reporting. The attachment file is restored.

Viewing 15 posts - 661 through 675 (of 3,045 total)