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  • in reply to: How good is assist with ranged dps #31640


    Here’s what i said a few months ago on a similar topic:

    For reference: I’ve run Diamond Ex with BRD/MCH/DNC, and both DNC and BRd reach 90% on fflogs (BRD got a little higher than DNC) by just mostly letting Miqo do its thing. MCH only “only” reached high 70s, but that’s because you can’t leech off your team mates’ DPS with your raid buffs 😛

    I’ve played MCH in current Eden savage raids and with some fine tuning that comes naturally as you learn the encounters, i’ve also reached over 80% on fflogs with combat assist there.

    In casual DF content like dungeons / alliance raids, Miqo will almost always outperform the rest of your group.

    in reply to: Voting (June 2 – June 9, 2021) #30403


    I’ll cast my lot towards Triple Triad, because i’m dogshit at it and have been looking/waiting for years for an easy solution.

    in reply to: Preview? #30319


    For reference: I’ve run Diamond Ex with BRD/MCH/DNC, and both DNC and BRd reach 90% on fflogs (BRD got a little higher than DNC) by just mostly letting Miqo do its thing. MCH only “only” reached high 70s, but that’s because you can’t leech off your team mates’ DPS with your raid buffs 😛

    I’ve played MCH in current Eden savage raids and with some fine tuning that comes naturally as you learn the encounters, i’ve also reached over 80% on fflogs with combat assist there.

    In casual DF content like dungeons / alliance raids, Miqo will almost always outperform the rest of your group.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by  Krude.
    in reply to: Crafting endgame stuff? #30099


    I approach endgame crafting by letting the crafting solver do its job, it’s better than any premade macro anyways

    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback #29420


    Thank you so much for the quick update regarding the GCD queueing! It’s good on most classes, but on min-SkS MCH, it really messed up the drills.

    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback #29385


    First off, thanks for bringing the bot back online so relatively quickly, i missed it.

    This is probably not what you wanted to hear since it was probably not a simple feature to implement, but could you give us an option to disable the GCD queueing for combat assist to go back to what it was before?

    I’ve been playing MCH with combat assist for quite a while and noticed a few problems. One is the reassemble + drill drift, because when drill comes off cooldown and reassemble is up, miqo delays it until the next GCD to pop reassemble first. So far, I got around that by just manually popping reassemble before drill comes back, and miqo would then happily drill as soon as it came off cooldown.
    Now, however, she already has a different action queued up and wastes the reassemble on a combo 1 shot or something equally wasteful. Even pressing the drill manually is kinda difficult because miqo will fight you for the queueing, whereas before, you could queue up the action you wanted before miqo would press it.

    Another thing is that she will just miss some drills in general, since with a 2.5s GCD MCH, they will often come off cooldown very very close to the next GCD. Previously, drill would come back online just as the next GCD rolls around, miqo sees GCD ready, sees drill ready > press Drill. Now, she sees drill is still on cooldown when she checks for pre-queueing, queues another ability instead, and does that when the drill comes back online instead. This is a huge loss over a long fight.

    There’s a lot of micro optimizations possible for combat assist routines, and i’m happy to do those myself as soon as i get a handle on a new fight’s mechanics, but the GCD queueing made doing that a lot more difficult. Ironically, it takes even more attention and button pressing to get a good performance out of it than before, and the slight DPS increase from the queueing isn’t worth the DPS loss from wrong queueing.
    If i want to overwrite one of miqo’s decisions now, i need to hammer the button and it’s still sorta up to luck if my or miqo’s queue goes through. Or i need to hit the pause hotkey twice for every action i want to adjust, tripling the actual inputs i need to do – which kind of makes the combat assist pointless, it’s supposed to take my mind largely off the hotbar piano.

    All or most of these problems can probably be fixed by adjusting the combat assist logic, but these fine tunings are probably more expensive timewise than giving us the option to go back to the old behaviour.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by  Krude.
    in reply to: Assisted Combat #29321


    I’ve reached scores of 80 on fflogs with combat assist on current savage fights with some hand-crafted optimizations to rotation. Even if you let it run full-auto, you can easily get to like 50%, which still puts you roughly into the top half of all performances.

    And on easier stuff like alliance raids, it’s definitely possible to get 95%+ with combat assist.

    It’s very helfpul for progressing on fights, because even when you usually optimize miqo’s normal rotation, you can just drop all skill attention and fully concentrate on mechanics / movement for a while at the drop of a hat.

    in reply to: new relic expert crafts #27638


    Just a tip but patient touch is bad for the algorithm, make sure to take it off the bar for the relic expert crafts.

    Care to explain? I don’t really see what’s bad about it.

    in reply to: Oddly Delicate MIN/BTN Scenario and Grid #27628


    Works great as always SirVG, already done with this grind. Thanks!

    I also haven’t figured out what the Num. is for, but it seems to work regardless.

    in reply to: Some active users experience using miqobot? #27514


    The Peeping Tom thing is a good idea. I should start doing that when going on a farm spree.

    What do you use as a notification sound?

    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback #25618


    I guess this is sort of feedback, so:

    I want to wish the Miqobot team a general happy end-of-year time and a merry christmas in particular, if they do celebrate this antique christian custom 🎅

    in reply to: Thanks #25282


    You know what they say.

    Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

    in reply to: 61 Dungeon Support #25211


    I’d definitely want the gathering updates next.

    in reply to: Macro #24974


    Shield bash has very niche uses like chain stunning the fear add on Leviathan Ex when mentor roulette shunts you into that, but in general, it’s a vestigial relic from ARR times when things like status and elemental resistances and crowd ontrol were still a thing.

    in reply to: Extreme Trials #24682


    I was just asking a question, ive never tried soloing a trial before this was introduced so i have no idea how time consuming the rng is, seems like you took personal offense to the request because, who fucking knows why.

    OK i’m a bit confused here, so someone else tell me if i got this right:

    The guy who takes offense to a matter-of-fact statement with no strong words or curses, then turns around and projects his own feelings onto me by accusing me in a flippant way using curse words of doing the exact thing that he does, and i didn’t.

    How do people’s brains end up like this? It baffles me.
    Ah well. One less incentive for trying to be helpful on the forum.

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