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Q: “Which healer class does this work best with?”
A: “Yes.”-
This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by
I’ve seen many users using the grids here in-game since I started using Miqo back in the middle of Stormblood. It seems like most people just don’t care, and Square hasn’t seemed to step in. There are a couple of users on my world who leave their characters gathering like a week straight in the really obvious repeating patterns of the grids here, and have done so for years; they’re still there, just bouncing jaggedly from node to node, no apparent consequences.
Is it 100% safe? No. But I think it’s comfortably safe enough to use the community grids, but a compromise might be for you to tweak them to your liking and to change them up a bit. Since you know how to make the grids in the first place, I would think this should be a fairly easy task and save you a bunch of time.
I don’t think PVP Assist should be implemented, and for me the reason is that while it’s been pointed out that Miqo is not and will not be better at combat than an optimal player, the truth is she’s still better than 90% of the playerbase. No human player is going to be able to compete with Miqo’s response time and real time calculations (unless your CPU is a potato.) On top of this, there’s no official ranking system and/or limited reward system for any of the PVE content (Savage, EX, Ultimates, etc) but each season of The Feast rewards players based on their ranking. So PVP Assist would directly affect that, which is wholly different from getting your glowy weapon/Savage mount. Not only would it draw unnecessary attention to Miqo, but it really does spoil the competitive aspect of PVP’s rankings.
I find 90% to be sufficient for a combat assist feature. So far it has worked great.I don’t feel Min/Max is worth the extra development time, when we could improve Miqo on other fronts.
I have to agree. I’ve used miqo to clear/farm the all three tiers of Shadowbringers’ Savage Eden raids, and Unending Coil Ultimate. Always top DPS in a party finder group. And that was before the Miqo team fine-tuned and improved the rotations to the point they’re at now, which is pretty phenomenal tbh. Min/maxing at this point, with the final ShB patch a short few days away, seems a waste of time and resources when Miqobot is already performing above and beyond the average PF raider. There are QoL improvements that have been requested on there forums for years like Scenario Engine updates, UI update, Positionals hotkey, etc, and I feel like the team should move onto those to prepare for Endwalker and return to the combat rotations once the next big overhaul arrives. Just my opinion, though.
TL;DR at the bottom to save everyone some time:
All righty, since this has somehow become a BLU vs. TT thread, I’ll just cast my vote for BLU. I’d much more prefer BLU support since the Morbol Mount is more interesting to me than any TT card collectibles. Miqo helped me get my Eden mount and I would like to continue the fancy mount collection with her help. And tbh I don’t even really need that much Miqo support on BLU to be satisfied (just add Song of Torment (and Nightbloom if available) upkeep and some filler spell support and the rest can be handled via a macro and a manual press here and there, in cases like Supurnakha (sp?)). You can easily out DPS everyone in a PF group with a single macro as it is (the caveat being it only works if you have Water Canon active, which takes up a slot,) but you have to keep Song of Torment up on your own and sometimes with mechanics it gets lost in everything that’s going on. That has been made easier with Nightbloom, though, and the minute-long DoT phase. But still, if BLU just had support for filler spells so that Miqo would use whichever one you have active at the time to free up Water Canon for another spell, then you could still use the macro method for some kind of BLU combat rotation. it would be fantastic if Miqo supported the filler spells, Song of Torment, AND Nightbloom so that there weren’t any weird overlaps with you forgetting and trying to shoehorn NB in at certain points. BLU healing support would be nice, maybe instead of coming up with a way for Miqo to determine what stance you’re in we can toggle something in the Miqo UI, much like Blind Positionals and Gap Closers are now. Just toggle “Blu Healer” and then if you have ”Pom Cure/Stotram/Angel’s Snack/Gobskin” on the bar Miqo will use those in much the same way she would determine usage as a WHM (with shields lol.)
BLU Healer support on Miqo would be incredibly OP.Macro Example (if you use it, remember to change the double apostrophes to quotation marks):
/micon ‘‘Water Cannon’‘ blueaction
/merror off
/blueaction ‘‘Quasar’‘ (or ‘‘J-Kick’‘ if preferred)
/blueaction ‘‘Eruption’‘ <t>
/blueaction ‘‘Shock Strike’‘ <t>
/blueaction ‘‘Glass Dance’‘ <t>
/blueaction ‘‘The Rose of Destruction’‘ <t>
/blueaction ‘‘Magic Hammer’‘ <t>
/blueaction ‘‘Devour’‘ <t>
/blueaction ‘‘Blaze’‘ <t>Then you just manually pop off Matra Magic/Supurnakha,Tingle-Bristle-Trident manually when necessary. This works because, as said before on these forums over the years, Miqo doesn’t spam GCD presses, so she doesn’t have the same issue that a human player has when trying to use Macro buttons in a fight (the funky queue system and how it interacts with macros.) Miqo presses the macro once exactly when the GCD is off CD, thus combat macros can be used near-flawlessly without stopping the GCD. So, if Miqo supported SoT and NB for DoT upkeep, trials and boss fights would be smooth sailing. AoE management for mobs, that would be a nice icing on the cake down the road, but I’m mostly concerned with trial rotations & utility at the moment.
TL;DR – Vote +1 for BLU, and honestly I’d even be grateful for just an update that supports Song of Torment upkeep. Not that it wouldn’t be nifty to see Miqo kicking some ass in TT, but, like, TriadBuddy exists so TT feels like a very low priority to me.
Roadmap priorities:
1.) Lv.80 Combat Rotations
1.5)Song of Torment upkeep (Nightbloom if we’re lucky) support 😛
2.) QoL Updates (because I imagine this would include the rotation customization and such, but if I’m wrong this can be bumped down behind Gathering. Since it’s a BLU thread, though, I’m also considering Filler Spell support (Blaze, Electrogenesis, Abyssal Transfixion, etc.) as a Quality of Life update as well ^^;)
3.) Scenario Engine Updates (after years of adventuring with Miqo… it’s time, the ScenEng needs some love.)
4.) More Gathering UpdatesNeutral Sect doesnt affect Helios tho?
True, but Miqo uses certain spells at certain party hp pool percentages. So, after casting a Helios to get the party up to a certain threshold, she will almost always immediately use an Aspected Helios, which is of course affected by Neutral Sect. But beyond that, in the technical sense, Neutral Sect does affect all healing spells since it is also a 20% healing buff, ergo the ”everything’s gone to shit” button if things have gotteb that bad and you don’t plan to use it for any mechanic cheesing XD
Yes, Healing with Miqo assist works well. In fact, Miqo is an amazing healer for dungeons (both leveling and Expert) as she can target anyone in the party instantaneously and take care of their haling needs. For example, say you’re a SCH. Miqo is spamming her Broils, and a DPS messes up and gets hit by a mechanic. Miqo can (and will) weave a Lustrate onto that player if you have the stacks and not miss a beat keeping the GCD rolling. For minimal human input, you’ll want to go with White Mage, though it goes without saying you get greater results with more human interaction. Once you get comfortable with Miqo and get a feel for how her algorithms work for healing, you might even have fun taking her into Extremes and then Savage content. While it should be stated that Miqo is not and will never be optimal for Savage, in reality and all practicality she is totally great for Savage. It just takes a bit of getting used to her thought processes and knowing when to use certain skills yourself, which comes with learning the fights. I’m not sure exactly what Job you’re wanting to use Miqo with to heal, but here are some helpful stuff from my own usage of her in casual and raid content.
White Mage
Miqo is pretty much good to go from level 1 to 80 with White Mage. All of the skills are supported and she will use them when appropriate. The only quirk she has is using an Afflatus spell when she already has a full Blood Lily, thus wasting potentially 300 potency in damage in a fight by overcapping. But if you’re taking her into content where that matters then I assume by then you’re used to handling her and will prevent that from happening anyway.Scholar:
Scholar is a bit wonky depending on the level. Not all skills up to level 80 are supported, but you can easily get around that with some Macros – I’ll share mine below (I use Miqo to heal with both SCH and AST in Savage, clearing all 12 Eden floors, so Miqo is 100% capable of helping you clear and farm it.)
For most content I keep Physick off of my hotbar completely, since as a real player you pretty much never want to use Physick as a SCH; you want to maximize OGCD heal usage and use your GCD’s to anticipate/mitigate upcoming heavy damage. So without Physick, Miqo will Adlo and Succor when appropriate, and prioritize Lustrates/Indomitability to keep your tank and party healed. Paired with Recitation, which allows you to use an Aetherflow Stack spell without the usage of a stack, Miqo rarely ever wants for stacks to heal, and if she does then there’s always Dissipation in a pinch (assuming your Seraph has more than 30 secs left on its CD.) However, if you’re level sync’d to level 44 or below, you will definitely need Physick on your bar, since you may not have the MP to sustain only using Adlo to heal without Aetherflow/Lustrate. But other than that, it’s not needed on your bar at all IMHO.SCH Macros:
(Just remember, if you use these macros to replace the ” with actual quotation marks; I just can’t use them on this forum so I have to replace them to show up on here :P)Indomitability:
/micon ”Indomitability”
/merror off
/ac ”Recitation” <t>
/ac ”Indomitability” <t>Excogitation:
/micon ”Excogitation”
/merror off
/ac ”Recitation”
/ac ”Excogitation” <t>Whispering Dawn:
/micon ”Whispering Dawn”
/merror off
/ac ”Fey Blessing”
/ac ”Summon Seraph”
/ac ”Consolation”
/ac ”Whispering Dawn”Astrologian:
If you’re going to take a healer into Savage with Miqo, then try out Astro, though do note she is more hands on than the previous two since AST has more situational skills that you don’t really just blow when you need to (like Horoscope.) With Miqo handling the cards she really turns Astro into a raid buffing powerhouse. Lightspeed on a 90 sec CD also means that you pretty much always have the ability to handle raid wide damage (and mess ups) and with Miqo constantly keeping the cards rolling and popping Lucid Dreaming you never have MP issues on AST. Keep in mind that Miqo does not use Earthly Star, and it’s so situational that you should be the only one using it when you need it, so I don’t recommend Macroing it to any other skill. These are really the only two Macros I use for AST:Aspected Benefic:
/micon ”Aspected Benefic”
/merror off
/ac ”Celestial Intersection” <t>
/ac ”Aspected Benefic” <t>Helios: – The way this one works is simple, Miqo only uses Helios over Aspected Helios when everything has gone to shit, and therefore if it’s all got to shit you’ll probably want to pop Neutral Sect anyway 😛 But if you want to hold onto Neutral Sect yourself then you don’t even need this macro.
/micon ”Helios”
/merror off
/ac ”Neutral Sect”
/ac ”Helios”I hope this helps, and if this didn’t actually answer anything for you then sorry for wasting space on your thread ^^;
January 1, 2021 at 8:06 am in reply to: A little early, but might be worth talking about the next expansion and miqo #25783I am surprised at the amount of people saying combat is not done well considering I can play through any classes with it on Savage and still come off as purple parse. Soooo my priority list would be
1. Combat
2. Gathering
3. Craftingin general 🙂
Agreed on the combat opinion. For whatever reason, over the past two+ years I’ve been subbed to Miqo and browsing these forum threads, once in a while someone will make an argument that Miqo’s combat AI isn’t suitable for Savage and/or Ultimate. I read this as someone who has done both Savage and Ultimate (though only UCoB myself) with Miqo’s combat assist, and I while don’t know how different their experiences are versus mine, Miqo absolutely shines in Savage content. You can basically just keep track of raid buffs and when to pop your pots and just focus on mechanics while she handles almost everything else. As a SMN in this savage tier I like dealing 20k (22k if I’m dance partner ^^) in 510 melded gear, and that’s even after Miqo’s been popping a few rez’s with healing/buffs toggled on. Manually pop an 80 skill when necessary if she doesn’t support it (Shoha, Apex Arrow, etc, etc.) but Miqo is absolutely capable of parsing purple with minimal effort if you know the fight and how to use her. I have mentioned before that system will affect your combat experience, as when lv.50 combat assist support was first released during Stormblood I was playing on a mid-tier laptop with a 960gtx and 2.3ghz quadcore, and the button presses lagged at times and weaving was iffy. Once I upgraded to a better desktop, there was no point at which the GCD hitched or paused, Miqo keeps it flowing smoothly and double-weaves flawlessly. So if you’re not achieving great numbers with Combat Assist it could be server connection/ping or perhaps your system.
TL;DR – my priorities are:
1.) Combat Assist. Grinding out new content (dragons, mats, Savage, etc) is what I mainly use Miqo for. But more than that when Miqo updates I like going through and seeing what new skill support the team has snuck in (since sometimes it goes unannounced – Tsubame-Gaeshi being a recent example) and working out what involvment the bot needs from me in the rotation during encounters. Almost like a mini-game I get to look forward to 😛
2.) Trust and other such assist content – this latest addition of Heroes’ Gauntlet is fabulous – it allows people without a lot of time in the week, or maybe just having a particularly busy work week, to cap on tomes. This also allows us to get tome mats for new gear, plenty of dungeon gear to desynth, spiritbonding for materia, minions and other gil opportunities. And when the next expansion releases and Miqo is back up, it will be a great option to farm Poetics, for which no method currently exists via Miqo.
3.)Scenario Engine – because Miqo can currently do some really nifty things for you if you take some time to learn how to make your own scenarios, and being able to export/import other grids and scenarios is great! But there’s a lot more it could offer with some updates.
4.) Crafting/Gathering. I’ll be honest, when I first got Miqo I mostly used her for crafting and gathering, but that was before the big world/datacenter merger, and way before world visiting redistributed the value of gil and drastically lowered its value. Now it doesn’t even feel like I need to craft or gather to make gil except to craft all the new sets every patch for myself, and maybe get sets up on the marketboard within the first few days before 800k gear pieces drop to 50-100k like they do post-merger/visit. So between the assist, scenario engine, and crafting/gathering, C&G take a backseat for me. But my experience with it has changed since I started playing 7 years ago to now. Especially since the end of Stormblood. Just isn’t as impactful as it used to be, and all of the worlds are flooded with competition these days. I’d rather take combat assist into Titania and get some Dancing Wings and sell those for the 600k they’re currently going for on my world like I did a couple of nights ago, than spend hours gathering new mats that go for 300gil in stacks of 99 that few people are buying because they can easily gather their own at this point with all the QoL updates the game devs keep throwing at us. Even using Heroes’ Gauntlet for Revelation tomes has gotten me half a million gil today from buying stacks of tome mats and selling them in small batches and seems like better usage of time. But again that’s just my experience.While the level 61 Dungeon would be nice to just knock out those tier 2 tank achievements, we’re getting closer to 6.0, and following the pattern of expansion release the achievement requirements will most likely be bumped up to 71+, like how it was bumped from 51+ to 61+ when ShB was released. So that’s a lot of effort for something that has a chance to become useless very soon. I agree that the efforts should be spent on something the userbase at large wants to use, since time is so precious and the team only has so much of it. So far that seems like Gathering updates.
I always miss out on these community vote threads so:1.) Gathering
2.) Trusts (only because time is a factor and pushing it too far out means risking releasing it right before the next expansion drops, kind of like when we finally got level 70 job combat support like two days before Shadowbringers released XD)
2.) Scenario Engine Updates
3.) Quality of Life stuffFWIW though, I had never completed a Savage tier while it was current content before, usually just stuck to Extremes myself. But thanks to Miqo I was able to do E5S-E8S without any issues, even with the current/incomplete Assist, and I was (almost) always 1st spot on DPS with SMN or MCH, the two jobs I used to do my weekly clears. That said, these were all PF groups for weekly clears, so it’s a mixed bag and there’s a general assumption that all PF groups are bad (they’re not, and many PF players are phenomenal players.) But I did sub in a couple of statics for weekly clears, and for one of those I was still top DPS, the other I was fluctuating between 1st and 2nd, but mostly stayed 2nd while getting to 1st during my burst phases. Never got close to 3rd place though. Also, entirely thanks to Miqo, I was able to get my first Ultimate clear (UCoB) and now have a flashy gold weapon to show for it. Wouldn’t have dreamed of tackling any Ultimates on my own if I hadn’t been using Miqo for almost two years now, but with her doing 90% of the rotations I can almost solely focus on watching out for mechanics and doing callouts. Generally in the Copied Factory I’m 1/24 even while losing a GCD here and there due to swift-rez’s.
TL;DR – Overall the player will really determine what you get out of Miqo, and it does take some practice to work with what she can currently do.So while Miqo will apparently never be ‘competitive’ or ‘optimal’, compared to the vast majority of the player base she’s competitive and optimal :P.
Just tested the E5S dummy on my NIN in unmelded Eden Normal i480 body gear, Neo-Ishgardian Daggers with three DH melds, and Neo-Ishgardian i480 jewelry with two melds per piece. Killed it with 18 seconds left. All I did was use Bunshin manually, and she killed it fine without Hyoshi Ranryu (she just did 30% buffed Raitons) and no Meisui’s. *shrug*
So in my opinion, NIN is great with Miqo, even if you’re only very slightly hands-on with Miqo (like Bunshins) and don’t go all out to optimize, you’ll still be doing more DPS than 90% of the endgame playerbase. While I have done Savage with a lot of jobs with Miqo to test them out and play with them, Ninja is not one of them, so I don’t know how she will function in that environment, but as Ninja is less positionally dependent as DRG and MNK* I can’t see Miqo performing poorly in Savage content unless the player doesn’t understand the job/role well enough to help her out.
*in some fights positionals for MNK are simply nonexistent if you’re paying attention enough to use Riddle of Earth at every opportunity.
DRG is fine, I’ve done E5S and E6S with DRG. Where Lv.80 is concerned, if you have the “Blind Positionals” and “Dashes and Backsteps” boxes ticked, then all you really have to do is pressed Stardiver during your big burst window and Miqo will do literally everything else. The problem you might occasionally run into is that your Jump skills are tied into “Dashes and Backsteps”, so if that’s not ticked, Miqo will not use those OGCD’s, and you will have to use them yourself. This is preferable in my opinion, since Miqo will not care if there’s a big death ring around the boss when the OGCD is ready; she will Spineshatter your @$$ right into that death ring. She is a true blue “BUT MUH DEEPS” Dragoon in that sense 😛 – the same goes for RDM and Corps-a-corps.
So for things like Dungeons, it will more than likely be totally fine if you let Miqo handle your dashes and backsteps/your jumps. For Extreme/Savage content, you definitely want to handle those yourself, and may even want to pay attention and handle positionals yourself as well (though I rarely have a problem fighting Miqo to make her go where I want to when there’s a Mechanic close enough to make her want to go to the positional versus staying put; that’s what True North is for! a good example is E5S/Ramuh during the Thundercloud phase, as a melee you have an assigned cardinal position around the boss, typically flank if you’re not a tank, and Miqo’s like “My dude, I know you have a big paralysis ring around you but I really gotta hit this skill from behind!” – saving True North for moments like that solves all of those issues.)
TL;DR – DRG is great! Miqo handles it better than MNK at 80 atm, and is on par with SAM.
It is worth noting for those that don’t know that these clears will only apply toward the Tankless Job achievements, but not the Tank You achievements (the armored version of the mounts). As such, these won’t even count toward your GNB achievement since both the naked and armored versions of the Sabortooth are tied to the GNB Tank You achievement line, so you should only run this scenario as War/Pld/Drk.
Interesting, I couldn’t get Miqo to actually fish when I was on the ship, so I did it manually. I’ll have to try again and see what went wrong and why, since if everyone else is able to fish with Miqo I probably overlooked something. And yes, I was standing at the edge of the ship and able to cast 😛
So I don’t know if your experience is the same as mine was, but I played XIV on a gaming laptop with a 4gb gtx 960m, 8gb ram, and 2.3 quadcore for a couple of years. Running both Miqo and XIV pretty much kept my system performance running at max capacity. When Miqo was updated for ShB, she wouldn’t hit 6 GCD’s, always only hitting 5. I just figured that until she was optimized to hit Wildfire after Hypercharge like the Balance openers showed, she would always hit 5. But since upgrading to a desktop with a GTX 1080, 16gb ram, and 3.7 quadcore, the whole game runs butter smooth, and on top of that little rotational issues I had across the board for all job rotations with miqo are no longer present. Miqo hits 6 GCD’s in the Wildfire window even with pressing it before Hypercharge. She hits 5x Heatblasts and then will go for the first step int he three-shot rotation because she doesn’t anticipate Drill being off CD by the time the 5th HC is done casting, so I manually press Drill, but even then I have plenty of time to get Drill in before WF ends. So I wonder if maybe your system is being strained?
If you’re running a nice system and the game plays butter smooth even with Miqo running, then I don’t know what the issue could be.TL;DR yes it’s possible for Miqo to hit 6 GCD’s in WIldfire because she does it for me with no issues (now.)
This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by