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  • in reply to: The Finer Miner bug? #1587

    Please refer to Miqobot v1.2.45 – Patch Notes to understand this behaviour.

    Which Minigame Is Better?

    Out On a Limb is better, because it guarantees a consistent MGP flow.
    The Finer Miner gives better rewards at top tiers, but it has a much smaller Sweet Spot area (about 1.5 times smaller). With 4 or 5 hits The Finer Miner permits, it is mathematically impossible to detect a Sweet Spot at 100% rate.

    The Finer Miner does not guarantee a payout, because of its mechanics involving a lot more randomness. Default settings make Miqobot to play for at least 5 rounds in The Finer Miner, which yields a win rate of about 10-15%. So yes, it is very likely that you will not receive a payout before switching to Out on a Limb.

    If Miqobot would keep playing over and over, she would most likely get stuck in a very unlucky series of fails, and your MGP income would decrease.

    But if you insist on altering this behaviour, we can implement a special parameter for you 🙂
    It will enforce Miqobot to spam the same minigame for as long as it takes a win to happen.

    in reply to: [Request] Roll solver (unlikely but I wanted to ask) #1586

    That’s why we are talking about a highly customizable Raiding Toolkit 🙂

    Depending on your preference, you will be able to either let Miqobot handle some parts of the battle or only show additional cues on 3D Radar (or sound them with Speech API). We wouldn’t like to take out the fun parts of the game, as there would be no more reason play. And this is another reason why we prioritize assist mode over automatic mode in our development plans for Raiding.
    3D overlay hints may help a lot of players to get more fun from the game – and even help them learn.

    They can help to survive, but more important they can help to learn, so Miqobot users can deactivate them once they are used to the mechanics.

    This is a very good point!
    The very meaning of the game is to teach new things. Learning something new is always fun and exciting, and Miqobot can further enhance the learning process.
    And when you become confident enough about your skills, you can deactivate the assist mode and enjoy your own mastery of the battle.

    As to how we are going to implement battle navigation, there has been a very good illustration posted on Reddit recently.
    Typhon GATE Research
    (Illustrations themselves)

    While GATEs are not Miqobot’s area of expertise at the moment, but this illustrations are very similar to how Miqobot operates. She can take all outgoing AoEs at the moment, and all additional rules that enforce specific positioning, intersect them with the positions of other players, and decide the best available point to stand at. By calculating the required amount of seconds to reach that point, Miqobot can decide whether it’s worth any movement at all (or maybe it’s worth moving anyway, to reduce the incoming damage at least partially).

    Miqobot can perform this kind of calculations at ingame FPS rate, and even higher. So she can easily adapt to constantly changing mechanics of any encounter.

    The only real issue is that every encounter requires custom scripting.
    That’s why we also consider releasing a Scripting Engine eventually. And we hope to implement scripts in such a way that they can be easily shared with the community 🙂

    in reply to: Reward system #1582

    Thank you very much for your kind review!
    We are glad that Miqobot brings you joy and free time. We are doing our best to keep up the pace, and we hope that Miqobot will become an even better friend for you.

    The reward system is a very interesting suggestion.
    Our web development team is currently working on improvements for website and forum, so now would be a good time to discuss further upgrades. Tracking the number of months subscribed can be a bit tricky, because a single license code may be shared between friends, as well as multiple license codes may be used by someone at the same time. But I’m sure we can come up with something simple to sustain the reward system.

    Thank you for your ideas very much!
    Welcome! And please enjoy 🙂

    in reply to: Fishing additions status #1581

    Support for all fishing conditions (including time and weather) will be bundled with the release of Scenario Engine. We will also include example Scenarios for the most important Big Fish (‘Of Dragons Deep’ title will be provided out of the box).

    Fish database and weather predictor are also planned but will arrive later as improvements for the Scenario Editor.

    At start, we would recommend sticking with FF14Angler and the tool created by super_aardvark.
    It can predict weather much further than FF14Angler, but it doesn’t provide a database:

    in reply to: Index: Chocobo Racing Waypoints #1580

    Yes, this is just a reference to the progress percentage 🙂
    Unfortunately Chocobo Racing Editor is not implemented yet. So you will have to remember the percentage, and then edit the waypoints manually.

    At the moment, we are considering three possible solutions for Chocobo Racing Editor.
    If you want to know more, please refer to this thread (started by @dc0ke): Chocobo Racing Recording Tips/Help

    in reply to: Index: Gathering Grids #1579

    The index has been updated.
    Thank you! 🙂

    in reply to: Poll: Bot Notifications Online? #1544

    Thank you for the feature request and for sharing your opinions 🙂

    It will indeed require creating a separate section of the website and implementing remote control. It is not impossible, but it will take some time – just like any other feature.
    The mobile application is currently beyond our development scope, but if there will be more feature requests for this kind of expertise, we will consider expanding our plans.

    We are keeping an eye out on this thread, so please keep providing feedback.

    • What other features beyond notifications and remote control would you like to see?
    • Do you want to have any kind of statistics on the website?
    • How would you like to deal with navigation errors remotely, when Miqobot gets stuck?
    • Would you like to be able to read the game chat online?
    • Would you like to be able to respond to chat?
    • Are there any concerns about privacy?

    Thank you very much!

    Also, in the meantime we would recommend using TeamViewer.
    It allows you to remotely control your PC, and you can actually see what’s going on in the game. It’s basically like a video stream from your screen to any other device.

    in reply to: 1.2.5 release date #1543

    Thank you for your kind review 🙂
    Please enjoy!

    We hope that you won’t be disappointed with the upcoming upgrades for Crafting Solver as well.

    in reply to: Fishing Keybind Error #1542

    Understood, thank you for the updates on situation!

    So the only thing that is still not working is Stealth when your start the Fishing Bot, right?

    We have made some investigation as to what could cause this. By any chance, could you have multiple Stealth icons present on hotbar at the same time?
    Like Stealth from Miner, Stealth from Botanist, Stealth from Fisher. This could potentially confuse Miqobot as she would not know which icon matches the current job. This is just a wild guess of course, but we couldn’t think of any other cause.

    If this is not the case, we would ask you to try a similar solution as before.

    1. Move your Stealth icon on the first hotbar, into the 1st slot (temporarily), so no other icon would precede it.
    2. Move your Cast icon on the first hotbar, into the 2nd slot.
    3. Move your Hook icon on the first hotbar, into the 3rd slot.
    4. Approach the fishing spot and make sure that you have:
      – Stealth active.
      – Cast active.
      – Hook inactive.
    5. Enable Stealth at Start in Miqobot settings.
    6. Press Start button.

    Miqobot should now use Stealth at the starting phase, and Cast the line after that.
    Did this help?

    After this experiment, you can put your icons back to where they were.

    in reply to: [Request] Roll solver (unlikely but I wanted to ask) #1539

    By required, I mean the bot cannot do many fights unless it can react to those ‘visual only’ mechanics…actually nearly every standard AoE effect in the game is like this…so they must have that covered.

    AoE effects are a little different from these visual marks, because all AoEs have a source caster wherein the visual marks do not.
    Even when you see multiple AoE effects going in several directions from a single boss, he’s not the true source of them. There are several invisible minions spawned by the boss, and each minion casts only one AoE ability.

    You can verify this by enabling 3D Radar while fighting such bosses. For example:

    • Haukke Manor (Hard) – Ash (2nd boss).
      The room is filled with multiple AoEs going from the walls in different directions. These AoEs come from minions that die immediately after cast.
    • The Final Coil of Bahamut – Turn 4 (T13).
      There are 19 invisible Bahamut Primes that exist throughout the whole battle. They cast different abilities, but due to all of them named ‘Bahamut Prime’ it appears like Bahamut casts several abilities at the same time.

    Visual marks are abilities cast by no one, therefore they do not appear on 3D Radar.
    For now 🙂

    in reply to: [Request] Roll solver (unlikely but I wanted to ask) #1538

    With the description you gave to us, I tried to imagine a complete fight with it of things like A6S, A7S & Sephirot Ex., in order to forsee where some problems might happen.

    And I believe it will require some different level of override options, from being able to shutting it down completely with no delay, to just stop the use of buff CD (to keep them for a special mechanics), or not letting her choose targets, or forcing her into AoE or single target rotation, etc.

    If we can bind some keys to control that, I believe this is going to work great.

    Of course, when it comes to battle we are going to pay special attention to implementing reactive shortcuts.
    DPS Solver will come in several levels of automation, from a completely self-contained AI to a highly customizable assist mode. Depending on your preference in battle, you will be able to switch between Single/AoE/Crowd Control/Focus/Burst profiles with personal shortcuts, and even create your own profiles for specific encounters.

    Additionally, 3D Radar will work like HUD enhancement by displaying special notifications related to what mode Miqobot is currently in.

    As for 3D radar, I can see two mechanics right now that could help everyone, in A6S 1st boss, drawing overlay lines in front of the adds, to be able to see if we are standing in one of their dive direction, that should make the dodge way easier.
    Or drawing a circle around the water tower in A6S that tells the limit where we shouldn’t put the ice, or get too close ourself to avoid the tether.

    These are very good suggestions. Thank you!
    Indeed, many end-game raids impose a lot of stress by not displaying the important visual cues for some mechanics.
    We will probably have to create a special forum section dedicated to implementing 3D Radar enhancements for specific encounters 🙂

    One thing also you may be able to improve, right now parsers like ACT only use the in-game logs for their trigger feature, I made some really useful triggers for plenty of fights with good Text To Speech, but often there is one kind of thing that’s impossible to trigger, it’s when the enemy marks you without giving you a specific debuff, the log will say nothing.

    By using something else than the log, maybe you guys will be able to make triggers for those mechanics, within your custom scripts for specific encounters.

    A great feature request.
    Yes, we are also using ACT triggers for many raids. Audio cues are incredibly useful considering how many things already cluttering the screen during intensive battles.
    And it is indeed possible to detect visual marks directly in the game memory. According to game’s (disassembled) source code, these are special abilities that don’t have a caster. They have a target, but don’t have a source. And the ability that boss casts after the mark disappears is in fact instant.

    It is not very clear as to why game developers decided not to put them in the battle log.
    But for Miqobot it doesn’t make a lot of difference because she reads information from many sources, not just the log 🙂

    in reply to: Miqobot v1.2.45 – Patch Notes #1537

    If you want to turn this behaviour back on, you can do so by adjusting the new parameter in settings.miqo.

    1. Launch Miqobot v1.2.45.1 and close it. (This will add a new line to settings.miqo.)
    2. Open settings.miqo with any text editor.
    3. Find the advanced section inside. It will look like this:
      	"advanced": {
      		"stealthin": 22.5,
      		"stealthout": 25,
      		"steervisible": false,
      		"runtosameminigamerate": 0
    4. The new parameter is called:
      advanced.runtosameminigamerate – The chance at which Miqobot will run between left and right versions of the same minigame.

    The default value is 0 – it means do not switch between them at all.
    You can set any value between 0 and 1.

    • 0.15 – switch at 15% rate.
    • 0.05 – switch at 5% rate.
    • 0.4 – switch at 40% rate.
    • 1 – switch after each game.
    • 0 – never switch.

    Tip: Don’t forget to close Miqobot before editing advanced section of settings.miqo. Otherwise, she will overwrite your changes with whatever is currently stored in memory.

    in reply to: Miqobot v1.2.45 – Patch Notes #1536

    Thank you all for your feedback very much!

    We have removed the behavior wherein Miqobot would run between the same minigames. Now she will only run between Out on a Limb and The Finer Miner, and only when you allow it.

    The new version is uploaded to our website: Download Miqobot v1.2.45.1
    This is a minor version increase, so it will not trigger the ‘New version available’ message. But if you right click on EXE-file -> Properties -> Details tab, you can see the full version number. The latest version is v1.2.45.1 (the previous one was v1.2.45.0).
    There are no other changes besides this adjustment.

    The reason to why we implemented this behaviour was our personal emotions during the development of Minigames feature.
    We spent dozens of hours for several days in a row when we were implementing and testing the algorithms. Playing the same minigame over and over again felt very monotonous, so we switched between left and right versions of the same minigame from time to time – out of our own desire. We thought that for a human player it would be natural to behave in the same way.
    Therefore we implemented a 15% chance for Miqobot to run to another version of the same minigame.

    But we have clearly underestimated the fact that it feels entirely different from a supervisor point of view 🙂
    Please download Miqobot v1.2.45.1, and you won’t see this behaviour anymore.

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Fishing Keybind Error #1512

    6. The only thing that seems to be working is choco racing movement. Just tried crafting and Miqo says in output ” Crafting step 1 -> key ‘??’”. I’m late for work so I’ll check gathering later tonight but I’m going to assume I’ll have similar problems.

    As for Crafting, it seems that you are trying to craft with a Macro.

    This message:
    Crafting step 1 -> key ‘??'
    means that Miqobot is waiting for you to input a key into the Macro box.

    We would recommend following our Crafting guide. There are two methods currently available: Macro Crafting and Crafting Solver.
    You can try them both 🙂

    in reply to: Fishing Keybind Error #1511

    Thank you for verifying!

    Now we are a little confused. The issue is not about detecting the Hook icon as we assumed earlier. Which means that the diagnostics build we planned for you is not going to help.

    It’s great that you found a way around this issue 🙂
    But in case it stops working again, here’s some additional information that might help you.

    When you press the Start button, Miqobot goes into Starting Phase.
    In this phase, she looks for the Cast icon on your hotbar. If the Cast icon is active, she hits it and waits for the Hook icon to become active. As soon as the Hook icon activates, Starting Phase switches into normal Fishing Phase.
    So by casting the line yourself you effectively skipped the Starting Phase.

    When you encountered this message:
    Cast skill not available. Get closer to water and try again!
    It means that Cast icon never activated (or at least that’s what Miqobot thought). But you are saying that it was active, and Miqobot still timed out on waiting. This is the part that confused us.

    But there are also other reasons why this could happen:

    • Cast icon was active, but no Bait was specified. In this case, the game would block you from Casting.
    • Cast icon was active, but you ran out of Bait earlier. It would lead to the same outcome.
    • Cast icon was active, but you were fishing in the same spot for some time before. This could lead to The fish sense something amiss. message in the game.

    So the next time you will go Fishing, we would like to ask you to take a closer look at your environment.
    Are there any error messages in the game itself?

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