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  • in reply to: Bot News? #33004


    It will break on early access day when the patch comes out. The servers go down, and when they come back up a day later, Miqo is dead.

    Downtime depend on how much of the systems, backend, and memory mapping are changed behind the scenes.

    With shadowbringers the bot functioned after a week but was just “restored to functional. If memory serves, it was closer to 4-5 weeks for things to feel great. Expect the outage and expect it to be at least 5-7 days but potentially longer.

    I’m not a dev but this is generally how things go.

    in reply to: [Request] Play Out on A Limb in House #31195


    Agreed. I’ve hear reports that in estate activity is more scrutinized. Running the bot overnight during make it rain is one of the only ways people using this bot catch bans.

    If you are comfortable making a scenario I recommend striking a balance between farming and afking.

    in reply to: PVP assister request #31175


    In the off chance this is a voting thread I’m throwing my lot in with the more conservative crowd.

    Miqo is very low detection and I very much want it to stay that way. I’m part of the Lyfox crowd on this and will consistently cast any vote I have to keeping this bot inconspicuous and off the radar. To me the fact it simulates keystrokes as opposed to hooking into the game (along with the fact that it’s a one stop shops for most features and unparalleled at some crafting and gathering ) is basically the core reason I’m here.

    I understand wanting a feature but I absolutely do not feel it beneficial long term to this project.

    in reply to: PVP assister request #30764


    I’m in the “keep this bot low profile” mindset. Anything that raises people’s awareness of this bot or increases the amount of people getting reported is not a feature to pursue in my opinion.

    Also given that this would require new assist mode functions for each job I think that the dev time can be spent on QoL, scenario, and other roadmap features.

    Is my assumption that this would consume numerous standard development cycles an accurate assumption?

    in reply to: Voting (June 2 – June 9, 2021) #30389


    Scenario Engine


    in reply to: Any plan to add Matoya's Relict #29230


    I said it before and id like to say it again. Spending several months on something that will get outdated later is a waste of precious development time. Id like to see new scenario functions before Endwalker instead. Its been sitting in the backlog for a few years now.

    Well lucky for us you aren’t the only vote. I’m going to lay pretty good odds that most people aren’t doing a ton of fancy stuff with miqo, they’re likely just using basic functions. They don’t really need fancy scenario tools that only a handful of hardcores will ever use. They just want to keep the game basic functionality moving forward updated.

    Also any major changes prior to Endwalker is likely a fools errand considering that a lot of things will probably change and break your fancy new features anyway.

    Also, just because you don’t personally want something does not make it a waste of “precious development time”.

    However, spending 1-2 month of development on a dungeon that will be outdated in.. say 6 months is a waste of time when scenario functionality or other things has a greater benefit and value for the whole. You can still use Miqo in these dungeons, just not fully automated (combat assist still works).

    Also your second point: Yes it is true anything in Miqo today will break on 6.0, but there is a shorter development to fix all function vs spending months on something no one will use again.


    Someone tell me what these vague scenario enhancements are that you are all voting for and why they are the bestest thing ever? Because honestly to me it sounds like some vague fantasy of miqo doing magical things with no concrete info.

    Also, using the logic you guys are using, Miqo should never have another dungeon added ever since at some point it will be obsolete.

    The things that immediately come to mind (understand that QoL improvements are probably a list of 50+ things)
    The ability to chat while the bot is running (stealthy botting is healthy botting) without having to stop and restart. Possibly with notifications if being targeted or chatted with. Mainly the QoL work is mostly “under the hood” updates that will likely help other things down the road. The work done to change how the bot works in order to allow it to chat for example, will likely allow for other features we may not be thinking of.

    On the scenario side, the ability to buy things from a vendor without using sendkey() which would allow people to make scenarios for buying things allowing for better community sourced scenarios such as spending your tomes you farmed or spending GC seals. It would also likely allow for a reliable function to send out retainers with the same code. It also means we don’t need to put the bot in a window and never put our mouse on the screen. While you and others may not code, you may be able to start leveraging scenarios provided by the community if they were more reliable.

    Planned gathering updates will include fishing improvements like ocean fishing which can help in leveling, and achievements.

    All of the above are things I personally think will matter more long term. There are more but those are ideas of longer term things.

    As far as dungeon logic. Level 71/75 dungeons this expac as well as 81/85 dungeons next expac have staying power. People will need to level main and alt jobs and there will always be people picking up new jobs or new people starting to expand into that. So those have long term sustainability.

    A level 70/80 or next expac level 90 dungeons are good for 1 level of actual leveling and for farming tomes. Tome farming has diminishing returns as every subsequent dungeon reduces the yield from the dungeon the Miqobot team codes. If it took 1 week to add a dungeon support I’d be all about it, but a month or two of dev time for a level 80 that’s more efficient for tomes for 6 months doesn’t resonate for me personally. I’m not saying we have to agree, and we likely won’t, but that is the logic on “not this dungeon.” It isn’t about “no dungeons” just not this one. If heroes still gives tomes at least we have an option, albeit an inefficient one. Best bang for the buck from my perspective.

    As always, there will be a vote once the current feature (level 80 rotations/skills) hit in a week or so, and community demand and feedback will dictate where this all goes. People use this bot for many reasons and as far as I’ve seen, the Miqobot team is pretty good at getting the general pulse of the community. They also likely have usage data and analytics on bot usage I never will.

    I hope this helps explain my perspective.

    in reply to: Any plan to add Matoya's Relict #29216


    I’ll second Lyfox. QoL updates or scenario stuff makes Miqo a little better forever.

    Another trust 6 months away from an expac spends 5 weeks making a feature most people probably won’t use in 6 months.

    I’d love a lot of different dungeons supported but at the pace the Miqo team implements them (not being negative to the team, just saying the 5 week production cycles make me selective if desired features,) I think the current priorities are best long term.

    in reply to: Tank Mount? #29201


    Given that SE raised the levels needed for getting the second tier tank mount up 10 levels when ShB dropped, I’m concerned about Dev time going into something that won’t work in 6-9 months. I’d rather see fundamental things like QoL and Scenario functions.

    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback #26846


    Hello. I was wondering what your reasoning for the WHM regen change in the most recent update was? 😮

    in reply to: Fishing stuck on Collectable #15390


    Check here on the fishing tab

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by  tomarnk.
    in reply to: Newcomer's questions #14966


    Yep that’s what I’ve been using since launch. I was more commenting on the mentality I’ve seen historically and might drive future behavior.

    People like to be bleeding edge to get ahead of perceived bumps with new recipes. Crafting this expac has been a breeze, both in how to make things and in leves/facets to boost.

    in reply to: Newcomer's questions #14939


    I don’t pentameld the white set, the first green set (the 320 set last expac) on my main, but I don’t prentameld right away, only as needed and slowly improve it as new recipes drop. Then when the second crafting set comes out (340 set last expac) I gear my alt and then shift production to that alt for the highest level stuff.

    The first crafting set can be skipped if you aren’t concerned with the ** or *** mats initially or are willing to take on some additional time (steps) or risk on quality.

    That’s just how I do it, but I usually have the materia on hand to do so without any significant expense.

    As everything your mileage may vary.

    in reply to: Newcomer's questions #14909


    It’s almost always #1. Also many people find a series of macros online that are theoretically .5% better but require silly amounts of stats. Also people like having a statistically optimized build regardless of utility.

    People buy this pentameld gear to run crazy macros they found online, then assume there is a market. Others manually pentamelded and hated the process and sell them “to be nice and help out a random stranger.” It’s not my cup of tea but I know a few people who really feel good doing that stuff.

    Honestly, in my experience there are two types of crafters. People who figure out what works for them and don’t change unless there is a need, and people who want every theoretical edge because they think they will have an edge when new recipes come out. Most of the time the people who are pentamelding and prepping don’t actually go hard when the new crafts drop, they just wanna know they could.

    I always use the first gear set I can pentameld, and only meld as needed when new mats drop. Then I gear an alt with the second green set when it comes out, and then pentameld them as needed. It lasts me 2 years and is easy and relatively cheap and spaced out.

    I don’t know of any secret #3 and I’ve been doing this a long time.

    in reply to: Question About the Upcoming Update #14133


    I’m not an official source but my solid guess is that first they will fix Miqo to work as she previously did as rapidly as possible, re-start subscriptions, then add features as viable.

    in reply to: Squadron Dungeon – Ninja #9738


    I ran Ninja from 25 to 63 using squadrons with no notable issues.

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