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You know… This has been on my mind a while now. It would probably fall under QoL updates, but how about Miqobot gets multiple thought bubbles to reflect what she is doing? Crossed swords for combat assist, turning gears for crafting preparation, a fish for fishing, coins for MGP minigames, chocobo for chocobo racing, and probably some more I can’t think of right now.
If this is something not out of the question, I wouldn’t mind to commission half body artworks and donating them for that cause. Adds quite a bit of character if you ask me.
You might be better off setting a hotkey for those kinds of situations. Mine is – as example, which I mapped to a button on the mouse. This way I can pause Miqobot for small moments, then hit that key again and continue like usual.
This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by
Lemme join in and tell you about tanks and healers, just in case.
Note for all tanks: You definitely have to help with aggro management, so if there are tank swaps do them yourself.
As far as tanks go, you can do nothing wrong with Gunbreaker as you only have to activate one skill (Bloodfest), and let Miqo handle everything else.
Paladin works really well too, but Miqo hasn’t learned yet that Holy spirit turns into an instant cast, and does not use Paladin’s lvl80. If you don’t mind taking over or supporting Miqo after Requiescat, Paladin might be for you.
I can not recommend Warrior since Miqo can not work efficiently with the stack that gets added from Infuriate. Once used, she is not using Chaotic Cyclone, Inner Chaos, Fell Cleave or Decimate anymore since the latter get overlapped with the former skills, and miqo is not yet ready to use them. Even more catastrophic if she uses Infuriate during Inner Release, which basically sinks the Warrior’s total damage like the Titanic.
Dark knight works great and only Living Shadow is not used by Miqo. The only reason I would prefer the Gunbreaker here is because of the difference in damage and how easily Living Shadow’s full potential can be missed.Note for all heals: Every single one of them has a bubble they can drop down. Miqo supports them with a macro as far as I know.
Scholar? Hm… It works, but I would not recommend him. He kept up relatively well in SB, but I feel like he lacks something in ShB. Might be just me though. Also, Miqo doesn’t seem to like throwing out the Scholars bubble shield.
White Mage works really really well. The only skill Miqo doesn’t use is Temperance, but I think you can handle that.
Astrologian… *Grabs you by your shirt* Just do it! Sure, Collective Unconscious, Horoscope and Neutral are not supported, but the healing is almost as good as that of White mage (the typical difference in heal potential, not related to Miqo), and the card system is near perfect. Miqo does occasionally give a ranged card to a melee, but that is easily forgiven when looking at how often you throw out Divination.As someone who plays acranist/summoner (or actually all classes if you don’t mind me bragging for a minute), I really want to empathize that you should not focus on healing as arcanist. Your job is that of a damage dealer for a reason.
As example: I have 80798 HP on lvl 80 with my summoner and casting physic heals me… 825 hp (or about 1225 when the heal crits). When it comes to parties let the heal do their job, and when going solo kill all the things before they can kill you.
Hope that helps.
PS: If you are looking for a class that can hit things and heal themselves, you might wanna try out paladin and red mage.First of all: Yup! The card management is nothing short of amazing. Huge thanks for that.
I do notice a minor issue with something else though, but it might be just me since I haven’t seen it mentioned anywhere on the forum.
Miqobot usually executes all skills smoothly. Now with the latest update, she seems to wait maybe about 0.2 seconds before using the next one. Is that just me? If so, any ideas for a way to fix it?
Just in case: Yes I do have macros in my hotbar, but only 3 or 4 skills are macro…-ed(?), and I put all skills Miqobot uses into the hotbars 1&2 since she seems most comfortable with these slots. This is an issue I have with all jobs.
Generally, nobody will report you as long as you don’t do things that should be impossible for a human, such as gathering for over 3 hours (which I admit is possible, but suspicious at the very least), or crafting in a place you think no one goes to and then not react to people talking to you. And please don’t let Miqobot run on her own. Watch her so you can react when players start interacting with you.
My personal advice? I have been botting with Miqobot way before combat assist was a thing, I still do, and when it comes to gathering: Turn the game to borderless windowed, or windowed, pull up your favorite browser and start binge watching, then make your browser small enough so you can still see the chatlog. Why? When players emote you it is usually displayed in chat, and you will obviously notice better when someone talks to you.
As for crafting, look for private areas. Some examples are the guest rooms in every main city, some rare quest related areas, and there is also the… School(?) in Ishgard. What I mean with this is that there are some areas in the game where you are given absolute privacy. Heck, you can even make privacy by buying a small house and locking the doors, then pretend that you are working on your interior the entire time.
Don’t wanna get caught? Hide well and watch over your helping kitty cat.PS: Please ignore all typos if there are any. New keyboard, trying to get used to the new switches.
It definitely can. It’s also how I found Miqobot a few years ago.
All you have to do is get the fisher job, some bait, go to where you want to fish, and hit the [Start] button under miqobot’s fishing category. You can also choose which skills Miqobot uses, if she uses your cordials or not, which tugs she should ignore, and;dr
Yes. That and much MUCH more.I have to agree with eternalstar01 and say that RDM is the simplest caster, and also great for soloing thanks to his vercure spell, and he is even somewhat useful in learning new raids thanks to his verraise (earning the RDM the nickname of Rezzmage, but that is another story).
As far as melee DPS goes, I’d say SAM is the simplest. It does have one DoT it can apply, and two buffs best always upheld, but latter is done automatically thanks to what you have to do to use his strongest attack. And his damage is nice~
Now as far as ranged classes go… It depends on how you define minimal management. If you mean no miqobot assist, gauges or DoTs, DNC is probably your guy. All you have to watch out for are procs, but those are highlighted, and I shit you not when I say you can basically make one macro for about half the damage skills and mash that button.
If you are using miqobot assist, I’d recommend BRD or MCH since at the moment, these two are mostly implemented in miqobot’s combat assist.
-All you would have to do for BRD is to fire his lvl 80 skill when the bar is full.
-MCH currently has all but two skills implemented (Flamethrower and Bio Blaster).I would gladly fill you in on healers and tanks too, but I don’t have all of them up to 80 (yet), but I made easy runs with WHM as heal, and WAR as tank (positioning is needed, but that goes for all tanks to be honest)
This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by
Yup. Because there are both players and NPCs who tend to have “sum” or “erle” in their name. It’s not that bad, but it’s there.@miqobot
Nonono. Miqobot made my gaming experience a lot more pleasant ever since I started using it. Thank YOU for all the hard work.
—–Okay. This it pretty much done then. Thank you for your time.
This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by