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  • in reply to: Does this have a boss mechanics mini map? #38849

    No, this doesn’t, but I’ve seen a video on twitter with some JPN users with such a thing. I went looking for it a few times and couldn’t find out what it was. The separate application called ACT or Advanced Combat Tracker has a plugin that provides on screen warnings, but not a minimap nor where to stand, not that I can find at least.

    in reply to: Request: Island gathering #38472

    Lol. As you’ve hopefully noticed, the bot is down until the devs can get to it.

    But also, as you’ve hopefully noticed (please dear Gods I hope everyone has noticed) the Island nodes aren’t really like other gathering nodes. They’re coded more like a static targetable item like a housing Plaquard or an NPC.

    There’s almost no chance Miqobot will be be able to AFK farm these not-really-nodes nodes anytime even remotely soon if ever.

    WHEN the bot comes back up and IF (if ever) the bot is also coded to even recognize the zone, what could possibly be done then is we could make a very long and complicated Scenario to go to each spot where something would be and click on it twice to “gather” it and continue.

    It would be pages and pages and pages of something like this:
    // Player Must manually set
    // their tool thingie to
    // Gather

    key(num0, 1)
    key(num0, 1)

    key(num0, 1)
    key(num0, 1)

    key(num0, 1)
    key(num0, 1)

    key(num0, 1)
    key(num0, 1)

    and on and on and on and on for every single “node” waypoint. It would be a gigantic undertaking to create. I’ll take a shot at it when the bot comes back up and IF it can recognize the zone enough to create a Navigation Grid.

    in reply to: fastest way to farm wind shards? #38414

    ive always wondered, is there an actual reason to busy while botting? seems likee a pretty dang red flag to me, botters have existed so long that the busy icon is associated with them, even i istop to look at how someone moves when i see that icon. just curious, i know they can trade u. not sure if that messes the bot up

    Others can have whatever opinions they want, but to me and to some, when I see the Busy sign it tells me guaranteed they’re botting. I don’t do it, and IDC who says differently, that is a gigantic red flag. I have heard this from randos in game chat too, rando people just standing around town chatting say this. This is my and many others very strong opinion.

    in reply to: (?) Using ingame macro for crafting with miqo #38358

    There’s one other way, but I just cannot make it work reliably. It’s not a fault with Miqo either, bc it works when it works ( on Miqo’s side) just something with the game interface throws it off half the time.

    So this only works in theory and only half the time in practice:

    1.) Ok the idea is: have a macro or two made, put them on a hotbar, assign those hotbar slots containing the macros some hotkeys in the game UI keybind settings. I like to use the F keys like F2 through F12 for macros for personal use.

    2.) Then, you gotta know how long each macro takes, say for crafting a 6.0 item HQ or 6.15 item HQ your macros might take 40 seconds and 18 seconds.

    3.) Now you make a scenario in Miqo specific to your particular needs, there’s no way to really share and use someone elses bc your times will be different for your gear and macros, your hotkeys different, etc etc etc.
    -> but the idea of the scenario is
    –> first you have already opened your Crafting Log and selected mats and clicked craft so it enters the crafting mode
    —> this is so subsequent crafts will reselect the same recipe

    4.) then you design your scenario to sendkey(_) and afkfor(_) for the hotkeys set to the macro and for the durations needed for them to complete. And then sendkey(0) a few time when it’s done to start another craft and begin again.
    It would end up looking something like:

    // Begin macros
    // Macro 1 (duration)
    // Macro 2 (duration)
    // Start another craft
    key(num0, 2)
    key(num0, 2)
    key(num0, 2)
    key(num0, 2)
    key(num0, 2)

    5.) This example sends a hotkey press F5 and waits 44 seconds for it to complete, then sends a hotkey press F6 and waits 20 seconds for it to complete. The few 3 second afk’s are just a safety buffer for lag or whatever. At this point a craft should be complete and back at the recipe window. Now it sends a few num0 keys to select and begin again, the game will naturally reselect your previous craft.

    6.) That’s your craft chapter in theory, it probably should have a chapter before it to eat food twice, a chapter after it to repeair and extract, and the a repeatAll(99) or whatever.

    In theory this is awesome, but the game UI somehow just screws up half the time and it won’t begin another craft half the time. Miqo will send the macros, but it won’t do anything and make the game error noise, but will try again after both macros are done. Sometimes the game will begin the craft the next time just fine.

    Just one of those weird things, so I do not recommend this at all, it’s more a proof of concept on paper. Again Miqo performs fine, it’s the redoing a craft where it hangs on the game side I haven’t figured out.

    in reply to: Any grids for Potent spice? #35938

    Here’s the grid for Potent Spice at the Elpis node. Apparently it also drops at the Thavanair node where the Golden Cocoons drop too, didn’t know that.

    This is from the huge Endwalker Legendary legendary scenario, just grabbed the single grid out of it for ya real quick.

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    in reply to: Any grids for Potent spice? #35937

    There’s a complete scenario for the Endwalker Legendary ones in the Scenario Index, it includes a Potent Spice chapter but I think by default it’s set to collect the other thingie in that node. You could grab the whole scenario and just use the Potent Spice grid from out of it.

    Or gimmie a few minutes and I’ll see if I can just grab the grid alone out of it.

    in reply to: Grade 6 Tincture of Dexterity Scenario #35866

    But if it helps, my macros for the Grade 6 Tincture are below. This uses the Tsai Tou food HQ but maybe could be done with the old Chili Crab idk.

    MAcro 1, 39 seconds

    /ac "Muscle Memory" <wait.3>
    /ac Manipulation <wait.2>
    /ac "Waste Not II" <wait.2>
    /ac Groundwork <wait.3>
    /ac Innovation <wait.2>
    /ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>
    /ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>
    /ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>
    /ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>
    /ac "Master's Mend" <wait.3>
    /ac Innovation <wait.2>
    /ac "Delicate Synthesis" <wait.3>
    /ac "Delicate Synthesis" <wait.3>
    /ac "Great Strides" <wait.2>
    /echo Macro #1 finished

    Macro 2, 10 seconds

    /ac "Byregot's Blessing" <wait.3>
    /ac Veneration <wait.2>
    /ac "Careful Synthesis" <wait.3>
    /echo Craft finished
    in reply to: Grade 6 Tincture of Dexterity Scenario #35865

    Hi, Is it possible to share your macro for HQ Tincture crafting?
    I am pentamelded but couldnt make it without food.
    Very appreciate if you are willing to share it.

    thank you in advance

    I can’t make many of the 6.05 stuff without food, it’s just too tight on CP or Quality, even with melds to capped CP. But, there is a really clunky way to automate it that I’m experimenting with. Okay, using the game’s in-game macro system, I make macros for everything just for the sake of my own sanity. I craft ALOT, like hours every day lol.

    Doing this, of course you can drag a created macro onto a hotbar slot. Then, here’s the beauty, you can go into Keybinds and set hotkeys for that particular spot on the hotbar. So lets say you make two macros for the Grade 6 Tincture, you drag them to a hotbar and assign them keys. I use the F3 through F9 keys for craft and food macros. You also put your craft food on the bar and assign it a key.

    Then you can make a scenario which sends a key for macro 1, afk for the duration of the macro, send the key for macro 2, afk for the duration of that, then send enough Num0 to get the craft window to select that craft again and begin crafting it.

    You can also put the Crafting Log on the hotbar and set a key for that too.

    I’m still testing mine I’m building, but basically you begin the first craft ( so that it reselcts that same craft when it gets back to the window) make the scenario to sendkey F5 for example for macro 1, afkfor(—-) duration of macro 1, sendkey F6 for example for macro 2, afkfor(—–) duration of macro 2, sendkey num0 enough times to restart the craft, repeat chapter 25 times if using 1x food,
    then sendkey num. a few times to exit the Crafting Log. Next Chapter: sendkey F7 for example for your food, sendkey F8 example as a hotkey set to open Crafting Log again, your last craft should be selected when you sendkey num0 num0 num0 to restart it, repeat back to first chapter.

    In theory. I’m still working on testing mine for hiccups.

    in reply to: [Scenario] 6.0 Aethersands (Botanist/Miner) #35863

    You can add a
    Into the scenario right before the Aetherial Reduction lines, this should fix it. I tend to add a dismount() before any repair or extract too, I had previously caught it a couple times getting stuck mounted and that prevents it. Idk why nobody else adds that line into their scenarios.

    So I noticed an odd problem and that occured the other night when I ran the scenario. My character was gathering until time was over, but gathering time expired while in mid air on a mount. When I teleported to my estate, the automation failed because I was mounted and couldn’t aetherial reduction

    (3:21:23 AM) Scanning for shiny gathering nodes like ‘<anything>’ *.*
    (3:21:23 AM) No gathering nodes around. But hey, there’s a beacon over there for me ->
    (3:21:23 AM) Going from 30 to 31 in 4 trips.
    (3:21:29 AM) 3 trips more..
    (3:21:35 AM) 2 trips more..
    (3:21:36 AM) 1 trip more..
    (3:21:36 AM) Destination reached!
    (3:21:36 AM) WORK time is over! Let’s go to another chapter ^_^
    (3:21:36 AM) Gathering stopped.
    (3:21:36 AM) (SCENARIO) Chapter 1 complete.
    (3:21:37 AM) Hey I can’t do aetherial reduction in midair!
    (3:21:37 AM) ERROR (Chapter 2, Line 3): Execution error
    (3:53:04 AM) (SCENARIO) Started:

    Anything I can do to prevent this problem?

    in reply to: Trust lvling 80+ #35800

    I did quite a bit of testing, and for full-afk yup Quitana’s Ravel is a good bit better than the higher lvl Hero’s Gauntlet. While Gauntlet would sound better, and yes it does give more EXP at each boss, it’s physically much much longer and has like 3 bosses? versus Quitana being shorter, faster, and like 5? bosses. The EXP lower per boss on Quitana is pretty small too.

    While I didn’t make a spreadsheet and do all the math, I tested both extensively and Quitana is noticeably better overall EXP for a full-afk grind.

    There’s also some pretty cool glams you might wanna keep too, as a bonus! Before getting Miqo I farmed that place by hand a lot for the glams haha.

    in reply to: The Great Work – teleport bugging, help? #35796

    Disregard above, a full reboot seems to have fixed it. I noticed once I got to a node it was sending too many up and down selects trying to get a specific slot, finally realized something was conflicting with the game client, a first for me. Who knows, maybe a fluke. I’m now pretty certain it wasn’t Miqo messing up.

    Sorry to waste forum space haha. If anyone one day has trouble with weird up and down selects of slots or Teleport window, try a reboot maybe.

    in reply to: Combat Assist current classes #35665

    Samurai seems to be performing very well, though not tried it in newer EX or Savage stuff, as that’s not my kind of gaming. New skills you’ll have to use yourself of course, or just forget about. The one thing to think about unchecking in Miqo maybe is auto “dashes and backsteps” as sometimes it’ll do the SAM leap back to target when you’re trying to run out of an AOE… resulting in massive damage taken or death haha.

    in reply to: Plant Fertilizing #35636

    A person could probably make a Scenario for their particular garden without too much trouble and then use this in chapters. You’d make a super simple nav grid for your garden from the spawn in point.
    I don’t have a house uwu but it could look something like:
    Chapter 1:
    TeleportIf( {whatever it calls Estate on the tp menu] )
    // [make your nav grid in the Editor for your particular garden, Waypoints 1 – 5 would probably then be from the tp spawn point to your first plant ]
    // so if Waypoint 5 is your first plant:
    // then I’d make use of the Angle feature to make your character face a certain way, this is – number or + number viewable in the Monitor tab
    Angle(35.7) [for example]
    // then start all the SendKeys for a plant
    //Fertilize 1st Plant
    sendKey(num0, 0.5)
    sendKey(num0, 0.5)
    sendKey(num0, 0.5)
    sendKey(num0, 0.5)
    sendKey(num0, 0.5)
    sendKey(num0, 1.0)
    // then so on and so forth to Waypoint 6 for next plant and Angle(xy.z) to face it and so on
    //Fertilize 2nd Plant
    sendKey(num0, 0.5)
    sendKey(num0, 0.5)
    sendKey(num0, 0.5)
    sendKey(num0, 0.5)
    sendKey(num0, 0.5)
    sendKey(num0, 1.0)

    //etc etc etc, further Chapters could be more plants or Teleporting somewhere else or whatever.
    // It could work, idk. If I had a house I’d try making one just for funsies if nothing else.

    in reply to: Diadem Phase 4 BTN/MIN with Tornadoes #34641

    This one works great! Tested as of 6.01.
    Here’s what I did, maybe saves someone some time, in my case I was on BTN and just wanted the Lv 80 mats to make crafts for scrips for my own glam coffers. Diadem nodes are weird so this took some experimenting.

    Imported the Grid, made a new Preset, left Gathering Node box blank so it’ll hit BTN both trees and bushes, Slot blank. Using a +2 Yield rotation, no need to waste cordials but no sense letting GP go unused either!

    In the Gather by Name box I specifically listed: (can copy/paste these)
    [Grade 4 Skybuilders’ Gossamer Cotton Boll]
    [Grade 4 Skybuilders’ Primordial Resin]
    [Grade 4 Skybuilders’ White Cedar Log]
    [Grade 4 Skybuilders’ Tortoise]
    [Grade 4 Skybuilders’ Wheat]

    So this will fly around and gather the Lv 80 Botany mats from bushes AND trees, just either one it finds nearby. It will apply a +2 Yield whenever you have the GP built up for it but will still harvest normally if you don’t.

    You could just as easily do this to specifically gather 20, 40, or 60 mats if you’re lower level following this same methodology. Cheers!


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