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  • in reply to: Trust Dugeon Roadmap Suggestion #34000


    And the leveling dungeons become irrelevant after literally 10 days when you cap everything. It’s about 82 million exp to get from 80 to 90, with armory bonus, Qitana gives 1.175 million exp, which means ~70 runs of Qitana, or about 30 hours of botting. The 81 dungeon gives 2.4 million, so about 34 runs, or 17 hours of botting. You’d be wasting development resources to save yourself 13 hours of watching Netflix/sleeping while the bot levels for you, as opposed to implementing something that lets you farm materia and tomestones endlessly, both of which are highly valuable resources. Materia is literally useless right now cause savage and pentamelding isn’t even out and it’s still selling for 50-80k a pop in the bigger servers. Crafted raid gear and potions both use materials only obtainable through tomestones. And if we don’t have a way of farming the weekly tomestones, we’ll have to run the same old expert roulette every day manually.

    It’s true that lvl 90 dungeons lose value as time goes on, but it takes AT LEAST 3 months for it to drop to 50, and 6 for it to drop to 30, whereas leveling dungeons become completely useless within literally less than 2 weeks since that’s all it takes to max every job. Shit, I guarantee you they’ll be useless literally the day they get implemented, because by then (roadmap says leveling dungeons are months from now) everyone using this bot will have already have everything maxed using Qitana. Leveling dungeons would add literally 0 functionality to the bot, am I being stupid for thinking that’s just a straight up fact that’s not up for debate?

    in reply to: A Letter from the Development Team #23320


    I see this topic popping up every now and then. If it’s become such an issue for you guys, why not just temporarily ban people in the forums and in the reasons basically tell them what you’re saying here: “if you’re not happy with the program, unsubscribe until we implement the features you want, we’re taking this at our own pace”. And if you don’t want people to just make a new account to keep talking trash you could tie forum accounts to license keys (active or otherwise, up to you). You guys aren’t a big company, there’s no reason at all why you can’t just tell people to fuck off in plain English if they’re being annoying.

    in reply to: A Letter from the Development Team #20353


    I honestly think a patreon/other way of donating wouldn’t be a terrible idea, as long as donors don’t get additional benefits like early releases/donor only features (since for some the additional cost would be a minus). I would be down to throw in some additional money every now and then, I’ve gotten an insane amount of value out of this bot.

    As for future features, I think that since this is a subscription service, it wouldn’t bee too bad of an idea to create user polls every now and then to see what features users want most, since that could change with time. Maybe let the community managers (that’s a thing now right?) handle them at their discretion and then devs would choose from that priority list according to what they see as most reasonable/easily attainable.

    Maybe also create a stickied post at the start of the discussion forums titled “READ BEFORE POSTING” or “FAQ” etc., since even though it won’t eliminate spam posts, it could at least reduce them.


    Yeah I mean I’m the one who started the post and I absolutely love this bot – before getting it I could only play the game for 1 or 2 months at a time before getting burnt out, but with it I’ve been subbed nonstop since ShB came out. I was just offering an opinion, I even said “I swear it’s not WHEN IS IT COMING?!?!” because I’ve been on the forums a bunch and I see people asking the same thing over and over, so I didn’t want it to be taken as “YOU PEOPLE NEED TO DO WHAT I WANT OR I’M UNSUBBING”, it was more of a suggestion with a reason as to why I think it would be a good idea. If Holminster Switch is already implemented then that’s great too, I can level up desynth, and it shows that things are moving along as well.

    in reply to: Mucho Gil 4 5.2 #19990


    New potions/food/DoW armor, but since we don’t know the recipes yet you kinda just have to wait to gather for them. If you want to make guaranteed money right now, start farming materia, since people will want to meld the new sets. Prices will probably go over 100k per materia for the first day or 2 again, and will probably stay at around 80k for a while. Gathering is getting revamped and no one knows what exactly is happening, so gatherer materia is another thing that could end up making a lot of money.


    I honestly don’t think MSQ features should even be added, it feels like a lot of work for so little payoff (at least for the average miqobot user); and if they are added, they should definitely be limited to a single instance.

    If people want an alt, they’ll only use it once, so it’s wasted dev time. If they want to pump out a lot of alts, they’re probably trying to sell gil and that feels like such a minority (I could be wrong) that I don’t think it’s worth prioritizing features for them.

    Also, if legit gil sellers (not people trying to make a couple of bucks) start using this program to pump out characters, you will be drawing unwanted attention, mainly because they won’t care about being discreet, since they don’t actually give a shit about the account, they just want to make gil to sell; judging by the PvP kill switch, you guys don’t want negative attention.

    As for my opinion on future features:
    1) While trusts should definitely be next up, they’re just a band-aid fix. What we really need is mesh grids, so the players themselves can automate any dungeon they want. Imagine if every time an expansion dropped the devs had to create gathering grids for every single node. So what we really need is “scenarios” for dungeons with mesh grids.

    2) Vendor interactions, hopefully something that lets you interact with a nearby vendor by name, then list an item in its inventory, along with how many of it you want to buy.

    3) Lvl 80 rotations. I realize that unless you’re a physical ranged dps/tank, rotation optimization will never be good enough to net you a 90% parse, simply because for the remaining jobs the rotation isn’t really the hard part, it’s doing the rotation while dealing with movement, and in the case of healers, CD usage changes fight by fight, so the bot will never be optimal in savage content. Still, I don’t want to get carpal tunnel syndrome so it’d be nice to have combat rotations to use outside of savage.

    Also on a somewhat unrelated sidenote:
    If people get banned and complain, literally laugh in their face. I’ve seen so many idiots use this program. It took me 1 run of the aetherflow scenario to realize that that shit was not safe. On the marjoram step, the grid flies into a tree trunk and stealth walks 20+ feet to the node. The chances of a player doing that is 0%. I could go to the marjoram node next time it spawns and over the course of 10 minutes find over a dozen people using miqobot. Now I know unless you yourself are using Miqobot you probably won’t know what’s going on right away, but I’m not risking even having a fellow miqobot user know I’m botting. Some people are assholes, what if another botter reports me because they want to reduce competition? I can guarantee you that has happened.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by  AirForceOne.


    I’ve been using the scenario for a while with no issues, but today it stopped working all of a sudden. When it teleports to any location, it moves to the start of the navigation grid but then it completely stops, and eventually the kill switch triggers. Literally nothing has changed between yesterday and today, aside from me changing some keybindings around, but that shouldn’t be a problem since I’m not getting an error with “no key assigned to x”, the only error I’m getting before the kill switch is the “I got lost in the woods” one. Anyone run into something similar/know what the problem could be?

    EDIT: The problem was the keybinds. I had “move camera” set to shift+f keys, and that wasn’t working, but the bot wasn’t saying there was a keybind issue. Changed them back to just f keys without the shift modifier and now it works normally.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by  AirForceOne.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by  AirForceOne.
    in reply to: Trust Based on Squadron engine #15711


    Also does anyone know if there are plans to let users create their own dungeon scenarios eventually? Seeing how incredibly easy creating grids with miqobot is, I feel like if we had the ability to do things along the lines of

    if casting(x, y)

    implementing dungeon scenarios ourselves would be incredibly easy, since once those functions are available the rest of it would just be busywork, and nothing is better to get busywork done than throwing a bunch of people at it in the form of everyone here willing to give it a shot.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by  AirForceOne.
    in reply to: Trust Based on Squadron engine #15707


    Seen Alphinaud die as well, and Allisae. Both in Holminster Switch, they just decided to take a year to move out of the breath cone and died in like 3 ticks while moving.

    in reply to: Will I get banned? #15646


    I’d still advice you not step away while botting for the next week or so in case a GM tries to verify that you aren’t botting. I don’t think a single report is enough to warrant action from SE but no one really knows, so better safe than sorry, especially if you’re like me and have put in thousands of hours of your own time into your character.

    I’ve been botting exessively for the past 3 months, but what I do is the following: any botting that requires my character to be outside in the world (i.e. gathering) I only do while I’m at the computer. I also have a chat tab that only shows emotes, whispers, and /say so that if anyone tries to talk to me I never miss it. And then while I’m away/sleeping, I either run squadrons or craft at the inn/squadron barracks. Nothing has happened so far and sometimes I’ve been online without AFKing for over 100 hours straight.

    As for the small servers comment from rem, I’d be wary, smaller servers have less people but those people tend to be a lot more casual and friendly, so they’re more likely to try talking to you imo. I’m in (…) and I honestly cannot remember the last time someone even tried talking to me while gathering/doing fates etc.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Miqobot Miqobot. Reason: Please be careful about your server
    in reply to: Trusts ETA? #15151


    Thanks for the info, good to know at least

    in reply to: Best Classes to play in current state #15053


    Just based off of how they work, I’d pick a ranged physical DPS, since their rotations can be done while moving and they’re relatively easy so it shouldn’t be hard for devs to implement an optimal rotation. Of the 3 MCH and BRD have the least amount of utility, so I’d say they’re both pretty safe bets, leaning more towards MCH if the rotation is implemented optimally. I’d stay away from dancer since they have the most utility out of all 3, so people might ask you to hold off on certain abilities, which atm the bot cannot do.

    If I were you I’d avoid melee and casters altogether, since the bot has no way of knowing when movement will be required, so it might use CD’s right before you have to move out/away, which would ring some warning bells that you’re either terrible at the game or using a rotation bot.

    in reply to: Newcomer's questions #14969


    You can use that same macro but meld only CP to max it using VI materia and that way you can sneak in a “Reuse” before the final synthesis. Buying it all would only cost around 100k, and on top of that removing VI’s as long as they aren’t used for advanced melding (which you don’t have to, don’t meld anything but CP) is guaranteed to succeed, so you can get them back to resell or reuse for the next set of gear.

    in reply to: Ephemeral Nodes Interrupting Gathering #14421


    I looked into beacons like you told me and figured it out. The problem seems to be that the nodes were too far away for miqobot to know which were up. So I just added beacons in between each of the hubs and now it works fine without compass, and I can skip the ephemeral like you said by excluding its name from the list. Thanks a lot for the help. Might post it if no one has made a cotton boll grid yet, it works beautifully, 100% looks like a player gathering.

    in reply to: Ephemeral Nodes Interrupting Gathering #14413


    Ok now it is gathering when it’s right in front. Can’t remember what the error was last time but I must have changed something that made it work. Now though, I get “(10:36:52 PM) Scanning for shiny gathering nodes like ‘Lv80 Lush Vegetation’ *.*” after it finishes a “hub”, it doesn’t move to the next set of nodes even though there is a path in the grid and the overlay shows that it’s recognizing where the next nodes are.

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