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  • in reply to: Melding and retrieving materia #39535


    Wow thanks a ton, I didn’t expect a ready to use scenario, much appreciated 🙂 I’ll test it out later on. Still, can’t thank you enough ^^

    in reply to: Simple lv90 Miner Skyward Island Loop #38144


    Understood, thanks a bunch for the explanation.

    in reply to: Simple lv90 Miner Skyward Island Loop #38141


    Works great, thanks a bunch 🙂 Is there an easy way to setup spending of the compressed aether to get extra mats from killing monsters? I would do it manually but there’s no pause option in the miqobot and I don’t want to restart the scenario each time.

    in reply to: Diadem: Grade 4 Mining/Botany grids in EW? #38126


    The loops are working but they’re gathering mats for lv80 crafts and I’d need to gather the mats for expert crafts. Do you know how can I edit the loop without breaking it, so it will gather the mats I require? Do I need to change the name of the mats in “gather by name field” or do I need to change something else?

    in reply to: Simple lv90 Miner Skyward Island Loop #38125


    Can’t edit the above. I’m just stupid and I was hitting start from the gathering tab instead of the scenario tab.

    I do have another question though, how do I edit it so it gathers the materials for expert recipes and not the ones for lv80 normal crafts? I have never edited grids or scenarios, so anything ELI5 would be great, thanks.

    (I’m assuming it might only need changing all gather(7) to gather(8) but I’m not sure)

    in reply to: Simple lv90 Miner Skyward Island Loop #38123


    I’ve got Jenpy’s scenarios and all but all my character does is just fly up, then fly from spot to spot but it doesn’t gather anything. It doesn’t dismount. Any ideas? It’s doing that for both mining and botany.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by  Slickster.
    in reply to: Diadem: Grade 4 Mining/Botany grids in EW? #38120


    Thanks a bunch, I’ll try them out tomorrow.

    in reply to: [Scenario] Diadem Phase 3 Botany #24499


    You’re probably making the same mistake as I did and you’re clicking ‘start’ on the ‘gathering’ tab. Need to select ‘scenario’ tab, then click start once you’re in Diadem.

    in reply to: [Scenario] Diadem Phase 3 Botany #24497


    After running it for a few hours, it works fine, except at waypoint 83. When it gets to the node, it dismounts fine but instead of gathering, it selects it, then deselects it all the time, while turning the camera. Need to select the node manually and click slot5 so it starts gathering, otherwise it’d be stuck.

    in reply to: [Scenario] Diadem Phase 3 Botany #24494


    Also getting this error at the end
    (09:11:23) Returning to home point.
    (09:11:23) Uhoh. There’s no key bound to action ‘Switch to Hotbar 3’.

    How do I change keybinds/hotbar slots selection in the scenario?

    Ok, so I’ve changed arbor 1 and 2 binds to some other positions with different keybinds (they were previously bound to mouse buttons), assigned a different keybind to return and now it works. Kinda weird but oh well.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by  Slickster.
    in reply to: [Scenario] Diadem Phase 3 Botany #24492


    I’ve got both arbor call 1 and 2 bound on hotbars yet the scenario doesn’t use them and instead just shows this message:
    (08:51:51) Scanning for shiny gathering nodes like ‘<anything>’ *.*
    (08:51:52) Uhoh. There’s no key bound to action ‘Switch to Hotbar 7’

    It works if I use them manually, do I need to have them in a specific slot with a specific keybind? Can I change whatever it’s pointing to so it just uses them where I have them currently?

    I also changed position of food to where it’s on my hotbar but it doesn’t use it, not sure why. New to miqobot so not sure how to meddle with things yet.

    in reply to: Diadem Mining with boom #24482


    I’ve been running it and there were times when the character was just slightly below the island so I had to push forward myself, or it was slightly above the node, so had to push forward again so it could dismount and start mining. It was random after first loop and not sure which points were affected (no idea how to check that), didn’t happen too often though. Wasn’t a huge issue for me because I try to be at my PC while it’s farming, so if anything happens, I can just quickly alt+tab to it and adjust the position (don’t want others to figure out I’m doing this if, for example, the character would start spinning in place).

    in reply to: Diadem Mining with boom #24471


    Yeah, but every single scenario on the forum just said to have ‘confirm’ bound to num0 (which is done by default), and also it worked for a bit at first without me binding ‘target npc or object’ (but it always took a screenshot each time it started gathering, which was weird). Thanks for the link, I’ll check it out.

    Regarding the topic, how do I get it to use cordials on CD? At the moment it just uses KY2 every time 500GP is available (I’d rather have it use it on +5 nodes only if possible) and never uses cordials (use cordials is ticked though so not sure why it doesn’t work).

    Also @lyfox, do you know if it’s possible to record my “path”? So basically, press record, it would save all inputs I do throughout the diadem cycle, and then it would repeat it? Or is mapping the only way?

    @edit it started using cordials out of nowhere, whereas it wouldn’t use them before, weird. Doesn’t use them on cooldown though.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by  Slickster.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by  Slickster.
    in reply to: Diadem Mining with boom #24469


    Right, managed to get it to work, for some reason I had to bind “target npc or object” to anything, otherwise it didn’t work.

    in reply to: Phase 3 Infinite Diadem Mining #24464


    Can’t edit the post, ran the scenario again and now it goes to the first node, spins the camera around and does nothing.

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