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Anyone have any opinions on what job clears Holminster Switch the fastest?
Looking to farm max seals/hour
So far I’ve been having the fastest clear times while on a tank with squadronFullClear(off)There isn’t really any fastest clears to trust dungeons. The trust NPCs change how much DPS they do depending on how much you’re doing, to finish a run in approx 30 mins. If you walk through it and stare at the sun the whole time it’ll be about the same as if you’re going full blast all the way through
if I want a timed node I’ll have the scenario teleport me to the area, navigate to waypoint and afkUntil the node pops. Then, tp away to somewhere else / other gather/ afk at estate hall to stay away from player populations. For example;
//Imperial Fern @ 12 – 2 PM
gatherPreset(Imperial Fern)
sendIcon(2, 12, 1.5)
teleportIf(Estate Hall)
afkUntil(13:30et)Instead of teleportIf(Estate Hall) you could just start a new chapter after sendIcon, then have your scenario begin the next step you want to take.
Edit: as a sidenote, I have it setup so that miqo arrives within a minute of the node popping, generally 31 mins eorzea time is enough in this example to get from the stilltide tp to the node. Then I’d get back to my estate hall when it’s finished gathering and afk until the next node this scenario is setup for pops. I separate each node / activity by chapter this way.
No, there is no ETA.
The next update for Crafting Solver is completed by approximately 80%, but this is a very complex system and it’s impossible to provide any kind of reliable estimate.Whenever the next patch drops will it also include updates to other things? or will it just be crafting
Edit: I know you guys are busting your asses for us, which I appreciate. Just curious what to expect for the next drop 🙂
This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by
I grind fates with combat assist. You can do it semi afk if you connect a gamepad and enable gamepad use while ffxiv window isn’t in focus. Then just make it windowed and have it small so you can navigate fate to fate. Use 3d radar with world overlay of fates, and fly to the yellow circles / let assist do the rest. Not something you can set and forget, but good if you wanna take care of other stuff at computer or just watch some shows.
Edit: make sure you still have hotbars with hotkeys visible on screen, they changed how hidden hotbars worked ingame and miqo can’t see the hotbar abilities / keybinds unless you have them visible somewhere. You can set them to 60% size with low opacity if you’re concerned with screen clutter
This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by
I figured that was why. It’s just the side of mapping out trusts and having to alt tab to manually disable combat assist each time to tab over and enable edit mode for navigation between combat is a bit tedious. I’ve ended up just writing down on paper the encounter progression and targets. Oh well. I’ll probably end up scrapping the whole thing once I finish mapping it all out lol
There’s no download it seems.
There is:
shoutout to MVP lyfox, putting in work in the forums.
I think this part of miqo is bit untapped on how great it can work if rotations are kept up to date.
Considering the amount of classes keeping them all in top notch performance is perhaps too much to ask but I’d be very interested if we could be provided with some classes with more current rotations:– 1 melee [sam is least positional intensive]
– 1 ranged [mch is already top notch]
– 1 caster [smn is in a great spot already but needs rotation tweaks for 5.0]
– 1 healer [whm most likely considering popularity and rotation]
– 1 tank [any of the 4 works]If about 5 classes could be kept bit more up to date every few months that would be pretty amazing.
I think that they should take a more modular approach. Like the gatherer rotations you can select which abilities you want to use, we could assemble our own rotations to cover the time between updates and game tweaks. Then every few months the combat assist updates could apply to the default Miqo rotations. This would alleviate the increased dev work load from our reliance on updates to keep things functional
This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by