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That’s normal. When she starts calculating difficult recipes that take a long time she always freezes and when it’s done, she works again and starts crafting. That’s how Miqo works, so don’t worry about it.
As well, curious if there will be any updates to the crafting AI in the near future at all. Or are devs waiting till ShB to see what will need adjusted?
What kind of updates do you mean? The crafting solver is already as competent in crafting as Byregot of the Twelve himself, with its multi-dimensional solutuion map solving AI.
Looks like I’m the one and only aviasim player here – otherwise this question should probably been raised before… but still 🙂 Is it possible to make Miqo detect “Reverse Y axis” setting, and act correspondingly? Every time I forget to turn it off before starting Miqo, it just moves camera to zenith, attempts to move, fails horribly and stops. Not that it’s such a big problem, but…
Uh… let’s wait for Miqo’s answer. No clue about that.
Plus another minor request. I’d like Miqo to use Yield skills (and maybe some other too) on just certain nodes – ones which grant +1/+2 attempt(s), as opposed to current behaviour (using the skill as soon as there is enough GP). Such nodes are easy to mark in grid settings; or rather maybe Miqo can detect it by itself? Anyway, it would grant certain performance boost on the long run.
That was already requested a few times and Miqo already put it on the list for future features, after combat is finished 🙂
My CPU is amazing so I usually run
CP 2:1
progress first
BB only 100%
PbP only 100%
Waste NotSome recipes will take 10 seconds to solve, complex equipment multiple minutes, but I dont mind, could always set CP to 8:1.
WTF? What kind of CPU do you have? Because I have an overclocked i7-7700K, which is already a pretty solid CPU and if I run the same settings as you minus innovation and waste not, solving an endgame craft like rakshasa weapons takes 8 minutes already. With Inno and Waste Not that would theoretically jump up to 1.5 hours o_ô
I wonder how do you remember skill rotations for each of dozen DoW/DoM jobs o_O I personally have troubles switching between my char and my GF’s char (two different dps classes)…
I have all jobs at 70 and I have no problem remembering all rotations, since they all follow a logical pattern: Apply your buffs, apply your DoTs, then do damage. I know all skills and what they do, so I do the rotations on the fly. The only thing you might need some time to memorize is the optimal opener for raiding, but that’s just 15 minutes of practice at a training dummy and then you’re good to go.
That would propably require a lot of recoding of the crafting algorithm, because from what I understood, the crafting solver doesn’t give a damn about how much collectability/HQ points a craft has in total, but simply blasts the absolutely highest possible HQ value into it until the HQ bar is full
Noyes. Gray nailed it pretty much and let me tell you that Gray is propably the most dedicated person here in this forum, when it comes to finding out the most stable and reliant way to make gil consistently, because he wants to make a real-life income from RMT via botting (and from what I’ve seen, he’s the first one to post here and wanting to do so).
Currently the most “reliant” ways to make gil are propably:
– Crafting raid potions (especially Grade III Infusions of Strength since 7/15 jobs have STR as main damage stat)
– Crafting raid buff food (especially Shakshouka, because see raid pots)
– Buying Shards, Crystals & Clusters on other servers that are cheaper than on your server and reselling those on yours
– Farming Duskglow Aethersands via Scenario and selling those
– Crafting the most recent crafted weapons (the Rakshasa ones) and selling those
– Farming yellow scrips for buying Gyr Abanian Alchemic or Stormsap and selling those
– If you have Desynthesis leveled up, stocking up on Battlecraft Demimateria III and selling those when Shadowbringers launchesThose are my personal ways of making gil and I rotate through these depending on the profitability of those items regularly. I’m not particularly good at making tons of gil though. Carl Arbogast and Lyfox are a bit richer than me with my measily 2-10 million gil average right now (Like Carl has a few billion gil :P)
A triple triad feature is planned for a few years already, if I’m not mistaken.
I’m not gonna talk about Mahjong, since I haven’t dealt with it at all until now, since the only benefit from Mahjong is MGP, but Triple Triad is another story, since you don’t only get MGP from it, but it’s also a collection minigame.
I’m really looking forward to getting the Triple Triad feature eventually, since I’m a collector who wants to have everything I can get eventually. Getting all TT cards (or at least removing all those TT quest icons on every map) is something I want to achieve some day, but fighting the same NPC over and over and over and over and over again, because their card drops are RNG in the 1-5% range is very exhausting.These posts show up from time to time on r/ffxiv
If you’re like me, who checks Reddit 4-5 times per day due to boredom you won’t miss them.-
This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by
Desynthesis is an inconsistent, but potentially extremely profitable business.
For example, at the beginning of an expansion the prices for battlecraft demimateria skyrocket, because you need those to craft these shiny, glowing primal weapons. Players love those and want them really badly. At the end of heavensward Battlecraft Demimateria III was selling for 5000 gil each. When Stormblood hit, the price skyrocketed to 200k a piece on the first day, because people bought the marketboard dry and there wasn’t enough supply.
The thing is, because it’s one of the most hellish features to level, almost no one does it, which is why you can make a huge buck at the start of an expansion with it. It also benefits normal players who do expert trials, because for example you could desynth Shinryu weapons and get Shinryu Scales from that which still sell for 900.000 gil each, because the only other way to get them is farming Shinryu Extreme, where 1 scale has a drop rate of about 10% and 8 players have to roll on it.
For constant and steady gil making it’s not profitable though, imho, since the prices for these items drop quite a bit over time.
Scenario system is your best friend for that, Gray 🙂
Don’t forget how powerful scenarios are. There are for example scenarios for gathering yellow scrips, which teleport to the first mining node, mine the collectables at perfect efficiency, teleport to the area with an upcoming node for yellow scrip collectables, repeat that routine for 24 ingame-hours, teleport to Rhalgr’s Reach, turn in all the Collectables, repair gear and repeat that routine.
You could even write another chapter in Miqobot so she buys some expensive materials like Gyr Abanian Alchemic (which sell for 60-70k gil each, since it’s needed to craft endgame crafter and gatherer gear and most people don’t gather many yellow scrips).-
This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by
May 17, 2019 at 7:18 am in reply to: Miqo Goals Until Shadowbringers (Casual Gameplay Discussion) #12737I made it much easier:
I told people that I usually log out in directly after a dungeon and don’t really bother going out, when I’ve got stuff to do. If you log out of the game in a dungeon, you will stay marked as online in that dungeon until you log in the next time. And if anyone sees me online and in Sohm Al again afterwards I say “I’m farming grand company seals and this is the best method for me to farm them.”.That’s what I did when I was leveling all jobs to 70 and no one bothered.
May 15, 2019 at 8:32 am in reply to: Miqo Goals Until Shadowbringers (Casual Gameplay Discussion) #12684Yes, we are working non-stop to release new features as fast as possible.
We sincerely apologize if our delivery rate is not good enough, but we are just a small team of players and there is a physical limit to the amount of work we can do.Oh, don’t get me wrong. I’m not complaining about the delivery rate. I’m just saying, that since recently there haven’t been many new features I have the feeling, there’s something really nice coming next 🙂
I’m more than pleased with Miqo’s delivery rate though 😀I agree, that the specialist actions are kind of missing. I didn’t bother much with them, because 1. Miqo crafts perfectly fine with my almost BiS crafter gear and 2. because currently Miqo’s calculation time with Whistle turned on skyrockets by a factor of 13x, but really exploiting the benefits of Specialist actions could be a big deal
This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by