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  • in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Miqobot Status #29583

    Miqobot v1.3.43

    • Core upgrade for Patch 5.5.
    • New mounts are supported.
    • New fish are supported.


    • GCD queueing algorithm is implemented.
      The new system allows Miqobot to trigger global cooldown actions in advance. This increases DPS by 2% on average.

    Previously, Miqobot waited for a weaponskill or spell to charge at full 100% before triggering the corresponding keybind. As a result, there was a delay of 25-100 ms after every GCD cycle. This delay accumulated over time and lead to an overall GCD drift.
    From now on, Miqobot will attempt to activate a GCD action at 96% of charge indicator, which is approximately 100 ms before it becomes available. This feature is natively supported by the game client, otherwise known as GCD queue. Activating a GCD action in advance allows it to be triggered immediately on cooldown (assuming there is no animation lock to prevent it).
    New system removes the GCD drift and increases the rotation speed slightly.

    • New abilities are supported:
      – (MNK) Riddle of Earth
      – (MNK) Enlightenment
      – (DRG) Coerthan Torment
      – (DRG) High Jump
      – (DRG) Raiden Thrust
      – (DRG) Stardiver
      – (NIN) Meisui
      – (NIN) Goka Mekkyaku
      – (NIN) Hyosho Ranryu
      – (NIN) Bunshin
      – (SAM) Hissatsu: Senei
      – (SAM) Kaeshi: Goken
      – (SAM) Kaeshi: Setsugekka
      – (SAM) Shoha
      – (BRD) Shadowbite
      – (BRD) Burst Shot
      – (BRD) Apex Arrow
      – (MCH) Bioblaster
      – (MCH) Air Anchor
      – (MCH) Automation Queen
      – (DNC) Flourish
      – (DNC) Saber Dance
      – (BLM) Despair
      – (BLM) Umbral Soul
      – (BLM) Xenoglossy
      – (SMN) Firebird Trance
      – (SMN) Fountain of Fire
      – (SMN) Brand of Purgatory
      – (SMN) Enkindle Phoenix
      – (RDM) Engagement
      – (RDM) Enchanted Reprise
      – (RDM) Scorch
      – (PLD) Holy Circle
      – (PLD) Intervene
      – (PLD) Atonement
      – (PLD) Confiteor
      – (WAR) Chaotic Cyclone
      – (WAR) Inner Chaos
      – (DRK) Stalwart Soul
      – (DRK) Flood of Shadow
      – (DRK) Edge of Shadow
      – (DRK) Living Shadow
      – (GNB) Fated Circle
      – (GNB) Bloodfest
      – (GNB) Blasting Zone
    • When the following abilities are activated manually, the rotation is paused automatically:
      – (MNK) Anatman
      – (SAM) Meditate
      – (MCH) Flamethrower
      – (DNC) Improvisation
      – (PLD) Passage of Arms
      – (AST) Collective Unconscious
      When the effect ends, the rotation is resumed automatically.
    • Certain abilities have been adjusted:
      – (NIN) Mudra actions are executed faster.
      – (MNK) Riddle of Earth is used as additional charge of True North.
      – (DRG) Life of the Dragon is no longer delayed because of low Blood duration.
      – (DRG) Fixed an issue wherein GCD timer was identified incorrectly, leading to inefficient oGCD weaving.
      – (SAM) Fixed an issue wherein Kaeshi proc was attempted at incorrect range conditions.
      – (MCH) Fixed an issue wherein Miqobot would try to execute Heat Blast 6 times in a row, leading to a wasted GCD cycle.
      – (MCH) Alignment of certain actions is slightly improved.
      – (DNC) Step actions are executed faster.
      – (Ranged) Peloton is no longer triggered when standing still.
      – (SMN) DoT spells are no longer hardcasted when Trance cooldown is less than 5 seconds.
      – (RDM) Embolden is used on cooldown.
      – (RDM) Vercure is used earlier when playing solo.
      – (PLD) Instant spells clipping is reduced.
      – (DRK) MP restrictions for levels below 70 are reduced.
      – (GNB) Cartridges are used without restrictions when Bloodfest is ready.
      – (WHM) Regen adjustments implemented earlier are reverted. By default, Regen will be applied to all party members.
      – (WHM) An option for Regen to be applied to tanks only is implemented. In order to activate it, please enable the following setting in settings.miqo file:
      "assistregenontankonly": true
      (This setting is not available on UI. In order to adjust it, please close Miqobot application and open settings.miqo file in any text editor.)
    • DPS rotations are officially upgraded to level 80.
    • Tank rotations are officially upgraded to level 80.


    • Fixed an issue wherein r514 recipes were incorrectly identified as r511.
    • Fixed an issue wherein r515 recipes were incorrectly identified as r511.
    • Fixed an issue wherein r516 recipes were incorrectly identified as r80.

    Miqobot v1.3.43.1

    Download Miqobot

    • A new setting to disable GCD queueing algorithm is implemented.
    • Fixed an issue wherein Samurai rotation would stop due to incorrect identification of Tsubame-gaeshi proc.

    Note: This version will not trigger the “New version available” message.
    If you already have Miqobot v1.3.43 and do not require these adjustments, you don’t have to download this version.

    in reply to: Chocobo Racing: Presets not saving #29581

    Miqobot saves your settings and presets in these two files:

    • settings.miqo
    • presets.miqo

    They are generated when you first start Miqobot and are automatically updated when you close Miqobot.

    Do you see these files being created and updated next to your Miqobot application?
    If not, then something is blocking her from saving your presets.
    Please try the following solutions:

    1. Try running Miqobot as Administrator.
    2. Try moving Miqobot to a different folder.
    3. Make sure that Miqobot has full write access to the folder she resides in.
    4. Make sure that your antivirus and firewall do not interfere with Miqobot.
    in reply to: Preemptive request, Level ~81 and ~85 Dungeon support #29580

    We have already answered this question a few times.
    We would love to implement a custom user API, but tools like these are on a different level of complexity. It would require about 6-8 months of development for a beta version to begin with and all plans from the current roadmap would have to be discarded.

    Of course, if this is what the community requires most of all, we can postpone other features and start working on it.
    But so far, our users have not agreed for such sacrifice.

    in reply to: Fishing question: Release setting overrides Mooch2? #29571

    Large tugs are always matched with Powerful Hookset, and Inverse Hook is the only way to force Precision Hookset on them.

    Please keep in mind that Inverse Hook does not enable or disable Powerful / Precision, it simply changes how Miqobot reacts to large tugs.

    in reply to: Fishing question: Release setting overrides Mooch2? #29560

    Yes, this is the intended behavior. Release setting takes priority over Mooch 2.
    If you wish Mooch 2 to be used, please disable Release.

    in reply to: Gold Saucer Racing Issues #29558

    We are sorry, but this information is not enough to identify the problem. We will require some additional details.
    Please contact our Tech Support and we will do our best to help you: https://miqobot.com/#support

    in reply to: Lvl 80 Rotation Details #29556

    Miqobot rotations are based on the guides created by The Balance Discord community.
    In certain cases, however, we can not optimize them to match the guides with 100% accuracy, because the required algorithms become too complex. At the moment we have reached 90% of optimal performance, but the cost of every additional improvement after this grows exponentially.

    Drill drift on Machinist is an example of a problem that might require another 4 weeks to address with the potential outcome of +0.5% DPS. That is why the community requested an option to disable the GCD queueing algorithm on Machinist. The details have been discussed in the main feedback thread.

    We don’t describe rotation rules in details for two simple reasons:

    1. It will take a few months to explain all of the decisions that Miqobot follows under different conditions.
    2. Every new version introduces new decisions and adjustments based on the community feedback, therefore this data will become outdated very fast.

    However, when there is an issue with a certain ability of a certain job, we will do our best to provide all the necessary information.

    in reply to: Lvl 80 Rotation Details #29540

    The patch notes will not contain a detailed description of all rotations. Only the changes and improvements will be listed.

    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback #29532

    In this case we have to investigate your issue further.
    Please contact our Tech Support directly: https://miqobot.com/#support

    in reply to: Question about scripts #29528

    deliverCollectables() function does not detect scrip limits explicitly.
    However, after 4 ingame errors are displayed, the function will stop and break scenario flow.
    If you specify “ERR_IGNORE” as parameter, the function will stop but proceed to the next scenario line.

    Full documentation is available directly in Miqobot. Press ? button to open it.

    in reply to: Preemptive request, Level ~81 and ~85 Dungeon support #29519

    All right, thank you for understanding.
    We appreciate the feedback.

    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback #29517

    Since the “last” update most of my crafting macros doesn’t work anymore cause it seems like Miqobot doesn’t want to use keybinds like “ctrl+spacebar” or “shift+spacebar” anymore. It was working fine up to 1.3.42, but now in it just stop in the middle of the macro without error message or anything. I didn’t try in 1.3.43.

    Is there a way to fix this on my end?

    There has been no changes to the Macro Crafting feature in the latest update. Everything works exactly as before.

    Please note that “spacebar” is not the correct syntax for Space key. It has to be entered the following way: {space}
    And the keybinds you mentioned should look like this:

    If this information doesn’t help, please contact our Tech Support and we will investigate your issue further: https://miqobot.com/#support

    miqo Resplendent tool Recipe Is it working properly?

    We don’t know the answer to this question. Crafting Solver has not been tested with new Resplendent recipes:
    Shadowbringers – Miqobot Status
    If you attempt to craft them with Miqobot, please let us know how it goes.

    in reply to: Resplendent Alchemist's Component Production #29515

    We don’t know the answer to this question.

    As it is stated in the main status thread, Crafting Solver has not been tested with new Resplendent recipes.
    Miqobot will correctly identify them and may attempt to craft them (as in she probably will not crash), but please do not expect anything. We don’t know how Crafting Solver will behave and what the outcome will be.
    If you are planning to craft Resplendent recipes with Miqobot, please do it at your own risk.

    in reply to: Preemptive request, Level ~81 and ~85 Dungeon support #29513

    There is no active voting period at the moment.

    We don’t know what new features the Endwalker expansion will bring and what the community demand will be. All we can say is that Level 81 Dungeon support has the highest priority, because it is a crucial feature that will unlock access to level 90 content for the development team. And this is not a thing to vote for or against, because any other choice will simply be inefficient.

    The priority for other features will be decided by the community after Level 81 Dungeon is implemented.
    By the time it will be ready, the community demand will most likely change several times, so any decision made today will be outdated.

    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback #29500

    If possible. Have it hold Flourish if Technical is either available, or will be within… around 5 seconds?

    Very well. This shouldn’t be hard to adjust.

    That is fine. However, is it possible to have that change when your own Technical Finish is up? It can shoot to 100 incredibly fast if you let it get that high during technical when in a full party, leading to wasted Espirit. So having it be used highest priority when it reaches 80 or 71+ during technical should alleviate that.

    All right. Shouldn’t be a problem either.

    However, with very few macros/tweaks the Physical Ranged jobs were able to perform incredibly well in Savage with very little adjustment. They were the stars of assist mode, leading to rankings in the high 50s-70s on fflogs when in a BiS set of gear. It has been a great tool during progress, and nights where you need some extra help.

    This is an interesting feedback.
    While it is a pleasant thing to know, we would prefer if this wasn’t a common environment for Assist Mode in Miqobot community. It wasn’t designed to perform in Savage content and we can not make any promises that it will get better in the future. The arrival of Endwalker expansion might alter the way rotations work and we might not be able to achieve even the same level of performance.

    In any case, if you have managed to augment Assist Mode without 71+ abilities support, you can simply put them on a separate hotbar, instruct Miqobot to ignore it, and use the same macros and tweaks you used before.

    Sometimes it looked like as much as 1/4th of the GCD was left when standard would come off cooldown, but Miqo would still choose another action.

    Queueing is triggered at 96-100% of GCD cycle, which is approximately 100 ms before it becomes available. If there was 1/4th of the GCD left, it means that Miqobot would have to wait at least 500 ms more and clip the GCD on purpose.

    It just feels like something is ‘wrong’ with or without GCD queueing enabled as compared to the previous patch.

    The most likely explanation is the removal of GCD clipping that was previously occuring in Miqobot rotations.
    Without GCD queueing, Miqobot waits for the icon to charge at full 100% before triggering the necessary keybind. There is a delay of 25-100 ms after every GCD cycle, which leads to an overall GCD drift.
    With GCD queueing, this drift is removed and everything rotates slightly faster than before. Since the cooldown of Standard Step is not tied to skill speed, it may indeed arrive at different time within the GCD cycle. But this means that the cycle itself shortened, and the misalignment occurs due to increase in rotation speed.

    For example, if Miqobot triggered 11.75 GCDs within 30 seconds previously, now she fits 12.25 GCDs into the same period of time.

    Another suggestion that I’m not sure is implemented or not would be to have Miqo focus on using a proc with the shortest remaining duration.

    We can try making this adjustment as well, but it conflicts with another important rule. AoE procs have a higher priority than single-target procs, because they have a short range requirement. If we remove it, there might be cases when your character is forced to disengage from melee range and Miqobot misses an opportunity to trigger AoE procs.

    This section was more of a potential bug report. Because there sometimes would be enough of the GCD recast left when Standard came up for Miqo to hit it. Instead choosing another regular GCD.

    Of course, we can investigate this issue and try to find a solution, if you believe it’s really important.
    However, please keep in mind that implementation of the GCD queueing system took more than 4 weeks and the result is +2% DPS on average. Addressing the issue with ability misalignment will probably take another 4 weeks with the potential outcome of +0.5% DPS. This is the exponential growth of improvement cost mentioned earlier.

    Recently the community has been asking us to shift the development focus on Scenario Engine, and new dungeons support, and perhaps even Triple Triad, and several other features. But unfortunately, our resources are limited and we can not work on everything at the same time. So we have to choose carefully what feature pack we are going to improve next.

    Regardless, we are very grateful for the constructive feedback.
    We will try our best to implement your suggestions.

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