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I’m sorry that you feel like someone answering questions asked directly to them is “dying on this hill.” Use it if you want, don’t if you dont want to I could not care less either way what anyone else does, but don’t make it seem like answering direct questions is still “championing” something when it is simply answering direct questions. Yes I made my point, which other questioned so I clarified and answered the questions asked, I did not go on and on about ohh its soooo great its sooo cheap, it was stated once and then clarified after someone questioned it. As someone else said it really is an ostracizing exercise to go against the ‘popular opinion’ in this ‘community.’
- This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by Theonething.
xSalice…14 acrs for 3.92 each bundled or $5 each seperaly. Kitanoi didn’t charge for all the EW dungeons (WHich I stated the total cost for everything needed for his in the original post)…Forage updated for $10 (also added the total cost for all that ones add ons in the original) I HATE everything Husbando it’s more complicated then it needs to be.
- This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by Theonething.
- This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by Theonething.
Ok you dont agree. Thanks for your input.
And by the way your math is still wrong. You forgot to mention that after using Minion for two years you have to rebuy all addons because they sell them anew in every expansion.
They update thigs….for very little cost ($5 usually lol…within 3 days of a new expansion usually and 90% of it has ‘buy all of this for a pretty good discount’ deals) So over a 4 year period that gives you $113 to buy updated addons to get to the same cost. Over 5 years…$600 for Miqo and $427 for minion. That leaves you with 173 to ‘upgrade’ to equal the cost. 6 years $720 for Miqo and $487 for Minion leaving you $233 for upgrades. The dungeon pack cost zero for the upgrade, it’s the combat arcs and the gathering stuff that get it, and as I said it’s pretty cheap…still cheaper over the long run.
A user constantly going against the Devs wishes and openly demonizing anyone who says anything they do not agree with while trying to enact censorship that the Devs themself said was the most offensive thing they did is far more demoralizing to the community then any discussion on alternatives ever could be. Unless it has to do with the topic at hand (alternatives while Miqo is down) I am finished with this conversation which is advice you should also heed. Please have a nice day.
- This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by Theonething.
Nah…from the replies it seems like the one being demorilized is you…again…and I am sorry that Miqo is down but this has been discussed and the devs said they wish to be open about discussions on other bots which you don’t seem to like and feel should be banned and you are entitled to your opinion on the matter and honestly it’s cool that you are so passionate about this project…you are however not entitled to attempt force everyone else to share your opinion again.
Sorry 2 years minion is $247 (the 157 start up includes a 6-month key so +30 for another 6mo +120 for year = 247 you are correct my math was bad at 3am) …you were right, it was late and I apologize. It would be 3 years ($360 vs $307, 4yrs $480 vs $367) before it paid off as being cheaper but I used Miqo for about two before I switched when things went down and the eta on the thing I used most was many, many months out.
Is it really fine that people who dont use Miqobot anymore come advertising other products? I thought it was a place to discuss temporary alternatives. And now this turns into a mess again.
This is a territory of Miqo community. And it kinda makes me sad having to read this. Especially when the facts are dishonestly distorted. Am i the only one?
I’m sorry that it offends you that I switched when the feature I used the most went down with no ETA other than ‘months’ and the owners of the bot said that this discussion could happen. Also please point out what was ‘distorted” in your mind rather then a simple math error that was caused by a late night that I have acknowledged and fixed in a new post and would correct on the original if I could still edit it?
- This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by Theonething.
- This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by Theonething.
I have switched to minion at the start of Endwalker and have found it to be very good. As for the people complaining about the cost….in two years it costs you LESS then Miqo and it offers so much more dungeon and combat wise. I never had to uninstall anything from my computer, and it installed in about 15 minutes so I have no idea what the person who claimed it makes you delete stuff and takes hours to install did wrong but it was obviously something. If you don’t want to teleport…TURN OFF THE FETURE….it’s really just that easy. Yes the start up is more up front but it is actually cheaper in the long run. Honestly if you just want crafting/gathering, gold saucer and very basic, get you by combat and don’t mind waiting for updates after major patches (obv when the devs are safe again) then Miqo is amazing for that. But if you want up to date combat routines and a bot that’s back up in hours even on major patches then spend a little more for Minion.
Cost Breakdown:
Minion Bot key – $60 per year
Combat arc (profile) – $10 – $15 each Low end will parse you purple, high end will parse you orange in savage
gather/craft – $44 for the (what I feel) is the best gathering/crafting combo
gold saucer – $13
Dungeons that are updated FAST (usually 3 days) when a new one comes out (this will also add positional assistance on screen for melee jobs) $60
Total cost for everything Miqo gives but much better dungeon options (it has ALL SHB and EW dungeons plus many more squad dungeons for leveling and has way better combat management, updating rotations within hours or days of patches if needed based on what the Balance recommends. It’s always been up within HOURS of all patches, was back up in 3 days form the new exp.
Start up (6 months key) $157 (or $162 if you want orange arcs)Yearly miqo key- $120
yearly minion key- $602 years miqo – $240
2 years minion $187 (start up included in this)- This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by Theonething.
- This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by Theonething.
- This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by Theonething.
- This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by Theonething.
I would love to see them bring the combat feature to allow users to create their own rotations. That way on new content releases all the team needs to do to bring combat to current level is fix the broken bits and implement Miqo reading the new skills rather than rework the whole thing every time.
I would put mine behind QOL ONLY IF it would include the ability to add custom combat rotations. I feel that a single cycle dedicated to adding in custom combat rotation would then allow the community to keep up the combat aspect of all classes and thus alleviating much of the burden from that aspect from the team. I understand that there would still have to implementation of new skill use but after that you could just let us tweak rotations and share them. Otherwise the feature I would like is as mentioned above, custom combat rotation ability.
- This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by Theonething.
Curious if the implementation of custom rotations is going to be included in this update? It would make sense as it’s been stated that combat is not going to be worked on much again for a very long time after, but with the ability for custom rotations to be made it would it not allow the community to upkeep this feature with little need for dev resources (only if new skills are added)?
I also have to say that I feel a lot of this stems from the downtime also. It’s a new big patch and we have all gotten lazy because we are used to having Miqo. I found myself on the forums looking for updates as to when it would be back and every time I didn’t see one “It’s been 85 hours and forever days…Since you took my Miqo away” to the tune of ‘Nothing Compares 2U’ would go running through my head because honestly…nothing does compare. There are many more who understand then there are those who want to complain believe me and we really do appreciate everything you guys do. Someone mentioned above that they would probably stop playing XIV if Miqo disappeared…I honestly would have a hard time getting motivated to play myself also.
I’ve had the wanderers/mages thing happen also as a bard main, fixed by putting mages and wanderers in slots with no skills above or below them. I think it’s something to do with Miqo ‘missing’ the bar slot due to latency
- This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by Theonething.
- This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by Theonething.
I know it does exist because I have personally witnessed a bot on my server using it. I just need to know which bot has that feature.
This probably means you’re competing with said person whom you believe to botting in such a manor so…what are you just going bot undercut each other until you reduce the item price to nothing? lol