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  • in reply to: MIQOBOT is screwing up #28258

    I think I just had a bad grid. I was using my own grid for one island and it would hang when the compass picked up a node on another island. I found your scenario and decided I’d rather use your grid 😛 Thanks!

    No problem 😊👍 glad the grid could be of use


    I am not sure if I am just not editing things correctly but every time I go to change the slot mined or the items them selves they change back to the default version of the scenario. How do I avoid this?

    did you click “overwrite” to save the changes?
    NOTE: dont forget you have to do this for both the Botanist 🌱 and Mining ⚒ preset


    I just realised this is a white script scenario? Is there any yellow cript scenario I can adapt and use?

    you should only have to change the name of the items gathered to the yellow script items if i recall correctly they should be mixed in with the same nodes as the white script’s, i might be wrong though its been awhile since i made it and/or use it XD

    in reply to: MIQOBOT is screwing up #28185

    Miqo keeps stopping and standing in diadem. always in the same spot too. It says its searching for shinies. Any ideas?

    are compass 1 & 2 checkmarked ✅?

    if so then make sure there is nothing typed in the gathering node text box as shown below ( check it for all gatheirng presets your scenario uses)

    if all of the above are good then it could be a grid issue for instance the grid your useing may not be connected to a nearby node normally this would trigger an error in miqobot’s output box in the lower half of miqobot, additionally if possible please post as much information as possible from that output box while leaving out sensitive information
    the information from the output box helps alot with diagnosing what is going wrong

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    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback #28166

    anyways i came to say thank you miqobot for adding in the waypointPrecise() feature i greatly appreciate it 😀

    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback #28165

    (10:47:08 AM) 1. DO NOT RUN two different versions of Miqobot at the same time.
    (10:47:08 AM) 2. WHITELIST Miqobot application in your antivirus and firewall.
    (10:47:08 AM) 3. RESTART Miqobot after this.
    (10:47:10 AM) Searching for catnip with your license code…
    (10:47:10 AM) Emergency! Couldn’t recognize catnip format!
    (10:47:10 AM) (WARNING) I was corrupted! Please:
    (10:47:10 AM) 1. DO NOT RUN two different versions of Miqobot at the same time.
    (10:47:10 AM) 2. WHITELIST Miqobot application in your antivirus and firewall.
    (10:47:10 AM) 3. RESTART Miqobot after this.

    miqobot is telling you what needs to be done

    (10:47:08 AM) 2. WHITELIST Miqobot application in your antivirus and firewall.

    and make sure only one program of miqobot is running

    (10:47:10 AM) 1. DO NOT RUN two different versions of Miqobot at the same time.


    Didn’t mean it with any ill will

    no no your all good constructive criticism is always welcome but sugestions and ideas are always more welcome 😀

    Like mounting up to fly away from a node, only to fly right back to it. Or mounting up to ride to a node that is only a couple feet away.

    Actually i have it mount up for the nodes intentionally it is stupid i agree however theres a bug in final fantasy were the game dose not properly close out the gathering window it happens frequently (the bug prevents you from being able to open the gatheirng window at the next node) but SE dont seam to care about it as it can be fixed easily by mounting up or preforming another action other then gathering, with out the mounting up in-between nodes you run the risk of your toon running 🏃 back and forth between the waypoint and the node none-stop 🛑

    It also manually flies between the islands rather than using the wind currents, and that seems awkward too.

    this is also intended XD the vortexes actually tend to screw with miqobot the only way to ensure that the toon runs into the vortex is to palce a waypoint right in the middle of said vortex ( thats hard to do with out notepad++ to manually adjust the X,Y,Z cords of the waypoint ) and going from a higher island 🏝 to a lower one is easy going from a lower island 🏝 to a higher one is not as your toon will tigger the vortext but often wont get close enough to trigger miqobot that you passed it and this will cause miqobot to fly back down to said waypoint where you will get stuck in that loop untill miqobot kill switches and you get kicked for being AFK and several other similar issues arise from trying to use the vortexes ( the grid was originallymade to use them then i quickly found out it’s way to buggy to use them ) besides that i talked with the community and i as well as alot of people rarely use the vortexes as its often times faster to fly right to the next node then to use them especially if said node is two island’s 🏝 over the vortexes are only really in the diadem for people who have not yet unlocked flying ✈

    thies issue’s have been discussed in length with the community in previous post and while they are not the most ideal thies are the best solution’s we have to thies issue’s


    One thing I noticed after trying her for a few hours is that she doesn’t seem to target the mobs and auger them as specified in the scenario. For this, do I need to set a keybind for the duty action for it to work?

    as long as you have the duty action ( the duty action will turn into the augur shoot button when in the diadem) on your hotbar it should work with no issues the picture below will show you where to find the duty action button just make sure thats placed on your hotbars somewhere:D

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    Hey I just downloaded this preset and for some reason when I start the scenario but for some reason everything works but my character isn’t going to the NPC to enter into diadem.

    I checked through the saved presets and only removed NPC repair and MIN turn ins for the botanist only scenario. I didn’t touch any of the presets for chapter 1, unless I’m missing something @_@

    dose miqobot give any error’s in the log?

    A lot of this grid looks very unnatural. Movements are super bot like, a lot of redundant movement, and pretty noticeable. I’d be careful using it for extended periods of time. Otherwise pretty good.

    im sorry you feel that way 😿 . This is the first complaint i have heard about it being bot 🤖 like unfortunately i dont know how i could possibly make it look less like a bot 🤖 but if you have sugestions im all ear’s 👂 😀


    Just saying thanks r51093 – keeping this up to date and working has been a big project and it’s awesome for us.

    Thanks for the feed back its always greatly appreciated me and the community we worked hard on it 😀

    Yeah, and that seemed to have worked. It loaded the old presets when I just started her up again, but now I know how to fix it. Thanks!

    no problem glad it’s working good now and as always any issues or errors please post them here 😀


    Hi, I have Miqo set in the gathering tab to use Slot 2 as I just hit level 60, but sometimes she’ll pick slot 1 or slot 3 – 1 nets me worse exp, and slot 3 nets me nothing. How can I enforce the slot? I’ve cleared the Gather by Name section to see if that fixes it.

    did you do that for both the Botanist 🌱 and Mining ⚒ presets?
    if so
    did you click Overwrite on both presets? and hit Save on the pop-up window after hiting Overwrite?


    now added suport for Eulmore 🏰

    What are you referring too in terms of support for Eulmore? My brain is in full vacation mode and not recalling what this could mean lol

    its just another location to do trust / Heroes’ Gauntlet at nothing special just giving some variety for those who dont like to hang around the major citys plus theres alot more random waypoints one can go to while spaming the trust / Heroes’ Gauntlet, its setup for the repair vendor as well 😀


    now added suport for Eulmore 🏰

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by r51093 r51093.
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    I managed to make it work, had to assign some keybinds. But having another issue, miqo is getting stuck on some slots. She’d select it but won’t press it and just keeps repeating

    (13:07:47) Selecting slot -> 3
    (13:07:47) Using action: (Start)
    (13:07:48) Using action: (Pick Clean)
    (13:08:03) Using action: (Pick Clean)
    (13:08:18) Using action: (Pick Clean)
    (13:08:33) Using action: (Pick Clean)
    (13:08:48) Using action: (Pick Clean)
    (13:09:03) Using action: (Pick Clean)
    (13:09:18) Using action: (Pick Clean)

    i cant tell you why its getting stuck and not useing it but Pick Clean is not useful for in the diadem as no diadem item’s can be HQ there for its a waste of GP to use it only thing you should need in your rotation for the diadem is Yield +1 or Yield +2 rotations included with the scenario i hope this helps 😀

    Edit: or depending on your level and gear you may also want to use Gathering +5 , Gathering +15 , or Gathering +50

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by r51093 r51093.


    Noobie here, I’m starting the miner scenario in the Firmament but it’s not working for me, miqo saying the below;

    DEBUG: Name is ambiguous. Count = 2. Grid: ‘The Diadem ⚒🌱’

    Please help? v.v

    you have two grids named the same thing one is from an older version please delete the “The Diadem ⚒🌱” both the “scenario’s and navigation grid” and re-import the scenario that will fix it

    I Highly Recommend all new people to this Grid / Scenario to read the entire post at least once

    • NOTE:

      1. Dont forget to “DELETE” your ” Diadem: ⚒🌱 ” Grid’s AND Scenarios before you import the new version

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