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  • in reply to: Movement keys? #35902

    No, that’s exactly how I have mine setup. I can use both mouse buttons to move forward OR I can use WASD. As long as you have ‘something’ bound to movement and it’s not blank it’ll be fine. I do suggest making keybinds for all your action bars. So you got bar number 1 setup with 1 2 3 4 … on to =. Then setup bar two as SHIFT 1 2 3 4, then bar 3 as control 1 2 3 4… bar 4 as ALT 1 2 3 4, bar 5 as Shift Alt, bar 6 as Contol alt, bar 7 as Shift control… You get the point.

    Miqo will read your keybinds and use whatever you have them setup as.

    I’m not sure if its a must but I have jump on my 3rd mouse button, but I also have it setup as space bar so just in case anything that’s bout to a mouse button I have an alternate bind for it on the keyboard.

    Hope this helps.

    in reply to: Macros to include new skills to combat assist? #35820

    Okay so didn’t solve RDM. Don’t think it’s actually do-able. But alas it’s just one spell to keep track of so it’s not the end of the world.

    Just curious as I’m about to level my RDM from 80-90, which spell did you have to keep track of on your own? Does everything else trigger just fine?

    in reply to: Quick Question about WHM Regen #35812

    Personally I don’t see a problem with how she handles regens. She does it much as I would do it myself. I do use combat assist with WHM and what @kitty says is pretty dead on. If a group takes a huge chunk of damage I don’t see Miqo spamming regens, she’s trying to get the party up to healthy status quickly with Medica, assize, tetra, etc etc, THEN if someone isn’t quite up to top she’ll toss a regen.

    I do notice a lot of regens in lower level content when dps is sitting at high percentage but not topped off. That’s perfect for regen, why waste mana on over curing when regen and natural healing will top them off in no time. Then if they take more damage before it runs out, so be it, they’ll recover.

    It’s easy to be paranoid about ‘looking’ like a bot. Most people are too busy trying to keep their rotations up and such to be staring at a whm wondering why they’re so optimized. They will notice however if you’re just dancing in the back of the boss room not healing. 🙂

    @miqobot I support the optimization of regen and even a toggle to only cast on certain party members or even at a certain percentage. I don’t think it’s a high priority though.

    PS(My spellchecker hates this message)

    edit– oh my… I didn’t realize this was an old post… ignore everything I just said then.

    in reply to: Combat Assist WHM in groups/trials #35784

    I use combat assist with my WHM all the time and even at 90 it’s still a dream compared to what I could do manually. Here’s a neat tip.

    If there’s a group pull, target the one with most health and get up close. (avoid bad stuff of course) as long as there are enough enemies around you and your tank/group is in good shape, miqo will spam Holy. It’s fun to watch.
    ::Edit:: – Don’t worry about mana much, miqo is amazing at managing it.

    You can macro ground target abilities such as asylum so that it drops on you or your target. This is very helpful as trying to do a ground target while miqo is pushing all your buttons is very difficult. The down side is that sometimes she will toss out a random asylum during a pull. So to combat that, you don’t use the /micon for asylum (this will keep miqo from using it), just use a default icon and you can press it yourself. You get the benefit of not having to ‘target’ the ground, and no random heal bubbles on the way through the pull’s end.

    last tip: make a macro for Liturgy of the Bell the same way you do for Asylum. Since miqo doesn’t use this either you can manually use it.

    Bonus Tip: Keeping those two macros mentioned above and aquaveil on your action bar where you can reach it quickly will help a lot. So you’re basically just manually using those three abilities while miqo does the rest.

    in reply to: BLM assist #35668

    I only have BLM to 81 or so but I can say so far I have not had any issues. It worked flawlessly at 80 and there hasn’t been anything new for me yet. I’ve tried it in some roulette and trust dungeons without issue. The performance (rotation and damage output) has been really good for me, far better then if I play it manually. That’s just me though because I kind of suck at everything. XD

    in reply to: Tanking combat assist tips #35627

    Macro for PLD ? i’am looking for it !

    PLD Macros

    I created the macros because I wanted to force Miqobot to use the Swords. It mostly works, enjoy.

    in reply to: [Request] MB Auto lower Price #35614

    We would like to hear more feedback from our users.
    How would you solve this dilemma?

    I wouldn’t offer the feature at all. The market system is horrible enough without automatically dropping everything below vendor prices. As harsh as it sounds it’s not a feature I would recommend. Should you decide to do it anyway, I support your decision but I personally won’t be using it. I would rather see those efforts go into a new crafting solver or tweaked combat assist, but this is my opinion. 🙂

    Keep up the good work! Good kitty!

    in reply to: High Fire II/High Blizzard II Macro #35403

    hm, I just created a fire II macro and it seemed to work fine but I was manually pressing it. I don’t remember anything about BLM or if it even works right now tbh so I’m not sure what else to try at this point.

    in reply to: High Fire II/High Blizzard II Macro #35398

    Try using the auto-translator. I use them for all my macros. You would type /micon then fire but instead if hitting space, hit tab. Find Fire 2 (should be the 3rd on the list) on the auto translation menu and select it. No quotes or anything needed after that.

    Edit: added a screen shot to show what it would look like when done correctly.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by captainblunt captainblunt.
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    in reply to: Macros to include new skills to combat assist? #35337

    So what was final macro?

    I made 2. One for single target and the other for AoE.

    Macro 1:
    Fast Blade
    /micon “Fast Blade”
    /ac “Confiteor”
    /ac “Fast Blade”

    Macro 2:
    Total Eclipse
    /micon “Total Eclipse”
    /ac “Confiteor”
    /ac “Total Eclipse”

    in reply to: Macros to include new skills to combat assist? #35324

    Well i cant test it since i dont have a 90 PLD. But iirc blades are not actions in a common sense so they cant be used in a macro directly. But since they replace Confiteor on hotbar then maybe Confiteor will trigger them instead. Try this.

    Something told me that as soon as I saw your name, my prayers were answered. You hit the nail on the head! Those aren’t ‘action’s in the traditional sense, you were right. I replaced them all with Confiteor and it works. When it procs Miqo goes through the holy spirit/circle phase and then presses Confiteor as she always has, but then because it’s on my fast blade macro (which is the next thing on her rotation) it’s triggering faith, truth and valor before pressing fast blade. It’s beautiful!!

    tldr: That worked! You’re the best.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by captainblunt captainblunt.
    in reply to: Macros to include new skills to combat assist? #35315

    LYFOX!!! Long time no see. 🙂

    The macro isn’t triggering the spells. It’s not Miqo’s fault. I was hoping to find a way to force her to use them even though I understand they’re not supported yet. I did some testing by manually hitting Requiescat, then hitting Confiteor, after that I use my fast blade macro. Logically it should case Blade of faith since it’s up at that point, but alas it’s not. So I’m not going to be able to tag those abilities to fast blade.

    I’ll need to do more testing but I think I can just manually hit these spells without messing up Miqo’s rotation.

    in reply to: [Request] Fate farming? #35314

    There’s more to trust dungeons then just grinding exp. Besides grinding gear, there are special drops in some of them that people will farm the mess out of them just to get that special pet drop. Trusts and squads are also way safer then botting in the world. I’m fairly certain everyone here that uses Miqo to do gathering know the risks and know that if they leave it unattended, they’ll likely get banned from some passer by.

    As for FATEs. IMO (only my opinion) it’s too dangerous and probably even difficult to implement. If there were an automated FATE grinding system in Miqo, I for one wouldn’t use it. I use combat assist for FATE and group dungeons. No one ever pays any attention to what I’m doing or not doing in there. They generally have their own things to deal with, unless of course I forget to put on tank stance. That they’ll notice real quick but that has nothing to do with Miqo.

    This is of course in no way meant to dismiss what others think say or do, just my 2 cents. I agree that FATE grinding and PoD type stuff is tedious and annoying at times, but that’s the nature of the game and made so much easier for me with combat assist. Considering I have really bad carpel tunnel, Miqo has saved me a ton of key presses. 🙂 Good luck.

    in reply to: Macros to include new skills to combat assist? #35310

    I’m pretty sure you need quotes.

    Very true, but I use auto translations in game so when I cut and paste it here it doesn’t translate. Auto translated text in game works the same as putting quotes on it. Makes my macros look pretty. 🙂

    in reply to: Macros to include new skills to combat assist? #35301

    I’ve been trying to find a way to do this with paladin, specifically Blade of Faith/Truth/Valor, but to no avail. I saw miqo hit fast blade after using Confiteor so I was hoping I could tack those abilities on fast blade like this

    /micon Fast Blade
    /ac Blade of Faith
    /ac Blade of Truth
    /ac Blade of Valor
    /ac Fast Blade

    But that didn’t seem to work. If anyone else has any other ideas for attempting to force miqo to use these, I would be most interested to hear them.

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