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  • in reply to: Just a quick question regarding marketboard #25463

    The issue with this request is what if two people who were using Miqobot were set on reducing the price of the same item? It’d quickly bottom out.

    Pretty much the reason why Miqobot will not develop this feature (unless for some strange reason suddenly the entire forum community requests this, which is very unlikely).

    Also, you don’t need bots to undercut by 1 gil within a minute. There is a pretty popular custom launcher for FFXIV that comes with a plugin support, and one of the plugins called “PennyPincher” automatically copies the price of the current lowest item minus 1 gil to your clipboard the moment you open the compare MB prices window.
    So essentially, if you have that plugin installed, you simply drag an item to your retainer’s market board window, click on compare prices, close immediately and just paste into the price window and confirm. Item undercutting done.

    Here a vid how it works:

    It takes me less than 1 minute to undercut everyone by 1 gil on every single item in all my retainers using that plugin.

    I’m still selling the gear between 300-500k a piece, and it’s now over a week since the patch dropped.

    That is normal, because with the implementation of Ishgard Restoration, which is a really easy way to level all your crafters to max in a short time, lots of people now have max level omnicratfers, and so the supply of crafted gear is a lot higher than before, making the MB prices crash much much faster than they did during previous major patches.

    Is this something that Miqobot can do?

    No, it can’t, and there are currently no plans to develop such a feature, as it was already stated.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Arc Arc.
    in reply to: Lifetime membership? #25301

    Seeing that SHB is coming to a close and we only have one or two more expacs left. Would this realistically be possible?

    Just wanted to add my 5ct’s here. You do know, that in late 2018 it was announced, that Yoshida had presented his 10 years plan for Final Fantasy XIV to the Square Enix management?

    This means that if SE keeps its schedule, we are still getting at least 5 more expansions. Also keep in mind, that Final Fantasy 11, which came out 19 years ago in 2001 is still getting updates and patches regularly (in August it even got an entirely new storyline called “The Voracious Resurgence”), so I strongly doubt, there is an end in sight for FF14.

    It wouldn’t even make sense from a business perspective for Square Enix to bring FF14 to an end soon, since FF14 is still growing, and with Shadowbringers it broke the 1 million active subscribers mark for the first time. The last census from LuckyBancho counted at least 1,18 million active subscribers in October, and that isn’t counting free trial players or a bunch of other players that don’t meet the strict criteria for LuckyBancho’s census.

    On top of that it would be completely absurd for Square Enix to finish FF14, since it is their biggest income source.
    Their MMO branch, which consists only of Dragon Quest X (which is mainly popular in Japan), Final Fantasy XI (which is a 19 year old MMO) and Final Fantasy XIV, makes almost 50% of all Square Enix profits. On the other hand their HD Games branch (AAA-Titles like FF7 Remake, etc.) often makes no profit at all and even made multi-million a loss several times over the last couple of years, and their mobile games branch makes almost the same amount of profit as their MMOs, despite costing multiple times more to operate.


    in reply to: 61 Dungeon Support #25133

    Ok so We know that 5.4 will change gathering and crafting. I dont see a reason to do gathering or crafting updates now while the system works already and pretty well. 5.4 will probably break gathering and crafting so having those updates moved up is pointless to discuss until after the patch.

    5.4 will not change crafting. It will only slightly adjust a few actions’ potencies and remove certain unused skills, plus add another new condition for expert recipes. Since any patch breaks all Miqobot features, Miqobot will have to repair them either way, and removing skills from the crafting solver algorithm is no problem at all. Changing a couple of numbers might be a bit of an issue, but not a large one. The biggest issue will be the new condition on new crafting recipes, but that will be solved eventually as well.

    The changes to gathering are mainly on the UI side. Not the actual implementation of how gathering works, so that won’t be a major problem either. If I had to guess, based on what was shown during the Live Letter, I’d say gathering won’t work properly for a week at most, and will work perfectly within a month or so, worst case scenario.

    After this is implemented I think fixing and updating the gathering and crafting system to follow the new patch changes will be best. Miqobot staff cnd add any new updates and fix the old stuff all at once.

    To my knowledge that was the plan all along anyway.

    (Disclaimer: The opinions above are my personal opinions as a long-time Miqobot user. Not as a moderator or developer or something, so don’t quote me on that as some official statement or something)

    in reply to: Diadem Gathering Points #25132

    Hmmm… Alright.

    Then I’m just impatient and should restrain myself ^^’

    Also, the new scenario from r51093 is working perfectly fine now.
    Had to adjust the keybinds, the food position, enable the repeat command and change all the listed items in the Gathering Presets, as this scenario just gathers worthless trash items that give 0 points lol.

    in reply to: 61 Dungeon Support #25123

    Also want to add my 5cts to a quote up there:

    Having a level 80 trust support coming out near 5.4 release seems like a waste of time/opportunity to me. The phantasmagorias people are wanting this support to farm for in the first place will be obsolete soon enough.

    I’m not sure if you have a misconception, on how patch 5.4 will change dungeon rewards or not.
    Currently the level 80 Trust Dungeons reward Allagan Tomestones of Phantasmagoria and Allagan Tomestones of Allegory. When the patch launches, Allagan Tomestones of Phantasmagoria are going to be completely removed from all dungeon rewards and you cannot earn them anymore. Instead all level 80 Dungeons will reward Allagan Tomestones of Allegory and the new Allagan Tomestones of Revelation.

    Essentially, that “old” level 80 Dungeon Miqobot will be able to farm with Trusts will net you both the current new and the upcoming new tomestones, making it really worthwhile, since you can gear every job to almost maximum iLvl without having to manually run countless dungeons, before the next expansion launches. This gear will last every job until they’re around level 86, before it has to be exchanged, and on top of it, you will be able to buy expensive materials with the Allagan Tomestones of Allegory, which you can sell for a really good profit on the MB.

    So all in all I think it is still a good feature, even though it is just about to come out.

    In the long term, when the next expansion is released there will be new tomestones, therefore decreasing the efficacy of this as a feature.

    Yes, there will be new tomestones, but in return, these level 80 dungeon will then reward Allagan Tomestones of Poetics, which there is currently no way of farming via Miqobot. So in the long run this feature will not become worth less, but worth something else.

    If again, people are wanting a trust equivalent for the max level dungeons for tomestone farming then that likely should be the next major feature planned for 6.x after “launch repair” and crafting/gathering updates are completed, provided nothing crazy happens. The sooner max level trust support for tomestone farming can be finished the more useful it is.

    Technically you are right with your statement, however there is a major problem, that makes setting a max level dungeon as first target feature impossible:
    The Miqobot staff has to level every job to max level themselves to calculate, implement and playtest max level support, before they can work on a max level dungeon. The Miqobot devs are extremely dedicated to keep this bot running and actually neglect playing the game themselves to a severe degree, so they can repair all the existing features asap.

    in reply to: Garuda Extreme support #25122

    Iirc Miqobot already supports Blue Mage to some degree, but mainly in the combat assist. Designing something for masked carnival, from what I would assume, would require a pretty large amount of work though.

    in reply to: [Scenario] Diadem Phase 3 Botany #25069


    You need to put the Diadem Boom skill into your hotbar. Miqo can’t click duty actions directly. Go into actions -> General and put Duty Action I on your hotbar. That’s gonna turn to Diadem Boom once you’re in the Diadem.


    It says in the log “Name is ambiguous.” once for a grid and once for a gather preset. That means you have the grid and the preset 5DP3BTN twice in your miqobot (no clue how you managed to get this).

    Just delete the older grid and the older preset, and that should do the trick.

    I found this list of gathering grids:

    That’s the index for gathering grids. No one has made individual gathering grids outside of scenarios yet though. You can look into the scenarios index instead:

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Arc Arc.
    in reply to: Returning #25068

    Thank you very much, from me as forum janitor 🙂
    Hope you’ll have a great time playing FF again, and that Miqo can help you out with the grindy stuff :>

    There have been a lot of new features and you’ll be amazed by what our hard-working cat can do now ^^


    You have to change the slot in both the “Mining ⚒” as well as the “botanist 🌱” preset and save on both.

    I however am constantly getting this, with the scenario crashing, after a while of running it:

    (21:00:19) Going from 35 to 32 in 3 trips.
    (21:00:23) 3 trips more..
    (21:01:15) Oh noes, I couldn’t reach the destination in time. I guess I’m stuck here. 🙁
    (21:01:15) Time/Estimate: 52.4262/52.4086
    (21:01:15) I got lost in woods, and there are creatures around me, and I can’t find way back home… Falling into oblivion.
    (21:01:15) I got lost in woods, and there are creatures around me, and I can’t find way back home… Falling into oblivion.
    (21:01:15) I got lost in woods, and there are creatures around me, and I can’t find way back home… Falling into oblivion.
    (21:01:15) 2 trips more..
    (21:01:15) Sorry, can’t move. I got lost in the woods, and I can’t find way back home.
    (21:01:15) 1 trip more..
    (21:01:15) Sorry, can’t move. I got lost in the woods, and I can’t find way back home.
    (21:01:15) Sorry, can’t move. I got lost in the woods, and I can’t find way back home.
    (21:01:15) Destination reached!
    (21:01:15) Sorry, can’t move. I got lost in the woods, and I can’t find way back home.
    (21:01:15) Poking creatures in the woods… Good night! <3
    (21:01:15) (NOTE) Kill switch is triggered.
    (21:01:15) (NOTE) Please save the message log for analysis and restart Miqobot.
    (21:01:15) Poking creatures in the woods... Good night! <3
    (21:01:15) (NOTE) Kill switch is triggered.
    (21:01:15) (NOTE) Please save the message log for analysis and restart Miqobot.

    in reply to: Discord for Miqobot? #23193

    We also had an unofficial Miqobot Discord server for a while, administered by me, which had a fair share of users, but close to zero activity.

    There was maybe 1 question asked per week or so and that’s it, when it comes to activity there. So we also have practical experience, that even if a Miqobot Discord wasn’t against the Discord ToS, it wouldn’t be feasible to run one in general.

    in reply to: A useful Plugin for even safer Miqobot usage #23134

    And to put icing on the cake: The dataminers still continue, even on the official Reddit’s Discord. There was even a server-room made specifically for datamined 5.3 stuff again, this time.
    And you know what kind of goody two shoes that always follow the will of Yoshjesus-sama /r/ffxiv people are (except when it’s about parsers).

    in reply to: A useful Plugin for even safer Miqobot usage #23120

    Yes, I agree that people should be careful with that, but so far I haven’t encountered any problems with that kind of injection.
    Been using it for quite a while now and the launcher is still going strong, with more plugins being developed.

    And the reason I’m suggesting this is, that social safety is currently the only danger of using Miqobot. And since SE doesn’t seem to have a problem with the QuickLauncher for now (or doesn’t have it on their radar to begin with), I would believe, that so far technical safety isn’t really harmed by that thing yet.

    in reply to: Skybuilder's Season 2 #23006

    Of course they will.
    However, in case they don’t change how expert recipes work (i.e. they don’t include any new conditions and the new ones work the same as the old ones), Miqobot should be able to do the new recipes just fine, once the bot is fixed for the new patch, which can potentially take longer than the ranking season is running, like with every major ffxiv patch.

    in reply to: Got suspended #22328

    No, they don’t. They have a different, very distinct sound effect. Listen to the attachment for the sound (extracted it from the game files) or in this video:

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    in reply to: Ishgard Restoration Gatherer Score #22324

    @lutbot I’ve crafted & melded a set according to the Balance guide now, minus the tools (using the Dragonsung stuff there, since I’m lazy and that few GP don’t really matter). Should work much better now.

    @lyfox I’ve noticed it didn’t gather the nice stuff, indeed. Got much more points after I modidied that. Gonna set a rotation to it and that should do the trick then.

    Thanks for the replies 🙂

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