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I’m not using miqobot for farming anymore anyways. I’m mainly using it for tedious crafting of high level recipes because I don’t want to sit there half an hour spamming Rath’s rotation.
And I have a really good guess. My former FC leader seems to still hold a grudge against me after half a year, because:
tl:dr; I “stole his house”.Long story:
He left the FC for 4 months to play WoW and I obtained leadership automatically by the system. I built up the 3 people FC to a 15 people FC, spent millions I earned through crafting into house decoration and airship crafting and when he came back because he and his gf couldn’t stand people in WoW only looking at DPS parses he didn’t even want the leadership back because he said it’s to tedious.
Then a few months later we started raiding savage content with a full static consisting of me + my gf + him + his gf and 4 other people. We struggled to kill A9S and it took us like 1,5 hours until we killed it.
A few days later I told him, that his gf should take a look at her dps rotation again, since she could have performed better (she had like 1200 dps in A9S with i260 gear as a bard), which caused him to explode internally. He went into a rampage, called all of us tryhards who think they’re pro because we look at dps parses and the we should leave his FC.
After 12 hours of WhatsApp discussions (yes, 12 hours) he became so offensive that I kicked him. Then he threatened me to report me for botting and buying gil so I get a perma ban. I even gave that asshole all the items he bought for the house plus 30 million gil back (which he said was the price for the medium house at that time).@Carl Arbogast: From what I’ve googled, other people who got a botting ban and received the most recent formatting of suspension e-mail like me also had this quote in their e-mail. I’m still going to contact SE support as soon as it’s open and ask about that specific part of the accusations, because all of my registration info was accurate.
@lyfox: Thanks. I just hope it really is just temporary and doesn’t go into termination of my service account… Besides thecountless hours of gameplay there’s also invaluable content that I wouldn’t be getting back, even if I made a new account, like the shining whisper mount or any other event item and emote
Can’t tell you anything about Chocobo racing since I don’t do that.
In terms of minigames: Miqobot is pretty solid. You stand between the botanist and miner minigame and Miqobot starts doing both switching from one to the other from time to time. Yields me around 500-800 MGP per game. Had my Fenrir after 2 nights of letting miqobot take over.
Yes, PotD radar was “broken” by 3.5 on Miqobot too, but actually it didn’t really “break”. What happened is, that hidden hoards are now server side instead of client side (the same thing that happened to traps in 3.4).
The thing with miqobot is, that since SE changed traps from client side to server side the miqobot community decided that it would be a good idea to setup a trap database for all possible trap locations. This feature was implemented instantly and now miqobot gathers data about traps, when you step on them and sends them to the miqobot potd server (this is no injection stuff or anything, it’s simply reading the game logs). Now a lot of possible traps are displayed in advance and with each patch more traps are revealed.
Conclusion: The only thing that has changed is, that you can’t see hidden hoards anymore without the pomander.Programming routines isn’t possible now. That’s a feature they’re currently working on called ‘scenario scripting’ and it will be awesome, since you can do any routine with that.
I have no idea about multiboxing and if it works, but I know that you don’t have to purchase miqobot for each FF instance. Actually the thing is, that one miqobot license could even be used on multiple devices at once, but that’s something that should be avoided, since there’s a reason we pay for this (to support the miqobot team).
January 21, 2017 at 11:44 am in reply to: [Beta] Crafting Solver for 60****, Gathering Rotations, Desynthesis #2725Yes, it was stated here:
Noooo… I’m still missing 10 accursed hoards for the sixth sense title…
Then just a question: Even if the exact position of the invisible hoard isn’t shown anymore, can Miqobot at least tell if there is a hidden hoard on the map (since it may be spawned in the center of the level and repositioned if the server decides you hit the spot)? Because then at least we could enter the potd and after a floor is cleared I would search every inch of the dungeon until I found the chest :s -