Forum Replies Created
May 14, 2019 at 6:00 pm in reply to: Miqo Goals Until Shadowbringers (Casual Gameplay Discussion) #12669
90% of all talk about FFXIV is on Reddit. The FFXIV Reddit has more than 238.000 subscribers and usually anything that happens is discussed there, since it’s fast and convenient.
However the community there is kinda…special. You are not allowed to criticize anything about FFXIV (unless it’s something everyone agrees that it’s shit like Blue Mage being a limited job or Viera and Hrothgar becoming gender-locked races in Shadowbringers) or the dev team or else the whole community will jump on you and downvote you to Nirvana.
Just some additional info:
If I remember it correctly Miqobot even paid a large industry-level computing company to do the math to write the algorithm, since it was so extremely complex that it would be absolutely impossible to do by a small dev team like Miqo’s.
Also, not only does Miqo’s solver take different material conditions into account, but also failing skills, random buff procs that can occur at any time, etc.So in comparison, if a macro is a pistol and a human who knows what he does is a rifle, Miqobot’s crafting solver is a ship-mounted railgun.
This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by
Fun 🙂 Then I wonder why didn’t other player create guides like “what to hoard before the new patch” already!
Ehh… Just a quick comment on what Gray wrote on page 1…
THEY DO. Every time before an expansion people on reddit write huge guides what to buy, what to hoard, etc. etc. But the thing is, people are apparently either too stupid, not invested enough or don’t have the foresight to follow them. I personally have done this before Stormblood in a small frame. Back then I was around the 2 million gil level. When Stormblood launched, I crafted primal weapons and jumped from 2 million up to 150 million in just 2 days and I wasn’t botting. I was doing the new content all the time and only took about 15 minutes to craft the new stuff.
but keeping 2.9% is plain and simply theft
It’s not theft, because no merchant (who is usually the one paying the fee) is forced to use PayPal and on top of it, it’s absolutely PayPal’s right to ask for a transaction fee, since they spend resources to maintain their service (server costs, support costs, etc.).
the computer simply moves around some data and that’s it
You obviously have no understanding at all, how banking works. It’s not simply a computer moving around some data. PayPal still has to request debits from banks for every transaction (unless you have already saved money on your PayPal account in advance), check if they were accepted or rejected and if they get rejected, PayPal has to pay the return debit note fees in advance before charging the user.
Also, you shouldn’t forget, that PayPal is a profit-oriented company – not some charity organisation to make our lives and financial transactions easier. Of course they want to EARN money and not only cover their costs.
This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by
I don’t have the game in English, but basically go in “Character Configuration
And so the fellow German was spotted ;D
Fun fact. One of my irl first names is Carl :’D-
This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by
Basic functions like crafting and basic combat (assuming old skills didn’t change too much) will work withing 5-7 days I guess.
All new functions like new crafting/gathering skills and new combat stuff will take months until they work again.
That’s my realistic assumption and I can assure you, that Miqo will put a crapton of effort in making everything work as fast as possible. They’re really dedicated and generous, so they’ll recompensate you for the wait time in some way or another.
It works like a miracle. I got all my jobs to 70 with Miqo.
Just get on the job you wanna level (it should at least be able to run Halatali), put on all leveling equips (Brand-new Ring, Aetheryte earrings, etc.) and let the bot run Squadron dungeons completely autonomously. Once you can do Brayflox longstop, only do that one (ignore Stone Vigil) until you can run Sohm Al, then let it spam that until you’re 70.
Should only take a few nights (less than a week) to get a job to 70.
1. If you’re in a FC or have people that text you from time to time, tell them you logged out in that dungeon, which is why you were permanently in them (when you log out in a dungeon, you’ll stay there until your next login) or that you had your game sounds off while watching netflix, so no one gets suspicious of your botting.
2. Run those Squadron Dungeons with a scenario for your Grand Company so drops will automatically get sold at the GC and other items get desynthed so your inventory doesn’t clutter completely.
3. Halatali and Brayflox are Company Seals inefficient, which means every now and then you’ll have to fill up your seals so you can keep running squad dungeons.
4. Sohm Al is Company Seals overefficient, meaning that after about 8 hours or so (assuming you have the highest grand company rank) your seals will reach the cap and you cannot trade in items anymore. When that happens, you should spend about 80% of your seals for any kind of stuff you want like those retainer silver coins or coke (which you can sell) or something.
5. A bonus from doing that is, that you will accumulate a shitton of Grand Company Teleport tickets, which let you teleport in front of your GC for free from any place in the world. This saves you a huge amount of gil in the future. After I leveled 6 jobs with that method I got to about 400 teleport tickets.
Well, it’s kinda obvious and logical, that you get suspended, if you don’t answer to a tell from a GM, completely ignore him and keep doing the identical farming routine without any interruptions. What I really could not believe would be if you didn’t get a ban, when a GM privately texts you and you ignore it, keeping your farming going – in any MMO game.
This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by
This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by