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  • in reply to: [Request] SHB Timed Nodes #16564

    Yes, here:

    Legendary = Folklore = Timed nodes

    in reply to: (Request) 2* Crafting Scenario. #16561

    You can also just write all hotkeys for the keypresses of the 2 macros in the macro bar of the crafting tab. That’s what I usually do and it’s faster than ingame macros, since miqo presses the button as soon as it’s available (it’s also lag resistant)


    If you just farm the aethersands for yourself to craft pots for yourself it’s worth it tho

    in reply to: [Request] Leather Grinding / Combat Farming Grids? #16559

    Hey 🙂

    1. Miqobot’s Combat Assist is currently working on bare bones due to Shadowbringers changing a lot of skills and essentially breaking the combat assist feature. Will still take a while until pre-70 rotations work again.

    2. There is still no way of using combat assist in combination with scenarios.

    The only thing you can try are the pre combat assist macro combat scenarios, but you’ll have to make your macro combat rotations yourself.

    in reply to: Crafting [Scenario Generator] #16526

    hello, might have been asked so many times already, but how can i just make miqobot use my 2 crafting macro’s one after the other on repeat? thanks

    If you mean ingame macros, then I have to tell you that this doesn’t work yet. Just write every individual skill’s hotkey of the full macro-chain macro into the macro box of Miqobot and you’re good to go.

    If you meant Miqobot to use 2 different Miqobot-Macros for different crafts, you can simply save a preset for every macro. Everything in the red boxes get saved into presets:

    in reply to: Importing the Grid txt files #16524

    Click “Share” on the bottom right and then on “<- Import”

    You’re welcome 🙂

    in reply to: I think I broke my gather assist? #16510

    While we’re on the subject, I have been manually changing which slot for Miqo to mash at gathering nodes, is there a way to automate it?

    Another option is to make gathering presets (the area below the gathering checkbox) for different items. Every gathering preset also saves the slot number and when you switch between presets (either manually or via a scenario) it also switches the slot number automatically to what you’ve set.

    in reply to: Relatively New to FFXIV and Botting #16491

    I haven’t even started the gathering skills here apart from mining, and just doing 5 levels felt like a chore.

    What you could do, to get at least a little bit more fun out of the grind for now, would be to do Gathering Levequests. If you don’t know what I mean yet, it’s the npc with this icon above his head:

    These are the same kind of grind as well, but hey, at least you get a large chunk of exp for every completed levequests, which makes the gathering a little bit more rewarding.
    If you still get burned out from gathering though, feel free to get yourself a Miqobot license, fetch yourself a few grids from the scenario index (look at your gathering log and always gather the highest-level item for 5 levels) and let her do the job. She’s pretty good at it 😉

    Glad to hear that it won’t take away any pleasures of the game, since grinding is not one of mine.

    Yeah, Miqo just cuts out the grind. Just put ffxiv in windowed mode, let Miqo do the grind for you (make sure to set ‘play sounds while game is inactive’ on in the audio settings and only set ‘system sounds’ on in the list of sounds that should be played when the game is in the background, so you can hear whispers, or the infamous GM message sound (which I never ever heard myself in the game up until this day).

    You talked about Miqo being training wheels. Did you mean this as in being able to use a combat assist to cast abilities or just in that it levels your classes to get you there?

    Yes and no. I meant, that Miqobot:
    A) Can help you a little with combat assist by showing you how and when to use which skill
    B) Can get your crafter levels up and gather the items for you, so you can craft gear for raiding easily without having to manually grind (that gear is like the training wheels I meant)

    Again, thank you for the information. SUPER helpful.

    It’s nice to hear this. Happy to be of your service 🙂

    in reply to: Relatively New to FFXIV and Botting #16465

    If I start with botting, will it ruin the game for me?

    That depends on what you like about the game. If you like the very long grind of leveling every job to max (back in HW it took me 8 months of not-dedicated grind to get all crafters and gatherers to 60), then yes, it will ruin the game for you.

    However, if you, like the majority of us dislike tedious grind, just for the sake of grinding, then botting will most certainly make the game a much more enjoyable experience, since you can get a lot of mats that require non-stop brainless running in circles while you can do something else with your life.

    In terms of “what makes the game exciting”, Miqo will most likely not touch this, since most of the greatest experiences actually lie in endgame combat content, where Miqobot only serves as training wheels for preparation to this content.

    Is it also a bad idea to bot on my one and only account?

    I would say no, as long as you use Miqobot thoughtfully. Just don’t bot 24/7, when you are not even remotely close to your PC and you shouldn’t have a problem. I’ve been using Miqo for 3 years now on my one and only main account, that got already hundreds of euros (of mogstation items) and I only got a 3 day ban for using Miqobot, because I used it in the most retarded fashion possible (botting for 1 week 24/7 during the make it rain Gold Saucer event, where everyone is there).
    Still, since then I learned from my mistake and only use it as an additional help, while I’m actually playing for the most part and never had any issues with it since then.

    What sort of ban rates does Square Enix pass on down and do you have any tips for me?

    Basically every few weeks they release their ban numbers, which often looks super-intimidating, as they show around 9000-10.000 banned user accounts. However these are usually just gil-selling ad-bots that stand in Limsa advertising websites like pvpbank. A second number they usually release is the number of users temporarily suspended for cheating (which is Miqobot and other similar bots) and this number usually is in the 5-20 users range (you have to consider ffxiv has around 600.000-1.000.000 active users from which several thousands bot).
    So as you can see, the chances of you getting banned, if you use Miqo smart are rather low.

    If there are any super helpful forum guides on Miqobot that you’d recommend I read, give it a share and I’ll get to it!

    There are several. For instance, the most interesting links you wanna look at are:

    – The Help Section: Here you’ll get a general understanding on how to use Miqobot. And let me tell you: It is extremely easy

    – The Discussion Section: More specifically, the pinned threads. There are some interesting infos on upcoming features, newly implemented features and explanations how to use the newest features

    – Gathering grids index: here you’ll find all grids for almost all gatherable items (Shadowbringers items coming soon)

    – Scenarios index: the same for scenarios (customized routines that cover everything from teleporting to a location, gathering some stuff, turning it in as collectible, repairing your gear, etc. which makes the bot look really human)
    – Crafting Scenario Generator: Lyfox really made us a serving by writing this script. With this you can make a list of items you want to craft on Garlandtools (one of the best databases for ffxiv), run the script over the page and copy the results into the scenario tab in Miqo. You just need all the mats and miqo will then craft everything (including sub-mats) for you afterwards

    Looking forward to hearing some advice and opinions as well as joining this community.


    Welcome to the Miqobot community and have a good time here 🙂


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Arc Arc.
    in reply to: Poetics with miqo? #16460

    Since there are currently only 6 methods of obtaining poetics and none of these work with Miqobot:

    1. Tomestone exchange, exchanging old tomestones for poetics: logically this doesn’t work since you can’t get old tomestones anymore

    2. Khloe’s Wondrous Tails: Khloe duties are random for every player every week, so you can’t automate it. Also, Miqo can’t run duties outside of Squadron Dungeons yet

    3. Treasure maps: This includes Aquapolis (and other map dungeons). Your best bet of farming poetics some day. However, since treasure map locations are random and Miqo has no way of detecting, where a map location is, based on the picture (yet), it doesn’t work

    4. FATEs in Eureka: Since there is no Combo of Scenarios and Combat Assist yet, that doesn’t work. On top of that I doubt you can solo Notorious Monsters in Eureka (not even with Miqo, when it got full lvl 70 support)

    5. Daily Beast Tribe Quests: Limited to 12 per day and also random, so no automation possible there. Also, Miqo has no quest support yet.

    6. Level 50/60/70 dungeons: Since you don’t get poetics from running them unsynced, that doesn’t work either.

    in reply to: Massive banhammer wave #16321

    I wish there was a rule (much like on most other forums): when you file a ban report, answer at least minimal set of questions:

    1) How many hours per day you were botting?
    2) Did you use any proxy?
    3) Did you have any accounts banned before, which were run on the same hardware (not Miqobot case [yet], probably)?
    4) Did you sell any gil? How much?
    and so on… Otherwise it’s kind of hard to guess. Leaving account unattended means nothing. I see several notorious bots at our server for months (they were botting already when I was n00bie, still leveling my skills), and they bot every day on the same place, so…

    I fully agree on here. I mean, seriously. Even I still occasionally every once in a while let Miqo start farming Scuroglow Aethersand in Il Mheg via Spearfishing over night while I’m sleeping and don’t have any issues with it. I simply don’t do it too often and I usually stay awake until late, still answering to my FC members inbetween, until all of them went off as well.

    in reply to: Massive banhammer wave #16316

    That isn’t what the website really says in my opinion. It says there are six LEVELS, not six STEPS. They could apply any level at any time, you wouldn’t always start at “Caution” and then work your way up. It depends on what they catch you doing.

    That’s why you should also have read my second paragraph:

    2. GMs are extremely flexible, when it comes to issueing bans. I for instance got a 3 Days Ban, back during the Make it Rain Event before Stormblood was released for farming MGP for 7 days straight while I was on vacation (never even had a caution or warning before).
    Then about a year later, when the Ungarmax banwave struck, I got hit with another 3 Days Ban (because I used Ungarmax 3 times in one Savage fight we already cleared that week for the lulz), instead of a 10 Days Ban or anything higher.

    in reply to: Reuse #16279

    Eh? o_O I don’t get this part… Buyers are supposed to buy the cheapest, no? This is the reason why “MB fiends” check market every 5 mins – to make their lots highest in the list (i.e. cheapest)?

    I think what he meant is the fact, that people are generally stupid/lazy. They don’t look, where the items are being bought from (on which market the retainer is)(if you buy from the MB of the city where the retainer currently is you pay 0% taxes) and just buy the item with the lowest cost displayed on the marketboard, but ignore the tax that is placed upon the purchase after they pressed buy.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Arc Arc.
    in reply to: Massive banhammer wave #16276

    Doesn’t make any sense the first offense is a warning and a 10 day suspension. The next offense is a perma-ban. You pretty have to be reported by someone for the GMs to look at you. I’ve had throwaway accounts running nearly 24/7 for months at a time and not be banned.

    This is absolutely false in every way.

    1. The order is not Warning + 10 Day Suspension -> Permaban. There are 6 Steps of account penalty:
    Caution -> Warning -> 3 Days Ban -> 10 Days Ban -> 20 Days Ban -> Permaban
    They even have it written officially in their official account penalty policy on the Square Enix website:

    2. GMs are extremely flexible, when it comes to issueing bans. I for instance got a 3 Days Ban, back during the Make it Rain Event before Stormblood was released for farming MGP for 7 days straight while I was on vacation (never even had a caution or warning before).
    Then about a year later, when the Ungarmax banwave struck, I got hit with another 3 Days Ban (because I used Ungarmax 3 times in one Savage fight we already cleared that week for the lulz), instead of a 10 Days Ban or anything higher.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Arc Arc.
    in reply to: Reuse #16160

    Though, it still leaves the question unanswered: how do you manage to finish the craft if Reuse actually procs, so CPs are spent, and you do not have enough durability to finish w/o Waste Not?

    Eh why? I always have absolutely enough CP left on my crafts to both HQ the item, use Reuse AND finish the craft o_Ă´
    Not talking about the newest crafted gear though, since there it isn’t worth using Reuse imho. I only use Reuse on crafts where the mat I get back costs 1m+ on the MB.

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