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Because when this feature was implemented, there was no housing counterpart of these minigames.
Unfortunately, zone verification is implemented at several levels, so it’s not an easy thing to do. We will have to redesign the algorithms before it becomes possible. And it will require postponing other features in development.It’s physically impossible to do it while the campaign is active.
I do not mean to add development pressure, but are you able to provide any sort of update on the current feature cycle, as in is it currently expected to be completed and released prior to endwalker being dropped and if so are you able to specifically tell us which QoL features specifically we can look forward to.
This information was posted during the voting period:
Voting (June 2 – June 9, 2021)The standard development cycle is 4-8 weeks.
The feature pack selected by the community contains a lot more work and can not be completed within this time period. But the length of the development cycle will not change. Instead, we will be implementing it in several stages.
It has been 1 month and 1 week since the beginning of the current development cycle.We are prioritizing less time-consuming features first, because our goal is to satisfy as many requests as possible.
We can not provide a complete list yet, because we don’t know how many features we manage to implement exactly.Do you mean level 1 to 80? Or do you mean that only strictly level 80 characters will be supported?
It means that algorithms will remain the same as they were before the arrival of the expansion.
At the moment Miqobot supports levels 1 to 80. If there are any changes to low level features in the game itself, it will obviously affect Miqobot’s ability to perform these features.I’ve been trying the 3d Radar Arena feature, it’s actually really useful to know the exact hitbox of monsters/their aoe effects but I dont suppose we can have options to tweak opacity or colors? the blue squares is just really bright, also maybe (if possible) on the monster hitbox have the flank/rear squares a different colour?
At the moment there is no way to adjust 3D Radar Arena overlay colors, because it wasn’t designed for this purpose.
The information displayed by this feature is not exact and in most cases is not actually correct. It displays the data as perceived by Miqobot’s navigation AI and its primary purpose is to debug Squadron and Trust Dungeons. If enabled outside of officially supported dungeons, the information may be false and misleading.But all right, we will add your suggestion to the list of potential improvements.
Thank you for your request!To avoid making a new thread. Will the combat assist be broken when Endwalker launches? Or will they still work and just need to be updated for new spells?
When the Endwalker expansion arrives, it will break approximately 90% of core Miqobot modules.
We expect several weeks of complete Miqobot downtime. No feature will be functional in any form.After that, Miqobot will support only level 80 features.
It might take anywhere from 3 to 12 months before Miqobot is fully upgraded for level 90.Yes, levequest support is one of the functions planned in the future Scenario Engine updates.
You can find the list here:
Planned FunctionsAt the moment it’s not possible, but this feature is already planned.
This request refers to “Switching chapters and scenarios” entry in the planned functions list.July 17, 2021 at 2:02 am in reply to: Infinite Universal Diadem Scenario Botanist🌱, Mining⚒, and Fishing🎣 #31019This issue usually indicates that some of your hotbars are not visible on the game screen.
They must be visible in order for Miqobot to see icons on them.Please read the following guide for detailed information: Keybinds and Icons Recognition – Hidden Hotbars
i mean it was kinda scammy how its advertised, you dont know that you dont get a leveling bot until you bought it basically….
We do not advertise leveling via MSQ and Questing.
Your subscription has been refunded.
We sincerely apologize that Miqobot does not meet your expectations.not gonna lie, that thread looks hella fake….
Thank you for your opinion very much.
Would you please clarify, what reason do you believe we have to fake a community discussion?Also, you asked the question years ago when it was a ton of casuals playing, i think you will see this playerbase change 10 fold with the induction of hundreds of thousands of new players…
Here is a more recent thread on the matter of potentially dangerous features:
Development & Longevity of MiqobotIt makes no difference for us what features to work on. We simply follow the community demand.
If the community decides that it’s time to prioritize MSQ and Questing features, we will do it.Yes, additional scenario functions are planned under Scenario Engine updates:
Thank you for your request!
No, Miqobot does not have a Market Board undercutting feature.
And even if we implement it, we are not sure whether it would be really useful.Since Miqobot is a public tool, everyone would be using it and you would have to control the situation manually anyway. So how would it be different from undercutting without a bot?
If you have an idea how to solve this dilemma, please share your opinion in this thread:
[Request] MB Auto lower PriceThank you for your proposal very much, but at the moment we do not hire for development.
And even if we did, we still wouldn’t be able to change feature priorities without community approval. Our development plans are driven by the community demand, therefore any changes in the development roadmap are decided by the community during voting periods.Help me understand why this was put as a low priority, when it seems as if it would be the absolute cream of the crop..?
Please read the thread linked above. It contains different opinions and points of view on this matter.
you make over 300k just doing the MSQ not to mention that mentor accounts sell for big $…
Yes, you are correct.
But account sellers are not our target audience.Miqobot features are designed for players who want to skip through boring grind and enjoy the best moments of the game.
But there is very little grind in the Main Story itself. Each quest is unique and offers the precious sense of adventure, which is why players usually do not try to skip it.I think this would be the biggest selling point, as the MSQ is a giant snore fest…
If you do not enjoy the Main Story, we would recommend to purchase Scenario Skip Item from Square Enix.
The price on this item is comparable to Miqobot subscription, while the effect is instant and completely safe from any potential account suspensions.
Job Level-Boost and Scenario Skip – Item GuideWould it be possible to add small things like
Thank you for your suggestions very much, but unfortunately not all of these requests are small.
Auto travel to aether currents in area “fairly safe”
This feature would require navigation meshes for all open-world locations with Aether Currents. It will come at the cost of postponing other features, so first we have to make sure that the community needs it.
quest assist, for example, auto accept teleportations, turn in quest items when you click on the quest npc
Yes, this is possible.
more games in saucer assist
At the moment Miqobot offers the most efficient MGP farming method. When playing “Out on a Limb”, you can expect an average rate of 600+ MGP per minute. This is about x10 times faster than playing other minigames.
Would you please clarify, why would you prefer an inferior MGP rate?and in combat assist, add “face target” makes it smoother for jobs that has instant casts such as MCH
This feature is already available in the game.
Please enable it under System -> Character Configuration -> Control Settings -> Target -> Automatically face target when using action.and a ping in “MS” format in any corner would be golden, hard to tell how much ping you have by seeing “sending & receiving”
This feature is not possible at the moment, because Miqobot does not have a network module.
sorry if this isnt the right place but we’re not really able to send dms with suggestions
Yes, this is the correct thread for feedback and suggestions.
I reset my keybinds back to default and redid it and it seems to be fine now. Thanks! Sorry for not reading enough and finding out the issue on my own
Thank you for informing us that you’ve managed to resolve your issue.
When using
function while you have your crafting log opened with an older search, Miqo will overwrite the input with the Search Tearm provided to the function, but wont wait, til the window has actually refreshed.
This will initiate one more craft of the older search.Thank you for reporting very much.
Indeed, this function is not resistant to manual user interference. Its algorithm assumes that the Recipe Search tab is either empty or not selected. This is one of the reasons Miqobot closes the Crafting Log after every recipe sequence. But if you click Next button while synthesis is still in progress, it will not allow the algorithm to finalize the crafting activity properly.We are aware of this issue, but unfortunately we do not have an easy solution at the moment. We will continue looking for one.
We sincerely apologize for inconvenience. -