Progress updates on unreleased features

Forum Forums Discussion Progress updates on unreleased features

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Miqobot Miqobot 8 years, 8 months ago.

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    Any progress or info on unreleased features? Don get me wrong the bot is nice but sort of lacking for the price tag atm



    I’m really interested in how the scenario scripting is going. I’d love to be able to, for example, get a ton of materials for a courier leve turn in and then have miqo script the turn in. The quest I’m running right now is started in the drowning wench at limsa and finished at the observatorium in Coerthas. It’s a pain in the ass to run that round manually.

    As an aside, chocobo porters would be a great way to incorporate movement to towns with no aetheryte, as opposed to having to have a navigation grid for everything and hoping nothing attacks you if you’re under-leveled.


    The following features are in the final stage of development:

    • Crafting Solver.
      The ongoing clusterization process is very time-consuming, so we are constantly developing new mathematical methods for deeper and faster analysis.
    • Gathering Rotations.
      The main logic is finished, and UI Designer is being implemented.
    • Desynthesis by Name is being prepared for release.
    • Improvements for 3D Radar are being prepared for release.
    • Scenario Engine is being prepared for v1.2.6 Beta.

    At the same time, we are working on v1.3.x series of Miqobot.
    Miqobot will grow fangs and claws and will learn to roar and to fight.

    • Every location in Eorzea is drawn with Navigation Grids.
      They will be used for FATEs, for Questing, and for Scenarios to connect between your personal Navigation Grids.
    • Numerous AI behaviours are in design, which are intended to solve specific tasks.
      A few examples would be:
      – Fighting through a bunch of aggressive monsters to reach the target.
      – Fleeing when outnumbered or weakened.
      – Initiating and completing Levequests.
      – Solving jumping puzzles.
    • Battle rotations are in development for DPS Solver.
      Each class and each job will have a dedicated AI with several levels of customization.
    • Navigation Meshes are in research.
      We are looking for an easy way to create and edit them, so Navigation Grids can be upgraded with a single click.

    Multiple bug reports and feature requests from our users are in progress as well.

    Please refer to the following threads for more information.
    (These are just some of the features that were discussed on forums, and there are many more not yet announced.)

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