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The feature isn’t there to farm trial mounts, it’s there to farm tank achievement mounts. Garuda just happens to be the simplest and quickest duty thst works for those achievements, it has nothing to do with the Garuda mount.
If you can run an extreme solo (which means it would be bottable), you can just manually do that like 5 times to get the primal mount. The bot feature is there to grind you through the HUNDREDs of repetitions it takes for the achievements.
Wasting dev time on something you only ever need to do like 5 times and takes 2 minutes would be a pretty bad idea imo.
Oh yeah, i forgot: I shouldn’t really have to say this, but the above scenario won’t work as-is. You need to edit it to work for your setup. That means, plug in a crafting preset and a recipe (i left them as ??? above), AND ALSO: either set up your food and syrup on hotbar 4 spaces 4&5 like i did, or change the Icon() lines in the script.
This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by
I do not have the expert solver on my miqo and I have the updated version. How do I get that?
I’m not sure what you mean? The “normal” crafting solver can also do expert recipes, there’s no separate one. Just set up the options like mentioned, maybe save them in a preset if you want, then start crafting.
Would you mind sharing that scenario?
Here’s my scenario.
Since i use the FC food 2 buff, i have 40 minutes instead of 30 minutes on craft food. This gives me a little leeway and allows me to add an additional syrup after 90 minutes, or 3 food buffs.Chapter 1
solverPreset(???) // insert your preset here recipe(???) // insert your recipe here // Use Food on hotbar 4, slot 4, wait 4 seconds icon(4, 4, 4) // Use syrup on hotbar 4, slot 5, wait 3 seconds icon(4, 5, 3) // Work for buff duration workFor(00:14:57) craft(max) icon(4, 5, 3) // re-buff another 15 minutes of syrup workFor(00:14:57) craft(max) repeatChapter(3) // 3 repeats -> ~ 90 minutes of work
Chapter 2
icon(4, 5, 3) workFor(00:14:57) craft(max)
Two notes:
* The workFor ensures that you won’t start a craft again when the syrup ran out. But since you can go “overtime” on food buffs (they don’t fall off if you run out of time in the middle of a craft), miqo will finish the current craft. This means, though, that the first round of crafts can take, let’s say, 16 minutes instead before the script rebuffs syrup. If you have a normal 30 min food buff, that leaves you with only 14 minutes of food on your second syrup, and may lead to the last craft happening when the syrup is still ticking, but the food has already fallen off. If you’re crafting without FC food buff, you should probably set the second workFor to something shorter, like 14 or 13 minutes.
* Since i’m using 40 minute food buffs, and each chapter1 repeat takes about 32 minutes or so on average, after three buffs (90 minutes) i end up with an extra ~25 minutes of food buff. This is where chapter 2 comes in: It’s a last dose of syrup and another 15 minutes of crafting to not let the remaining time go to waste. DON’T add Chapter 2 if you’re not using longer food buffs.
This scenario runs for about 110 minutes, so slightly under 2 hours, and usually nets me about 55-60 crafted items.
That’s for expert crafts though, you can probably plug in any item you want to craft. But watch out for your inventory space if the items don’t stack.It might be prudent to add another log message whenever miqo needs to initiate the solver – something like “I need to solve this craft first – it will take approximately [whatever the projected time is] seconds!”.
As it is, the window just freezes with the last message being “Hitting Confirm button” and i can sorta see how that would be weird for new users.
I’ve done a lot of 8 man raids as tank with miqo, and in my experience, the bot only provokes if it sees your target attacking a not-tank. I’ve been OT a lot and she never voked off the MT, only when the MT lost hate and the boss attacked someone else in the party.
You could still do a macro with provoke and assign it a different macro icon. As long as the macro doesn’t have a provoke icon, she won’t press it to provoke iirc. So you can still manually provoke without miqo pressing it if you have these weird issues.
As for pausing, it’s on the to-do list and a huge undertaking because the way miqo tasks work needs to be rewritten so they don’t break when paused. If you’re not crafting with scenarios though, but with the crafting tab, you can just… stop the crafting.
It’s a bit cumbersome, and you need to adjust your crafting amounts since it resets when you stop, but any time you want to talk, you just hit Finish during crafting, chat, then you can start up the crafting again. Miqo will pick up the crafting task right in the middle where you left it, too.Got a small question regarding scenario commands…. but it seems i can’t post in the scenario engine thread so i’ll ask here.
Are all the timer functions independent from each other or do they share the same clock?
Could i do something like this:workFor(00:05) gather(1) repeatChapterFor(01:00)
to gather 1 item every 5 minutes for an hour? Or would the workFor command overwrite the repeatChapter timer?
edit: i know it’s a dumb example since miqo will just gather the item and then continue the script and not wait out the 5 minutes, but you know what i’m trying to ask here.
This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by
Probably not a supported keybind. The scenario help for SendKey has a list of supported keys.
Supported: - alphanumeric keys - punctuation keys (except comma and diacritics) - F1-F12 - Num0-Num9 - Num-, Num*, Num/, Num. - Ctrl / Alt / Shift (must be combined with '+') - cursor control keys (must be enclosed in {})
Yeah, i’ve been thinking about an explicit targeting feature for the diadem boom, too. And while listing multiple possibilities like the “go to random waypoint” feature would be great, even just a single target option is a great improvement – especially with the problem we currently have, the function trying to target invalid targets.
That said, even if we’re not going to get any new functionality for diademBoom in the next update, and even if gathering issues are put on the backburner, i’d like to see at least a band aid fix for the targeting problem – like excluding any target that doesn’t have a name string, or an empty one. I don’t think there’s ever a situation where you would want to (or could) target anything without a name, so that would probably take care of the “ghost enemies” issue.
Only after having to run diadem without the bazooka for a week or two, did i see how much it actually adds to your output.
MCH is really good, but you need to use some handcrafted optimization later on. The way Miqo works, she keeps delaying drill and anchor by one GCD to instead use the first part of your combo instead, when drill/anchor comes off cooldown too close to the end of hypercharge. It’s easy to see by just going to a training dummy at 80.
She does (if you reassemble pre-pull) Drill > Anchor > 123 combo > hypercharge, and just as hypercharge runs out, drill comes off cooldown, but she uses the combo first instead. So you need to hammer the drill button manually when hypercharge runs out to avoid drill/anchor drift.
Since Miqo always wants to use drill with Reassemble when it’s up (that’s good!), she also sometimes delays drill in other situations just after it comes off cooldown. Miqo sees: oh Drill came off cooldown > i haven’t pressed reassemble yet > do combo button first then weave reassemble > do drill. So to avoid drift again, you need to manually hit Reassemble when it’s up any time drill is about to come off cooldown.
Aside from that and some hypercharge timings that are so close to drill that you can’t hit reassemble in time before hypercharge wears off & drill comes back down, and the obvious queen usage during downtimes, it’s pretty much flawless.
Yeah you only need one type of dark matter: The latest one. Grade 7, which is technically still Stormblood tier. They just silently upgraded that tier to also include all newer Shadowbringers items, so i guess they gave up on inflating tiers for that. I’m guessing relatively soon, all the dark matter variants will go the way of the glamor prism.
(Did you know back in ARR, every crafter had their own specialized class glamour prism, and 5 different tiers, too? 40 different glamour prisms to keep track of. They eventually just ditched that idea and consolidated it into 1 item.)
So anyways, just buy a stack of grade 7 matter, it’s relatively cheap in the grand scale of things, especially if you’re a crafter and can make easy money anyways.
And yes, The repair system works such that when you repair an item with Dark Matter, you ALWAYS add 100% condition to it, so repairing an item at 99% will make it wind up with 199% durability, and make it last almost twice as long.You can’t “waste” durability when repairing manually. It’s a very convenient system.
Since the next patch will be implementing the next stage of Ishgard restoration, and with it an increased interest and need for the crafting / gathering functionalities, i’d say it makes sense to focus those in the hopes that they’re ready for when that content is still hot, close to the patch.
Crafting has been updated and probably won’t need many adjustments, but the gathering part, while functional, is still a bit behind the curve and still needs its make-over.
Sure, i’d like to see support for all the trusts eventually, since it’s a nice way to farm desynth level, materials, seals and so on. I’ve personally put forward quite a few sceario and general other QoL improvement requests myself, and i’d love for the remaining combat assists to get updated for 80 soon, so you don’t have to babysit some classes like DNC or BRD as much.
BUT i think it makes the most sense to go with the game’s flow: a big point of interest for Diadem and gathering will pop up with 5.31, so that should take priority for now.As for afterwards? It isn’t exactly directly bot related (and writing documentation is hella boring), but with all the turn-over in functionality and changes for ShB, the Help section desperately needs an update. Many of the topics boast years-old screenshots from a different UI, or are missing some smaller details in functionality or problem solving that seem to come up again and again as topics in the forum. And tending to or even just reading these questions takes up a lot of valuable time from the team, i imagine.
How can a human play a gold saucer game for 9 hours straight even with some ‘random’ breaks in between. They cant.
Wow, thanks for denying my existence. I’d never do it again, but before i found this bot, i did exactly that once.
Well not exactly, it was 12 hours.
This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by