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  • in reply to: Sending a key to game in background #33038

    Semi-related question because I’m very curious, do mouse events work the same way? (in general, of course; I know Miqo doesn’t do mouse) i.e. Could one send a “left mouse button down/up @ position x,y in window z” message? Or would that affect the actual cursor location? 🙂

    in reply to: [Question] Housing Sweep/Relo #32918

    I agree, I’d love this feature BUT I would not prioritize it above other features.

    in reply to: Cordial Use #32786

    In my experience, the line gather(1) will skip cordials even if it is checked in the preset. So I have to use sendKey() and manually do it.

    in reply to: Fastest crystal/cluster farms #32785

    For crystals, the fastest way in my opinion is to farm them from nodes with BTN/MIN. Find a low population area and create a grid, then let Miqo do the rest.

    For clusters, I’m not sure what’s the fastest, but Mor Dhona has unspoiled nodes every few Eorzean hours that carry clusters. I made a grid and wrote a scenario that waits for the nodes and grabs them when they come up (it alternates which cluster type to go for each node). This is pretty slow but clusters are not required by most recipes, unlike crystals, and therefore they don’t deplete as fast.

    in reply to: How likely is it for a crafter bot to get caught? #32784

    When I was considering picking up Miqobot for the first time I did a lot of “risk assessment” so-to-speak. This paper was an interesting read on the legality and practicality of client-side anti-cheat measures. That leaves server-side anti-cheat which is interesting to think about. Here are my thoughts, if anyone is interested.

    As Arc said, there are some people who are extremely passionate and hardcore about certain aspects of the game, like crafting. Even if that’s a small percentage of the playerbase, XIV’s playerbase in and of itself is by no means small. Imagine a server-side monitoring system that flagged potential cheaters based on some simple variable, such as “how long have they been crafting today.” This would 1. most likely flag a lot of false positives and 2. force an actual human on SE’s end to investigate each flag because automatic suspensions/bans would be outrageous (see point #1).

    This brings it down to a question of resource management for SE. How many resources would they devote to investigating potential botters who were flagged by the server on some arbitrary condition? Furthermore, what would they sacrifice in order to do this? What would they gain? What if it was a botter, but they were able to respond to the GM that contacts them, therefore appearing as a real player and giving the GM no solid grounds to punish them?

    I personally use Miqo mainly to automate incredibly simple, monotonous, time-consuming things. My personal rule is to never automate something I couldn’t do myself. It’s more of a “work smarter not harder” thing for me, you know? Lately I’ve been going for An Eye For Quality IV achievements for both BTN and MIN which requires 20,000 HQ hits on a node (each!). Now look at that from SE’s perspective. Am I significantly upsetting the balance of the game? Am I actively making a real-world profit off of this? Are SE losing revenue from this? And, perhaps most importantly, is it unheard of for a human to perform such a feat? The answer is no to all of those. They have bigger fish to fry. Of course, if I were reported by another player and subsequently investigated by a GM, that’s a completely different story and not the result of any anti-cheat software whatsoever.

    All things considered, the only thing I really concern myself with is social safety. I make my own grids and put a lot of effort into having the movement appear natural. I have audio triggers for players targeting me, emoting at me, and sending me tells. I’ve never been contacted by a GM, and only been tell-checked by random players maybe 3 times across all the hours I’ve spent botting. Know the risks and be smart.

    in reply to: Most efficient way to farm HQ items gathering? #32678

    I remember doing the first stage of the Skysteel — Dragonsung, I believe. Is that the stage you’re referring to, or a later stage? (I actually haven’t kept up with it since then)

    in reply to: Most efficient way to farm HQ items gathering? #32640

    No, I made my own grids and have been gathering random items. Though I have been sticking to ARR areas because the nodes are less spread out (and therefore grids are easier to make).

    in reply to: Raise text macro #32637

    Do this:

    /micon “Ascend”
    /merror off
    /p <t> I have reversed time for you! <se.2>
    /action “Ascend” <wait.2>

    The problem is that you are waiting 2 seconds between casting Ascend and triggering the text, during which time Miqo will switch the target.

    in reply to: Fire Crystal help #32601

    I’ve found that crystals by far require the most farming if crafting high level items en masse (for example, a single Rarefied Lignum Vitae Grinding Wheel + its materials takes a total of 7 fire, 7 ice, and a whopping 28 wind, according to GarlandTools). What I did was I took some time to set up custom nav grids in some fairly inconspicuous locations, and leave Miqo to farm with a rotation of Twelve’s bounty and Giving Land together. Also chugging cordials on cooldown. It still takes awhile if you’re farming for a few thousand, but it’s extremely efficient compared to other methods. Also if you choose good locations (as in, extremely irrelevant to most gatherers’ interests — i.e. mid-level zones without any gatherer quest items), you can literally go for hours without seeing a single other player usually.

    in reply to: Crafting questions #32500

    Yes, that’s correct, assuming your Miqobot macro preset is named “macro_14”. This doesn’t use an in-game macro.

    However, if you want to use an in-game macro during a scenario, simply place the macro on your hotbar and use the “sendKey()” function. So, for example, “sendKey(8)” will press 8. You will need to add an “afkFor()” after this, so that Miqo will wait for your macro to finish before continuing the scenario. Use a stopwatch on your phone/online to time your macro. Let’s say it takes 10 seconds, you would write “afkFor(00:00:10)”.

    in reply to: Crafting questions #32485

    1. Scenario engine is the way to craft different things in succession. Something like

    solverPreset(ignoreHQ)   // select your crafting preset, "ignoreHQ"
    recipe(Frantoio Oil)     // tell miqo what recipe to craft
    craft(100)               // craft 100 times
    solverPreset(expert)     // select your crafting preset, "expert"
    recipe(Smoked Chicken)   // tell miqo what recipe to craft
    craft(20)                // craft 20 times

    very easy 🙂 Sadly Miqo can’t quick synth on her own yet, but you can write a bunch of “sendKey()” commands to tell her how to move the cursor (but this is highly sensitive and will break if you move your mouse at all).

    2. You need to make sure your settings are correct. Here are the settings I use for my “expert” preset:

            Use ☑
    Enable logs ☐
            2:1 ☐
            4:1 ☑
            8:1 ☐
            Ignore quality ☐
    CPU intensive
         Manipulation (x5) ☑
           Innovation (x4) ☑
            Waste Not (x3) ☐

    For simpler recipes I will uncheck Manipulation to make the solver faster.

    Crafting solver depends on your stats (Craftsmanship, Control, CP) vs the recipe’s stats (Durability, Difficulty). From my understanding the solver generates a large “solution map” of every possible avenue to finish the craft while using as many Quality-increasing skills as possible along the way (that wording is important), unless Quality is already at maximum at which point she will just proceed to finish. It is all based on numbers and a little bit of RNG (Good/Excellent procs). Miqo’s ability to react to different conditions and intelligently use skills makes her much smarter than a macro, but there are definitely times such as low level crafts where a simple macro will suffice — so Miqo also supports macros. Uncheck the “Use ☑” field for the Solver, and type a keystroke sequence in the text field next to the start button (for example: q, 5, 2, 2, v, 3). You can have different macro presets for different keystroke sequences. I’m not entirely sure (@anyone feel free to correct me) but I think she will wait until the current ability fires before sending the next one, unlike in-game macros which can screw up or fail due to a latency spike.

    I hope this helps 🙂

    in reply to: Better Branches? #32484

    When I create my grids, I put a large focus on natural-looking movement. The way I achieve this is by having as few nodes as possible in a single path. I also try to make elevation changes as gradual as possible, to avoid Miqo stopping to ascend/descend. Miqo will naturally go to the general “area” of a node instead of the exact coordinates — I forget what the threshold is, but waypointPrecise() scenario function makes it smaller (and therefore more precise). She also doesn’t follow the lines exactly. If you have a gradual-sloping line in your grid (flying), Miqo will only adjust her yaw/pitch if she strays a certain distance away from it. She doesn’t try to follow it exactly.

    I’m not an expert, but I think a “bend” would really just be a series of many tightly-connected nodes… Or, I think there’s mathematical functions that produce curves, but I’d imagine implementing that into Miqo’s movement logic would be extremely complex and may not even work right (again, I’m no expert, so I don’t really know…just a guess). It would be cool though, definitely.

    in reply to: GUI Update #30486

    Hi, I have a question regarding this statement in the recent Voting thread:

    The UI could also need a modern touch. This may doesn’t sound like a huge thing, but it would make it look much cleaner and more professional.

    and I second what another here has said, that the UI could use an overhaul.

    Please note that UI overhaul is not on the list of proposed features at the moment. Quality-of-Life updates contain UI customization which refers to the ability to change fonts and color scheme, but it’s not the same as redesign.

    A complete UI overhaul would require 3-5 months and a complete feature freeze.
    While it is classified as a QoL improvement, it is not minor at all. Once we begin this process, it will be impossible to switch development priorities in the middle. And if the result turns out worse than you expected, it will be impossible to go back after that.

    Where is the line between “UI customization” and “UI overhaul”? Is customization strictly “fonts/color scheme” and nothing else? Would the ability to maximize Miqo’s window be part of the customization update, or an overhaul? Thank you for all the work you do 🙂

    in reply to: Voting (June 2 – June 9, 2021) #30417

    QoL please!
    While new capabilities are exciting, at this point in time, I think Miqo would benefit most from QoL.
    Some features I would like to see most are (in rough order of priority):

    – Automatic pause for chat (all features). please

    – UI updates/customization. One thing I’d personally like is the ability to maximize Miqo’s window and have more room for writing scenarios, organizing presets, etc.

    – Global stop trigger via echo chat. Like /echo !stop or something. Useful as both a simple shortcut (as opposed to alt+tab -> click “stop”) or if the user has remote access to the game’s chat but not to Miqobot (for example, that one Quick Launcher plugin for sending chat messages from outside the game, or Steam’s remote play feature)

    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback #30069

    Hello, can anyone tell me what the “Waiting for a passage to open…” message means in Miqo’s log (during squadron)?

    My squad was running Sohm Al and Miqo got stuck around X: 15, Y: 11 with that message in her log, not moving, and stood in an AOE from the pyrodragon (i think) that spawned. Not a big deal as I was able to help her out, and she went back to normal after I moved her a little, but I’m just curious and maybe it’s helpful to the developers if it is a bug. Here is a portion of the log 🙂

    (3:17:16 PM) #10 complete!
    (3:17:16 PM) Navigating to objective #11 (battle).
    (3:17:25 PM) Battle INIT.
    (3:17:25 PM) Fight this: 'Sacred Drake'
    (3:17:28 PM) Loose enemy: 'Sacred Drake'
    (3:17:30 PM) Fight next: 'Sacred Drake'
    (3:17:40 PM) Fight next: 'Sacred Drake'
    (3:17:46 PM) Battle: Target eliminated.
    (3:17:46 PM) Battle FINALIZED.
    (3:17:47 PM) Waiting for a passage to open...
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