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Are you sure you’re not missing any actions on your hotbar? You need all of them, even the ones you would think are useless, the bot needs them.
One time I forgot to put one, and I encountered a similar problem, the problem never came back once I made sure I had all of them on the hotbar, with a shortcut for every of them.February 23, 2018 at 4:05 pm in reply to: Reason for not leaving your bot on for a week when sleeping. #6471I think they didn’t added it, because there’s a notorious free dedicated software that does it very well already, used by a lot of players:
Lots of options for A, S, B ranks, and all FATES, custom sounds, in-game logs clickable map location, etc. It’s updated very often, an average of 1 time per week.
Why spending resources on something that already exist and show no sign of being discontinued.
Maybe Miqobot team will add such a feature when they will have combat feature released, making it relevant to auto-farm a B rank in a specific map for achievement purposes.
If you have good enough melds, not even the best ones, and a couple of mats already HQ, you can skip the Tea.
But even if you don’t want to skip it, the solver should only take 3min, not 5-6min (4:1 with Ingenuity and Manipulation), then you let Miqobot to do 2 crafts, you refresh your Tea, then from there it’s always 3 craft, refresh Tea, etc. it will never have to solve the craft again like this, only the very first time.
Don’t try to be cheap on Tea if you really want to use them, you can have tons with the Bot, so don’t be afraid to refresh the Tea after the 2 first craft, and then after 3 crafts.
It doesn’t need to solve as many things as the crafting solver, so it should work in real time, at the speed of in-game FPS, following a preset of rules and priorities.
I’m just curious to see by how much it can compete with a human, for example, in an ideal scenario, just a single target, would Miqobot be able to outparse a human, etc.
Because, what the Miqobot team created so far, is such a deep research through thousands of crafting iterations to figure out many hidden things and come up with the best possible solution, to the point some regular crafters dug this forum and used Miqobot team researches and results to spread that knowledge on Reddit.
So I’m very curious to see if Miqobot team through their researches could find better DPS “rotations” than the notorious ones.
Also, it should be easier for them to test that than crafts, no need for trucks of shards and mats, long hours dummy strike sessions and ACT should help I think.Maybe it’s taking them more time on this because the patch 4.2 added some new dungeons for Squadrons.
But yeah, I’m really impatient to see that feature, but also I’m super curious to see the next stage of combat with the DPS Solver, since Miqobot Team made such an incredible solver for crafting, I’m wondering if it is possible to build a DPS solver capable of double weaving and reacting to procs immediately, well, capable of achieving nearly the best DPS, and stuff like if we’ll be able to switch from single target to multi-target, if we could make preset where we put the name of mobs with low HP where we don’t want to see DoT applied, etc.
What I do:
Create a Gathering preset for each Ephemeral (6 total for SB BTN/MIN), in each preset, I link them to the corresponding Grid (each grid are connected to an Aetherite, and connected to the Ephemeral node).
In the preset, I use Gather by name, with the name of the item between {} to tell the bot on which one I want it to apply the rotation.
So, it goes like this (for French version of the game, be careful to adapt that to your game language):{Almandin} Cristal
If there’s not enough GP for the rotation, the Bot will gather some Crystal instead.
I create a special SB Ephemeral Rotation that I apply in each of the 6 Gathering presets.
I create a scenario with 2 chapters for each Ephemeral.
Chapter 1 is the Travel and Wait://C01, 00h00 : Travel & Wait teleport(Porta Praetoria) changeJob(MIN) dismount() repair() startAetherialReduction() selectGatherPreset(EPH Almandin) afkUntil(00:00ET)
Chapter 2 is the gathering, going to a waypoint, touch it, going to another one, touch it, go to Ephemeral and gather if enough GP. Then take manually a Cordial. Repeat this chapter until a certain time (this is a new feature from the very last Miqobot update!), then it will switch to the other chapter of a new Ephemeral, while waiting it will repair and do an Aetherial Reduction, leaving the inventory empty.
//C02, 00h00-04h00 : Almandin goToWaypoint(0) gatherTouch() goToWaypoint(6) gatherTouch() goToWaypoint(17) startGathering(1) sendKey(ctrl+=) repeatChapterUntil(03:25ET)
At the end of the final chapter, the 12th, I ask the bot how many times I want it to redo all this:
repeatAll(8)I don’t know if it’s the best way to handle it, but it works flawlessly as long as the grids you made are well crafted.
This reply was modified 7 years ago by
Carl Arbogast.
This reply was modified 7 years ago by
Carl Arbogast.
One of the best method to farm GC seals is the daily deliveries of DoH and DoL.
Hmmm… I’m not so sure. In my personal opinion there is a much faster and more effective method to farm a retardedly high amount of GC seals much easier and less complicated.
I did said “one of the best”, not the best.
To my eyes it is one of the best, because it works towards 3 very long achievements, that can only be done in a minimum of 188 days, half a year, so you better do 2 birds one stone and get started as soon as you can if that’s also your goal.
Those achievements were so annoying, I started them in 1.0, 7 years ago, and only completed them when Lyfox released his Scenario Generator, because suddenly they were not a pain in the ass any more.One of the best method to farm GC seals is the daily deliveries of DoH and DoL.
For DoL, get the mats with retainers ventures, besides FSH, you can get everything from there.
For DoH, use Lyfox Scenario Crafting Generator:
You can get 99% of the mats from retainer ventures, just keep always a stack of everything, send your retainer to resupply each day. Farm the rest, Salt, Sand, Almandin, some fish up to get a stock that will last for month.
Each day, look what GC deliveries are, enter everything in FFXIV Crafting web site, use it to take one by one each mats from your retainers, use Lyfox script, paste the Scenario in Miqobot, ask for NQ for pre-craft, HQ for final craft.
The all operation will take you 15min a day, and then 25min from the bot, and you’ll get around 20 000 GC Seals a day.
I store things across 3 retainers for this, I have at all time a stack of every mats that any recipe of GC deliveries could ask (besides old mats you can buy for super cheat at housing vendors, like Iron ore, etc.), it’s really efficient if you set up the routine the right way.
The repeatChapterFor() and repeatChapterUntil() are a bless, no more guessing on the number of time to repeat a chapter for things like Ephemeral, it’s perfect, thank you!!!
I’m updating all my FSH scenarios with changeGig(), the number of time I forgot to select the right one manually XD
Great update, plenty of useful new possibilities.
December 1, 2017 at 6:01 pm in reply to: [Request] Relevant in-game logs displayed in a log window of Miqobot #5950I think they meant Miqobot’s main window.
I was going to ask this request as well. The reason is, when you use a secondary monitor with Miqobot window on it, the plain white is really unpleasant, when everything else is darker, it’s like a lamp pointed right at you, and it’s annoying.
It’s the same reason why for example people asked for Dark modes to creators of XIV related web sites, because we have those open all the time on a secondary window, and they are brighter than the room, brighter than the game, not really pleasant.
If you choose to do a Dark mode for Miqobot, please consider not making it pure black, this is ugly and unpleasant as well. I have no idea why gigantic companies like Microsoft failed at creating a Dark mode of their UI for Windows 10 for example, they made it pure black, instead of several dark greys, it’s ugly and unprofessional.
The best way to do a Dark mode is to use a dark grey for the main background, and several other different dark greys for all the other elements, to make them stand out a bit.
As for fonts, no pure white, just light greys.I was going to ask this request within another one related to the UI, I’m gonna create another topic for this purpose.
This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by
Carl Arbogast.
This reply was modified 7 years ago by