Carl Arbogast

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  • in reply to: I am being followed feature #8182
    Carl Arbogast
    Carl Arbogast

    I agree, that’s why I built all my grids myself, I didn’t made them efficient, I made them believable.

    in reply to: I am being followed feature #8173
    Carl Arbogast
    Carl Arbogast

    Those are just suggestions based on how I’m using Miqobot, but I don’t feel I need a player detection like this, on the other hand I would find the following things useful:

    If there’s a player from my friend list gathering next to me, I would like to target them and do a programmed emote at them, as this is what I do when I play manually. This would need to put that friend in a temporary session list to avoid doing the emote again at the next unspoiled node for example.

    A TTS alert if someone do an emote to me, or speak in /say next to me. For the rest, LS, FC, tells, I have sounds already set up and will immediately check the game.

    But really, all this, only if there’s really nothing left to work on for Miqobot, and only if they’re easy enough things to implement, and don’t require resources to maintain through patches.

    in reply to: [Beta] Combat #8164
    Carl Arbogast
    Carl Arbogast

    Level 50 dungeons are useless.

    Unless your goal is to level up and get “light” from HW relics at the same time, need 50+ dungeon for that, very efficient to level up every job from 60 to 70 while getting all the “light” from all HW relics 😉

    in reply to: [Beta] Combat #7879
    Carl Arbogast
    Carl Arbogast

    A good enough way would be simply the Assist Mode, you join a chain party, you do the targetting and moving yourself, and you let Miqobot handle the DPS, that way you don’t get tired of pressing one millions keys over hours with no breaks.
    You can watch something else on a second screen and pay minimal attention to the mobs being chained.

    I noticed I asked a question about the 90% efficiency of Miqobot there, without realising that this 90% might already be higher than what I’m able to do myself, or most raiders overall. Thus making it already something exceptional enough, that does not require to go further.

    in reply to: [Beta] Combat #7876
    Carl Arbogast
    Carl Arbogast

    Thank you a million times for all those answers, and for the details about how all those delays and the queuing truly work, it answered many questions I had since forever, and up to now I had never found something that complete and accurate.

    This is what I love with you guys, you really know your stuff, with real rigorous investigations and tests, and you’re breaking it down for your users.

    I’m impatiently looking forward to all updates of the Combat feature, meanwhile, I’m gonna involve myself more into the bunny Fates.

    in reply to: [Beta] Combat #7868
    Carl Arbogast
    Carl Arbogast

    This is just incredible, really, and this is just the beginning.
    Removing the entire HUD to enjoy the show is quite something.
    I hope you guys will release soon a lvl 50 dungeon, I was planning to farm HW relics light and leveling at the same time ^^

    Regarding the future DPS Assist Mode and a post I made a while ago, after watching Miqobot playing, I have a couple of questions.

    Example of places I would love to use the Assist Mode right now are some very specific short moments in both Ultimate.
    I cleared both of them already, but there is some parts where the mechanics require such accurate positions, that I just stop my rotations and only use fillers for like 10 seconds, in order to not jeopardise the run.
    For UCoB, it’s at the very end, at Golden Bahamut, during each Exaflare. For UWU, it’s at Titan, during the triple weight of the land + double landslide.
    We have enough DPS for this to not be a problem at all, dealing with mechanics and survive is more important there than keeping the best possible DPS 100% of the time.

    So if I understood correctly, with the Assist Mode, Miqobot would be able to pick up the DPS there anywhere during my rotation, keep a high enough DPS (better than fillers), letting me focusing on dealing with mechanics on my own, until I feel safe to go back on full manual mode?
    I’m getting super curious, I’m only playing BRD for those hardest contents, and, as much I know that getting a really high DPS there depends a lot on breaking down rotations between each times some of the bosses become untargetable, as well as working with your group to align buffs, I still can see plenty of moments where if Miqobot knows how to pick up anywhere in a rotation, she could perform quite well as long as I chose the right moments, and I take care myself of tricky DPS transitions.

    For example, for BRD, if she sees a Trick Attack, or Chain Stratagem, or Battle Litany, would she refresh DoTs to snapshot them? Maybe even double snapshoting them?

    When I watched her, I’ve seen her trying to double weave, good. Since I’m not playing on my region Datacenter but chose one far away from me, I have a 170ms latency, which prevent double weaving. Unless I play with a VPN and their Fastconnect feature, which looks a bit like not waiting for some packets acknowledgement (but I never been sure I fully understood it).
    I didn’t tested yet Miqobot with the VPN and Fastconnect. But when I watched her, I’ve seen her spamming keys for oGCD, but not for GCD, and she’s not spamming the keys a lot.
    So my question is, would it be enough in my case to avoid her to clip abilities? I’m trusting you guys a lot when it comes to theorycrafting and maths, but I’m so used to spam keys before an oGCD trigger, or even with GCD, that Miqobot look overconfident. For GCD, the reason she’s not spamming is to not queue the GCD in case she would find something better to do?
    In my case, I know I can double weave with VPN and Fastconnect, but I’m only able to achieve it in openers, or some specific calm moments during a fight, because it requires me to be so quick and to spam so hard, so, my question is, will Miqobot be able to perform double weave constantly on a connection that is at the bleeding edge limit of allowing that?

    Because, at very high level, this could make the learn of a fight quicker, if I can switch live from manual DPS to auto DPS and focus on the mechanic to learn it faster.

    You guys said your theorycrafting allow a 90% efficiency for now, which is already incredible, are you confident you can reach higher efficiency down the line?

    I have another example that would help me to understand how far DPS Assist Mode could help.
    In UCoB for example, during the Teraflare phase, where you fight both Twintania and Nael, let’s say I start myself the opener, and I put on both my DoTs, then a bunch of mechanics happen non-stop, I turn on DPS Assist mode, and I take care myself of dealing with mechanics as well as switching targets at the right time.
    Would Miqobot be able to refresh the DoTs each time I’m switching on a target when the DoTs are about to fall off?
    Would Miqobot be able to see that the 2 targets are close enough to each other to use Rain of Death instead of Bloodleter?
    Would Miqobot be able to see that I’m close enough from the 2 targets, that are also close enough themselves, to use Quick Nock instead of Heavy Shot?
    Or would I just need to not only turn her on, but also manually switch her on AoE mode?

    Sorry about all those questions ^^

    And I believe everyone can see today very well where this Assist Mode could be very useful, Eureka Pagos, where everyone right now are destroying their hands by doing their rotations non stop for hours with no breaks for chaining mobs.
    I would not mind taking care of moving myself, and switching target myself there, and just let Miqobot doing the rotations, because we really are damaging our hands and fingers with this content right now, which is stupid.

    in reply to: [Beta] Scenario Scripting Engine #7821
    Carl Arbogast
    Carl Arbogast

    Miqobot tells you accurately before you start the craft how long the calculation will be, and how much RAM it will take. Handy to adjust settings to your likings before starting, and to know when it will be done.

    in reply to: Questing #7299
    Carl Arbogast
    Carl Arbogast

    Not yet, but lots of thing are planned, including the ones you quoted, as well as useful things like Beast Tribes Daily Quests.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by Carl Arbogast Carl Arbogast.
    in reply to: Miqobot Not Responding #7290
    Carl Arbogast
    Carl Arbogast

    It has always been like this since the release of the crafting solver a year and a half ago.

    Carl Arbogast
    Carl Arbogast

    Just, don’t forget that it’s not because you lock yourself up inside your own house, that SE can’t create logs and alerts for people running a mini-game for example for 8+ hours non stop, etc.

    Keep being careful, change activity/location often through scenario, with breaks and AFK, etc. Just simulate a normal player session.

    in reply to: Miqobot Darkmode #6748
    Carl Arbogast
    Carl Arbogast

    This was requested and answered here:

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Carl Arbogast Carl Arbogast.
    in reply to: Miqobot Darkmode #6747
    Carl Arbogast
    Carl Arbogast

    This has already been requested, and should likely be part of the UI update they plan to do in the future.

    in reply to: Stormblood – Upgrade Stage 2 #6698
    Carl Arbogast
    Carl Arbogast

    I got all my tournament cards, and I’ve been holding on farming the remaining regular ones in the wait of Triple Triad support, I would love to know as well if this is still something close enough to a release.

    in reply to: Stormblood – Upgrade Stage 2 #6662
    Carl Arbogast
    Carl Arbogast

    Squadron radar looks promising!

    in reply to: New Feature Request & Question #6649
    Carl Arbogast
    Carl Arbogast

    In crafting tab there’s a desynthesis part, full of options. And you can also include desynthesis in Scenarios.

    As for chatting with players while using Miqobot, they said they will try to come up with something down the line.

Viewing 15 posts - 181 through 195 (of 307 total)