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I mean, I understand what Lucifon wanted, it’s just the Assist feature, not a fully automated Frontlines that some other crappy bots have, where every legit players can tell who’s using that bot, cause they camp together, are on follow, etc.
It’s true, the Assist there would be as discreet as anywhere else.
And, it’s not Miqobot fault, but you would not piss players off cause you would not be able to win with it where it matters, in ranked Feast, because Feast goes way beyond rotations, it’s all about keeping burst and sync them, with all things that it implies, baiting, trapping, jumping at last second on a different target than the one where the team put the countdown on because of a sudden debuff, etc.
It’s true human sync play, that require to lead more often than one could believe, even if you’re not playing melee slot.Not saying Miqobot devs skills could not create such an A.I., maybe they’re even the ones behind the LoL one that beat a human pro team, but my point is, with just Assist “rotations”, I guess it would be discreet, and since it would not be enough at all to get a win in Feast, it would not piss legit players off if they ever find out about it. In that state it would be harmless there, you could piss off the team you will make lose though.
I mean, my main point was to not draw specific negative attention onto Miqobot, but this might still eventually happen next savage raid if Miqobot Assist is good enough to get orange parses on FFLogs, but since it’s a non official ranking, outside of the game, maybe it won’t raise any noise, or so little.
But, assist for Frontlines, yeah it would be discreet, but it’s kind of useless when Miqobot can take care of levelling on her own through other contents, and quite efficient ones.
And it would mean creating “rotations” in Frontlines for ALL jobs, there’s already too many jobs, and more are coming, 17, even if those rotations are easier, that’s a lot of work.
Especially when you know PvP actions are the ones getting the most updates through patches.From these findings, to me, it looks wiser to skip Frontlines support for the time being.
This also make me think of something I wanted to ask to Miqobot and the community, we’ll reach 17 jobs in ShB, that’s a a lot of work for Miqo devs, even if it might only be adding 70 to 80 in the case SE don’t revamp the rest too much.
So, if creating Assist support for jobs one after an other is not slower than working on all of them at the same time, wouldn’t it be more useful to work first on old and popular ones, and release them one by one?I’m sure there’s more into the equation than what I have thought of, but I felt like asking anyway. If any of those 2 solutions are viable, I was wondering if in ShB the Miqobot users would prefer getting all jobs in stages at the same time, or complete but one by one at the risk of getting their favourite one at the very end.
I would have done 1.0 popular ones first, like PLD, WHM, BRD, DRG, BLM, so that there’s one of each kind.But I’m pretty sure they need to work on all of them at the same time, for many good reasons, I was just thinking out loud.
Miqobot is disabled on purpose in any PvP zones, in order to not give an unfair advantage against real opponent, and especially in order to not draw attention from regular XIV players and SE.
Miqobot needs to stay in the gray area of the game, where botters are needed and somehow therefore tolerated as long as they’re discreet to the point no one notices them.
As long as you don’t bother SE, SE don’t take action against the bot. If SE sees a bot is ruining their PvP, and that on top of that the FFXIV community managed to spot which bot, they might take action if they see they can do it at a low cost.
By keeping Miqobot away from PvP, it ensures its lifetime.That’s at least how I personally interpreted Miqotot devs decision, and I think it’s wise.
Thanks for the reply, so is this not a bot I can leave on its own? :/ what’s the point of it if I can’t go afk?
Well your question was “what is the likelihood of being banned?”, you won’t get banned for using Miqobot, it’s undetectable, but you put your account at risk if you don’t use it smartly.
Let me give you an example while answering your last question at the same time.
Squadron Dungeon are a FFXIV feature that allows you to run some selected dungeon (from lvl 20 to 60) along with 3 AI NPC controlled by FFXIV servers. You can unlock this feature at your Grand Company.
Miqobot can handle controlling fully your character there, while FFXIV servers will control the 3 other teammates.
You can level there from lvl 20 to 70.Now, if you run those Squadron Dungeon in loop with the bot, unattended, for the whole night for example, and a friend of you in your FC or LS notice you’ve been inside the same dungeon for hours, and they start to ask you questions in LS or FC chat, and you don’t answer, it raises suspicions.
If this same thing happens several times, at some point, one of them might report you. And later on, if a GM comes to check on you, and you’re not there to respond while your character obviously continue to play content on its own, they will draw conclusions and you might get a warning and a temporary ban. That’s how it works.
This was just an example, but there’s many more.Miqobot is the best bot out there, by far, it has features built to replicate a regular player activities and stay under the radar, all this while not having to interact with the bot any more once you launched it. It’s completely autonomous.
But it’s up to you to play safely or play riskily.Leave the game unattended and if someone talks to you, check on you while your char is obviously not AFK, and you won’t answer, you’ll raise suspicions.
It’s better to acknowledge that before starting using it in riskily ways, since that was your question.
The bot was programmed to be able to operate the game even if the game is ran in a tiny window, with low graphics settings, and set to use only 15 FPS when out of focus, this means it has a very low impact on today’s computers, this means you can play another game while Miqobot plays on FFXIV, or you can work even on very demanding 3D software while Miqobot plays on FFXIV, that way you can intervene in the game if you hear someone talking to you. This is a very safe way to use Miqobot.
All this is optional, it’s just to answer your question, it’s up to you how much risk you’re willing to take.
If you buy a car able to run at 280km/h, it’s up to you if you wanna reach that speed on road at the risk of getting caught, or drive it safely below the speed limit, and always stay under the radar. Cliché example I admit, but still appropriate.
You can already use the Combat Assist feature there, you move your character yourself (including dodging) and the bot will take care of the fights. Fully automated solo runs there are still in development yeah. If your plans are levelling, you can already use the fully automated Squadron Dungeon, not as fast as POTD, but fast enough.
The likelihood of being banned is proportional to how smartly/stupidly you’ll use the bot.
Run the same activity 24/7 with no breaks, and you put your account at risks.
Play smartly with scenarios, copy the behaving of a normal player, don’t let the bot unattended, keep an eye on the game, and you’ll never get banned.-
This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by
Carl Arbogast.
This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by
Carl Arbogast.
Have fun with Miqobot, she’s a funny girl. Play safe, play smart, and don’t forget that the movements you’ll see on your screen are round up on other people screen, due to the netcode, and therefore they look less rigid and more natural than what you may think.
And those movements have been upgraded since for the combat mode, in the fully automated Squadron Dungeon, and that enhanced version of movements will be implemented in the Gathering feature in a future version.The community here is quick to answer any question you may have. The search button is at the root of the forum. And Miqobot has an help button in every tab of the bot, linking you to a full documentation, and there’s also a “?” button giving you access to all the commands of the scenario engine.
You’ll see that Miqobot is quite a piece of software, with full of surprising stuffs like being able to pick up something you already started, like mid-craft or even a Squadron Dungeon, her only complain will be “Heh did you start without me?”. Like I said, funny girl.
I usually finish around the 14:00 – 13:50 mark (depends if they get too much downtime during the 2nd boss due to Miqo making the squad disengage and stack onto the healer for red markers)
Are those times the times spent in the dungeon, or the time between the 1st hit and last hit?
At the moment, my times can’t be the best because my char is taking a DPS slot, I’ll go back to healer and tank soon, but your times really look quite short!Thanks for mentioning the issue with duplicate jobs, I think that when I’ll need to fill 2 DPS slot I’ll got for ACN/ROG too.
You should consider buying one month of the bot to try it, I have the feeling you’re wasting precious time waiting, and that you will end up disappointed you waited so long before finally get into it, that you could have saved so many hours (and therefore money) if you had buy it the day you found out about it.
Ok, so, you’re completely new to this game, so let me tell you that in those weekly announcements, there’s never people who use advanced bots like this one and play smart at the same time, meaning not letting the bot unattended, etc.
People in those announcements are RMT, with suspicious characters, several characters following each other with dumb names, bad gear, no glamours, new accounts, barely any achievements, no LS, no friends, ultra greedy, always doing the same thing 24/7, not discreet, using hacks to walk below the floor, players that don’t really blend with the rest of players, players botting in unranked PvP for EXP, are easy to spot and check, and are a nuisance to SE regular players.
If you don’t mess with the players, SE won’t mess with you, you can play in their grey area.
One thing that make the runs faster, is to pick the right Squadrons.
I don’t know if someone posted advices on that already, but after parsing mine I found up to a 2min difference for a run.Keep in mind I parsed those only one time, it would require 1000 iterations to really be accurate, but it might speaks a bit already.
I put +60% dmg on all squadrons, and Miqo was running as a DPS on Sohm Al:Time: 18:21
Raid DPS: 1071
PGL: 332
GLD: 236
CNJ: 177Time: 17:07
Raid DPS: 1163
MRD: 380
THM: 333
CNJ: 158Time: 16:45
Raid DPS: 1180
ARC: 394
MRD: 352
CNJ: 154Time: 16:25
Raid DPS: 1197
ROG: 412
MRD: 366
CNJ: 146Time: 16:09
Raid DPS: 976* (missing Carbuncle likely)
MRD: 360
ACN: 192* (missing Carbuncle likely)
CNJ: 143I don’t have a LNC, so if anyone can share LNC, especially if they find synergy with ARC.
So from this, looks like MRD is of course way better than GLD, then for DPS (on Sohm Al) ACN>ROG>ARC>BLM/PUG, but for ACN, somehow I could not parse Carbuncle, so I just look at the time, I did a couple of more runs like this, and it was the best ones, so I assumed ACN was the best for Sohm Al.
If you guys or Miqobot wanna share what you found personally, especially for working synergy, this actually can save a couple of minutes.
Time is from 1st hit to last hit, parser kept parsing from 1st hit to last hit.
April 13, 2019 at 4:02 pm in reply to: Suggestion: Check Crafting Condition then Execute Preset Rotation #11771Unless I did something wrong 🙂
No offence, but yeah, as many like you did, you somehow overlooked the solver.
What you are asking, is dev time, to help you build your own solver, while there’s already a built-in one a billion times more powerful (I’m not exaggerating, read below).I’m gonna second Lyfox on this because somehow I feel you guys are still not convinced.
With equal stats as the ones you have for your macros, the solver will always beat your macros, and set up correctly (required skills on hot bar + settings + food but no tea) it will always take less than 3 min to solve and then it’s good to go.
And for real, everything else than 4 stars take less than 20 sec to solve.Sometimes, really rarely, you might end up with an NQ, but who cares, out of 300 potions you got 3 NQ, they still sell high lol, you lost nothing.
As for a very important craft, like a piece of gear, just do pre-crafts with Miqobot, and do some in HQ, with some HQ in the final craft, it’s impossible for Miqobot to fail the craft.I think that people who weren’t there when Miqobot was coding the solver, don’t realise what they have in their hands. It’s understandable, you might have never read what the solver actually does, all the scientific researches it took Miqobot to get there, and how some people outside of this community used some of those researches results to theorycraft XIV DoH.
So it’s a solver you might say. No. It’s THE solver.
I’m gonna just take 2 quotes of Miqobot that should bring to light the crazy piece of software we have in our hands:
Crafting Solver does not use any rotations.
It calculates the required crafting ability on the fly by analyzing all possible outcomes of every possible decision. We use about 20 different methods for research, analysis, and space clusterization, and Monte Carlo tree search is of course one of them.While we can provide more details of this process, the amount of information would probably fit a PhD thesis and would not be very useful to the commumnity.
In its original state, this method would require about 316 EB (Exabytes) of RAM and 5,168 years to solve a single 70** recipe. Therefore we perform in-depth AI analysis to optimize the crafting solution map with clusterization formulae.
This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by
Carl Arbogast.
April 11, 2019 at 1:58 am in reply to: Suggestion: Check Crafting Condition then Execute Preset Rotation #11712April 10, 2019 at 6:36 pm in reply to: Suggestion: Check Crafting Condition then Execute Preset Rotation #11706But you don’t need anything to reach that level for the first time, doing the story will reward you with enough EXP to always reach the max current lvl for one job.
Also, the 1 year old Reddit post you linked, like the author disclaims it at the beginning, their numbers are wrong today, as the method he described got patched.
Nonetheless, Miqobot can still perform on her own a Squadron Dungeon farm, but it will be slower than what that Reddit post advertised when spamming Engage was resetting cool downs of squadrons. -
This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by