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That’s totally fine. I just wanted to let you know my thoughts on the rotations since patch. With the Flourish before technical being the big issue. Everything else is mostly just nitpicks that can be ignored. I’ll keep experimenting with it. The fact you even replied is above and beyond what I expected, anyway. Thank you for the insight, as well. And I totally understand this aspect is low-priority. Thank you for all the hard work.
This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by
Would you please clarify, what adjustment do you propose?
Should Miqobot replace Flourish with Devilment? Or should she delay both until Technical Step is complete?If possible. Have it hold Flourish if Technical is either available, or will be within… around 5 seconds?
In a normal encounter you would want to Technical > Flourish (There isn’t enough time to double weave after a dance finishes) > Weaker Proc GCD (Reverse Cascade or Rising Windmill) > Devilment > Use everything you have saved up as you can. Any other time Flourish is used off cooldown as long as there aren’t any active procs. But if Technical is about to come up, or you still have a proc active, you hold it until either/both have been used.
There is no such concept as “opener” in Miqobot.
Assist Mode is based on a seamless list of rules that Miqobot follows regardless of the rotation phase.As stated above, adding a rule to have Flourish be held if Technical is available, or will be shortly should fix the issue. Because as it stands even letting Miqo do her thing from the start, there will be procs that have timers expiring at the start of every encounter where everything is off cooldown.
Saber Dance is used when Espirit gauge is above or equal 81.
That is fine. However, is it possible to have that change when your own Technical Finish is up? It can shoot to 100 incredibly fast if you let it get that high during technical when in a full party, leading to wasted Espirit. So having it be used highest priority when it reaches 80 or 71+ during technical should alleviate that.
The combat system of Miqobot is not competitive in endgame and never will be.
With most jobs, yes. That is the case. However, with very few macros/tweaks the Physical Ranged jobs were able to perform incredibly well in Savage with very little adjustment. They were the stars of assist mode, leading to rankings in the high 50s-70s on fflogs when in a BiS set of gear. It has been a great tool during progress, and nights where you need some extra help.
That statement was more about the fact that in eight-man content. When seven other people are generating Espirit for you, the issue of proc timers running out from using it before Technical is compounded because you also will be getting 2-4+ Saber Dances available during that window depending on RNG. So that will be even more Flourish procs wasted.If you don’t like the GCD queueing algorithm, please feel free to disable it in Assist Mode settings. This is exactly why the community asked us to implement this option.
And I appreciate it. I like having that as an option. This section was more of a potential bug report. Because there sometimes would be enough of the GCD recast left when Standard came up for Miqo to hit it. Instead choosing another regular GCD. Sometimes it looked like as much as 1/4th of the GCD was left when standard would come off cooldown, but Miqo would still choose another action. It just feels like something is ‘wrong’ with or without GCD queueing enabled as compared to the previous patch.
Another suggestion that I’m not sure is implemented or not would be to have Miqo focus on using a proc with the shortest remaining duration.
Others have mentioned the only problem I’ve noticed with MCH since the patch. And I think I covered the main issue with DNC.There is currently a BIG issue with the new DNC rotation.
In the opener, you want to start your standard dance 15 seconds before pull. Use it on pull, then instantly go into technical.
Now Miqobot will pop Flourish the second standard step goes off, but before using Technical. So It’ll Flourish, then start dancing, wasting precious seconds of the procs gained from Flourishing. This is a guaranteed loss of at least one proc.
This is compounded even more in any endgame content. Because the Espirit gained from Technical will keep filling the gauge for Saber Dances, which take priority. There is not enough time to use all the procs, or the standard step that comes up during that time. As well as any Saber Dances that come up during the technical window, and before those procs from Flourish fall off. This happens with and without GCD queueing enabled. It leads to a fairly large DPS loss in the opener, and will continue to be potentially any time Technical and Flourish line up. And will cause drifting issues between Flourish and Devilment/Technical.
I also am not sure when the bot is wanting to use Saber Dance. It’s supposed to be used when you’re at or nearing 80 Espirit, especially during Technical. However it made no use of it that I could see during technical, even though it was sitting at 80 Espirit.
Like MCH with Reassemble + Drill. There is also an issue with the new GCD queueing and timing of some moves. If Standard Step is coming off cooldown, but the GCD is about to turn over, she’ll choose to queue up another action, even though the dance would have been queue-able before the GCD. Causing consistent Standard Step drift throughout the entire encounter.
There are multiple threads detailing testimonials and damage numbers for combat assist. As well as some macros to help make some jobs perform better.
– (please note that with the recent update some of the macros in this thread are pointless, like most of PLD and BLM.)Speaking of. Has anyone made a better version of the Navigation pathing for the aethersand recently?
The one I’m using is really janky, very easy to tell it’s a bot. And it has some really silly oddities. Like on the sweet marjoram route (Rak’Tika aethersand) It goes way up high next to the ephemeral node, then goes inside a tree trunk, dismounts, and then runs a few feet to outside of the tree where the node is.A couple jobs play fairly well in Savage, DPS wise. I wouldn’t trust it for healing a fight very well, though. Mainly the best DPS to use in Savage for combat assist are SMN and MCH. Both will perform well, and in BiS will get you around 60-70th percentile on parses as long as you’re doing mechanics correcting (And in SMN’s case moving as little as possible.)
I’ve got most classes to 80 and have used miqobot in dungeons/trials/raids including savage and left it running on target dummy in 480 gear so my comments below should cover a wide range of situations. Within each category they are ordered roughly in order of my preference for combat assist. Note this is accurate as of writing on v1.3.33 of miqobot. Some of the changes are so minor and seemingly so easy to implement (e.g. scorch on RDM) that I expect they will be fixed in the next major release. Some jobs however like BLM, MNK, DRG and AST I would never recommend using miqobot for anything other than casual content until some kind of specific raid module is included. Note also that the dps I have quoted is without any interventions, expect it to be a bit higher if you do the interventions I mention.
[Huge job blurb]
Actually AST handles cards very well in a party. Will fish for divination perfectly, though not always placing cards optimally. Then it’ll use lord/lady once seals are up. Star management has to be manual. As well as CU. But for anything other than savage it’s worked well. A couple custom macros here and there for Horoscope/Aspected Helios and it works very well. Biggest problem is, like all heals, it’s only reactive. So would not recommend if you have to Nocturnal.
MCH is almost perfect. Other than sometimes losing a mid-combo proc because hypercharge is up, and sometimes not wildfiring at the most opportune times, it plays really well. The wildfire thing can be worked around with a couple macros to quickly add and remove it from the bar, though. And it’s only been an issue in two instances this tier: Ruby EX, will try to wildfire nael in second phase right before she goes invuln. And on E8S adds. If you let it do it’s thing, it’ll try to wildfire an earthen when it’s almost dead.
This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by
So. I changed up the Eph 8/8 Rotation. How do I set the parameters for the rotationIfGP(Ephemeral-8/8)? Like If I want to use the 800GP rotation, but if the cordial doesn’t give me enough GP by the time I get around to the next Eph node, how do I set it to just use the original rotationIfGP(Ephemeral-i) rotation, instead?
Check the MB for SkyBuilders items, whichever sells well gather it and sell 😀
That is what I was doing before. However, as I mentioned in my post. Diadem mats are tanking hard right now without ranking anymore. So I’m looking for an alternative.
This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by