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  • in reply to: [Farming] Skins #14608

    Is there a way to use combat/Scenario/Navigation to do this kind of stuff

    Not yet, sadly. Combat assist doesn’t work with scenario engine yet. I hope, this will be the first feature released, after vendor support.

    let your retainer do the hunt

    Just too bad, when your retainers are botanist, miner and fisher, but none of them are combat jobs.


    O_O Fun… thanks, I’ll try it! Though, it makes me quite uneasy when I don’t see at least a small bit of each my toon’s screen (i.e. can’t be sure if it is doing its job, or stopped due to some bug, or just disconnected)…

    Also, protip to that. Go to your sound settings and set it like this:

    That way you will hear the little sound when an item is obtained, every time you gather an item, as well as tell-sound effects, but nothing else. The second you hear a tell, or you don’t hear the item-obtained sound (the one that sounds like a book-page being turned) for longer than 30 seconds, you know something isn’t working as intended and you can quickly switch back into the game to check.

    Yes, making the grid itself is really a ten minutes job; though, that’s playtesting and polishing that takes 1-2 hours more.

    True. Playtesting costs extra time. For my grids I had maybe 20 minutes of playtesting, so I need like half an hour for a basic grid, that runs in smooth circles and doesn’t aggro mobs 😉


    Just keep in mind that you shouldn’t even touch your mouse while bot uses sendKey() sequences (which are also vulnerable to lag bursts).

    Protip, even though it was already mentioned:

    If you set your FFXIV to window-mode (not borderless fullscreen as usual) and minimize the window, you can move your mouse all you want and Miqo will not care about it at all. Everything will be working perfectly fine, since she works via keyboard presses alone and the mouse only messes with FFXIV in the background itself (which it doesn’t do, when the window is minimized).

    Not sure if it’s worth waiting, as creating your own grids takes maybe a hour or two.

    I made my two grids for Dwarven Cotton Boll and Lignum Vitae Logs in like 10 minutes and they’re not too bad I’d say, so 2 hours would make a hell of a grid.

    Still curious, how your grids will look and surely will try them out!

    Thanks bunch for this answer! And sorry for bugging you %)

    Well, since the Miqobot community is pretty small, asking for features and elaborating on and convincing the community why they’d be great, is the way to go to get features here. From what I see, vendor support would be pretty great for crafting/gathering scrip scenarios, where items are bought after a certain amount of time has passed, so the bot can run theoretically indefinitely/for several hours no problem, so it is surely a useful feature that would be great.

    in reply to: Dwarven Cotton Boll #14498

    The only thing left aside from seperate gathering grids is a yellow scrips (lvling) scenario, which are currently am working on. Pretty much done. Someone else did white scrips already.

    And an Ephermal Aethersand Scenario is also still missing for the new aethersands. I hope Lyfox will make such one, since his one is far superior to the one I made back in Stormblood.

    in reply to: Index: Gathering Grids #14488

    Kholusia – Tomra
    [Slot 2] – Coffee Beans
    [Slot 4] – Bomba Rice
    [Slot 5] – Dwarbem Cotton Boll
    [Slot 6] – Ice Crystal

    You gotta go to the gathering site manually and set your preset yourself, but the grid itself is very natural from its path and I’ve stealthed any ground movement, since it’s full of mobs in all Shadowbringers areas, wherever you can gather something.


    And another one:

    Lakeland – The Ostall Imperative
    [Slot 2] – Harcot
    [Slot 4] – Earth Cluster
    [Slot 5] – Lignum Vitae Log

    Just like the grid above, much stealth, you gotta go there manually in the first place and make your own preset to select, in which slot to gather and what rotation to use.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Arc Arc.
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    in reply to: Dwarven Cotton Boll #14457

    2 Hours is figuratively 2 seconds, when considering, that the bot was just released. Give people some time. They will provide the grids on their own.

    If within 3-7 days no one has made one, THEN it would be an appropriate time to ask, if someone has made one and would kindly share it.

    in reply to: Question About the Upcoming Update #14149

    There are skills?

    Yes, stuff like King’s Yield II which triples your harvest on the next tree or the collectable skill to farm ephermal nodes for aetherial reduction (aethersands sell for outrageous prices the first few weeks/month)

    so gimme the bot in pre-ShB state, and I’ll be pretty much happy!

    That’s what you’re getting propably on Sunday or Monday and I’m gonna be happy with that as well.

    With the rotations being simplified for the older jobs in the update to Miqo will a base rotation for gunbreaker and dancer be included or will that be at a later date?

    I can tell you for sure, that there will be zero Gunbreaker and Dancer support on the first release in 48ish hours. You should be happy, if there is ANY combat support at all on the first release.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Arc Arc.
    in reply to: Question About the Upcoming Update #14146

    With core modules from my Stormblood launch experience I expect the following features will propably work:

    * Crafting at more or less SB state (so no level 71+ skills + removal of PbP/MuscMem/MaMa from the equation)
    * Gathering at more or less SB state (so no level 71+ skills)
    * Gold Saucer

    On the first release. Maybe some bare minimum combat, but that’s not something I expect.

    You should all be really grateful, if Miqo manages to release any more features than that and that is already pretty amazing 🙂

    in reply to: Does Miqobot Have Combat Routines? #14115

    First of all, you really shouldn’t talk about the server you play on.
    Secondly, as mentioned before, people are completely focused on the Main Scenario Questline from Shadowbringers and it’s ridiculously full on Norvandt.
    Thirdly, ffxivcensus is completely unreliable, since it takes every Chinese bot user into account for the population and even on ffxivcensus the population of ‘active players’ is on the lower end. A way more reliable, but still not 100% safe census is the one from LuckyBancho, which you also have to take with a grain of salt.

    in reply to: Forum Request: Feature Development List #14091

    Good to hear 🙂

    Because it would be just great, if that nuissance of people asking the same things over and over again would be vastly reduced. Would save you a lot of work and in turn features for us might get released even sooner 🙂

    Also, keep up the good work. As a media computer science student I can just imagine how much work all of that must be

    in reply to: Feature Suggestion – Auto Undercutting #14087

    We definitely need a NOIDEA or smth-type locked sticky topic containing the most frequently asked features which will never be implemented. I’m here for just some 3 month, and this is about 3rd or 4th time I see this suggestion already…

    Welcome to Miqobot Forums 🙂

    But I agree, that we should have a sticky at the top, that lists both Features that are already requested and features that will not be made

    in reply to: Feature Suggestion – Auto Undercutting #14058

    Also, imagine what would happen if 2 people from the same server would use Miqo at the same time for the same item. The bot would undercut itself within a few minutes until the item is only worth 1 gil

    in reply to: Does Miqobot Have Combat Routines? #14040

    Lol, you all got it wrong. The reason for the kill switch, as stated by Miqobot themselves, is for moral and security reasons.

    Here I’ll just quote Miqobot themselves, so they don’t need to write it again:

    We are very sorry, but Miqobot does not support any PvP activities.
    She will immediately trigger an integrated kill switch upon entering a PvP zone.

    Please note that PvP activities are extremely dangerous for botting due to high player congestion.
    There is a very high risk of being reported by another player in PvP. And it will most likely result in account suspension.

    It is true that PvP grinding would be relatively easy to implement with Scenario Engine, and it would drive a lot of attraction to Miqobot.
    But at the same time it would trigger much hatred from players who prefer to grind Frontlines manually. They would most likely take it as a personal insult and initiate witch hunting, which could potentially lead to a schism in the game community and significant damage to the game itself.

    We care about our players very much, and we would not want Miqobot to become a tool for game destruction.

    We sincerely apologize, but at this time we have to postpone all PvP features requests.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Arc Arc.
    in reply to: best methods to make gil at the start of expansions? #13988

    From a rather chill perspective, I’m doing the following:

    1. Finish the MSQ.
    2. Get gathering up to 80.
    3. Make gil with gathering.
    4. Get crafting up to 80.
    5. Make gil with crafting and gathering.

    in reply to: Adventurer in Need: Clairvoyant #13987

    I think what Lyfox was referring to wasn’t about stocks details or something, but rather than the scene from Wolf of Wall Street, where it’s said: “Nobody knows…”

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