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  • in reply to: Virus notification #24885

    Yes, this always happens with every new version release.
    False Positive is a bug in antivirus, but since we have no affiliation with antivirus vendors and have no access to their source code we can not help them fix it.

    This is why there is a reminder in the main status thread:

    A reminder about antiviruses.

    Since this is a new version of Miqobot, it may be flagged by your antivirus as False Positive because its signatute is not yet known. As it is stated in our FAQ section, Miqobot is not a virus but antiviruses are usually trained to sic at anything that tries to interact with other programs. Miqobot will make no attempt to fight your antivirus.

    Please remember to whitelist your Miqobot application after download. Thank you!

    Even if you did not experience this problem before, it doesn’t mean that you never will. Antiviruses are updated often and each update has a chance to introduce a new false positive bug.
    We highly recommend to report this behavior to your antivirus vendor.

    in reply to: previous page #24882

    This message indicates that you’re missing an important keybind in the game settings.
    You can find it under Keybind -> Movement -> Zoom Camera In / Previous Page.

    Please take a look at this guide for detailed information: Keybinds and Icons Recognition

    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback #24819

    Thank you for reporting.
    Yes, this is a known issue. When many players attack the same target, the game can not display all active debuffs and sometimes it pushes your DoTs out of display. If Miqobot doesn’t see DoTs being applied, she ends up spamming them without any effect.

    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback #24805

    Yes, most likely you are correct.
    But Miqobot does not make decisions based on the rotation history, because it would interfere with reactive choices. If another pack of enemies is pulled accidentally, Miqobot would have to interrupt the single-target combo anyway. And it still doesn’t solve the problem with DPS prediction.
    We appreciate your feedback, but this adjustment requires additional research.

    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Miqobot Status #24793

    Miqobot is fixed for Patch 5.35 Maintenance!

    Please restart your Miqobot for the changes to take effect.
    Thank you for your patience very much!

    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Miqobot Status #24791

    As always, Miqobot is broken after Patch 5.35 Maintenance and we are working to fix her as fast as possible.
    The changes are minor and should take only a few hours.

    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback #24789

    On Smn, was bringing the ifrit pet out automatically moved to the ‘buffs’ category recently?

    Yes, but this is not a recent change. It was categorized as Buff several patches ago.

    Wanted to give some feedback to WAR’s AOE rotation. After she gains the group enmity, she should do a Storm’s Eye rotation to get that 10% damage buff. 🙂

    Thank you for your feedback very much.
    The problem with this decision is that Miqobot can not predict how many enemies will remain alive after the 10% damage buff is applied. For example, if there are 10 enemies in front of you and 3 of them die, it results in lost DPS opportunity. And its also hard to predict how much enmity is enough to keep the group focused on your character while Miqobot performs a single-target combo.
    This is one of the extreme optimizations that will require additional research.

    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback #24773

    Thank you for reporting.
    Unfortunately, we haven’t managed to reproduce your issue in our labs. Your problem appears to be unique, because there has been no reports of similar nature. We would recommend to verify whether your antivirus is causing interference with Miqobot application, but we don’t have a guaranteed solution.
    If you discover additional information that could help the investigation, please let us know.

    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback #24758

    I seem to have run into another issue with the holdKey() scenario function. It seems to ignore combinations like shift+1 etc. while key() does it normally.

    Thank you for reporting.
    Indeed, there is a bug in holdKey() function that renders modifier keys ineffective. It will be addressed in the future.

    On a further note: Would it be possible to combine arbitrary hotkeys (like L+F for example). Cause at the same performance topic, you can switch to half note mode with own hotkeys.

    This feature is already possible.
    Scenario Engine allows any arbitrary combination of keys to be pressed together, but like you said it adds an additional layer of complexity and may lead to potentially dangerous results, therefore it is not documented. You can use special “down” and “up” keywords inside key() function to alter the state of a certain key and continue scenario execution.

    key({L down})
    key({F down}, 2.0)
    key({F up})
    key({L up})

    This also works with Ctrl / Alt / Shift modifiers which can be used as a workaround for the issue with holdKey().
    However, please note that each scenario line has a time drift of 50-250 milliseconds, so we wouldn’t recommend using scenarios for Bard Performance mode. This game feature would require a separate algorithm with precise timing customization. But such tools already exist, some of them are free and open source with dedicated communities, so there doesn’t seem to be a reason to include this feature in a subscription-based project.
    But of course, we are open to suggestions.

    Now that Out on a Limb and Finer Miner are available as “Home Versions”, anyway we can have a setting to tell Miqobot that we’re not at the Minion Square and play the game over and over?

    Yes, this feature is already requested.
    Please join the discussion here: MGP farming doesn’t work on housing machines

    Way safer than playing in the Gold Saucer proper.

    We have received information from several sources that playing the same minigame for more than 12 hours non-stop is likely to result in account suspension, even if this activity is performed in a private locked house. There is reason to believe that a server-side script is constantly monitoring your private house activity.
    So please be careful.

    in reply to: MGP farming doesn't work on housing machines #24706

    We are sorry, other housing minigames would require a completely different system.
    Their implementation will take several weeks and will occupy a full development cycle.

    in reply to: MGP farming doesn't work on housing machines #24704

    Miqobot does not support housing minigames.
    If you don’t play minigames on Minion Square, several algorithms will be broken. Double down timer is one of these algorithms.

    in reply to: MGP farming doesn't work on housing machines #24689

    Zone verification is implemented at several levels, so it’s not an easy thing to do. We will have to redesign the algorithms before it becomes possible. And it will require postponing other features in development.

    With your permission, we would like not to assign a critical priority to this request.
    But we will try to include the necessary adjustments in the next update.

    in reply to: MGP farming doesn't work on housing machines #24669

    Miqobot does not support housing minigames, but of course, you can make a workaround with Scenario Engine.
    We will try to implement an additional function to make this easier in the future.

    However, please remember to include AFK periods and do not leave Miqobot unattended for too long.
    We have received information from several sources that playing the same minigame for more than 12 hours non-stop is likely to result in account suspension, even if this activity is performed in a private locked house. There is reason to believe that a server-side script is constantly monitoring your private house activity. So please be careful.

    Miqobot does not enforce any limits on your activity, but we encourage you to play wisely.

    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback #24665

    It seems that the new materia extraction doesn’t work for me.

    It does the same for me. Materia extraction window opens, nothing happens, materia extraction window closes.

    The issue with materia extraction in German game client is addressed. Please download Miqobot v1.3.37.1 from our website.
    Thank you for your patience very much.

    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Miqobot Status #24663

    Miqobot v1.3.37.1 – Patch Notes

    Download Miqobot

    • Fixed an issue wherein startMateriaExtraction() did not work with German game client.

    Note: This version does not contain any critical updates.
    It will not trigger the “New version available” message.

    If you already have Miqobot v1.3.37 and do not intend to use Materia Extraction feature, you don’t have to download this version.

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