Forum Replies Created
MSQ and Questing features are not supported at the moment.
Our community assigned a low priority to Questing due to inherent danger posed by open-world combat. Therefore we focus on implementing private instance activities and Assist Mode instead.
For additional information about open-world combat, please read this thread:
Asking the community: Thoughts on Open World Combat and User ProtectionWe will consider your voice in our development plans.
Thank you for your request!FATE Farming is not supported at the moment.
Our community assigned a low priority to FATE features due to inherent danger posed by open-world combat. Therefore we focus on implementing private instance activities and Assist Mode instead.
For additional information about open-world combat, please read this thread:
Asking the community: Thoughts on Open World Combat and User ProtectionWe will consider your voice in our development plans.
Thank you for your request!Blue Mage support was one of the features proposed for the community during the recent voting period:
Voting (June 2 – June 9, 2021)
It wasn’t selected for implementation in this development cycle, but it will be proposed during the next period once again.I figured out the issue. I didn’t have one of the “move cursor” bound to a keybind.
Thank you for informing us that you’ve managed to resolve your issue.
In Brayflox’s Longstop, the last boss can be accidentally failed because the character doesn’t move out of the poison and instead repeatedly jumps, especially if they’re melee. In The Stone Vigil, the character gets stuck very early on and consistently just jiggles left and right without really moving anywhere. Any fixes that I’m not aware of for these?
This issue usually indicates that there is a keybind conflict in your game settings.
You can find the detailed explanation of this problem in our Keybinds and Icons Recognition guide.Our Tech Support can analyze your keybind mappings and identify the exact cause.
If you require technical assistance, please contact us directly: combat assist use tinctures in it’s rotation?
No, automatic usage of potions and tinctures is not implemented. Please trigger them manually as you see fit.
Blue Mage support was one of the features proposed for the community during the recent voting period:
Voting (June 2 – June 9, 2021)
It wasn’t selected for implementation in this development cycle, but it will be proposed during the next period once again.In this case we will have to investigate your issue further.
Please contact our Tech Support directly and we will do our best to help you: it be possible to cache the last 3 (or any X amount) types of recipes instead of just one? Just to save time with solver re-solving things when our stats change or the level of the recipe changes.
Yes, this feature has already been requested and is discussed in a separate thread.
Please join the discussion here:
Is there a reason Miqo doesn’t store solved recipes somewhere?At the end of the dungeon, Miqo gets stuck on targeting the loot chest rather than the exit. No matter how hard she tries, she just can’t seem to target the exit without help from you.
It appears that you have altered the default Target Filter settings in the game.
Please follow these steps:- Open System -> Character Configuration -> Control Settings -> Filters tab.
- Make sure that the following settings are checked:
– Enable target cycling.
– When weapon is sheathed -> NPC/Objects.
– When weapon is drawn -> NPC/Objects.
Did it help to resolve your issue?
This feature is related to open-world combat.
Our community assigned a low priority to such features due to inherent danger posed by open-world combat. Therefore we focus on implementing private instance activities and Assist Mode instead.
For additional information about open-world combat, please read this thread:
Asking the community: Thoughts on Open World Combat and User ProtectionPlease note, even if we implement this feature, Miqobot will not be able to perform boss mechanics automatically.
While dodging simple AoE omens is possible to some degree by simply following the leader, certain mechanics like spreading, baiting, facing a certain direction would be unmanageable without additional algorithms.Miqobot saves your settings and presets in these two files:
- settings.miqo
- presets.miqo
They are generated when you first start Miqobot and are automatically updated when you close Miqobot.
Do you see these files being created and updated next to your Miqobot application?
If not, then something is blocking her from saving your presets.
Please try the following solutions:- Try running Miqobot as Administrator.
- Try moving Miqobot to a different folder.
- Make sure that Miqobot has full write access to the folder she resides in.
- Make sure that your antivirus and firewall do not interfere with Miqobot.
No, MSQ and Questing features are not supported at the moment.
Our community assigned a low priority to Questing due to inherent danger posed by open-world combat. Therefore we focus on implementing private instance activities and Assist Mode instead.
For additional information about open-world combat, please read this thread:
Asking the community: Thoughts on Open World Combat and User ProtectionWe will consider your voice in our development plans.
Thank you for your request!Blue Mage support was one of the features proposed for the community during the recent voting period:
Voting (June 2 – June 9, 2021)
It wasn’t selected for implementation in this development cycle, but it will be proposed during the next period once again.At the moment yes, it is 100% needed.
Since Miqobot can use only keyboard, there are only 4 directions available and without turning camera it’s impossible to get a complete 360-degree movement. If you don’t like how Miqobot handles camera, then the only option is to turn off Blind Positionals that the camera stops trying to focus the target in center screen
Would you please clarify your issue?
There is no feature in Miqobot that would place the target in the center of screen on purpose. Turning camera is the only action required for Blind Positionals.There is a game feature called Auto-Lock Target, but it is not related to Assist Mode or Miqobot in general. This is an ingame setting that you can toggle at your own convenience.
You can find it under System -> Character Configuration -> Control Settings -> Target -> Automatically lock on target when initiating auto-attack.Is there anyway you can set up a thread about how each class uses certain abilities?
The Combat system of Miqobot contains a few thousand rules and conditions, so it’s rather problematic to list them all.
It would probably take several months to write a complete guide on every rotation in Assist Mode. And with the arrival of Endwalker expansion, this information will become outdated.We will do our best to answer questions about specific cases, but we won’t be able to post a detailed explanation for all abilities. Please accept our apologies.
Mainly so we can stop making threads asking why X ability doesnt cast etc
There is no need to create a thread for every question. Please use the main feedback thread instead:
Shadowbringers – Issues & Feedback(Right now I’m confused on Machinist because I’m sitting at 100 heat and it’s not hypercharging, although it could of just been the type of fight I was in)
Hypercharge has multiple trigger conditions, depending on your level and the number of enemies. So in order to identify your issue, we would require some additional information.
Here is a list of conditions related to Hypercharge:- Heat Gauge is at 50+.
- Main combo is not at Clean Shot.
- Air Anchor has more than 7 seconds on cooldown. (However, if there are 3+ enemies in the range of Spread Shot, this rule does not apply.)
- Drill has more than 7 seconds on cooldown. (However, if there are 4+ enemies in the range of Spread Shot, this rule does not apply.)
- There are no unused charges of Gauss Round.
- There are no unused charges of Ricochet.
- If Wildfire is not ready and there is less than 85 Heat right now, then there must be enough Heat for when Wildfire becomes ready.
- “Enough Heat” is defined as Wildfire cooldown is longer than the approximate time it will take to reach 50 Heat after Hypercharge.
- “Approximate time” is defined via a special formula which takes multiple factors into account as well.
- If character level is below 35 and there are 2+ enemies in the range of Spread Shot, then Hypercharge is not triggered. (Because single-target weaponskills affected by Overheated status will not be used.)
- If character level is below 50 and there are 3+ enemies in the range of Spread Shot, then Hypercharge is not triggered. (Because the resulting DPS will be lower due to missing Ricochet. However, if Wildfire is ready, this rule does not apply.)
- If Wildfire was popped for any reason, all rules above no longer apply and Hypercharge is triggered immediately.
- Hypercharge is not triggered if Wildfire has less than 10 seconds on cooldown.
In addition, please note that if Hypercharge or Wildfire are placed on an ignored hotbar, they will not be triggered.
At the moment there is no such feature in Miqobot, but it is one of the improvements planned under Gathering updates:
Thank you for your request!
I have a few issues I am confused about.
Our Tech Support has replied to you by email. Please check your Inbox and let us know if you have any other questions.
I noticed the first time I loaded Miqo I had a lot of default presets, now I do not. Is this intentional?
Miqobot saves your settings and presets in these two files:
- settings.miqo
- presets.miqo
They are generated when you first start Miqobot and are automatically updated when you close Miqobot.
Do you see these files being created and updated next to your Miqobot application?
If not, then something is blocking her from saving your presets.
Please try the following solutions:- Try running Miqobot as Administrator.
- Try moving Miqobot to a different folder.
- Make sure that Miqobot has full write access to the folder she resides in.
- Make sure that your antivirus and firewall do not interfere with Miqobot.