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Thank you for reporting.
Unfortunately we don’t have access to Ultima Thule, because we didn’t have time to play the game and unlock new content. As it was stated in the Patch Notes, Miqobot was not tested with 81+ content and may perform unpredictably.We will keep an eye on the enemy you mentioned and will try to identify the reason behind this issue.
I would think that their file names, preset names and grid names will be the same many times, so I’d want to replace the Grid, Preset, and/or Scenario, so I get the updated version. If only A and C, or B and C had changes, then I’d like to update and overwrite those.
In this case yes, what you are asking about is overwriting ambiguous presets.
This is indeed a reasonable request as scenario authors usually try to name their presets in a unique way. There will be problems when preset names from different authors collide, but these should be rare.Very well, we will add your suggestion to the list of QoL updates.
Thank you for the constructive feedback.Yes, this is correct.
If you import a new version of scenario with the same name, the old one will not be deleted automatically. However, automatic overwriting of existing presets may in fact delete important data, such as similar presets from another scenario. Which is why we need a clarification of your request.which is why Miqo doesn’t bother with that anymore and people are just instructed to whitelist Miqo, as this behaviour is expected.
This statement is incorrect.
Miqobot Team is doing everything possible to alleviate the issue with antiviruses.We always inform antivirus vendors about False Positives, and Miqobot project is also subscribed to premium VirusTotal services that send automatic notifications to them.
If you upload Miqobot to VirusTotal, you may notice that our executables are published in the VirusTotal Monitor collection:, we have no affiliation with antivirus vendors and have no access to their source code, therefore we can not help them fix this problem. It’s entirely up to them when and how to address it.
Miqobot identifies a preset as duplicate only if it’s an absolute match.
There are no heuristics involved, the algorithm compares two presets on a binary level. Even if you move a single waypoint slightly, it will be considered a new navigation grid and can not be identified as duplicate. It will be imported as it is and stored as a separate grid with the same name.As for an option to overwrite presets during import, we may consider it.
Although from your description it looks like you intend to overwrite presets when their names match, regardless of whether they are duplicates on a binary level.
Is this correct?Do you have a ETA for the 81 dungeon?
ETA is 2-4 months.
You can see this information on the roadmap.We do not have access to Japanese keyboards, therefore we are not able to verify the answer to this question.
We haven’t heard of any issues related to local keyboard layouts, so most likely you won’t encounter them.But if you do, please feel free to contact our Tech Support directly: you for reporting.
Unfortunately we don’t have access to these instances, because we didn’t have time to play the game and unlock new content. As it was stated in the Patch Notes, Miqobot was not tested with 81+ content and may perform unpredictably.We will keep an eye on the places you mentioned and will try to identify the reason behind this issue.