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i have done it with 2 alt Chars during Stormblood. As Halfdisabled sugested i bought the MSQ jump and The jump to lvl 60 for both accounts.
Best Thing i ever did in ffxiv now i have 3 Chars and it works realy great with miqo. And with the new Features it gets better and better.
Only slight Problem is the catniplicense mixup from time to time
This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by
they didn’t expect the game to recover so well after the flop that FFXIV 1.0 was.
1.0 was not a flop, I was there the all time, every single day, there was plenty of players having fun, it was fantastic to have all continents playing together, JP EU America Oceania, it was so exotic, and beat XI scores.
It has its flaws, like every single games of this genre at their release.
SE made a shit tons of money selling the game.
They managed to made pseudo gaming journalists and self proclaimed internet games experts to believe whatever they wanted to believe after their super serious 4 hours test while never going back to actually facts checking.SE didn’t bother contradicting them, which was super weird from the point of view of all players actually playing and enjoying the game (we were like WTF), but rather SE brushed, caressed and pet all those pseudo journalists and self proclaimed game experts by never gainsaying them, which proved to be the right strategy for what they had in plan next.
Truth is, Tanaka was a visionary, he built a high graphical quality game, prepared it for the decade coming by having high polygon count, high res model and textures, a real open world with no loading screens, not even to enter cities, not even inside the cities, using brand new modern techniques where datas were streamed from hard drive while you were passing in specific areas without you noticing anything, giving you an unimaginable sense of immersion, it was a whole world, not a collection of zones, everything was truly connected, not cheated with spacial ellipses.
All tier 3 Cut Scenes were entirely made from Motion Captures, not crappy emotes, and they had all a cinematographer making inspired and talented framing, camera movements and editing. (the scenes you see with mocap in 2.x, were made from stealing mocap of 1.0 scenes that had nothing to do with the 2.0 ones)
Uematsu music was the best of his long FF career, it was his fucking return, first time he made all musics since FFIX, a master piece, Soken himself knows more than anyone else how far he is from his master.
Tanaka had boundaries everywhere for the lore, the story, the gear, the races, the genders, etc. because he knew that boundaries force you to work with them, inside them, to make something consistent and believable, and that too much freedom always lead to non sense, disconnected things, immersion break.
Tanaka, unlike Yoshida, knew how much all of this was important. Tanaka was an artist making work of art, Yoshida is a former WoW player working for a greedy company.
The truth is Tanaka wanted to skip the PS3, knowing how much PS2 limited them in XI, which was the right choice, but the greedy old CEO of SE pushed him to make a PS3 client, which was impossible with the high quality choices he made, and that CEO also pushed him to release the game way sooner than planned, to counter the WoW expansion, forcing Tanaka to rush lots of stuff, to repeat places, etc.
So, today, when Yoshida enjoys making fun of Tanaka team and their super high polygon count for a flower pot, and at the very same time you don’t get a week without having someone on Reddit making a topic about how the current FFXIV lacks polygons, textures, AA, etc. in truth who should laugh at who?
Yoshida has no cinema and literature culture, he doesn’t know the potential of his game in that regards, Tanaka knew.
SE always expected to succeed with ARR, because they had already so many 1.0 players backing them up, they could not fail it, they were good again at makeing people think whatever they wanted to think, putting them on their side rather than fighting them with undisclosed important numbers, which proved to be a smart strategy in the long term.
Truth is, when pseudo gaming journalists and self proclaimed gamers experts little scamps get together, they’re worse than a sewing circle.
They don’t make any investigations, they don’t spend time testing, for almost 2 decades people thought FFXI was a flop, while it was the FF that brought back to SE the most money, more than FFVII, more than any FF, you only had to buy SE shares and attend a shareholder assembly to learn it.I agree 100%
what you wrote is so sad and true
so usually i play 2 parallel, one gets free time 🙂
This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by
This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by