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  • mrzepher67

    Something I’ve been attempting for weather: if you set a nearby flying node (a suspended one that is only connected to other flying nodes) next to one of the elemental areas to “Beacon” instead of a normal flying node you should be able to create a second preset which only looks for “Clouded” nodes in the scenario.

    something like:

    goodWeather(Umbral Flare)
    goodWeather(Umbral Levin)

    basically miqo should just fly around until she times out and then move on to the next chapter if she doesn’t find anything; this would also technically allow you to just delete the jade area (not that you should lol) since miqo will default to checking beacons if there are no visible nodes nearby.

    One of my first attempts was only checking for 20 in game minutes (lol) and she definitely timed out right on top of an active node, so it does work without breaking the scenario continuity:

    (1:40:30 AM) Scanning for shiny gathering nodes like 'clouded' *.*
    (1:40:30 AM) No gathering nodes around. But hey, there's a beacon over there for me ->
    (1:40:30 AM) Going from 609 to 282 in 2 trips.
    (1:40:30 AM) Woah! A 341 seconds trip? I don't think I can manage that. Let's try 300 seconds first, okay? :3
    (1:41:18 AM) 1 trip more..
    (1:41:18 AM) Destination reached!
    (1:41:18 AM) WORK time is over! Let's go to another chapter ^_^
    (1:41:18 AM) Gathering stopped.

    granted this is only a partially proven concept; I haven’t really tested it all that thoroughly

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by  mrzepher67.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by  mrzepher67.
    in reply to: lvl 80 crafting/gathering? #33897


    the maximum requirements to get through 81-90 crafts are


    So the same endgame sets from Shadowbringers will take you up to the new optimal 90 set; you might just need to drop “Muscle Memory” from any macros you use for the first couple levels if you have higher than 2650 craftmanship.

    I don’t have notes on the gathering sets, but i only had half my melds in my 80 gear and was able to do lvl90 collectables just fine.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by  mrzepher67.
    in reply to: Request: Light farm scenario #28444


    If garuda ex works for light then just use garuda ex it would be faster then any other dungeon and a quick search showed that it would give the same amount of light as Shom al. Also Garuda Ex is already built into Miqobot for combat for tank mount farming but works with all classes

    The issue with this is that you have to have the weapon equipped, and even with the rest of your gear being current that makes soloing the primals more difficult than necessary on certain classes making the dungeons faster, especially in the case of the ARR relics.

    But yeah generally farming Garuda for the anima weapon might be easier. In my case I already had this scenario from when I did some of the ARR relics (where I found brayflox to be faster due to light bonuses proccing on dungeons) so I just swapped the dungeon and let it run overnight.

    in reply to: Request: Light farm scenario #28400


    So, miqo can handle solo farming unsynced dungeons perfectly fine for the dungeons that are programmed in (assuming gear isn’t an issue), but you can’t queue into them normally since the normal function is tied to the squadron dialogue.

    The workaround is to queue yourself into the instance unsynced and THEN start the squadron assist. Miqo will then run the dungeon solo. It’s not the MOST efficient way to farm light but you don’t need to press any buttons yourself and it only took a few hours so I didn’t mind.

    This is the scenario I used for both farming Brayflox Longstop (normal) for 2 different Zeta weapons, and Sohm Al (normal) for the Anima weapon.
    It uses manual key inputs to open and navigate the duty finder window, so you’ll need to plug in whatever inputs you have for that and then watch it a few times to get it right (i have confirm bound to NUM1, i think everything else is default, i dont actually remember).

    If you’re running brayflox you’ll need to comment out one of the NUM8 inputs before the NUM6; for some reason sohm al needs an extra up input to get to the accept button. Do not touch the game window in between runs; the number of inputs you need to send to the duty finder changes depending on if the cursor is already present so you can throw it off really easily. If you need to change it make the change and start over already instanced in the dungeon (just skip through all the stuff before the squadron part).

    The duty finder part is the only real fiddly bit, so watch it for a few runs and mess with the key inputs until miqo can get it right two or three times in a row without needing to baby it and you should be good to leave it after that. 5 or 6 runs babysitting miqo is better than having to run 30-40 dungeons yourself 😉

    edit: I forgot to note, the scenario assumes the correct dungeon is already selected in the duty finder window; I recommend starting the scenario already in the dungeon and just skipping to the “squadron()” command.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by  mrzepher67.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by  mrzepher67.
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    in reply to: Some active users experience using miqobot? #27781


    I’ve been using miqo since a little before the ShB expansion, and Ive never run into any issues for it. I feel like running combat assist as a healer or somebody with a spammable status like peloton in a populated area is generally more obvious than running a gathering grid overnight.

    Clever scenario building to incorporate breaks to accommodate human attention span and redrawing navigation grids to be more human can let you run miqo for quite awhile without drawing much attention (even if you’re on a server where people recognize your name), I very frequently run her overnight for gathering or mgp farming, depending on what I’m focusing on that week. Either nobody knows or nobody thinks I’m doing anything that bothers them.

    I’ve only ever interacted with GM’s once, I got jailed while afk gathering in diadem but it was for some other random unimportant reason and botting was never brought up. I ended up being jailed for a few hours since I was afk (miqo running) at the time I got dragged in, but nothing happened to my account.

    As long as you’re considerate of how miqo will look to other people while she’s working and account for that, you’ll be fine. Not to say Square won’t decide to crack down on any given week but it’s just so hard to tell the difference between a bot on an active account vs a no-life grindcore player.

    edit: also, i think most people realize this these days, but if you see a bunch of people all synced up on the same nav grid then it’s time to change the scenario or grid a bit. I used to run into this a lot more before ShB but it’s not as prevalent since then (for me at least; unsure if people wised up or those people were eventually banned). Nothing more entertaining than running a white scrip scenario and seeing 8-10 people all lift off from the aetheryte at exactly the same time and take the exact same path to the exact same node, and then use the exact same rotation at exactly the same time lol.

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by  mrzepher67.
    in reply to: Quick Question about WHM Regen #26145


    An option to only target tanks with regens would make sense and probably is the easiest solution.

    another possible solution could be to to prioritize AoE healing if more than one person has taken enough damage to constitute a heal, and/or an option to prioritize group healing > solo heal. It’s much more common for fresher players to spam AoE heals a bunch than it is for somebody to drop regen on every party members.

    How feasible is it to potentially implement custom thresholds for healing? Like if I wanted heal + regen at 60%, or just flat healing at 70% percent, or just a regen at 80%. Miqo’s probably not at a spot where she can detect potential incoming damage (like blindly putting a regen on a tank before they start taking auto attacks) but allowing for customizable reactionary healing might help her be less detectable since it can be adjusted to whatever content you’re running. I definitely rarely heal as a healer if I’m farming fates and whatnot vs like a dungeon.


    I agree with some of the points, but disagree largely on combat. I appreciate that miqo exists as primarily an automation tool and not a substitute for playing/learning the game, and I use it as such. Because of that I find it unreasonable to expect anything more, so my opinions definitely sway that way.

    1. The combat functions well enough to send it through dungeons and get through them for the prescripted dungeons, and generally just mindlessly watch youtube while wasd’ing around the rest. If the goal is to skip MSQ then save the money you would spend on miqo and just get a story skip; that would be more effective time vs cost, as there are large portions of content that miqo will potentially never be able to do unassisted due to complexity.

    2. It would be generally a mistake to spend dev hours on nuanced combat changes this close to the next expansion when there will likely be massive overhauls to multiple jobs, imo. There were quite a few major job changes in Shadowbringers between combat and crafting, so it’s not surprising to me that there’s been delays to full combat support for all classes.

    3. We saw quite a few additions to scripted dungeons during shadowbringers, I’m surprised we got tomestone farm at all given the crafting rework and how much backlogging that created.

    I personally would like to see an expansion of the 3D navigation so we can source our own dungeon grids like we do with scenarios, but I don’t know exactly what that entails (or what I would be asking for). If there was a way we could move through dungeons and indicate where enemy packs and interactables like treasure or doorways are and make a scenario that says “fightwaypoint(2,3,4); interactwaypoint(5)” (combine normal grids with 3d nav sorta thing) I think this would save miqo team a lot of dev time in not having to manually code as many dungeons, since many dungeons at various ilvls are tank and spank with few to no important mechanics. This would also allow us to write our own unsync farm if we’re looking for specific items.

    4. More support for vendor interactions I think would be the most helpful in terms of day-to-day use that people writing scenarios could make the most use out of (you can see even now that most scenarios have some way of manually interacting with duty finder or buying items from specific vendors). Target NPCs by name (i feel like this might have been brought up) and searching through tabs to find a specific item “findItem($itemname, $tab)”, as well as enter/exit duty options would be beneficial QoL changes going into the next expac.

    5. Cleaner UI is always going to be an ask of a bot with this many functions. It would definitely be nice, but it shouldn’t be a main priority as long as there’s clear documentation. If the next expansion brings few job/class changes and doesn’t overhaul too many systems I would say that would be a good time to look at UI and usability.

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