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This is the one i use.
Chapter 1:
solverPreset(ishgard) craftCollect(on) recipe(PUT RECIPE TO CRAFT HERE)
Change your solver preset to whatever you use, and of course change the recipe to craft.
Chapter 2:
// Use food: (hotbar, slot, delay) icon(4, 4, 4) // Use tea: (hotbar, slot, delay) icon(4, 5, 3) // consider time for 1st time solver? craft(7) //Re-use tea icon(4, 5, 3) craft(7)
Adjust the icon() lines to wherever your food and tea are. If your food is on hotbar 1, slot 8, then do icon(1, 8, 4) and so on.
In my experience Miqo needs about 2 minutes for an expert craft, so you can fit about 7 of them into one tea duration (15 minutes). Use food+tea, craft for 15 minutes, refresh tea, craft another 15 minutes. Since i’m already scripting this for lots of crafts, i go extravagant and do a 2:1,manip,inno solver present that takes about 2 minutes to solve and costs me one initial craft, so i reduce the first craft command to craft(6).
If you don’t need that, just repeat chapter 2 as many times as you want, or go toChapter 3:
icon(4, 4, 4) icon(4, 5, 3) craft(7) icon(4, 5, 3) craft(7) repeatChapter(10)
These are 30 minute chunks of crafting that use 1 food and 2 teas per repeat. Adjust the repeatChapter line to your liking.
Take care not to run out of inventory space.-
This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by
You can just stop the craft at any point if you really need to type something, and then “start” it up again afterwards. Miqo will just pick it up where you left it, no problem.
It messes with your crafting counter though if you’re crafting more than 1 of something.
But yeah, since Miqo isn’t telling the game “use this ability now” via hax but instead tells the game “hi. me, the user, is pressing the button ‘3’ right now”, you can’t chat while miqo is pressing buttons, or you’d just write the bot’s keypresses into chat.
July 12, 2020 at 10:06 am in reply to: Scenario Question regarding Weather and Diadem Special Mats #22730I’ve been running this for a while but it turned out to be rather fragile. If you ever landed outside during the scenario, chapter 4 would just be lost on the duty finder instead of getting you back into the Diadem. And if the scenario detected a good weather and went to the node to gather, but the weather (and node) ran out on the way there, it ended up stuck near the weather node search ing for it until the character is disconnected for being afk. (which leads to problem 1).
I’ve put in some safe guards to avoid these problems. If Miqo detecs good weather when entering the zone, she’ll only try to gather the node for the next 5 minutes to avoid getting booted out for AFKing. And if she ever does land outside the diadem while the script is running, i’ve included a job change which closes any errant windows still open that confuse her when she’s trying to go back into the diadem.
You might need to change the first line in chapter 4 to whatever key you use for the duty finder window, and adjust the afkFor(00:00:10) lines to cover your loading times if they’re longer.
This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by
You must be logged in to view attached files.I’ve noticed on MCH combat assisst that Miqo usually delays using Reassemble to pair it with drill/air anchor, which is great.
But the bot messes up when starting the battle. It opens with Drill (great!), but THEN pops Reassemble and essentially wastes it on one of the two oGCD attacks (usually ricochet) when they’re up, which they usually are at the start of a battle.
Would it be possible to adjust Reassemble usage so that it either pops it before the first GCD drill when initiating battle (0.5 second clipping be damned), or alternatively delay the usage to right before air anchor? Either way, just something so it’s not wasted on a oGCD.
I’ve been popping Reassemble manually just before pulls to get around it (which is good practice anyways) but i don’t always catch it after some longer phase changes in boss fights where both Reassemble and Drill are back off cooldown.
Very nice, i was thinking of doing something like that myself, but now i don’t have to.
I found that after about 1 and a half circles around the island, you’re usually fully spiritbonded on 430 gear. Would be great to include materia extraction, too. I hope Miqo will support automatic extraction soon.
July 2, 2020 at 8:57 pm in reply to: Scenario Question regarding Weather and Diadem Special Mats #22585You don’t need pentamelds for Miqo crafting lmao. Some middle-of-the-road melds that get syou above minimum stats are enough.
Here’s a pretty cheap meld that gives good results if you throw on a Matcha or Bouillabaisse before crafting: in some kind of cheap CP tea (because more CP is always good) and Miqo will get you an expert craft 9 out of 10 times.
This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by
Been using the new crafting, and although the wait was long, it was worth it. I tried some expert crafts, and with melds just slightly above the mnimum stats, plus cheap Stormblood crafting food, i came out to 3 failed (below threshold) crafts, 5 Tier 1 crafts, 19 Tier 2 crafts and 35 Tier 3 crafts (6k+ collectability).
I’ve noticed some weirdness, like miqo blowing CP by observing 5 times in a row to fish for a Good condition, to then use ToT and go back to observing to fish for another Good to then also ToT, but in the end, it averages to a pretty good haul.
This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by
Yo i am so hype for the big crafting overhaul update soon.
Will we get an option to use delineations in the crafting solver? Preferably with a setting of how many can be used per craft, 0-3. They’re pretty cheap to get and popping one before a byregot’s could up the success rate of difficult crafts, or maybe popping one on a Good condition could lead to an early finisher with Byregot’s.
I heard (but haven’t tested) that they also work on expert crafts.Thank you for reporting!
Perhaps we should remove PotD mode from 3D Radar as well, and focus on more useful and stable features instead.
The Combat system we are working on should be able to perform in Palace of the Dead (and Heaven-on-High) without any extreme band-aid solutions 🙂There is one niche use for PotD radar i have found, outside of PotD. When i’m farming for amber-encased vilekin via combat leve spam for the anima relics, you can stand roughly in the middle of the leve’s area, put on PotD radar mode, and it will immediately highlight a leve chest if it spawns, and only that leve chest.
So you can activate leve, do a quick camera sweep for any radar signs, then cancel and re-activate the leve if nothing shows up. It speeds up the proces by almost an order of magnitude compared to flying around manually looking if a chest has spawned. The “Show All” radar mode isn’t as helpful, since the overworld is usually pretty cluttered with various mobs, gthering points and event points, while the PotD mode highlights only chests outside of the palace.If you should remove PotD radar (which is still helpful for farming that treasures without pomanders achievement!), please input some method to customize the radar more or include an option to only show chests. 🙂
This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by
Sounds like what happened to me here.
You should check “enable logs”, do the craft where it finishes without quality, and upload the resulting logs to post them here, so the devs can check which exact combination of stats led to the miscalculation and refine the formulas.
Yeah i’ve tried this before, too, when i changed the red scrip farming scenario to automatically buy tokens.
Doing it by hand via keyboard works perfectly, you can select the quantity box and adjust the amount with up/down. However, when Miqobot does the same keypresses via scenario engine, the quantity field gets “activated” for just a fraction of a second (it “blips”, as you said) and then all the following up/down key presses select different items instead.
I’ve tried many different things for a long time, inserted key press delays here and there, and watched the scenario execution like a hawk, but found no way to make it work, around the “blip”.Eventually, i just used the workaround in buying it single however many times i needed. So one scenario chapter to select the right item (red tokens in this case) looks like this:
sendKey(f12, 1) // target NPC
sendKey(NUM0, 0.5)
sendKey(NUM2, 0.2)
sendKey(NUM2, 0.2)
sendKey(NUM2, 0.2)
sendKey(NUM2, 0.2)
sendKey(NUM2, 0.2)
sendKey(NUM2, 0.2)
sendKey(NUM2, 0.2)
sendKey(NUM0, 0.5)sendKey(NUM9, 0.5)
sendKey(NUM9, 0.5)
sendKey(NUM9, 0.5)This puts the cursor on red tokens. Then the next chapter buys them however many times i want:
repeatChapter(15)It’s a stupid workaround but it mostly works. I had to put a 1 second delay on the buy confirmation, cause i ended up having trouble with lower values and some lag, messing up the whole buying scenario.
Still would be nice to eventaully be able to properly use the quantity field to buy items in bulk, though.
This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by