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  • in reply to: Action Rotation Codes #23344


    Not sure what you’re doing there looks like you’re opening the settings file in an editor, and you never need to or should do that.

    Use the built in rotation editor.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by  Krude.
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    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback #23305


    I’m assuming symmas is using standard camera mode, which means every time you press an ability or a cast, the character stops and turns towards the enemy, which is intended behaviour for that camera type.

    if you’re using combat assist, you should be using legacy camera mode, which does not try to adjust the camera and fight you when you want to walk somewhere, so you can for example actually walk along AND attack during a dungeon pull insted of constantly turning around.

    in reply to: Request: Ability To Save / Recall "Solved" Crafts #23287


    That said, even if it’s very niche use and you’re not really “supposed” to use the expensive crafting options anyways, i would love an option to pre-solve a recipe with “added stats” from buff-food or teas. Just an option to add X amounts of points for any of the 3 crafting stats for a given recipe, let miqo work and go do a trial roulette in the mean time.

    in reply to: Request: Ability To Save / Recall "Solved" Crafts #23286


    This has come up a few times before and the conclusion is that it’s impractical at best. Every solution is only valid for the exact recipe stats and crafter stats at that point in time. Hard disk space is also an issue, since you’d need the same HD space as the calculation takes up in RAM. For short calculations, this isn’t much space, but why would you store a solution that only takes 2 seconds to redo anyways? So you’d use it for the big complex ones that take 2 minutes, but these would also take up 1.5 GB of space on your HD and slow down your PC with the massive read/write operations (RAM is much faster).

    That aside, Miqo stores your last craft solution in memory as long as it’s open. If you stop crafting to get more mats and sit down again, it does not recalculate the solver, as long as your crafting stats or the recipe hasn’t changed.

    There’s really no such thing as “maxed” stats either, due to the flexible nature of the meld system, and even a single point off in craftsmanship or CP or whatever from someone else’s solution would invalidate the whole thing.

    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback #23252


    FWIW, i can confirm that the bot also has problems for me. I’ve been using the same Diadem scenario as before the patch, and the booms worked out fine. Now when i run the same script, i invariably end up with a full auger bar because eventually miqo will just swivel the camera confusedly for half a minute whenever she reaches a diademBoom() and then skips it.

    I’ve just watched her land right in front of a diadem golem and got this:

    (10:40:27) Going from 345 to 367 in 4 trips.
    (10:40:31) 3 trips more..
    (10:40:34) 2 trips more..
    (10:40:36) 1 trip more..
    (10:40:36) Destination reached!
    (10:40:36) Boom this: ”

    Then she looks around for a while and continues on.

    I’ve tested this for a while though (not long because my diadem timer was already running out) and couldn’t quite recpliacte it reliably. When i selected the mob manually and used DIademBoom(), it would work. Even deselecting it afterwards and using Boom would properly find it again. If i flew away from the spot and pathed back to it from various points, sometimes it would target the mob with boom, sometimes it would land right next to it and bring up the blank log line for it, swivel the camera, look directly at it, but not target it.

    The only thing it might be, is that in my limited testing, when Miqo approached from an angle where the mob was visible on screen, meaning it was visible right there when diademBoom() activates, she’d be able to shoot it.
    If she, for example flew down from a higher vantage point and the camera was pointing at the ground with no mob in sight (said golem was behind and to the left not far away in this case), i’d get the blank Boom this: ” logline, then she’d swivel the camera around as if looking for it, look at the mob but never find it.

    edit: TBH from how the bot acts, it doesn’t look like she can’t find or lock in on a monster. It looks like she’s trying to target something that isn’t there somehow? And the camera swiveling isn’t to find a monster to boom, but to find whatever blank actor string she’s decided to target.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by  Krude.
    in reply to: Request for pause #23219


    While we’re on the topic of scripting/debugging QoL, if it’s not on the internal ToDo list already, i’d like to suggest a way to temporarily disable or “comment out” an entire scenario chapter. Somewhat like the way you can comment out individual lines, but for a full chapter, with only a few clicks.

    Or maybe a special “Skip everything below this line in this chapter” command you can quickly type in at the top. Or somewhere else in the middle of a chapter even, that would allow even more flexibility.

    And thanks for the good work so far!

    in reply to: Discord for Miqobot? #23160


    You’re welcome!

    in reply to: Discord for Miqobot? #23157


    If you’re really jonesing for the bot that much that you need immediate notification when it’s up again, you’re probably already frantically hitting F5 every 5 minutes on the forums page like the rest of the, uh…. *checks* 30 other people doing that right now.

    And yeah, privacy is kind of an issue in botting Discords.

    in reply to: A useful Plugin for even safer Miqobot usage #23139


    The xivlauncher takes a hard stance to avoid sending any data to the server and do all modifications client-side only. So reading out the game chat and sending it to Discord is fine, taking a Discord message and sending it to FFXIV is a big no-no.

    in reply to: Miqo My Lovely! When will you be back? #23111


    At least 72 hours, up to a week.

    in reply to: How to use miqobot to level gathering? #23077


    Check the Help forum, most of anything you need to know is in there.

    in reply to: Issue with Miqo Scenarios #23017

    (12:09:13 PM) GatherPreset: ‘EtherealCocoon’
    selectGatherPreset(Ethereal Cocoon)

    You see a difference here?

    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback #22983


    I don’t mind the tab flip, and speaking from a UI design and continuity standpoint, it makes sense.

    But while we’re on the topic of QoL stuff, here’s my suggestion / wish:

    A simple counter (or maybe two?) for scenario repeats. Especially in busier scenarios with lots of navigation or long crafts, it’s not always feasible to scroll up the log while the scenario is running to find out how far into the scenario you are. A little counter on the scenario page that displays the current chapter repeat, and maybe a second one displaying full repeats, would be very nice.

    Oh yeah, i don’t want to be greedy, but another thing for running scenarios: currently the whole interface blocks whenever Miqo is running something – a craft, the gathering, combat assist or whatever – which is fine and makes sense, since you want users to know “hey i’m busy right now” and prevent shenanigans. This, however, prevents you from inspecting your currently running scenario.
    This is only an issue on the longer ones, really, where you need the scroll bar (like the “infinite diadem” ones). I understand the need to block input so idiots don’t try to rewrite the scenario while it’s running, but is it possible to make the list scrollable at least while miqo is running?

    Alternatively: While miqo runs through the list of commands, she’ll only scroll automatically to the next command that’s not visible, so the currently running command is always at the very bottom of the list. This means you can’t see what comes next when you can’t scroll.
    Would it be possible to auto-scroll the currently active command to the center of the view, so you always have a clear view of both what has already passed and what comes next?

    in reply to: Raiding as a Tank with Miqo #22982


    You can untick the box “dashes and backsteps” in the combat assist page and miqo won’t use your gap closers anymore. I’d recommend it if you really want to raid with tank assist, because otherwise miqo will constantly fling you into AoEs at the worst possible moment.

    That means you’ll have to occasionally pop the gap closers yourself for increased DPS, and watch for a moment to do so so you won’t clip your GCD.

    Aside from that, you’ll sometimes have to fight miqo for oGCD usage when you want to pop defensive cooldowns, so be ready to hammer that button or switch off combat assist for a second with the pause hotkey. Speaking of defense cooldowns, you should disable “heals and buffs” too and use them manually when they’re approriate.

    in reply to: Scenario Editing #22943


    Here’s what you want:

    As for finding out about the coordinates you’re at and the viewpoint angle you currently have, check the “monitor” tab in Miqo, select “main” (if it’s set to crafting), then check the lower left values.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by  Krude.
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