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June 20, 2019 at 8:36 pm in reply to: [Request] Crystals & Clusters Scenario via Aetherial Reduction #13680June 19, 2019 at 10:11 pm in reply to: [Request] Crystals & Clusters Scenario via Aetherial Reduction #13635
And as an interesting side-note: Sohm Al is the first completely self-sufficient squadron dungeon.
If you run Sohm Al in a Scenario Loop which automatically turns in items, after a few hours you will run into the problem, that your GC Seals will get capped, since you get a lot more seals than you spend.June 18, 2019 at 9:26 pm in reply to: [Request] Crystals & Clusters Scenario via Aetherial Reduction #13605June 18, 2019 at 5:25 pm in reply to: Just a snippet from a Yoshi-P interview. Miqo will shine bright like a diamond #13590Well this is definitely the cancer⌠as this rotation is far from perfect. It took me 10 mins to improve it â see for yourself:
Uh, sorry, but either I’m blind or you are kinda confused.
The rotation I posted was 80 skills long. The “improved” rotation you posted has 90 skills, with the only ‘improvement’ of needing 82 less Control, plus the rotation is wrong, since you have used Flawless Synthesis 55 times, while you “only” have 46 stacks of Flawless synthesis on that recipe.The best people could doâ was never released in open. Professionals do not share their [actual] projects for free
Yes they do here in FFXIV. Just to remind you… This: contains all information about crafting and gathering, down to a deep mathermatical level. People in FFXIV share all intel and data they get, even stuff like damage formula down to second digit decimals on The Balance Discord. Heck, even world #1 players on the fflogs leaderboards go there, analyze and help people with getting excellent parses, theorycraft publicly about damage number changes, etc.
You have to realize, that unlike many other MMORPG communities, the FFXIV community has a predominantly socialist mindset and the devs even enforce this socialist mindset in their terms of service. Just take a look at their list of prohibited activities:
You can even get banned for
“â Nuisance behaviour
“Nuisance behaviour” means speech or behaviour that hurts others or obstructs game play, but which is not classified as harassment. Even if it was not the intention, a penalty may be imposed if the end result was that another person was hurt or obstructed.”The devs also for example randomized when housing plots become free, so people cannot make a buck by selling houses that easy anymore and once a plot gets demolished everyone gets a fair and equal chance to obtain the plot.
As far as my experience tells me, you are wrong, most probablyâŚ
Yeah right. A whole Reddit and Balance Discord Theorycrafter community that writes a compendium about crafting on the level of a doctoral research study with Miqobot data from 500.000 executed and logged crafts is wrong and the so much smarter Gray is right.
Sorry, but at this point I’m leaving the discussion, because you are stepping into nonsense territory. You only try to see it from your own standpoint, but do not try at all to understand and see it from other people’s standpoint and maybe research, why such a big community came up with “such a bad” rotation that Gray, who plays FFXIV – for how long now? 3 months? – can easily improve in 10 minutes.
Excuse me, but in this case I just feel like this discussion leads to nowhere. You will see yourself, when hard recipes get released next time (Rakshasa gear was extremely easy by the way) and I’m not further answering to this.
And by the way: The 2 million gil you saved on selling materia instead of pentamelding you lose by having to use X more skills than someone with pentamelds for every recipe and as such losing a lot of time, in which you could craft more items/farm more stuff, just for your efficiency equasion.
June 18, 2019 at 7:26 am in reply to: Just a snippet from a Yoshi-P interview. Miqo will shine bright like a diamond #13576You just quoted yourself how many weeks I “wasted” (it is not a waste, when the end-result is the successful achievement of a goal. per definition “waste” means, that an action was futile and resulted in failure):
a course of about 1-2 month (for almost complete BiS melds that is!).
And also
We will see aboit it⌠once addon is out.
Square Enix can only make recipes so hard, that humans are capable of solving them.
When the Ala Mhigan crafter gear was released in 4.1 it was almost uncraftable. It took days (usually you have rotations in a few hours) until people came up with a pure cancer rotation that could barely make HQ Ala Mhigan with ALL base-materials HQ and absolute BiS gear from before that patch. Look at the cancer, that was the rotation:
With the said Ala Mhigan HQ gear, pentamelded, this was the best people could do with only NQ materials back then:
I remember that even Miqo with top melds had some difficulties crafting Ala Mhigan gear back then, but in comparison to user-generated macros it was still a miracle.
So yeah, even if they release another Ala Mhigan set difficulty craft, I’m gonna be really happy.
Oh, and also something tells me that during the start of addon crafting materia VI did cost WAY more than 80k, so actually you lost way more than 2 mil⌠you just didnât notice it.
Of course I noticed that. But:
1. I did not spend a single gil on any materia, since I’ve hoarded materia before, during the previous addon
2. From the perspective of a genuine player: Lost possible profit =/= Gil wasted. Only actually spent gil = Gil “wasted”. If I use scrips to buy materia and use it for myself, I haven’s “wasted” a single gil, even if 1 materia cost 100 million at that time
This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by
Does that mean Miqo datamines deposit locations from game files too?
I don’t know if Miqobot datamines it, but when it comes to deposit locations, there is no need for any datamining. The deposit locations themselves are entities in the world, just like mobs, players and NPCs, which is why Miqo can automatically detect them with its inbuilt radar. You can even highlight them in-game and post their position+name with both <pos> and <t> in chat. Gathering nodes work identically to any kind of NPC or PC, just that they don’t move and have a crafting interaction.
The interesting part however is: What’s inside these deposits and in which slot? I’m not sure how Miqo works with that, I just know that for some nodes with certain settings on, which I can’t remember, Miqobot autodetects, which item is in which slot and she also detects in which slots there are items in general.
This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by
June 17, 2019 at 5:02 pm in reply to: Just a snippet from a Yoshi-P interview. Miqo will shine bright like a diamond #13559My point was stated in my first message here: I just wanted to say that itâs a bit wrong time to cheer about incoming crafts, as we donât know yet how hard are they / if Miqo will be able to fail-safe HQ them or no.
And my point was, that as a genuine crafter who first aims for a really strong crafter gearset (i.e. pentamelds everything at least to mid-tier – I for instance do it to BiS tier, which is why it takes me really long) and then starts with the whole crafting process automated via Miqobot is going to be pretty happy about hard incoming crafts.
And just fyi, as you said that a few times: I didn’t spend millions and millions of gil on materia for overmelding. Actually I didn’t spend a single gil in general. I simply just did my weekly custom deliveries, did some basic scrip farming and bought all the materia I’ve pentamelded my gear with from the scrip dealer NPCs over a course of about 1-2 month (for almost complete BiS melds that is!).
I mean, once ShB is out, Wiki and GamerEscape node lists will be outdated
They will not become outdated, as all old nodes don’t change with a new expansion. Also, GamerEscape, Teamcraft and Garlandtools have a track record of updating their database even before the servers are up, because you can datamine gathering data from the game filed, even before any person has found the items manually.
The only thing you cannot find out via gamefiles are:
1. Desynthesis, as the desynthesis rewards are handled 100% server-side with no client-side data about the drops
2. PotD trap & coffer locations, as they are also handled completely server-side
3. Aquapolis/Canals of Uznair/Lost Canals paths, since they are created after you selected a door in-game and the server decides via RNG, which path gets loaded
June 17, 2019 at 7:27 am in reply to: Just a snippet from a Yoshi-P interview. Miqo will shine bright like a diamond #13544Though, this was not the main reason why I questioned Crafter Solverâs performance. Yoshida just said about âextremely difficult recipesâ and so on (see startpost). This made me wonder: if Miqo is 20% less effective at crafting simple 70*** mats than script, then it may just fail you once ShB is released.
And this is what I am denying. You are chopping off Miqo’s full potential by not using the recommended cross-class skills and then asking why it doesn’t work as perfect as I am claiming. Miqo themself said, which are the optimal croff skills:
1. Ingenuity I or II: 38.9% to average HQ rate 2. Byregot's Blessing: 33.3% 3. Maker's Mark: 26.6% 4. Flawless Synthesis: - (required for Maker's Mark) 5. Comfort Zone: 20.2% 6. Piece by Piece: 13.0% 7. Tricks of the Trade: 9.8% 8. Steady Hand II: 6.5% 9. Innovation: 4.4% 10. Reclaim: - Hasty Touch: 2.0% Careful Synthesis II: 1.2% Rapid Synthesis: 1.3% Rumination: 0.0014% Waste Not I: 0.00072% Waste Not II: 0% Manipulation I: 0% Careful Synthesis I: 0% Muscle Memory: 0% (3.7% when no Maker's Mark)
If you select these Top10 skills Miqobot is in fact a ship-mounted railgun, that can fire once every 2-8 minutes. If you do not select these skills, you shouldn’t wonder, why you’re not getting perfect results. With these skills and melds even a 100% human crafter would consider “decent” (which is budget pentamelds – for reference, these are the “broke beggar melds” according to the Balance, while these are considered midcore budget stuff and these are absolutely rich Best in Slot melds) Miqobot will never fail your crafts, no matter how hard the recipe is.
Also something you should keep in mind is, that Miqo works mostly off CP. So the more CP you have, the more effective she is, even if your other stats are rather crappy.
I hope Yoshida will make you care once ShB is released, with new crafts which are impossible to HQ unless youâve got 100% correct sequences (plus some luck with conditions)âŚ
Well, then you will care, because your scripts won’t work anymore since macros do not take different quality states into the equasion and just spam a preset rotation, while Miqobot with the skills mentioned will be able to do the 100% correct sequence, since it works like a human on steroids (who doesn’t care about solving time, but only about solving reliability).
Is there a function to level up combat classes? I am currently level 38 and would like to hit 60 ASAP.
Yes. You should level up your Grand Company rank so you have a squadron and from there on you can level every combat job with that. There are even Miqo scenarios for that.
Is there anything that allows Fate farming or roulette farming?
All my gathering and crafting is at level 1. Should I use Miqo to work on that? If so, how should I go about it?
Yes you should.
For gatherers, just look at your gathering log and see, which is the highest level item you can gather. Let Miqo gather that until you’re 5 levels higher, then switch to the next highest item.
For crafting, try to let Miqo craft every single recipe in the crafting log once (in the end you will be happy, because it awards you with a shiny, glowing tool that has very good stats) or else, do the same as what I explained for gathering.Aside from that, there are a few scenarios in the Grids & Presets section, made for leveling up certain gatherers from level 52-60 or 61-70.
Is there any features that I should really take advantage of to try to catch up? Since Iâm new to the game, I donât really know what I should be doing and such.
In my opinion the best advice one could give you is:
Play the game. Just play it. And focus on the Main Scenario Questline. If you ever feel, like you’re hitting a wall of grind, look at the Miqobot and check, if it has a solution for that đJune 15, 2019 at 3:59 pm in reply to: Just a snippet from a Yoshi-P interview. Miqo will shine bright like a diamond #13469I don’t know what your stats are, but I never ever have any problems with Miqo HQing even the hardest items which are the Rakshasa ones and the settings I’m using are always these:
And when I use it, it always only needs 5 minutes to calculate even the hardest recipes and has a 100% success rate.
My stats without food on my worst crafter (Weaver)(because I didn’t meld all the tools equally) has the following stats:
Craftsmanship: 1690
Control: 1729
CP: 482
And my best one (Goldsmith) has these stats:
Craftsmanship: 1726
Control: 1749
CP: 482but it was a bit sketchy as it was spamming same dungeon and being in a free company and all
Just tell them you logged out in a dungeon (so your character will remain marked as inside the dungeon indefinitely until you log in the next time) or you are leveling your squadron and watching anime on a second screen/with OnTopReplica (a neat software that lets you create a small overlay-window that displays what happens on a background window, e.g. a video stream).
June 15, 2019 at 7:48 am in reply to: Just a snippet from a Yoshi-P interview. Miqo will shine bright like a diamond #13460it sometimes fails to make even HQ Rakshasa
Miqobot can only fail (= no success at HQ) Rakshasa gear for two reasons:
1. Your stats are waaaay too low = You are doing it wrong. Miqo can do miracles in crafting, but no witchcraft with too low stats
2. You haven’t put all skills you can use on your hotbar = You’re doing it wrong. Put the effin skills on your hotbar. You don’t go boxing with chopped off hands either -
This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by