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  • in reply to: [Scenario] 6.0; 6.1 | Legendary Node Materials #34937

    What did you do to keep from TPing to home base? I too would like to just stay until its time for the next node

    Remove the teleportIf(Unterkunft, 2) line from each odd Chapter 1-23.

    I’m not sure why but mine gets hung up on afkUntil….and just doesn;t move on to the next step unless I click next

    It’s intended that it waits at that point til a specific time is reached. If you are waiting longer than 6 RL-Minutes, you started at the wrong time. If you are using 12 hour format ensure, that you are starting at the correct Chapter.

    in reply to: [Scenario] 6.0 Aethersands (Botanist/Miner) #34849

    Hi, is it possible to use WorkUntil/Workfor with the aetherial reduction function?

    Sure, just place it before the reduct function I guess? But there should be no need for it. Even with a completely full bag of collectables it should not need the full 4 Eorzean Hours.

    Hi may i know how to use the macro with the scenario?

    This is a replacement macro. So you trick Miqo into using it, by using the icon of the ability Miqo actually wants to use and putting it on an earlier position than your original ability. (Hotbar number has higher priority than hotbar slot, so hotbar 1 will always be chosen over hotbar 2)

    in reply to: [Scenario] 6.0; 6.1 | Legendary Node Materials #34799

    awesome thank you! also if you remove the , 2) i noticed that it tries to make you wait for the next timer.

    So if it’s say 19:30, and the next timer is at 20:01, if you don’t have ,2, it’ll say afk until 2300+ seconds

    This shouldn’t have any impact on the afk time. The , 2 is just a second parameter for the teleport function, meaning the second estate you have listed, it’s not needed for any other teleport. Also do not remove the ) at the end of the line.

    If you wait too long, you started the Scenario at the wrong Chapter.

    in reply to: [Scenario] 6.0; 6.1 | Legendary Node Materials #34777

    I got the bot working by adding the missing ability as you mentioned on tab #2. Thank you so much!

    I was wondering how do i change the HP it teleports me to after almost every node? Minus the elpis one of course. My FC home area is where it sends me to despite my HP being Shar.

    Thank you again.

    Well “Home Point” as mentioned in the Scenario is more of a term I use to describe a place, where I teleport to, where it isn’t as crowded and I can do things there, like afking or extracting materia etc.

    You can edit it in every odd chapter from 1-23.

    Edit the line teleportIf(Unterkunft, 2) to any location you want to port to. If you don’t want to port to an estate you probably need to remove the the , 2 from it. Like that for example: teleportIf(Kugane).

    in reply to: [Scenario] 6.0 Endtide Aethersand (Fisher) #34739

    Happy new Year.

    I’ve rewritten the Scenario to make it less obvious that you are using it. I changed it so you can use an action, after the Scenario is finished, which defaults to return currently. The new location, where you change how often it repeats is the first line in Chapter 1.

    I didn’t change the grids/presets, just the Scenario. If you’ve changed them, you can delete the ones imported from this file.

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    in reply to: [Scenario] 6.0; 6.1 | Legendary Node Materials #34677

    Clicking cordial doesn’t make this scenario use them (I think because it doesn’t head to a new node) – how can I fix this? I’d prefer to cordial after every node.

    I don’t see a reason for using cordials, but if you want to you can add a sendIcon(hotbarNumber, hotbarSlotNumber, 2) after each gather(1) line.

    Replace hotbarNumber and hotbarSlotNumber with the numbers of your cordial on your hotbar.

    in reply to: [Scenario] 6.0; 6.1 | Legendary Node Materials #34660

    Im having a few troubles with this randomly on nodes
    10:24:08 PM) Destination reached!
    (10:24:10 PM) Selecting slot -> 4
    (10:24:11 PM) GP = 885. NOT ENOUGH – rotation ‘GR-6.0-Get_More-900GP’ (900).
    (10:24:11 PM) GP = 885. OK – rotation ‘GR-6.0-Get_More-800GP’ (800).
    (10:24:11 PM) Using action: (Start)
    (10:24:11 PM) Using action: (Yield +2)
    (10:24:13 PM) Using action: (Boon +30%)
    (10:24:28 PM) Using action: (Boon +30%)
    (10:24:44 PM) Using action: (Boon +30%)
    (10:24:59 PM) Using action: (Boon +30%)
    (10:25:14 PM) Using action: (Boon +30%)
    (10:25:29 PM) Using action: (Boon +30%)
    (10:25:44 PM) Using action: (Boon +30%)
    (10:25:59 PM) Using action: (Boon +30%)
    (10:26:14 PM) Using action: (Boon +30%)
    (10:26:29 PM) Using action: (Boon +30%)
    (10:26:44 PM) Using action: (Boon +30%)
    (10:26:59 PM) Using action: (Boon +30%)

    Thats the message I get and I have to manually gather it. It afk’d me earlier today and I got kicked out so Ive been babysitting it

    Miqo can’t press your “+30% increased yieldbonus chance” skill (Pioneer’s Gift II / Mountaineer’s Gift II). Put them on your hotbar and it should work.

    in reply to: [Scenario] 6.0; 6.1 | Legendary Node Materials #34658

    It doesn’t say anything. It shows all the abilities popped but then it just stands there after:
    1. Using Action (Start)
    2. Using Action (Yield +2)
    3. Using Action (Boon +30%)

    Then it just stands there for a bit then says “We’ll, you know, I don’t mind continuing it any time! 😉 )

    How do I check the keybinds necessary?

    Thank you again for this great work

    The full logs would be more useful, most important the line where it shows the chosen rotation. Just the lines, from choosing the rotation til the end where it doesn’t do anything anymore should be enough.
    If you have choosen a rotation with 800 or 900 GP it needs the Bountiful Harvest II or Bountiful Yield II for example, which then would mean you don’t have that skill on your hotbar or have the miner skill on the botanist hotbar or vice versa. (on an earlier position than your correct skills). If you’ve chosen the 600GP rotation, then it would mean you probably have either no key bound or a conflicting keybind for the collection:

    I guess the key for collection is under System -> Accept (the very first key), default is num0

    in reply to: [Scenario] 6.0; 6.1 | Legendary Node Materials #34652

    Hey I love this scenario.

    I am fully penta melded gatherer in every slot including weapons. I have 0 problems using it except for it actually clicking the items to collect.

    It flies me there. It clicks the appropriate abilities to increase yield, but then just stands there.

    It requires 2990? To collect and I’m like 3400+ perfectly melded.

    What can I do to fix it? I’ve downloaded and re-installed your scenario multiple times to no avail.

    Well I am not sure. I guess you either have a keybind conflict somewhere or you might miss one of the abilities. What does Miqo say in the logs?

    in reply to: Game graphics lag #34638

    I have doubts that this is the cause of the issue.

    But did you try adding exceptions to your running anti virus softwares?
    – miqobot_v1.3.45.exe
    – C:\Users\[YOUR-USERNAME]\AppData\Local\Temp\miqobot\miqoradar.exe (Default on Win10)

    I am not playing in 4k resolution, but only with the 4k ui textures. And I don’t even see a bump in overall resources used by Miqo, except the ram usage of maybe a few 100 MB.

    I cannot test it, but maybe it has something to do with your 4k resolution. As the overlay probably needs to be rendered with the same one, which is more likely to impact your GPU. Resolution is always a performance killer.

    in reply to: [Scenario] 6.0 Endtide Aethersand (Fisher) #34637

    Everytime it tries to move on to the next part. The character is still in the fishing pose so it cannot use teleport. How do i fix that

    Do you have the Quit Skill on your hotbar?

    in reply to: [Scenario] 6.0; 6.1 | Legendary Node Materials #34634

    It happened again.

    I’m attaching the last minutes’ log of miqo when it happened.

    You are taking a really long time to just extract a few materia. I am speaking of way too long. You either have a keybind conflict or someone maybe messed with you by trading for example.

    I guess it’s the second one, as you mentioned it was already running for 4 iterations before.

    I would strongly advise against letting it run over the whole night unsupervised, but you should put at least the busy status then, which makes you more obvious though.

    in reply to: [Scenario] 6.0 Endtide Aethersand (Fisher) #34592

    Also seems to break after traveling to the other area. the mount wont land next to the water and stops the bot

    Yeah, for the second grid it’s not safe without a dismount. I added it in Version 2, thanks. (You can download it above and delete the old Scenario.)

    How are you using the macro?. as if i dont have enough stacks, it stops fishing and moves to the next area.

    This is a replacement macro. So you trick Miqo into using it, by using the icon of the ability Miqo actually wants to use and putting it on an earlier position than your original ability. (Hotbar number has higher priority than hotbar slot, so hotbar 1 will always be chosen over hotbar 2)

    For the problem itself: What is Miqo saying exactly in the logs? Because I guess that you might have set up the Macro wrongly, so that your Cast ability never gets executed, which will lead to miqo finishing the fishing step after a few failed attempts to cast the rod. On which client language do you play?

    in reply to: [Scenario] 6.0 Aethersands (Botanist/Miner) #34581

    Then it just freezes there (regardless if the meticulous procs).I have Both the corrected Ageless Words/Solid Reason micro (on the very first spot on that hotbar even) and I can then directly just use my keyboard to activate it (Bound to Ctrl+1) and the macro works great, and then have to manually collect for however many integrity I have left. After I clean out the node, the script continues.

    I am almost 100% sure, that this problem occurs, because you either have the skill on a sooner hotbar (check your hotbars 1-2, etc.) and there is no hotkey bound or on a sooner hotbar there is the skill from the other gathering class.
    This should have nothing to do with 1000 Collectability but most probably with the +1 Attempt skill.

    Another notable oddity is that for the collections it does do, it scrolls via keyboard to the Collect button on the new UI; but on the manual ones I’m using the collect from a keybind off that hotbar with the skills.

    The collection is normal. It’s how Miqo collects this stuff.

    in reply to: [Scenario] 6.0 Aethersands (Botanist/Miner) #34566

    I modified the 4 PM to break down and then go fishing for Eehs, though I didn’t include a grid or a present but this is conceptually how it’d work if someone wants to help out.

    Tried my hand at making a navigation grid for the Eehs, and modified the scenario a little!

    Thank you for the input. I was working on a full fishing scenario for this aethersand as well. However I also made a version of this scenario, which uses the Grid and Fishing Preset from it.
    I am still testing the integration into this scenario, but if you want to give it a shot before I add it as an option to the OP, here is the current version attached (Just Scenario + Fishing Grid and Preset).

    Edit: Also create a macro for Cast, like I mentioned in the full fishing scenario post:

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Nekro Nekro.
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