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  • in reply to: [Scenario] 5.3 Recipe gathering mats #23685

    So I tested it with the english version, re-imported the gathering rotations etc. And I can’t seem to find any problem, also not with removing the Finish etc.
    If you cannot use “hit once”, maybe something is wrong there? I don’t think something is wrong in my scenario, but either in your configuration or in miqobot itself on specific occasions? Did you try to look, if you have assist mode enabled?

    Else kao might can add something, cause I cant think of anything anymore.

    Edit: One thing I can still think of is that your keybind for pick clean maybe is somehow interfering with your confirm keybind (default numpad0), so it is using that instead somehow? Sounds unlikely, but still wanted to mention it.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Nekro Nekro.
    in reply to: [Scenario] 5.3 Recipe gathering mats #23679

    One thing I want to mention: Do you have “assist mode” toggled on in gathering tab? This might do the rotation, but skips actually gathering.

    Edit: Also try to do a “hit once” in your rotation and see if it is doing that and maybe continue with it.
    Edit2: Highly unlikely, but did it maybe stop cause of “- no empty space left in inventory;” ? Did it actually stop gathering on the node or just completely doing nothing after buffs?

    Edit3: I mean as workaround you could still replace the pick clean with “x1 Yield +1” and see if that works, if it is just cause of Pick Clean. I actually cant think of much else, which would result in that behaviour. (don’t rename the rotation though!)

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Nekro Nekro.
    in reply to: [Scenario] 5.3 Recipe gathering mats #23676

    I actually don’t have any clue why it wouldn’t work then. You might want to add a “hit once” after the pick clean and see if that triggers miqo to continue hitting it.

    Oh yeah, the normal behaviour should be miqo moving to the slot of the item first, before buffing itself. If she doesn’t do that, than there could be the problem.

    in reply to: [Scenario] 5.3 Recipe gathering mats #23673

    By any chance, did you accidentally imported the german version? Cause it is gathering by name (look into the gathering presets “GP-5.3_Legend”, “GP-5.2_Legend”). And see if you see the english names of the items. If not, you might delete those both presets and reimport the english version of the scenario.

    There could be a workaround by choosing the gathering slots in each chapter, but I decided against that. Cause it’s easier to change or add a new name, once it’s setup.

    in reply to: [Scenario] 5.3 Recipe gathering mats #23668

    So lets try to compare our messages from miqo.
    When I am using it, I get those messages:

    (18:47:10) 1 trip more..
    (18:47:11) Destination reached!
    (18:47:13) Selecting slot -> 6
    (18:47:14) GP = 868. OK - rotation 'GR-Get_more-750GP' (750).
    (18:47:14) Using action: (Start)
    (18:47:14) Using action: (Yield +2)
    (18:47:16) Using action: (Pick Clean)
    (18:47:18) Using action: (Finish)
    (18:47:18) Hitting that poor node. :3
    (18:47:26) Hitting that poor node. :3
    (18:47:34) Hitting that poor node. :3
    (18:47:38) My precious shiny sparkles! (1/1)

    What looks your log like, when your destination is reached?
    And do you actually use the skill or doesn’t it activate? Which language do you play on? etc.

    in reply to: Crafting autorepair QoL ideas #23652

    didn’t want to have to deal with the different types and the cost of buying them only to not need them.

    You can just buy the last one, you can use the level 7 for everything.

    My goal is to be able to have Miqo craft a particular recipe I manually select, repair my gear at the NPC as needed (either when it gets too damaged or every N cycles), and automatically stop and return to idle when no more crafting can be done. The crafting tab can’t do the second part of repairing at the NPC. A scenario can’t do the third (arguably more important to me) part of going to idle when the job is done.

    Most pressingly, there is no exit condition. When crafting stops – for any reason – the craft() and repairNpc() functions (as I understand the documentation) will not abort the scenario, so once all materials are consumed the scenario will endlessly attempt to repair my zero damaged items.

    I don’t really understand what the problem is here. While I agree that more conditions would be nice in Scenarios (I also made a thread with this suggestion in it), your particular problem seems to be already solvable or not being a problem in a way.
    You don’t repeat endlessly to repair your gear. It just repeats for the number of times you say it should repeating. So on your scale of about thousands of items, why are those 1-5min of additional repeating so bad?
    If you plan on crafting a lot of items, you currently can adjust the numbers in your scenario and let it run. Even if they are not precise and your scenario repeats itself 3 times more than expected (600 more items), it would just repeat for about 1-2min and is finished anyway.
    Currently, if you want to make an “one-for-all” scenario, you either need to adjust something in it to match your goal or let miqo derping around for some time.

    I think an option for a popup, when a scenario finishes, would be nice though.

    in reply to: Error Message w. Scenarios #23624


    I am using controller aswell. Miqobot does EVERYTHING it does just with keyboard. So moving, using skills, changing camera, opening duty finder etc.

    So in order to use it, you need to have keybinds for everything which is needed. Miqobot is telling you with the message that a skill, which she needed, is on hotbar 3, but neither does this hotbar slots have keybinds assigned to them or you cannot switch between hotbars via the keyboard (as there are no keybinds assigned).
    It is similar to the switching between cross-hotbars (the controller skillbars) via R1 on your controller.

    So in order to set those keybinds press START on your controller to open the menu. Then navigate to System -> Controls.
    There you can find the keybinds you can set for switching hotbars under the tab “System” or you can go directly and assign keybinds for about 3-4 hotbars under the “Commands” tab.
    I would recommend just set some hotkeys for the skills on around 3-4 hotbars. At least I was doing it that way.

    If you want further help, you should provide the info on which action in the scenario miqo is saying this stuff (maybe post the whole scenario chapter aswell). I could imagine that the scenario wanted to teleport you, but your teleport-skill was on hotbar 3, which you placed somewhere for you to click on. Miqo detects that the teleport is there, but cannot reach and/or activate it (as I said, just keyboard presses)

    Edit: Your advantage is, that you don’t need to put a lot of thought into your keybinds, as you are not using them outside of miqo. So you might also go with CTRL+SHIFT+1, CTRL+SHIFT+2, etc.

    in reply to: [Scenario] 5.3 Recipe gathering mats #23617

    Could you specify what the issues was? Did you need to adjust something? Or was it missing “Pick Clean” on your hotbar? Or something else?

    in reply to: Desynthesis by name – how safe is it? #23598

    It is as you said, the * is just there cause probably UI-Related things, so you can add the first or additional names.

    The presets you can save, only saves the “allow partial match”-setting and the names provided. It is not saving the “search in”-boxes.

    If you start the desynthesis, miqo will go with each name in the list and desynthesize each item which matches this criteria. So if you have “Lakeland” and “Ravel Keeper’s”, ticked the box for allow partial match and just ticked the “inventory” box. Then miqo will first desnythesize all Equip which contains the word “Lakeland” (Holminster Switch Equip) and after that it will continue with all Equip with “Ravels Keeper’s” (Qitana Ravel Equip).

    If you just have a * in it, miqo wont desnythesize anything.

    in reply to: Level 80 Trust Dungeon #23527

    BUT i think it makes the most sense to go with the game’s flow: a big point of interest for Diadem and gathering will pop up with 5.31, so that should take priority for now.

    I agree. I think currently it’s more important to polish the gathering part for the coming ishgard patch, especially cause it seems to contain features which were postponed for a long time now. Once thats done however, I would prefer a level 80 trust dungeon for farming tomestones first, before the scenario engine updates gets tackled.

    in reply to: Level 80 Trust Dungeon #23496

    What i meant with the one class support is that it may help to implement easier, better one class than none as a compromise, as this is in my opinion a good compromise, as we want to farm Tomestones, doesnt matter with wich class we farm them, it makes no difference at all.

    While I kinda get it, I don’t think it’s a good compromise. All squadron/trust dungeons currently support every class type. If we consider that it is already a planned feature, why implementing it partially, when it could be done completely, once you started implementing? You would need to level and equip (440 or 460) a new class, if you don’t have the chosen one at lv80, might even need to level one or two trust npcs more. So those who don’t do that, cannot run this dungeon with miqo, rendering this feature useless for those.
    And oh well, there will be a ton of questions regarding that limited feature and requests to make it functional with every class / class type. xd

    Anyway I kinda hope too, that this will be added in the near future. As I said, tomestones are one of those things which can’t be farmed automatically at the moment.

    in reply to: Level 80 Trust Dungeon #23494

    It would be nice to have one lv80 dungeon available to farm tomestones automatically. Currently you can farm almost anything with miqo, however you cannot do so for tomestones. Be it the weekly cap ones or the ones you need for tomestone materials for crafting. Especially the last one you normally need in a high quantities, when you want to craft the new recipes etc.
    With a lv80 dungeon you could do so, also in an automated way. Which I would also consider a rather safe method (regarding detection).

    So I agree, that this would be a huge improvement to the possible uses of miqobot 🙂

    I also think that the support of one class (maybe there are easier ones for you to do trust runs) will be enough.

    I disagree here though. I don’t know if the class support is actually the most complex part, I suppose not. But even if, then I think it shouldn’t be implemented half finished, just to have it in.

    As much as we would love to implement everything, we can not work on multiple feature packs at the same time. So if you wish to see (Lv80) dungeon support earlier, we would have to postpone other features instead.

    Do you think we should do so?

    I think that question is hard to answer, if we don’t know a rough estimate how long each feature will take or what is planned to be in there.
    Currently gathering updates are “partly implemented”, so I guess it wont make any sense to delay this topic, as it was already started to be implemented. I for myself am interested a lot in the “scenario engine update”.

    If I would know that a new trust dungeon would take you (for example) 4 weeks and scenario updates 12 weeks. I would say that I would prefer a lv80 dungeon first, to farm the tomestones. If it is about equal timing or scenario updates even take less time, then I would prefer that you stay to your current plan.

    in reply to: No auto-reply? #23438

    So, auto-reply? List of auto-replies to use one at random? Auto-log off after X minutes? Use X ability (like recall) after X minutes and then log off?

    These are simple features I figured the bot would have.

    Consider these features. These are ‘core’. Log out after X mins botting is key.

    I don’t really think those are core features. The core in my opinion would be “doing things automated” and of course improving those features.

    Auto logoff is as useful as just stop botting and standing there afk. I don’t think it would add much to safety. Although I admit, it would be some nice feature, if I could let Miqo log me off cleanly.
    (currently you can kinda do this with a windows script which just shutdowns your PC or closes the FFXIV window after some time, if you need that:
    “shutdown /s /t XXX” – XXX are minutes.

    Auto replying is far from being simple in my opinion. If done good it might help, but it takes a ton of work, knowledge and a lot of conditions you need to be able to adjust, to make this a viable “safety” method. And if done wrong, even slightly, makes you more vulnerable to actually being exposed of using a bot, instead of preventing that.
    In my opinion you would need to
    – adjust the messages to your language
    – make it so, that you are not repetitive, but still answer to new whispers?
    – maybe then even ignore some whispers?
    – make answering special whispers from GMs for example a high priority
    – but answer smartly (you don’t have control, it’s just the logic of the bot deciding what and when to answer).
    – what about someone writing to you in a link shell or free company?
    – and even more, I maybe cannot even think of right now

    And yes, we all know not to afk the bot overnight or whatever but lets be honest with ourselves – this is what the majority of people botting do. Being ‘socially safe’ comes with features like I listed – it helps mitigate these issues that are very apparent.

    There is NO social safety. Even with those features added. I was even accused of botting, just for hitting auto-move (where you are just moving/flying forward) and going to my kitchen for 10min. I was flying into a wall for like 9min I suppose and someone whispered me, that I am reported for being a bot (without sending a prior message). I ignored it and it didn’t happen anything, but it might be possible that some GM decided to look into me, for a while, who knows?
    If someone is suspicious of you, for whatever reasons, he can report you. Thats why you shouldn’t leave it unattended. If you always log off, after someone writes you. Or answer with the same lines everytime someone checks on you, even if you have a pool of answers, then it’s more suspicious in my opinion and I wouldn’t even let a bot touch my chat window.

    I don’t think your suggestion are bad, but to make chat interactions viable for safety it would require a lot of effort I suppose.

    in reply to: Levinstrike Reduction Fuchsia Bloom #23394

    I don’t exactly use this scenario, but except that it goes to another zone to reset the fishing hole (mine is just going between 3 different spots, every 30min) it seems about the same procedure. I get an average of 30 fish in an hour. Every fish results in an average of about 3.5 Aethersand (most of them are 8/8, almost none of them go below 4/8).

    So my average per hour is around 100 aethersands, ~70% of them are HQ.

    I used 460HQ Gathering gear for this, so if you have the new gear, you might even get better results. But it depends on luck aswell of course. You can reduct a lot of 8/8 fish to just water crystals, if you are unlucky, so keep that in mind.

    I find fishing for aethersands way more relaxing, more consistent than botanist/miner and also less suspicious for others. Cause you don’t really move that much (just if approaching the fishing spots)

    in reply to: How do I add a delay in a scenario? #23366

    You are in the right section. The left window is a list of all functions available in Miqobot Scenarios. The right window is the detail window for ONE function you selected. So you need to click on the “sendKey”-Function on the left and the right window will display the pieces of information I stated above.

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