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  • in reply to: Island Gathering #38630

    And as a little off-topic aside of an opinion question, does Miqo seem to be running noticeably smoother than before this most recent update? It could be from any number of things or even localized to just something with my PC (which I haven’t made any changes to, so I don’t think that’s likely), but just little things (especially crafting) seem to have much smoother timings like less wait per automatic input. It’s only something like instead of 1 second per menu movement, it’s 0.5 seconds instead, but added up for the tens of thousands of times it’s doing that per week on me, it’s going to improve efficiency dramatically. There was nothing in the status post update about such an upgrade, so I’m curious if anyone else familiar with Miqo is noticing the same or not.

    I think you may be right. I ran Miqo for a little bit just now and it seems as though Miqo is scrolling through menus much faster.

    in reply to: 6.2 downtime #38398

    The patch hasn’t been released. No one knows what the changes will look like yet.

    in reply to: spinning camera birds eye view #37390

    nevermind, i fixed it. i was dumb…i had a controller plugged in and it was facing down on the floor XD

    lol that’s something all right!

    in reply to: Just a reminder, 6.11 tonight #37164

    We had JUST gotten Miqo back for a few hours but she will probably not work after tonight’s patch. Yeah, it kind of sucks but it is what it is.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Just!cE Just!cE.
    in reply to: Housing #35742

    How do I prevent miqo from targetting other players/myself? There are times when miqo targets another player then me then the placard.

    You could focus target the placard and then have Miqo sendkey(keybind_here) the keybind for target current focus target. Make sure you set up those keybinds using the in-game menu.

    in reply to: Bot skips nodes #34778

    No, Miqo would not know to fly without those waypoints. Yes, she would try to reach other waypoints on foot if those were removed.

    However, we wouldn’t want to remove those waypoints in my idea. I didn’t mean to imply that – sorry. Connecting the beacons would help in the event that Miqo visited a beacon and didn’t find a node there. That should only happen once when first arriving to the zone, if at all. We don’t really need to do that though. What you’ve made is great; I was just thinking of a change for super efficiency.

    in reply to: Bot skips nodes #34765

    Actually, I was looking at your grid and thinking about any further improvements and I had an idea, which I should implement in my own grids.

    What if you just link the beacons directly? In other words, beacon 7 to 13, 13 to 19, and 19 to 7. I think there’s no need for Miqo to move from beacon waypoint 7 to waypoint 8 if she doesn’t find any nodes there. It would be more efficient to move directly to beacon waypoint 13. What do you think?

    in reply to: Bot skips nodes #34761

    Are you kidding me, dude? This looks beautiful! I am so proud of you. What an improvement! I swear– it looks so much like the grid I made for myself that I had to double-check to make sure I was actually looking at yours.

    I think I can help with a little detail though. You see how you connected beacon waypoint 7 to waypoint 8? I recommend you do something similar and connect beacon waypoint 13 to waypoint 18 and beacon waypoint 19 to waypoint 23.

    I do this in my grids because I found that when Miqo first zones in, sometimes the spawn order of nodes is different but this gets sorted out after Miqo does a full circuit.

    To give an example, imagine Miqo gathered the nodes at beacon waypoint 7 and then moved on to beacon waypoint 13 but didn’t find any nodes there. She would move to beacon waypoint 19 but the only path there is through landing at waypoints 14-17 to reach waypoint 18 and finally beacon waypoint 19. I’ve had this happen to me a few times in my testing so I make the right connections to avoid unnatural movement as much as possible. This movement would look weird to an observer and they might become suspicious of you so make sure to link those.

    Again, fantastic work. This navigation grid is nice!

    Have you worked out the gathering presets to accompany this navigation grid?

    in reply to: One thing I noticed about many 6.0 EW grids. #34750

    Agreed. People making grids need to consider how players move. A good practice is to manually do a gathering circuit yourself and make a mental note of how you naturally move from node to node. Please stop with this practice of flying straight up. No one does that and you’re going to get caught.

    in reply to: Bot skips nodes #34711

    Your issue seems to be a compound problem. To begin, neither beacons nor senses are used so it seems that Miqo sees waypoint 8 first and thus makes the decision to go there. She will not correct or change waypoints once a destination has been chosen. That’s why she goes to waypoint 8 and, after gathering there, she sees a node at waypoint 9 and does what she does. You’re very fortunate that these nodes are so close together, otherwise, Miqo would not see any nodes and she would sit there doing nothing without the use of a beacon waypoint or senses. Secondly, there is only a single path for Miqo to take. What if the nodes at your original waypoints 9 and 5 spawn? You wouldn’t want Miqo wasting time traveling to waypoint 8 if there’s no node to gather there.

    I made some first-step changes to improve this grid. This grid needs a lot more work. See the attached file.

    Look at how I edited the path from waypoint 11 (originally waypoint 12) to waypoints 7 and 8 (originally waypoints 8 and 9). There’s no flying straight up before moving to the waypoints you had issues with. I want to recommend that you put some thought into how a player moves and draw your grids with that in mind. There are many movements that look unnatural such as flying straight up before moving on to the next waypoint, and visiting every possible node even though only 2 nodes will randomly be mineable at each spot. You will be less likely to be reported if your grids are planned out well.

    If you start from waypoint 11, you will notice that Miqo will move to the beacon and then make a decision about which gathering node is closest. The waypoints leading to the node on the small hill at waypoint 5 have been cleaned up. Make note of how each waypoint with a gathering node is connected to waypoint 4 so that Miqo doesn’t have to needlessly visit other waypoints before moving on.

    I also want to add that you could use senses instead of beacons but I personally like to use beacons.

    Finally, your grid seems to run counter-clockwise. I have attached my personal grid which runs the circuit clockwise instead. My grid is by no means perfect but I think you might like it. You can use it if you like but my hope is that you study it and maybe learn from it so you can improve your own grids. We can learn from each other!

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Just!cE Just!cE.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Just!cE Just!cE.
    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    in reply to: Bot skips nodes #34702

    If you share the scenario, maybe someone can take a look at it.

    in reply to: [Scenario] 6.0; 6.1 | Legendary Node Materials #34521

    Initially, I was very confused about what you meant by the “Expertise” stat. I then realized you meant “Perception”. I suggest you edit that in your original post.

    in reply to: Game closes during gathering #29701

    I saw this in today’s hotfix notes:

    ・An issue wherein attempting to gather as a miner or botanist while mounted caused the game client to crash under certain conditions.

    Maybe they fixed your problem.

    in reply to: [Request] MB Auto lower Price #29546

    I, too, would like to discourage the implementation of automated lowering of prices. I urge the Miqobot developers to NOT include this feature. I think it’s a terrible idea that would easily damage the market and would cause the game developers to investigate and put Miqobot at risk.

    We already saw what happened with PvP recently. Apparently, people were botting in PvP and the game developers took notice. Now, who knows what solution the developers will implement? The developers of those other bots were irresponsible and now will face the consequences of less business. I know Miqo doesn’t do PvP but she could still be affected by whatever the developers come up with.

    Thus far, Miqobot developers have made very responsible decisions, such as not supporting PvP, in order to keep Miqo under the radar and I applaud and appreciate this behavior. I encourage Miqobot developers to stay on course with this ideology.

    in reply to: Eureka combat assist #29543

    I’m not sure. Give it a shot and report back!

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