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  • in reply to: Holminster Tank Farm #40089


    do you get more gear by doing it unsynch instead of just doing it as a trust or something?

    You get more gear for once, but it’s more to get some tank clears in which you wouldn’t get when running with trusts (they changed that in shadowbringers)

    So this scenario can be used for
    1. Tank achievement
    2. GC Seal farm.

    in reply to: Holminster Tank Farm #37903


    everything works as should but for some reason at end, it keeps targeting that last chest and not exit unless i allow it to open all chests. would anyone have an idea? I’m not sure what to do.

    yeh, usually miqo will rotate between chest and exit for a while and then exits finally. However, on my side she never gets stuck there. so openChests(on) can be an option to avoid that behaviour.

    in reply to: Holminster Tank Farm #37838


    based on what I read, the only reason I see why trusts are used instead for some people might be that not all Shadowbringers dungeons are actually unlocked. But peopel also didn’t confirm it.

    But I fixed that potential issue by, instead of going down the dungeon list, going up. So, please try the below and see if it is working. I can’t recreate the issue otherwise as it works 100% for me..

    BTW: with full clear and open coffers off a GNB 600 needs like 23 Minutes to clear.

    sendKey(u, 2)
    //wake cursor
    sendKey(num6, 1) 
    //go up the list 
    sendKey(num8, 0.5)
    sendKey(num8, 0.5)
    sendKey(num8, 0.5)
    sendKey(num8, 0.5)
    sendKey(num8, 0.5)
    sendKey(num8, 0.5)
    sendKey(num8, 0.5)
    sendKey(num8, 0.5)
    //go right to join button
    sendKey(num6, 0.5)
    sendKey(num0, 3)
    //dutypop -> start dungeon
    in reply to: Alliance Raid Scenario Farm #37386


    Like Ferikisu already said. You can’t unsync Alliance Raids alone. Let me go through it once again. It should be clear that this is unreliable and impossible with Miqo.

    For Alliance Raids
    1. You are asking for shadowbringer Relics. Those Relics have the requirement of content being done synced
    2. Allaince Raids need at least three people for unsync, but again you need to do them synced
    3. Therefore using Miqobot for it is a bad idea as 23 people will definetely see you
    4. Even if taking the risk, assist mode can’t be executed in scenarios so it would result “what is that person doing? kick them”. This includes not accepting raises, macro rotations, afk at the start of the instance etc.

    For Deep dungeons
    5. Again there is no assist mode so you would need macros to kill mobs.
    6. Mobs are spawning randomnly, no way to detect them and kill them.
    7. Traps can be avoided, but requires finding their locations and work a grid around them to never step on them
    8. Miqo can’t detect if the exit opens.
    9. Exits need to be mapped and Miqo would have to check all of them. Miqo will fail saying she is stuck. That’s based on how deep dungeon maps are generated. Miqo can’t go through walls and she won’t attempt trying an alternate route.
    10. You will die on bosses as you won’t dodge mechanics. You would need sustaining potions and regulary have to use them inside the scenario every 15 seconds. Farming potiosn just for that is pointless and a waste of time.

    Long story short: It’s not about being difficult, it’s about being impossible.

    in reply to: Secondary Gather96 #37385


    You could increase the time needed before your crystals cap, just by gathering a second item before the cap happens. You will need to adjust your gathering preset for it.

    In your material list you would set something up like this:

    {Fire Crystal}
    Fire Shard

    this will make Miqo use your selected rotation only on Fire Crystals if she has the GP for it. if not she will farm shards instead. Over the long run you will need longer to reach 9999 Crystals and if you want to extend it even further you can make the rotation more GP heavy by using skills which are pointless. Like increasing the chance of gathering.

    in reply to: Holminster Tank Farm #37374


    I am super confused at this point i legit need someone to point me whats that i am doing wrong
    (7:38:08 PM) (SCENARIO) Started:
    (7:38:08 PM) ‘tank farm’
    (7:38:08 PM) Chapter: 1
    (7:38:10 PM) Sending key: ‘u’ (Delay: 2.00 sec)
    (7:38:13 PM) Sending key: ‘num6’ (Delay: 1.00 sec)
    (7:38:14 PM) Sending key: ‘num2’ (Delay: 0.50 sec)
    (7:38:15 PM) Sending key: ‘num0’ (Delay: 0.50 sec)
    (7:38:17 PM) Squadron Dungeons started.
    (7:38:17 PM) Max dungeons: 1
    (7:38:20 PM) Queuing.
    (7:38:20 PM) It popped!
    (7:38:23 PM) Yay, I’m taken inside!
    (7:38:23 PM) Still loading :3
    (7:38:32 PM) Dungeon: Holminster Switch (0345). Objectives: 24
    (7:38:34 PM) Navigating to objective #1 (battle).
    (7:38:36 PM) (SCENARIO) Stopping…
    (7:38:36 PM) Well, you know, I don’t mind continuing it any time! 😉
    (7:38:36 PM) (SCENARIO) Stopped.
    This goes with squadron synced not unsynced


    1. Have you enabled unsync? (gear icon -> check “unregistered”)
    2. does your queue pop? (Holminster Switch -> withdraw, wait, join)
    3. Have you finished Shadowbringers and therefore all of its dungeons avaiable (Requirement or the cursor won’t end up on the commence button)
    4. is your posted log altered in sake of readability? you onyl perform num2 once for example.
    5. are your keybinds correct? do you use “u” to open the dutyfinder? this warries depending on your client language. for example the dutyfinder is accessed by “p” in german clients, while “u” would open the character configuration. Change the key in the scenario if you use a different key.

    if none of above work please describe what happens on your screen once you start the scenario as detailed as possible. Without that I will not be able to help.

    quick reminder how to use the scenario and what SHOULD happen:
    1. open the dutyfinder
    2. go to the dutyfinder setting and click gear icon -> check “unregistered” -> confirm
    3. select Holminster (yellow square) and close dutyfinder
    4. start scenario
    5. Miqo will open dutyfinder (u) and wakes the cursor (num6)
    6. Miqo will move down the list (multiple num2 inputs) and then hit “join” (num0)
    7. dungeon popup will appear
    8. Miqo will commence the dungeon ( squadron(1) ) and complete it alone

    in reply to: Holminster Tank Farm #37373


    This is a great tank farm script, and bonus being able to trade in all the gear for GC Seals afterwards, chibikorri! I use this quite often and love it! I have a question, though, do you have any more of these, like Stormblood dungeons? Thanks!

    Sadly I do not have a similar thing for Stormblood dungeons. The reason is simple: Stormblood dungeons are not implemented by Miqobot yet. The reason why this Tank farm is going into 71 is simply because it’s supported and Miqo is handling both Mechanics and Rotations like she would running it with trusts.

    Another reason is stated in the opening post. There is a Sirensong scenario in the forums, which relies on a grid, macros and afkTimers. If you add those up you will be equally fast.

    So for now this is the best solution Miqo can provide. But I assume Stormblood dungeons, since they are planned, will be unsync like Garuda EX. With the current situation this won’t be anytime soon tho.

    in reply to: Alliance Raid Scenario Farm #37282


    To all those there is a simply: NO

    You are asking for stuff which needs to be done sync. Which means other people will be involved and you will get reported and banned very fast.

    For potd and HoH: No way to bring you through deep dungeons safely due to RNG being present there. This can’t be solved by just using grids and macros. You will outright fail completing it.

    in reply to: Solver seems to be working? #37280


    It was indeed not stealth patched. If you go to the endwalker roadmap you will find the Devs post of it being updated for Endwalker.

    in reply to: How do I … Scenario Question #37231


    Disclaimers and giving credits to someone else is not really required, but it is very appreciated.

    The crafting solver of Miqo is very powerful. make sure to check the help thread for it. But in general you can set 4:1 turn innovation and manipulation on and then start it. Miqo will start calculating the approach based on your stats once and will then start the crafting. Don’t forget food tho.

    in reply to: How do I … Scenario Question #37219


    In regards of your macros, you might want to test if miqo can just hq craft it for you now, since miqos crafting solver is functional again. This will make things faster.

    besides of that let me go through all your questions:

    1. Miqo has no automatic hunt function and will also never implement it, as this would put the users at risk of getting reported and potentially banned. Fates are also not supported for the same reason. You can however make an ingame macro and a grid to produce a scenario for it. Do it at your own risk. I suggest using hunting retainers tho.

    2. Miqo can indeed get aethersand. you need to gather the collectables and use aetherial reduction which is supported within the scenario maker. We also have aethersand scenarios shared in this forum, shouldn’t be hard to find it.

    3. you can export and share whatever you like. But if your scenario requires a grid, people will need that too. So basically all which makes the scenario work should be included (scenario, grid, presets yadda yadda)

    4. not much really, just be aware if you use any keyinputs that people might have different keybionds than you. If so, add a disclaimer in your post or in the scenario itself.

    5. a majority of people is using miqo for it I guess. I missed Miqos Crafting Solver because of that and I am happy that i can use it again.

    6. Purple and white scrip turn ins I suggest to do manually. You don’t turn in many and need to buy stuff anyway. just let miqo gather / craft a lot of the collectables and then turn them in and buy whatever you need.

    in reply to: Holminster Tank Farm #36653


    As I happen to run into the trust issue myself now and seeing miqo acting also a bit weird I recommend using something like blunts solution instead.
    what happened was is that the game didnt register an input correctly or the character jumped. this can happen to general lag or cursor not waking up correctly.

    new scenario would look like this (also avaiable as attachment)
    it will use num6 at the start to avoid any weird cursor movements and then go down the list.

    sendKey(u, 2)
    //wake cursor
    sendKey(num6, 1) 
    //go down to join
    sendKey(num2, 0.5)
    sendKey(num2, 0.5)
    sendKey(num2, 0.5)
    sendKey(num2, 0.5)
    sendKey(num2, 0.5)
    sendKey(num2, 0.5)
    sendKey(num2, 0.5)
    sendKey(num2, 0.5)
    sendKey(num2, 0.5)
    sendKey(num2, 0.5)
    sendKey(num2, 0.5)
    sendKey(num2, 0.5)
    sendKey(num2, 0.5)
    sendKey(num6, 0.5)
    sendKey(num0, 0.5)
    //dutypop -> start dungeon

    hope that fixes issues for people. remember to have unrestricted parties turned on and select the dungeon beforehand or you will either queue in normally or miqo tries to use trusts.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by  chibikorri.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by  chibikorri.
    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    in reply to: Holminster Tank Farm #36649


    Make sure you are following the steps like described above.
    Also make sure your keybinds are correct. you need duty finder (u) and triangle (shift+f9 for me).

    1. open duty finder -> set unrestricted party -> check Holminster and leave it selected-> close dutyfinder
    2. run the scenario

    what should happen is that the scenario opens the dutyfinder and then queue in since teh dungeon is still selected. when the pop up for the dungeons appears the scenario will start with the “fake” trust run thinking you already went through the trust interface.

    If it doesn’t work for you please make sure to point out where exactly it breaks, otherwise i can’t provide a solution. To make it easier I’ll provide the critical queues in regards of the scenario using trusts instead.

    1. dutyfinder opens -> sendKey(u)
    2. queue Holminster Switch -> sendKey(shift+f9) <- twice
    3. Enters dungeon -> squadron(1)

    With that you can point out what miqobot is doing instead for you.

    in reply to: Miqocrafter [Crafting/Gathering Full Scenario Generator] #30742


    Just tried it out. It’s working well so far.

    However I wanna point out one thing. If I wanna craft e.g. 100 Dwarven Mythril Nuggets the generated scenario is actually for four times the materials as the gather command is set to 401. The gather command however is requiring the number of nodes to hit, so the scenario would not gather 401 materials, instead hit 401 nodes resulting in a minimum of 1,604 materials.

    Nvm, it was answered previously. However the setting inside miqocrafter should be self-explaining as not everyone reads “Nb” as number. maybe just write it down to make it clear.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by  chibikorri.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by  chibikorri.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by  chibikorri.
    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback #26655


    I have a suggestion and hope I’m asking this in the right place.

    Is it possible to add a method to tell Miqo to go to the nearest waypoint providing a list of them?
    like nearestWaypoint(30, 68, 99) and whatever has the smaller travel distance, Miqo will travel to that spot.

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