Miqocrafter [Crafting/Gathering Full Scenario Generator]

Forum Forums Grids and Presets Miqocrafter [Crafting/Gathering Full Scenario Generator]


This topic contains 421 replies, has 144 voices, and was last updated by  KinglordKaramba 8 months, 1 week ago.

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  • #17852
    Shishio Valentine
    Shishio Valentine

    Hey everyone!

    I just wanted to share with you all a tool I made.
    It’s call Miqocrafter (You’ll see the reference) and it has one goal : simplify your crafter/gatherer life.

    Basically, this is a scenario generator.
    You just give it an item name, and it will generate a complete crafting scenario, including the gathering of needed items.

    How does it work ?

    Easy ! Simply enter a [partial] item name in the search field at the top and click “Search Shiny”.
    The list of found item will be displayed in the combo under it. Select the item you want to craft in the combo, the quantity and click “Craft Shiny”.
    After some loading time, you’ll see all the necessaries ingrediants displayed in the list.
    Click on “Generate Scenario” and bam, you’ll get a complete miqobot-compatible scenario for your item.

    Looks nice ! What’s behind ?

    The list of ingredients and crafting steps are found from http://garlandtools.org/. That’s the easy step.
    Then the hard part is the gatheriing scenario.
    If you played already with miqobot, you know that a gathering scenario needs a good grid. And this is where I’ll need you.

    You need us ?

    Yeah !
    Basically for each gathered item, Miqocrafter will look in his subfolder CacheGrid if a corresponding grid exists.
    If not, it will browse miqobot forum to try to get one.(From https://miqobot.com/forum/forums/topic/index-gathering-grids/).
    Problem is, all of those grid are not “good” grid for Miqocrafter.

    Huh ? What’s a “good” grid ?

    A good grid will tell Miqocrafter where to teleport, and must also include a path from the teleport location to the gathering nodes.
    In the description, there should be the zone + aetheryte name specified using the following format :
    [Zone @Aetheryte Name]

    For example :
    [Yanxia @Namai]
    [Lower La Noscea @Moraby Drydocks]

    From this format, Miqocrafter will know where to teleport.

    So I understand that, what can we do ?

    Well I’m making the grid myself when I need them, and I’ve only made a few so far.
    The good news is that pretty much all gathering node level 70+ are usually in the good format (Thanks Timrai)
    For the others, you may want to manually edit the grid (description and grid paths/beacon/…) so they are in the good format.
    If you’re kind enough to do so, first you’ll get an automated scenario for yourself, but also please send the grid to me so I can add it to the default software.
    That way everyone can use them.
    In the end, that’s what will make this tool really useful.

    Any other things we need to know ?

    Yeah, you can customize the generated scenario, if you have customized gathering rotation/solver preset.
    Just add the gathering rotation text file into CacheRotations directory, and solver preset in CacheSolverPresets.
    You can also cutsomize the gathering presets in CacheGatheringPresets.

    Also, this is my first public release ever of this software, so it may contain bugs.
    If so, please send me a mail : shishio.valentine@gmail.com

    Where do I get this ?

    Here !
    Miqocrafter V2.1.1
    You’ll need .NET Framework 4.7.2

    What’s next ?

    This is a software I intended to make for myself, then realized it could help everyone out.
    For now I’m planning on adding more customization (solver presets, crafting rotation, custom teleport location before starting the crafting chapter), as well as testing more scenarii when I need them (this daily GC stuff is going to help me out).
    As a final goal, I’d like the software to generate a full scenario to craft all items. I want those shiny crafting tools !
    But if you have other suggestions, tips, rotation proposal, … send me a mail !

    I hope you’ll enjoy this little piece of software, and help me/us out with all those grids 🙂
    I’m attaching to this a sample generated scenario. Which is for now the only one I tested fully… !


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    So does this generate an automated scenario for gathering the required materials for a list of things i want crafted?

    Shishio Valentine
    Shishio Valentine

    It does.
    It generates a chapter for the gathering of all ingredients, and then another chapter for the actual crafting.
    The only thing that may miss for now are compatible gathering grids for gathered items.

    It even gathers the needed shards/crystals.


    As long as this is an allowed addendum to the bot, im sure people will make or update grids, good job

    Shishio Valentine
    Shishio Valentine

    Yup, I’ve sent a mail to the support before, waiting for answer !
    Of course I’ll remove it if need be.
    And thanks 🙂



    Love the idea, waiting for Miqo’s answer on this.


    If you ask me, this is a fantastic idea.
    I’m not speaking for the Miqobot devs with this post, but based on our previous debate and my personal estimation of the devs view on community work, I believe this is a highly appreciated piece of work. From my perspective it definitely is!

    I’m adding this to the Index: Scenarios and once I have more time again on my hands for my work on the Miqobot forums and reengage into more talk with the devs (currently I am having university exams)(our next topic of debate will be a pretty cool new improvement on the forums, but no spoilers so far), I will ask for this thread to be pinned (if they don’t do that before anyway).

    Shishio Valentine
    Shishio Valentine

    Hi Arc,

    Thanks, I appreciate it 🙂


    Everytime I tried this it failed after I pressed the Craft Shiny button, no matter what item I selected. It’s not showing anything on Craft Requirements.

    2019/10/08 5:16:29 – Ouch I failed !
    2019/10/08 5:16:29 – After parsing a value an unexpected character was encountered: 5. Path ‘nodeBonusIndex.567.bonus’, line 1, position 61851.
    2019/10/08 5:16:29 – Alright, end of the day !
    2019/10/08 5:16:29 – Displaying list…

    Any idea why?

    Shishio Valentine
    Shishio Valentine

    Hi !
    Can you give me an item name that reproduce this issue ?
    I’ll try on my side.

    Shishio Valentine
    Shishio Valentine

    Everytime I tried this it failed after I pressed the Craft Shiny button, no matter what item I selected. It’s not showing anything on Craft Requirements.

    2019/10/08 5:16:29 – Ouch I failed !
    2019/10/08 5:16:29 – After parsing a value an unexpected character was encountered: 5. Path ‘nodeBonusIndex.567.bonus’, line 1, position 61851.
    2019/10/08 5:16:29 – Alright, end of the day !
    2019/10/08 5:16:29 – Displaying list…

    Any idea why?

    Hi iNight,

    Could you download the newest version (I just uploaded it – click again on the link I provided in the first post), run it again and when you get the error, send me by mail the GeneralDataBase, Node and Searchlog files that are created in the same directory as miqocrafter ? (Just send me the one you have, you may not have all 3 of them).

    Thanks for your help.


    Sent you the logs.

    Shishio Valentine
    Shishio Valentine

    Sent you the logs.

    Thanks ! New version uploaded, should fix the issue.


    DUDE!!! this is sooooooo great!!! You are my gd HERO!!


    I tried it myself and I guess I did something wrong (or maybe that got fixed). The software itself ran perfectly fine, but the result was kinda off. I tried creating a scenario for one Facet Mail of Maiming to test it and the issues I’ve found with it were the following:

    1. On page 1 it told me to buy 2x Multifaceted Abrasive, 2x Multifaceted Resin and 2x Multifaceted Alchemic. However, to craft 1 Facet Mail of Maiming you need 6x Multifaceted Abrasive, because it requires 3 Tungsten Steel Ingots and you need 2x Abrasive to craft 1.

    2. Also, the scenario told me, that I need Agedeep Aethersand. It would be good, if it showed me, how much Agedeep Aethersand I need, because for the Facet Mail of Maiming (for the Grade 2 Strength Alkahest) I need 3x Agedeep Aethersand and not only 1.

    3. The recipe requires 12 Tungsten Ore. However, there is not a single mention of Tungsten Ore gathering in the whole scenario. Not even a //Failed to load grid. It simply didn’t put Tungsten Ore into it, even though Tungsten Ore is displayed in the Miqocrafter Window of needed materials. The same thing happened with Shade Quartz, which is the item that reducts into Agedeep Aethersand.

    4. It might still take quite a while until Miqobot implements the QoL feature to check for duplicate entries, when importing new scenarios, so it might be worthwhile implementing a function to load Miqobot’s presets.miqo file and check, which grids/presets/rotations are already imported into Miqobot, so the scenario doesn’t create them from scratch again, resulting in duplicate entries.
    However, if everything works out, I’ll push this change to the Miqobot devs, since Miqocrafter is a really big feature that would profit immensely from a check for duplicates.

    Also, if it’s not too much work, it would be great to have an “ignore catalysts” button, so the Scenario ignores Shards, Crystals and Clusters for the gathering chapter. I for example am sitting on shards, crystals and clusters capped on both my character and all my retainers, so gathering these via scenario is an absolute waste of time, since I have about 40.000 of each.

    I’ve also attached the scenario it created for just a facet mail of maiming, so you can double check it.

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