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/micon “Cascade”
/macroerror off
/ac “Flourish”
/ac “Saber Dance” <t>
/ac “Cascade” <t>Just be sure to replace/re-type the quotation marks if copy/pasting from here
Do you guys have any other macros that can be used for ranged?
The other ranged dps doesn’t need macros in their current state. Machinist is hands-free and bard only requires you to use Apex Arrow yourself.
This will discourage and demotivate a lot of people who bot
casual botters discouraged by other people botting? are you serious? by this logic casual botters are also discouraged by seeing other botters gather and craft a large amount of items and stop botting in response. your entire argument is some kinda late april fools joke
That’s where they will lose money
theyre going to lose a lot more money if another bot maker implements this feature and people leave in droves. on the other hand if they implement it first, lots of users of other bots will swap to this one
This is where I can tell your reading skills is lacking. Let me explain this to you again in a way that you might understand. If you pay for a bot and intend to use that bot to gather and craft to make money, but you can’t make money with that bot, would you still continue to use it? No, you will not. That’s the underlying issue. Not only that, but since it’s a PvP feature, it will draw attention to miqobot. That is the LAST thing we want here.
This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by
Tohka Yatogami.
No, it’s not my only concern. It’s more so of an argument against your argument of “efficiency”. So you set the minimum to whatever it is you want it to be and then what? All I’d have to do is just set the minimum lower than yours if I was on your server
irrelevant because one of the botters will be more efficient and be able to still profit at a selling price lower than all others while the others will move to a different market just like how right now botters are pushing human players out of most markets
Improving and adding new features will take a lot of time
so again, the argument is that this shouldnt be a priority feature. not that it shouldnt be implemented at all. and obv it is a business,
Miqbot is a business… etc
which is why more features = better. if you dont like a feature, you can just not use it. no one is going to stop buying the bot because they added a feature. but if another bot maker comes out with this mb feature, and miqobot refuses to implement one, people who want the feature will leave in a instant
Regardless if I like the feature and chose to use it is irrelevant. The problem with it is, if you’re a casual botter and you’re constantly getting undercut by people who produce way more than you, you will never be able to sell your products over theirs. This will discourage and demotivate a lot of people who bot from even utilizing the bot in the first place cause there would be no point. Why spend all that time gathering and crafting if you can’t even sell it? If you’re not getting an advantage out of something you’re paying for, why would you continue to pay for it? The only thing they would have left is MGP farming and combat assist. If you get good at the game, you don’t even need combat assist cause as of right now and maybe even when we get to level 80 rotations, you’ll still be able to do more DPS than Miqbot will be able to. That’s where they will lose money. That’s why it’s not worth even being considered as a low priority feature. Even if another botting company decides to add a feature like that to their bot, there’s still lots of complications to that. Is there bot as safe and secure as Miqobot? Odds are, probably not. In my experience, Miqobot is the best bot to be used without having to worry about any sort of detections. Never had that same experience with any other bot. Not sure if I’m allowed to name other providers specifically but every last one I’ve had issues with when I tried them initially on alts. Are there other bots out there currently with auto undercutting? More than likely there are, but are they sold publically? As far as I’ve seen, they aren’t.
No one ever pretended they would be the only one with this feature, not sure wtf youre smoking
How do you suggest to deal with other users also automatically undercuttin
already covered this a few replies ago rofl. whoever is more efficient sets the lower minimum price and is able to move their goods
is this seriously your only concern? that other people will also undercut? explain how this is different to people whining about “but gathering shouldnt be implemented cuz everyone gonna gatherbot and crash the market111”
No, it’s not my only concern. It’s more so of an argument against your argument of “efficiency”. So you set the minimum to whatever it is you want it to be and then what? All I’d have to do is just set the minimum lower than yours if I was on your server. Doesn’t matter if you’re crafting more than me, as long as I can craft enough to keep up with daily sales on my server, you will never get any sales if I just make mine minimum sale point lower than yours. The profit I make off it doesn’t matter to me because I bot 24/7 anyway so any profit is fine with me. Now imagine multiple miqobot users on your server doing that same exact thing in every market you want to try to be involved in. How does that benefit you?
Simple, it’s a direct PvP feature. Very few people on this thread aren’t in favour of this to be implemented at all.
Here’s my take on it.
I think it would be a real waste of resources, the ratio usefulness/dev time is heavily unbalanced.
Too often I see request like this one, where the poster didn’t put enough thoughts into it, regarding the difficulty to implement and the solutions that already exist to overcome it.
That’s why the Miqobot devs then diplomatically send us cues about feasibility and utility.So here’s the truth, with Miqobot you can become Gillionnaire easily, lots of us here became Gil billionaires, and you really don’t need that kind of money in the game, because with Miqobot you’re self sufficient, and the only things left to buy are items that comes from RNG, such as some minions, mounts, primal crafting items, songs, maps items, etc.
And with Miqobot you can easily make enough money to buy all of them regularly.So yeah, you’ll get undercut, often, but you need to see beyond that, you need to realize that it doesn’t matter, your stuff will sell eventually, and with Miqobot you’ll never run out of stuff to sell.
So, don’t spend time in the undercutting war, diversify yourself, be on several markets at the same time, don’t bet on one item only, check your prices no more than twice a day, be patient, realize that’s it’s ok to lose some sells to undercutters, yours will sell too.
I would rather see Miqobot having all time and resources spent on Combat Assist, Trust an crafting/gathering. I make enough gil and just chilling out with the MB is enough, your stuff will sell!
It still remains a pvp feature. You clicked the button and your bot did all the undercutting for you. Nice. But someone else clicked it one minute later. And now your button is on 1 hour cooldown. Does it make you happy?
You need to look at it from the perspective of the Miqbot team. The Miqobot team is a very small team from my understanding. Improving and adding new features will take a lot of time. Based off of what I see on the forums every day, the most inquired about features is the crafting solver and combat assist. That’s what it seems like people want to be updated the most. People want level 80 rotations, rotation customization and end-game raid support for combat assist. People want the crafting solver to be updated to support all of the ShB skills. One can even argue that they’re the main selling points for the Miqobot team considering you can throw a rock in a bush and find a gather bot for this game. Why should they divert resources into something that the community doesn’t care too much about nor is most of the community even in favour of something like this to be added? This thread was posted 3 years ago and look how much attention it’s received within 3 years. Very little people share the same passion as you do about implementing this automated undercutting feature, even well veteran members are against the idea. Even if what you claim works well for you, will it make the community happy as a whole? More than likely not.
Miqbot is a business that provides its a community with a bot for the game. They make money off of this, it’s not like they do it for free. If they give the people what they want, they’re going to keep paying every month for it. A happy community amounts to more monthly income for them. It doesn’t matter if only a few amount begs and pleads for this feature if most are against it. Why should they divert resources to what could potentially lessen their revenue when they can use those same resources to improve what already generates them the most amount of money?
this is so wrong it hurts. youre implying that items WONT sell because of a feature that auto lowers prices on mb to… help with selling things? again you probably dont recognise the need for this feature cos you dont produce enough to approach market saturation of anything but it really is a big efficiency improvement because at that point profit is limited by amount you can sell not amount you can create
you know its a bad argument when the best reason against this feature is ‘its valuable time that could be used elsewhere’ lmao
You’re replying as if you’ll be the only person using the feature. I produce more than 2k pots a day with the use of Miqo. The market is already saturated on my server. However, you still avoid my question. How will you sell anything when there are other people on YOUR server using the SAME bot that you are using to undercut the SAME market you’re in? Even if a cooldown was implemented, you’re also against the idea of that. What you’re asking for is not efficient at all. How will you get the results that pleading so hard for? How do you suggest to deal with other users also automatically undercutting? Answer those questions for me, I’ll wait.
This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by
Tohka Yatogami.
This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by
Tohka Yatogami.
Assume 10 people are undercutting the same item on your server with Miqobot, as Lyfox said above, your items will never sell.
so lower price = lower demand? are you serious
It’d be better off to not implement it at all and just undercut yourself
“It’d be better off to not implement it at all and just gather yourself”
“It’d be better off to not implement it at all and just craft yourself”
“It’d be better off to not implement it at all and just level yourself”do you have any actual reason to be AGAINST the development of a new feature? if the feature is there and you dont like it, dont use it
My point is not about morality. Its about efficiency. Since this is a pvp feature to be added into a public bot everybody will be using it. And your items wont sell anyway.
u think auto lowering prices on mb has a bigger effect on other players than a rotation bot lol?
btw serious question why so much back and forth on ‘pvp features’ in the first place? its a mmo. just about every feature in the bot provides us with an advantage over other players so why waste this much time arguing against implementing more features
Of course. You can have 1000’s of users on your server using combat assist and it won’t affect you at all. Can you say the same thing about automated undercutting? Assume 10 people are undercutting the same item on your server with Miqobot, as Lyfox said above, your items will never sell.
this is only true if your production is greatly lower than demand of an item. once your supply approaches demand, this feature is essential to ensure YOUR products sell and is a key reason why this feature is important. eg if 10000 potions are sold per week on your server and you manufacture 100 potions a week, i can see why you would think this way. but if your production is 8000 potions a week, you now need to ensure you can constantly undercut your competition and get your items to sell
How would implementing that feature give you an advantage over the people using the same features on the same bot that you’re using? It’d be better off to not implement it at all and just undercut yourself.
Its a pvp feature
this is such a stretch lmao. its about as much pvp as ‘crafting more pots than another player is pvp’. by this logic the combat rotation assist should not have been implemented either since that COULD be used against another player
How “could” the combat assist be used against another player? It doesn’t work in PvP, only for PvE. The most you’re going to get out of it from the perspective it seems you have of it is higher dps/parses than your casual player. It doesn’t have any prominent effect on other players.
The bot typical isn’t safe to use afk if you get reported, however I bot pretty much non stop 24/7 all day every day and have been for over 2 years now, nothing happened to me. I just wouldn’t but the same thing all day long though.
For the mining part, skybuilders mats sell decently and fast. At least on my server.
This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by