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  • in reply to: Request: MGP Private estate scenario #19242


    Nobody can help on this please?

    When I try and adapt one of the available scenarios i get a ‘cant find the zone’ type of error.

    I was thinking in theory you could leave this on for a long time, with games netting you 20-30 for wins it would take much to net a lot.

    in reply to: Request: MGP Private estate scenario #19239


    Yes they do reward you.

    [which is why its good idea i thought]

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by  bottybot.
    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback #19050


    Hi Miqobot team! Thank you for everything you are doing and have done so far. There are so many posts and pages I am a little confused as to what is being worked on and estimated time frames;
    From what I remember;
    Support for doh/dol(actions) /dom/dow (combat) to level 80 is one
    Trust system is another
    Crafting solver?
    Triple Triad?
    Raid support
    New squarden dungeons
    POTD/HOH solo support
    (Im sure theres more)

    Is it possible to update with a list of what is being currently worked on (or point me to the post which tells me all the latest anyone)

    My thanks.

    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback #18088


    1.3.28 alpha feedback for warrior. Not sure how the bot recognises groups of mob compared to single mobs, but warrior will use overpower with groups, and doesnt use decimate when inner release is used, it continues to use fell cleave sometimes exclusively or decimate once and then fell cleave afterwards. What im finding im doing as well is using the pause to kill trash in order to stop it using fell cleave combo before the the boss , then re-engaging bot so it uses fell cleave combo – defeating purpose of using bot. Also noticed, although not extensively tested yet that when first engaging groups with warrior it sometimes instantly uses fell cleave and doesnt build the rotation up first so that stroms eye is active, this is obviously not optimal for rotation, it does seem to still do this on a single mob but im not sure how it decides.

    Thank you for releasing alpha – I’ll continue testing adn giving feedback.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by  bottybot.
    in reply to: Plant fertilization scenario? #16886


    Sorry to Necro – but I couldnt find any other information on this; based on the information in this thread I am trying to create a scenario that tned (and preferbly fertilizes all three garden plots. Can it be made to distinquish between harvestable crops and those that need tending? Here is what I’ve done, the first one works then it targets another and owrks but then just keeps targeting the same second one over and over.

    //tend plants

    key(f12, 0.5)
    key(num0, .5)
    key(num0, .5)
    key(num2, 0.5)
    key(num0, 5)

    //target next plant
    holdKey(num6, 0.2)
    key(num0, 0.5) //confirm
    key(num0, .5)
    key(num0, .5)
    key(num2, 0.5)
    key(num0, 5)

    //target next plant
    holdKey(num6, 0.2)
    key(num0, 0.5) //confirm
    key(num0, .5)
    key(num0, .5)
    key(num2, 0.5)
    key(num0, 5)

    …and repeat

    I can see that I’m doing something wrong but I dont really understand the holdkey, what it means and how to use it.

    in reply to: Beta Combat – Sohm Al Primordial roar #16757


    I donlt know what it was, possibly repaired gear but i ran for 12 runs straight yesterday, BUT, I came back to check a few times and twice it had got stuck on same part (gear was fine), i just took over manually and then ckicked start, that worked fine.

    in reply to: Beta Combat – Sohm Al Primordial roar #16730


    (10:48:20) Fight next: ‘Myath’
    (10:48:35) Fight next: ‘Myath’
    (10:48:36) Fight next: ‘Myath’
    (10:48:49) Battle: I am dead.
    (10:48:49) Battle FINALIZED.
    (10:48:49) Oops I died.
    (10:48:50) Is anyone there?
    (10:48:51) Still loading :3
    (10:48:54) Respawning. Let’s try again :3
    (10:48:57) Navigating to objective #10 (shortcut).
    (10:48:59) Well, you know, I don’t mind continuing it any time! šŸ˜‰
    (10:48:59) Squadron Dungeons stopped.

    So during this fight as stated above, i die when he does first or second primal roar, Im not sure what has changed as I didnt change keys or anything and I had cleared dungeoin several times befoe, now I cant get squadron past this boss :/

    in reply to: Agedeep wood and flow Aethersands #16701


    Not sure what the problem was but the scenario works pretty well now, ran it for three cycles (while attending), would be helpful if we could use new actions so when that’s implemented it’ll be easy.

    in reply to: Agedeep wood and flow Aethersands #16695


    I encountered a problem while running…transitions between chapters running smoothly until second time in Cups then this….

    (18:32:50) Fishing starting…
    (18:32:50) Fishing for: 25 min
    (18:32:54) Fishing started.
    (18:33:14) I am one with the waves..
    (18:33:14) Nom-nom a 400 GP coridal :3
    (18:35:08) (SCENARIO) Stopping…
    (18:35:08) Well, you know, I don’t mind continuing it any time! šŸ˜‰
    (18:35:08) (SCENARIO) Stopped.
    (18:35:08) Fishing stopping…
    (18:35:08) Well, you know, I don’t mind continuing it any time! šŸ˜‰

    There was a bit more but didnt manage to get it. ANother question though, where are the instructions coming for the fishing porcess e.g snagging etc?

    in reply to: Agedeep wood and flow Aethersands #16691


    Thank you Lyfox, I have already found it, when I searched a bit longer.

    Anyway I had my first real foray into scripting a senario and making a grid.

    So this senario, fished predators for collectalbe aetherial reduction for 25 minutes, then ports to Fort Job, fishes for 1 minute, tehn ports back to Cups. Repeat 99!

    You need Fruit Worms as well as the Predator bait for this.

    Please bear in mind I am very noob at this….

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by  bottybot.
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    in reply to: Agedeep wood and flow Aethersands #16689


    Can I also ask, how i create and edit senarios? I cant see a help file in the help forum, would be good to create my own and stop waiting for others to do it.

    in reply to: Agedeep wood and flow Aethersands #16687


    sorry wowitsmyeyes, what is the line? i ahvent a clue..

    in reply to: Agedeep wood and flow Aethersands #16683


    (08:27:01) Hey there is no fish in midair! Put me on the ground first.
    (08:27:01) ERROR (Chapter 1, Line 9): Execution error

    thats the error

    in reply to: Agedeep wood and flow Aethersands #16682


    Thank you for senario, however when i get to last grid point it gets an error. Also ive fished for hours and got literally nothing there.

    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback #16538


    Thatā€™s awesome. Weā€™re your static aware you were using the bit or you didnā€™t tell?

    I have honestly never even considered it but it sounds great for dps. I was thinking you might have said about the tanks and healer roles though, just out of interest you canā€™t simply ā€œblockā€ our certain actions and manually click them? So for instance let the bot handle the dps rotations and then you manually hit your Tb actions self heal etc? I can really see that for prog this would be so helpful to all to learn mechs. Only prob I can see would be the dps needed for the actual kill would largely depend on player skill ( as it should) so by using the bot you wouldnā€™t be necessarily using your rotations correctly. However that would be a small issue for most people

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