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  • in reply to: High Fire II/High Blizzard II Macro #35407


    This was an issue I ran into with just Black Mage in general: Even if you make a Macro, there’s no way for Miqo to recognize it…
    Even if you give those moves the macros for just Fire or Ice 2, the game will swap those icons to high versions of them.
    Same thing happens with trying to make a Macro to swap Fire/Ice with Paradox: if you make a Macro with the Fire or Blizzard Icon, the icon will be shifted to Paradox’s Icon, and you HAVE to name the macro accurately to the spell icon, otherwise Miqo won’t use the spell.

    I have not found a way around this aside from taking direct control over the character and using High Spells or Paradox manually before returning control to the bot. This means you’ve got to know what rotation Miqo has in mind or pay attention to the Fight parameters XD

    in reply to: Best way to utilize for Gil #32717


    sometimes the Mats to items might be worth more than the completed items themselves.
    The Trick is Patience with the Market Board: Whichever Market you decide to work, remember not to kill your own market by flooding it. If you have 10 very expensive mats, sell two of them as singles and aim NEAR the bottom of the prices, but never the very bottom or lower (You’ll just make the lowest items go lower, because they’re typically desperate for immediate money). Pricing at one or two slots away from the bottom will help keep your market alive, and not flooding the market will encourage others to not under cut you and wait.
    I found the biggest help to making money with Miqo is having more retainers, since they bring back goodies and are 20 more selling slots.

    in reply to: Questions about combat assist and healers #24640


    Combat with an Astro is AMAZING, Healing as a White Mage feels ok but a little delayed due to casting times, and Scholar will feel weak since half your heals are trapped within your fairy but it’s still VERY functional. All Three Healers will work 90% better most healers in the game when it comes to keeping people alive, and the damage output isn’t bad at all considering all the healing. Miqo will not over heal, so that’s nice.

    When using Miqo with a healer, keep your “Pause” button handy! VERY HANDY!!! Your healer will go CRAZY healing everything around it and winding up it’s cards for combat the very INSTANT you change into it, exit dungeons, exiting battles, ect. Use your Pause button to start and stop combat. You don’t want healer to suddenly become your main when you might not have had the greatest healing skills before.

    Lastly, trust your miqobot to heal your tanks/dps, she might not start healing until 50% health, or she might just use Cure/benefic/physic 1 instead of stronger things but Miqo knows what it’s doing (A skilled experienced healer couldn’t do it much better).

    in reply to: Housing #23950


    key(f12, 0.5)

    This is what I use to go after FC houses. I tried streamlined codes like the one above, but Miqo just trips up and stares. With the command lines I have above Miqo will reliably attempt to purchase the FC house once every 8-12 seconds depending on the lag, which is a lot slower than just mouse/keyboard clicking (4-6 seconds per attempt) and probably a lot slower than the competing bot, since I’ve lost to every bot I’ve gone up against (That head just keeps whipping back and forth after they’ve won) though I can’t imagine how much faster the other bot can be, considering Miqo is already being held back by server lag.
    The 10-15 second clicking isn’t bad though, I mean, you can’t mindlessly keep jamming your mouse at that speed, so having a leisurely auto clicking is nice, just a little nerve wracking when you realize everyone else has double the chance of getting the house because they’re clicking twice as fast. It’s a trade, and truth of the matter I’ve given up on even winning a house until the new housing comes up; gonna skip over the other four zones and go STRAIGHT for Ishgard… Where there will be no timer.

    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback #21184


    Problem Solved!

    Googled Several Solutions, all of which weren’t entirely helpful, then I ran a system scan with Avast and issue was fixed.
    Miqobot is running at 100%.

    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback #21182


    Strange Crash and Unable to Restart Miqobot:

    Miqobot crashed mid-fight, and when trying to Restart Miqobot, the Program’s icon vanished (As though deleted) and when attempting to replace miqobot on the Desktop I get an error reading:

    Destination Folder Access Denied.

    I then tried to place Miqobot in its own folder, but I then get the error:

    Miqobot Application is Corrupted!
    Please Verify that you:
    1. DO NOT RUN two different versions of Miqobot at the same time.
    2. Whitelist Miqobot Application in your antivirus and Firewall.
    3. RESTART Miqobot after this.

    I made sure that there was an “Exception” for Miqobot with the firewall and antivirus (I’m sure I needed to do this when I first installed), but restarting Miqobot gives me the same error above. I get the impression the computer still thinks Miqobot is on somehow? I figured moving the program to a different folder would fix this, but I can’t see anything labeled “Miqobot” in the Task Manager, so I’m pretty stumped.

    in reply to: My Combat Assist Strategies/Thoughts #20058


    My lvl 80 / 466 item level BLM will barely do better than 14k dps. @mundays ^_^

    in reply to: (Phase 1) Skybuilders' Grids and Presets #18692


    For Skybuilder’s Hard Silver, Direct Western Point of Map.
    Build the grid to be as simple as possible, but it’s hard to make it any smoother than what I’ve got, considering it’s such a small grid e.e;

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    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback #18521


    Reporting Error/Bug:
    Crafting Collectables for Leatherworker, Miqo was ordered to craft Amphiptere Leather (Collectable), but she did not work on quality and cut straight to finishing the item. Stopped Crafting and Reset myself, and Miqo did it again. Not sure if it’s just me, but thought I should report it. Thanks for all your hard/great work ^_^

    Found a Temporary Fix: Gotta disable “Progress First” under Optimization.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by  besaidknight.
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