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  • in reply to: Thank you to the Devs #10651

    Welcome on our pirate ship!
    As Miqo suggested, contact their tech support, if you have any issues. They’re pretty quick to answer and extremely helpful. For anything else, you can also ask around the community. People here are extremely active and some people like Lyfox for example are artists with this bot and know how to do lots of things with it.
    There is no shortage of people who would like to help you.

    The only things to keep in mind are, that there is a silent unwritten code of honor/usage going through the community. Things this code comprise are:

    – Use your brain when botting and keep the advices going around the community in mind (e.g. do not bot unattended. I for instance learned this the hard way and earned a 3-day ban – though I was using Miqo a pretty retarded way (botting for 5 days straight in gold saucer during make it rain event))
    – PvP is off-limits. I mean seriously. Miqobot even has a kill switch implemented, that will shut down the bot completely once you enter a PvP area and Miqobot will not add any kind of PvP features, due to several reasons
    – Do not try to reverse engineer the bot. Miqo is very protective about the code and honestly, it’s just fair to honor their efforts with the rather small monthly fee, given how many features Miqobot has

    in reply to: Blue Mage Leveling #10622

    I doubt, leveling Bluemage is possible at the moment, because it’s not implemented in the combat assist (and imho it should get super-low priority for now, until all jobs are done until level 70) and combat assist doesn’t work with scenarios yet.

    in reply to: New to Miqo and FF14 #10621

    Lyfox, you sir are a star.

    Lyfox is easily one of the biggest stars of this community. Just look at the crafting scenario generator he wrote:

    And not to mention all the grids, presets and scenarios he provided so far.

    in reply to: CALLING YOU OUT MIQOBOT #10586

    Just throwing in my 5ct’s. I’ve been using Miqobot for almost 2 years now, I think. Maybe even 3. At least, my oldest license on the Miqo page says, it was renewed on 9/11 2017 last time.

    And in all that time I have been suspended once because of my absolute stupidity. To refresh your memory: I have been suspended, because I was botting…

    …for 5 days consecutive
    …in the Gold Saucer at the Out on a Limb only
    …during the Make It Rain event, where the Gold Saucer is full of people
    …while a few ex-FC-members of mine had a personal grudge on me

    Like srsly. It took all of that to get me reported and have a 3 day suspension.
    Apparently the suspension was so light, that when the Ungarmax Banwave was issued, I only got another 3 day ban instead of a 7 day ban.

    With that said, gimme a break. If you use only 1% of your brain while using Miqobot you will not get banned. It is not detectable. And I repeat: I have been using Miqobot for a really long time now. I’ve been using it quite a lot. I do not craft manually without Miqobot anymore, I do not gather without Miqo anymore, I leveled all my jobs to 70 with Miqo and I did quite a lot of public, risky botting and I am still playing this game without problems.

    So gimme a break. Miqo and “detectable”. Don’t make me laugh.

    in reply to: Out on a Limb lag in background #10540

    Ah okay, I thought this only applied to when the game is in the foreground, which it isn’t since it’s in the background, but not minimized. Gonna do this then.

    in reply to: Quick MGP farming question #10502

    Meh, too bad x)
    They should definitely increase the MGP earned by racing. On the other hand though, normally players don’t achieve such a good success average than miqo does, so doing it by hand chocobo racing is better, while Miqo does out on a limb better. Well, let the farming begin once again x)

    in reply to: What exactly can this bot do? #10407

    @kontu: Oh, I totally forgot this. But well, it’s not a permanent thing. I think it won’t take too long until assist will also be usable in scenarios.

    in reply to: What exactly can this bot do? #10343

    Can this bot still do Animus relic books like whats mentioned on this site?

    Im ready to purchase the bot for this feature alone.

    Can this bot “still” do Animus relic books?
    Actually it couldn’t before, but now since just before Christmas it can. The combat assist feature was just implemented and it works like a charm.
    If you get into scenario scripting (which is really unbelievably easy. even writing html-code is a thousand times harder) you can simply write your own scenario for it to do the whole animus books part and you can even share the scenario with the community here so everyone benefits from it.
    The only part that might get tricky, would be the FATEs, because those spawn randomly.

    in reply to: Questions and Improvements #10278

    Le bust πŸ˜€

    When im bored, i like to Analyze / Reverse Engineering for fun.

    Well, if you are bored and capable of reverse-engineering software, how about you apply to work for Miqobot instead? I’m pretty sure, any extra help would be appreciated, if you’re a capable coder πŸ˜›

    in reply to: [Beta] Combat #10082

    Okay, quick follow-up:

    I was having issues with my ACT as well and found out, that despite using Kaspersky Windows Firewall still keeps messing around, so I added ACT manually to the exclusion list of Windows Defender (Manage Apps through Firewall screen). Did the same with Miqo as well and for some magical reason everything is working perfectly fine now!

    in reply to: [Beta] Combat #10080

    This sounds as if you forgot to use allow pulls in settings.

    Nope, the allow pulls option is turned on. Actually every option in the assist mode is turned on.

    I REALLY would NOT take any notice of that cos whoever said it clearly has not played end game content. Yeah..!! it might work up until level 55+ dungeons OR if your soloing.. BUT later in 55+ dungeons (especially 70 dungeons) you find that healing becomes so often you haven’t barely got time to attack and THEN only heal. You might have the few odd seconds to slap out a few dots but that is usually it. GREAT Tanks at end game LIKE to pull massive groups of monsters (i’m talking like 8+) so your consistently healing the tank and healing other people in between who are needing it from AOE damage. Sounds like that person who said that was a solo healer player OR probably NEW at using the healer class.

    Eheheh. I think the one who really hasn’t played endgame content is you.
    Either that or I think we both have different definitions of endgame content. “Endgame” dungeons are only casual content, in regards to “how do your play your role right”. You can just rofl through it without looking at the screen. Even alliance raids on patch day are actually casual content, where you don’t have to play your role properly.
    Real endgame content – in terms of defining if someone knows how to play his role – is, where it depends on every single player to play his job completely right and this margin starts somewhere around Extreme-Trials and Savage Raids.
    Also, I’ve got my information both from countless redditors who gave my ex some meta advice back, when I asked for her, how she could improve her healer gameplay, since she was just focusing on heals and running out of MP frequently.

    And specifically towards your 55+ dungeon problem. You know, healers have strong AoE damaging skills for a reason? As a healer you have so many tools to prevent damage from coming in in general.
    As a whitemage Holy stuns enemies all the time, while you have several oGCDs to mitigate damage or quickly heal up.
    As a scholar you have your fairy that helps, several shields, you have Fey Union, aetherflow skills and enough tools to mitigate damage from coming in, while still being able to put up all your dots on a pull.
    As an astrologian you have your cards that can help, you have earthly star you can preposition, AoE CC, etc.
    And on top of that tanks have tons of cooldowns, that they can and should use to mitigate damage. For instance, DRKs have the strongest shield in the game, that they can use every 10 seconds. If tanks don’t use cooldowns, it’s honestly their fault if they die on large pulls.

    This behavior usually indicates that there is a third-party application interfering with the game and Miqobot performance.
    We can try to diagnose your issue, but we will require more information.

    1. What jobs have you tried in Assist Mode?
    2. What settings have you enabled on Combat tab?
    3. Please try disabling some or all of the settings. Does it make any difference in performance?
    4. What draw method do you use for 3D Radar: Overlay or Always on Top? Does switching to another one make any difference?
    5. Do you experience this problem with any other high FPS feature (Squadron Dungeons, Minion Square Minigames), while using the same Miqobot version?
    6. Please show us a complete message log from the Output Area. (Starting from β€œHello! I am your Miqobot!”.)

    I have tried Redmage only so far.
    2. On the assist page: All of them, except show arena
    3. I will try that and come back giving feedback
    4. I’m using always on top. Will try using overlay mode
    5. I haven’t tried them out yet, since the last update, but before there weren’t any issues
    6. Gonna do that, as soon as the error shows up again

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by Arc Arc.
    in reply to: [Beta] Combat #10001

    We will try to experiment with this request, but most likely it would require implementing a completely different algorithm.
    The current system keeps DPS at the basis, and healing module is attached on top of it. Doing it the other way around is not an easy task.

    Also, may I quote something, that I heard on reddit countless times?
    ” A good healer does not do damage between his heals. A good healer heals between doing damage. ”
    So with that in mind I think it’s actually better, that the healing module is placed on top of the damage module and not vice versa. It just has to be improved, because the #1 priority of a healer is not actually healing as many players assume. The #1 priority for a good healer is doing damage and then throwing only the necessary heals around (ideally only oGCD heals and never touching GCD heals like Cure/Cure2, Benefic/Benefic2 or Physick unless it’s absolutely needed).

    But apart from that, I’ve noticed a few issues with myself and the assist feature. I don’t know if that was just a problem on my system, but here are the things:

    1. Once I started using the assist feature, the game started to get lag-spikes every 5 or so seconds, where the game freezes for about half a second
    2. Tried using the assist feature in Eureka and somehow Miqo isn’t quite responsive, when it comes to attacking. Often times I had to do the first attack after selecting the enemy (with double right click confirmation), before Miqo started to do anything and often after evading AoEs I had to kick Miqo in the butt with another attack so she resumed the fight

    in reply to: [Beta] Combat #9857

    This is great news. I couldn’t get the starlight event to work properly with critical (it keeps missing almost every diamond), but that doesn’t matter to me, as I’m able to almost perfectly do the whole event with 0 misses and almost 100% criticals and I like doing it manually πŸ™‚

    The forecast to assist mode however is what’s most interesting, since Patch 4.5 is coming on the 8th of January and that’s not far from now πŸ˜€

    in reply to: Cannot use 'CollectableSB' rotation #9834

    Another possibility might be, that you imported several scenarios that all use CollectableSB and it created multiple instances of CollectableSB in your gathering rotations page, which can cause some issues of Miqobot not knowing which ‘CollectableSB’ to use (even though they’re all the same)(at least for me that was a problem). In that case delete all CollectableSB rotations but one, from the ‘Gathering -> skills -> …’ Menu, by selecting the surplus rotations and pressing the X button.

    in reply to: FC-Workshop #9578

    You can create a scrafting scenario for FC-workshop items with Lyfox’s crafting-scenario generator. It looks super difficult at first but is actually pretty damn easy to use πŸ™‚

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