Forum Replies Created
Second quote answered by Miqobot.
– This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by Arc.
I wonder why doesn’t dev team answer in that topic…
Why should they, when Lyfox already answered everything for them there.
Remember: Miqobot is not some big official software development company like Adobe or Hammer & Chisel Inc. or something, that makes public statements through a marketing/support team.
When you are talking with the Miqobot forum account, you are actually talking to literal Final Fantasy XIV players who made this bot.Yes.
Now I start to wonder: why? Do they store last ten owners of every item or so? Then making a chain of throwaway characters in hope to ensure safety of an RMT transaction has to be completely pointless…
I have absolutely no clue, what they store or which file format individual items are saved as, that makes every item so big. I don’t even know, if they store previous owners in general (only the original crafter, who made the item if it’s crafted).
I only know, an item must have at least the following values, since they’re variable:– Item-Slot (where in the inventory it currently is)
– Item-ID
– Item-Count
– NQ/HQ-Status
– Glamour
– Dye-Color
– Materia Slot 1
– Materia Slot 2
– Materia Slot 3
– Materia Slot 4
– Materia Slot 5
– Durability %
– Spiritbond %
– Original Crafter (who made the item)But I believe, that the reason, why item data is so big, is mainly due to Square Enix’s bad coding.
Another example for their bad coding is, that instead of a characters equipment being a linked list on a character-data server, all inventory data is saved on the same server, that your character is currently on. When you change the game instance, all character-data is copied from one instance server onto the other instance-server and moved there. And with instance they didn’t mean going into duties like dungeons, raids etc. They meant every single map of the game, since maps are all saved on individual sub-servers on every server. And when you go into dungeons/raids/etc. the leap is even much bigger, since all your data is copied from your game server to the big instance-server for each datacenter.The thing is, that in Japan software-code-developers are a job that is paid extremely bad and that is looked down upon, which is propably one of the reasons, why the game’s code is so bad. Another reason might be, that even the remake that is A Realm Reborn wasn’t designed with more than half a million players in mind, since they didn’t expect the game to recover so well after the flop that FFXIV 1.0 was.
Not only their workflows are unprofessional – also their coding is extremely cluncky and a disgrace.
The best example for this is their inventory system and the reason, why we can’t get many inventory increases, nor a proper transmog system. Here’s a quote from Naoki Yoshida from an interview in 2015:
We have a few 100,000 players in all worlds at the same time, and every 15 seconds data will be going to the servers and stored, so a lot of data is transmitted. If we have more items in the inventory, there will be more data to handle; times a few 1,000 bytes per item per character. That’s going to be a high load on the servers.
Now the first thing that comes to my mind as a ComSci student for Bachelor of Science is:
“Who the hell was the brainless idiot, that thought it would be a great idea to handle every item in the inventory of an MMO as an individual multi-kilobyte file instead of simply handling the whole inventory as a database?!”I mean, think about it. Let’s math this whole thing through on a minimalistic level:
Assuming, every player has only 2 retainers, we have 140 inventory slots + 439 armory slots + 350 retainer slots = 929 slots. Now if we go back and remember, that every item slot (since empty slots also have to count as file full of zeros) is several 1000 bytes (=kB’s) in size, we’re looking into several megabytes of data, that gets backed up to the server every 15 seconds.
Now let’s be even more optimistic/pessimistic (how you see it) and assume, that FFXIV only has the 600k active players from the LuckyBancho census. Then we’re looking into multiples of 600 Gigabytes of data that gets backed up to the server every 15 seconds. Most likely it’s several Terabytes of data that runs through them all the time.If however the whole inventory of a player was coded as a database with plain text-data for every variable (Item slot, item ID, durability, etc.), the whole inventory of a player would only be a few kB in size. So who on earth thought, it was a good idea to code the game’s inventory like Square Enix did?!
Quick note though:
played even if master volume in the game is set to zero
When you tab out of the game, all sounds of the game are muted by default. However, you can select an option in the game, that certain things get played, while FFXIV is tabbed out. Those include music, performance music, sound effects, but most importantly for us: System sounds. This means, the sounds error-messages, menu selection, but most importantly, incoming tells and sound notifications make.
So basically, you can let the bot run in the background, all sounds of the game disabled, with the exception of system sounds, so you hear the notoriously loud “whisper”-sound-effect, when someone sends you a /tell.Leveling gatherers
Miqobot has a scenario scripting system, where you can write your own routines of what it should do. For example, teleport to central shroud, select gathering grid X, go to waypoint on that grid Y, start gathering Z items, then teleport to rhalgr’s reach, then go to the repair NPC and repair, then teleport to the azim steppe, gather a legendary node at A, use potion B, craft item C, etc.
Also, there are already some scenarios for leveling fisher from 50-70 and the other gatherers from 52-70, which were made by the community. There are most likely more of those in the makings, since we have a great, helpful community, trying expand Miqobot’s features based on the foundation that the devs give to us.
Leveling jobs
Miqobot can run several squadron dungeons completely hands-free. I’ve leveled up 5 jobs from level 20 to 70 in just a couple of weeks.
Rotation Helper (Automatic Rotations)
Are you referring to combat, crafting or gathering rotations?
The combat system is still in development and it currently supports rotations up to level 54 I think. Redmage however is already finished and 70 ready if I’m not mistaken.
For crafting rotations – Miqobot doesn’t do crafting rotations. It calculates the whole crafting process of each recipe on demand via a highly-complex algorithm and it is much more accurate than any macro could ever be and smarter than any player could ever be.
For gathering, there are already some community-made rotations, which work on a conditional system (e.g. if GP < X do this or if discerining eye procs, use that skill)Leveling 1-70
See above. You can easily level any job from Halatali unlock level up to 70 completely hands-free via squadron dungeons.
POTD Grinding
There is no automatic PotD grind yet, however miqobot has a combat-assist feature that for now works with rotations up to level 54 and automatically fights for you. Also, there is a special 3D radar for PotD that displays all possible trap locations, mobs and chests in the area (not the hidden ones since they’re server-side) and the passage.
Arc: hmmm weird… either there is something wrong with my client, or I’ve pressed just too many keys while trying to regain control over my char before I realized that it was lag/disconnect.
That sounds more like a different problem. For a lot of people FFXIV occasionally crashes saying something about a DirectX error. That’s a common problem since forever, which SE doesn’t seem capable of fixing.
For me it happened about 5 times in 4 years.Still… now I wonder what does it take to reach Miqobot devs and have them at least consider adding this feature
It takes writing another topic, specifically addressing this as a feature request. The devs usually answer a lot of questions here, if it’s not answered by the community itself.
Just as an example, in this thread Miqo kept answering a whole bunch of questions all the time:
And that Miqobot account is the Dev’s account.
Nope. Once you lose connection your screen instantly turns black and you get this screen:
When you press ok it brings you back to the title screen (the one after the login with Start Game, Configuration, Select Datacenter, Exit etc.).
If you press Start Game then and the game still can’t connect (e.g. due to still no internet connection) this screen here appears:
And when you press ok there, the game shuts down completely and instantly.
Detecting gathering bonuses would be nice but only if doesnt take a lot of devs time. Id rather get level 70 combat assist first.
I agree, however, I’d rather get combat assist working for scenarios even before level 70 compatibility, so a ton of stuff can already be farmed, but that’s just personal preference 😛
A simple google search “ffxiv free trial” would have answered your first question: take it as the first key is needed to activate the account (and thus download client), while the second one can be bought later, once I reach lvl50?
Exactly. However, once you buy the game and activate your account, you cannot go back to free trial. From that point on you have to pay the monthly sub (the first month is free). Buying the addon instantly doesn’t give you an advantage. The only difference is, that you can play as an Au Ra as additional race from the beginning. There are no racial passives in ffxiv. Races are purely for cosmetics.