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  • in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback #29406

    Our Tech Support can analyze your keybinds and hotbar configuration in order to identify the problem.
    Please contact us directly and we will do our best to help you:

    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback #29404

    Yes, Samurai rotation has a special ability that can cause this behavior.
    When Kaeshi: Goken or Kaeshi: Setsugekka proc becomes available, it becomes the maximum priority action to activate next. If Miqobot can not trigger it due to a missing keybind or any other reason, it will cause the rotation to stop.

    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback #29401

    Tested the expert crafting on two of the recipes (that’s all I had yellow scrips for) and it worked perfectly. Didn’t crash, and I think it went out of its way to make use of Centered’s status correctly (but couldn’t tell to be honest.) Both of the recipes I had it craft went perfectly. One with 46 steps and 100% Quality, the other with 42 steps and only 5307 Quality (had really bad RNG)… But the solver worked!

    Thank you for your feedback very much.

    This is probably not what you wanted to hear since it was probably not a simple feature to implement, but could you give us an option to disable the GCD queueing for combat assist to go back to what it was before?

    I imagine that not many classes will be affected by this change in a negative way, so an ability to toggle it would be amazing!

    All right, we will implement a new option to disable the GCD queueing in the next update.
    Thank you for your request.

    I’ve been playing MCH with combat assist for quite a while and noticed a few problems. One is the reassemble + drill drift, because when drill comes off cooldown and reassemble is up, miqo delays it until the next GCD to pop reassemble first.

    I have noticed on MCH I am now no longer able to reassemble drill as it queues and instead wastes reassemble on another skill such as “Heated Split Shot” and I have also noticed that she sees drill on CD when looking for pre-queueing so it gets drifted.

    We have tried to implement special conditions for Reassemble and Drill in order to avoid such cases. But perhaps we haven’t tried hard enough.
    Regardless, we agree with your suggestion. An option to disable the new algorithm would be useful indeed.
    Thank you for your feedback.

    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback #29367

    There has been no changes to Assist Mode hotkey algorithm.
    Would you please give us more information about your issue?

    1. What hotkey have you assigned to Assist Mode?
    2. When you activate Assist Mode, do you see the green “A+” notification in the upper right corner?
    3. What happens to this notification when you press the hotkey?
    4. Would you be able to show a screenshot of your Miqobot settings?
    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Miqobot Status #29365

    A reminder about antiviruses.

    Since this is a new version of Miqobot, it may be flagged by your antivirus as False Positive because its signatute is not yet known. As it is stated in our FAQ section, Miqobot is not a virus but antiviruses are usually trained to sic at anything that tries to interact with other programs. Miqobot will make no attempt to fight your antivirus.

    Please remember to whitelist your Miqobot application after download. Thank you!

    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Miqobot Status #29359

    Miqobot is alive!

    Download Miqobot

    All active license codes are extended with bonus time.
    Thank you for your patience and unceasing support!

    Full patch notes for Miqobot v1.3.43 will be available at a later date.
    A short summary of new features:

    • Core upgrade for Patch 5.5.
    • GCD queueing algorithm.
    • Level 80 Tank rotations.
    • Level 80 DPS rotations.
    • (WHM) Regen adjustments implemented earlier are reverted.
      By default, Regen will be applied to all party members. If you wish Regen to be applied to tanks only, please enable the following option in settings.miqo file:
      "assistregenontankonly": true

    Important notes:

    1. Level 80 Healer rotations were still in development when Patch 5.5 arrived, therefore they are not available in this release.
      It will take several weeks to finish them.
    1. Crafting Solver has not been tested with new Resplendent recipes.
      Miqobot will correctly identify them and may attempt to craft them (as in she probably will not crash), but please do not expect anything. We don’t know how Crafting Solver will behave and what the outcome will be.
      If you are planning to craft Resplendent recipes with Miqobot, please do it at your own risk.
    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Miqobot Status #29354

    The recovery process is almost complete and we are now performing the final testing.
    Miqobot will be brought to life within the next 3 hours.

    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Miqobot Status #29303

    The recovery process is going smoothly and we have reached the 75% milestone.
    Miqobot maintenance will take another 24 hours to complete.

    in reply to: resplendent experts #29302

    Yes, Crafting Solver algorithms will have to be updated for new expert recipes support.
    But we will not delay the release of Patch 5.5 core upgrade because of Crafting Solver alone. Miqobot will be brought to life as soon as the core modules are fixed and any additional gameplay updates will be implemented after that.

    in reply to: Requesting New Trust Dungeon: Paglth'an #29269

    Yes, this has already been requested in the context of another thread: Any plan to add Matoya’s Relict

    When the current development cycle is finished, we will initiate a voting period for the next feature.
    New dungeon support will be included in the list.

    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Miqobot Status #29257

    As always, we are making the necessary preparations to fix Miqobot for Patch 5.5 as fast as possible.
    There are significant changes to all features. Miqobot will be broken and we will have to reimplement the broken parts from scratch.

    Due to the amount of changes introduced by the patch, we expect at least 72 hours of complete Miqobot downtime.

    All active license codes will be automatically extended in order to compensate for the downtime.
    The bonus time will be credited at the moment Miqobot comes to life again, and it will cover game maintenance and Miqobot maintenance both.

    Thank you for your patience and understanding!

    Why it happens.

    in reply to: Any plan to add Matoya's Relict #29243

    The offtopic is removed.

    We have received your feedback and we will consider implementing additional dungeons in accordance to the community demand.
    We apologize if our development focus does not match your personal needs. But as much as we would love to implement all new features at once, there is simply not enough resources to do so. Therefore we have to choose carefully what feature we are going to work on next.
    And we believe that following the community demand is a reasonable thing to do.

    Please try to avoid personal confrontations in the future. Emotional feedback will have no effect on the development roadmap, therefore it is unnecessary.
    Thank you for your understanding.

    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback #29229

    Yes, all active license codes will be automatically extended in order to compensate for the downtime.
    The bonus time will be credited at the moment Miqobot comes to life again, and it will cover game maintenance and Miqobot maintenance both.

    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback #29227

    After the release of Patch 5.5, there will be at least one week of complete Miqobot downtime.

    in reply to: Any plan to add Matoya's Relict #29225

    This makes it literally not only unviable as an effective method of capping tomes, but also less effective than literally doing nothing by oneself in the trust dungeon. If it cuts development time, maybe this could be considered as a potential short-term solution to please maybe both sides.

    If Miqobot does not avoid AoE omens and boss mechanics, she will be constantly wiping and will never clear the dungeon. We are sorry, but this is not a viable solution.

    If this is absolutely not possible I would love to know asap so I can adjust.

    When you subscribe for Miqobot, you should consider only the currently available features.
    Our development plans are driven by the community demand, therefore we will not be able to answer whether it’s possible until the majority of the community voices their opinion. And in order for this to happen, first we have to upgrade Miqobot for Patch 5.5 and implement the necessary hotfixes (which usually takes 1-3 weeks) and conduct a proper voting period (which will take another week).
    So please adjust your plans accordingly.

    Someone tell me what these vague scenario enhancements are that you are all voting for and why they are the bestest thing ever? Because honestly to me it sounds like some vague fantasy of miqo doing magical things with no concrete info.

    An approximate list of new scenario features is available in the main thread:
    [Beta] Scenario Scripting Engine – Planned Functions

    Then in all honesty, what are these features

    The current view of the roadmap is available in the development section:
    Upcoming Features

    and where can they be voted for?

    There is no feature with an active voting period at the moment.
    There are several feedback threads which are used to collect opinions on whether a certain feature should be considered in the near future. This thread is now included in the list.

    When we finish the current development cycle, we will initiate a voting period for the next one.

Viewing 15 posts - 631 through 645 (of 3,045 total)