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  • in reply to: Raise priority question (Assist Mode) question #32556

    Of course, there are additional conditions.
    For example, Miqobot will not attempt to raise party members who are out of reach.
    Also, Miqobot will not raise a party member who has already been raised by someone else but does not accept it for some reason.

    These are basic sanity checks that remove a dead party member from the priority list, regardless of its order in the party list.

    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback #32545

    In this case, we have analyze your hotbar and keybind configuration in order to identify the problem.
    Please contact our Tech Support directly and we will try help you: https://miqobot.com/#support

    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback #32539

    So does the Combat routines just assume the move is there, and assist mode scans for them? Or what is the major difference?

    We are sorry, but we do not understand the question.

    Combat rotations and Assist Mode do not scan hotbars, they are parts of the combat module.
    Hotbar scanning is a separate procedure which evaluates and caches each hotbar slot for future use by the combat module. The combat module calculates the rotation based on the abilities available on hotbar at the current moment and makes predictions of the next action in advance.
    But the internal application structure is irrelevant for scanning speed, frequency, or the inability to synchronize with third-party game client modifications. These are technical limitations caused by the fact that Miqobot doesn’t use code injections.

    If this does not answer your question, please clarify what kind of information you would like to receive.

    Is there any plans in the future to toggle using Provoke for the combat assist feature?

    At the moment there are four possible options:

    1. If you don’t wish Miqobot to use a certain ability, you can remove it from your hotbar.
    2. If you still wish to be able to use it yourself, you can put it in a macro and hide it behind a different icon.
    3. If you need to see the cooldown as well, you can put it on a separate hotbar and tell Miqobot to ignore it via Advanced Settings – Ignore Hotbar.
    4. Alternatively, you can place it on a Cross Hotbar. Cross Hotbars are not evaluated by Miqobot.

    If neither of these methods work for you, then we don’t have any other suggestions.

    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback #32528

    We are sorry, but this would introduce a significant performance penalty.
    Since we do not use code injections, hotbar rescan is a very expensive procedure and it can be performed only once every 3 seconds. While we can try looking into your issue, this is still a third-party game client modification and we can not make any promises regarding its support.

    We are afraid that the only way workaround you have is to place all combo abilities on a separate hotbar and assign keybinds for Miqobot to use. If the plugin you mentioned allows excluding certain hotbar slots from automatic icon replacement, this might be enough for Assist Mode to perform properly.

    If you wish to hide certain hotbars from view, please use recommendations described here:
    Keybinds and Icons Recognition – Hidden Hotbars

    in reply to: Unreasonable CPU usage while Idle #32511

    If you unfold the entry related to Miqobot in your Task Manager, you may notice that it contains two processes:

    • miqobot.exe
    • miqoradar.exe

    Miqoradar is an overlay application that renders additional data on top of your game window. The rendering process performs at the same frequency as your game FPS (or lower, if there is a lot of data to handle). It consumes CPU resources to draw the overlay window, not the GPU, and therefore requires quite a significant chunk of processing power.

    If you wish to prevent it from happening, you can disable the 3D Radar.
    Here is the list of settings that must be disabled in order to deactivate 3D Radar overlay completely:

    1. 3D Radar tab -> Show -> Nothing.
    2. 3D Radar tab -> Show FATEs -> List / World.
    3. 3D Radar tab -> Show Gathering -> Out of reach.
    4. Navigation tab -> Show on radar.
    5. Gold Saucer tab -> Racing -> Show -> Rails / Mid-rail / Progress / Waypoints.
    6. Combat tab -> 3D Radar -> Show arena.
    7. Combat tab -> Assist -> Pause -> Show pause status.

    You can verify that 3D Radar is deactivated by looking at the top left corner of the game.

    • If you see a transparent box, it means 3D Radar application is rendering the overlay window.
    • If the top left corner is empty, it means 3D Radar application is deactivated.

    Ok, I give up. What’s everyone’s trick to clearing Holminster with this? The bot runs smoothly up until the first boss. Then it decides to ignore all aoe and wipe. Lvl 71 decent gear.

    This issue usually indicates that there is a keybind conflict in your game settings.
    You can find the detailed explanation of this problem in our Keybinds and Icons Recognition guide.

    Our Tech Support can analyze your keybind mappings and identify the exact cause.
    If you require technical assistance, please contact us directly: https://miqobot.com/#support

    in reply to: Crafting questions #32502

    Using ingame crafting macros with Miqobot is possible but not recommended.
    Please refer to this thread for detailed explanation:
    Crafting using a one button macro

    in reply to: Better Branches? #32496

    Yes, we have plans to improve navigation algorithms in the future.
    Thank you for your request!

    in reply to: Don't other servers support it? #32494

    No, we are very sorry, but Miqobot does not support Korean or Chinese versions of the game.

    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback #32451

    Yes, we tried to implement this tactic, but unfortunately it turned out to be less effective.

    If Miqobot moves the boss out of puddle, it will force squadrons to run after it but since they have no sense of danger, they will often end up standing in puddles themselves. When squadrons take extra damage, your healer is torn between keeping everyone alive and fails to heal you in time for the next puddle drop. And so in addition to constantly moving the boss, Miqobot has to keep an eye on squadrons as well and reposition them too.

    The only way to reposition squadrons is via Disengage command, but during this time they of course do not deal damage and do not heal. In addition, pulling the boss out of puddle forces you to run out of melee range and deal less damage as well. Overall, this tactic extends the fight by approximately 10-15 minutes and makes everything extremely hectic.

    The regen on Aiatar is in fact very slow, so allowing everyone to keep burning the boss results in a much faster clear. This is why the only thing Miqobot worries about is baiting puddles away from party members, in order to minimize the damage on squadrons and to keep the healer focused.

    in reply to: Accursed horde #32439

    If your primary goal is to earn the achievement, then it’s much easier to accomplish by farming Floors 11-20 with Pomanders of Safety.

    Please refer to this post for detailed explanation:
    Recommended method to earn “Of the Sixth Sense” achievement

    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback #32416

    Yes, sound notifications have already been requested and planned for implementation.
    Thank you for your request!

    in reply to: Astrologian questions #32415

    Would you please clarify your issue?

    Do you mean that Miqobot does not target enemies automatically?
    In this case, this is the intended behavior. Assist Mode is designed to perform combat rotations only. It will not target enemies or dodge AoE omens.

    Or do you mean that Miqobot does not target and heal party members?
    In this case, we will require more details to investigate your issue. Please contact our Tech Support and we will do our best to help you: https://miqobot.com/#support

    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback #32380

    All right, we will try to implement your suggestion.
    Thank you for your request!

    in reply to: Estimated Development Time for Endwalker #32378

    Yes, this question has already been answered a few times.

    When the Endwalker expansion arrives, it will break approximately 90% of core Miqobot modules.
    We expect several weeks of complete Miqobot downtime. No feature will be functional in any form.

    After that, Miqobot will support only level 80 features.
    It might take anywhere from 3 to 12 months before Miqobot is fully upgraded for level 90.

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